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TOK exhibition assessment instrument ‘The TOK exhibition is an opportunity for students to explore links between knowledge questions and the world around us. The assessment ofthis task s underpinned by the fellowing single driving question. Does the exhibition successfully show how TOK manifestsin the world around us? “The assessment instrument provided describes five levels of performance in response to this diving question. These levels are toe seen as holistic descriptors rather than asa checklist of characteristics. Please note: Ifa student only provides images and accompanying commentaries for two objects, teachers should award a maximum of 6 math. If student only provides an image and accompanying commentary for one object, teachers should award a maximum of 3 marks. oes the exibition successflly show how TOK manifests in the word around ws? Tacallent | Good | Satisfactory | Basie | Rudimentary | 9 [Theeshibtion [Theedhibtion |Theexhibiion |Theedibiion |The shibtion [The exhibivon [desl identifies dari thee |idenifies tie identfis thee presents three doesnot reach thes objects Jobjetsand objects, | objeas, although objects, but the |the andar landtheir —_theirrealword|altheughthe the realworld [real-world |descibed by I-peaficreal contexts inks |realworld cantetzafthe leant of [the ctherlvele |worid cortex. |between each |contensof jobjeasmaybe |theseobjets Jordeesnotuse lunksbeween foftterhee — |rheseobjecs impledratier farerotstaed, lone ofthe lsachofthe objects andthe |maybe vaguely |thanexplictly [ortheimages [prompts [tres objects |selectediA —Jorimpreciely stated Bas links presentedmay |provded. lndthe lpromptare |stated Thereis |betweenthe |behighly Iselectedi—lexpined, {some ‘cbjeasandthe |genericimages lorometae although this Jewplanationof |selecediA —_|oftypesof Jdeaiymade explanation |thelnks | promptare __objectrather landwall-—|maylack | hotwecn the made, butthe |thanof specie: jexpined —_|precsionand [three objects jexplaationof [real-world Ithereisastrong|Catiyin pans. [and:he —theseliks s [objects Lnks |ustficaticn of |Thereisa —_[seletedA unconvincing [between the ithe pariclar |jusicationof [Prompt andlor objects and the Icniibution [the contribution) Thereissome unfocused. selected iA Ithateach —_fthateach——_ustifcationfor |Thereisa _[promptare Individual fndiidual [she inclusion of |zupericial__|made.butthese object makes to fobjectmatesto|eachobjecrin justfeationfor_fateminimal, Itheexhibrion. |theexbiion. |xhe exibiton. |the ncuson of |fenvous, otis [ll oenearyall,|Maryofthe |Someofthe eachabjectin_|notdearwhat lofthe pointsare|poirtsare |poinssare the eshibition._|thestudernis jwellsuppored |supportedby |supportedby Reasons forthe "ving lbyappropriate [appropriate |evidenceand |inclsionofthe |comey. jevidenceand evidence and |refeencesto obiecsare | Thereis voy jexpict Teferencesto |thesslactedIA offered but litle rcferoncecto fthosolocediA |prompt. | thesearernat __|justifeation Itheselected A prompt. supported y offered forthe Jerome. ‘appropriate linchston ct ‘evidence and/or |eachabjact in lackrsievance to |the exhibition. thestlecediA |The prompt. There [commentary on| may be lhe eblecsis ‘ignifcant high, repotion sree |dosciptve ‘the justifications |consets only of, ‘the diferent nspported bjeas. [sserions, Possible characteristic [Convincing Focused Adequate |Simpistic __|inetfactive lucid Relevant |Comvetent’ Limited Desciotve Precise [Coherent [Acceptable | Underdeveloped [incoherent

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