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What is tourism logistics and what are the main positive and

negative sides of different kinds of transport used in


Nowadays, the science of logistics appears to be very helpful and

applicable, especially in the tourist and recreation sector. Tourism
industry needs transports in order to take tourists from one place to
another because the aim of the tourist is to reach the destination. So,
in tourism industry we find different modes of transports which
consist of air, rail, road and water.
The main advantages of air transport are the fastest mode of
transport, saving time in case of a quick need to reach a certain
destination. Disadvantages include: the relatively high cost of air
transport services, the dependence of the regularity of flights on
difficult weather conditions.
Water transport and the transport network itself are quite cheap
when compared to rail and road transport. Disadvantages of water
transport are slow speed as it is a slow vehicle. Water transport is
more risky compared to other modes of transport, as there is always
a danger of ships or boats sinking.
Tourists can use land transport for independent and flexible
recreation, both within the country and abroad. They can take day
trips or longer trips. The main disadvantages of road transport are
the relatively high cost of fuel, traffic jams, and, in my opinion, it is
the most dangerous form of transport.
Railway transport is well suited for transportation in any
weather conditions. A significant advantage of rail transport is the
relatively low cost of transportation, the possibility of transporting a
large number of passengers and luggage. The disadvantages of
railway transport include the small possibility of getting to the
desired destination, that is, in the absence of access tracks, railway
transport must be supplemented by road transport.
So, I can conclude that if I had to choose a certain mode of
transport, I would choose a car. In my opinion, this is the best and
most convenient option for traveling.

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