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CuddlySteve: Being a respectful fan: In response to Justin Bieber refusing selfies

"It has gotten to the point that people won’t even say hi to me or
Moderator of: recognize me as a human. I want to be able to keep my sanity. I realize
Celebrities people will be disappointed but I don’t owe anybody a picture.”
Beverly Hills

Joined: March 11 So this is an old topic that's been going around for a while and I would
Posts: 127,634 like to post my own stance on it. I would like to remind you all that
while we hold our favorite celebrities near and dear to our hearts, and
discuss their fashion, advice, amazing work, etc. we don't actually
KNOW them. You have to keep in mind that they don't actually know
US, even though we feel very close to them. And with that, we don't
have any right to a selfie, hug, autograph or whatever. They're people
too, and so many fans have taken it too far by intruding and stomping
on celebrities' personal space and not respecting their boundaries,
which isn't giving them human respect. I would like to call you all to be
more mindful in the future and to be more aware.

KingFerguson: I would also like to add something: During the pandemic we've been
Moderator of: able to group together and support each other through this platform
Celebrities by sharing/discussing our favorite content, but it's a one-way street;
Friends they're aiming for a mass audience. It's important to maintain real-life
Joined: April 17 relationships instead of isolating yourself in this bubble. People can
Posts: 69,452 and have deluded themselves and it becomes very, very, dangerous.


Joined: August 23 I disagree. It's part of the price for being famous -- they
Posts: 362 just have to deal with it. t

One: Not all celebrities asked to be famous/or wanted it.

Two: Everybody deserves respect and boundaries.

Joined: January 3
Three: Just because you're bitter about wanting to be famous and are
Posts: 4,370
not doesn't mean it's reasonable to take it out on people who are
actually famous.

MaxxyQueen: What I find interesting is the entitlement that so many people have
Moderator of: around celebrities. Would you behave this way to a stranger who
Justin Bieber doesn't have that level of fame? Because they ARE strangers. We don't
Joined: October 8 know them personally -- we know their work persona and what they
Posts: 34,943 choose to share -- they're conducting performances. I think a lot of
people forget that part.

PsychNerd: Here's some info behind what this is: these one-sided feelings of

closeness that aren't shared are called parasocial relationships,
Joined: June 27 which often develop from loneliness and self-worth issues. One of
Posts: 8,942 the largest groups of people affected by this is teens.
One article called "Too Close for Comfort: The Pitfalls of Parasocial
Relationships." talked about an author and a few celebrities'
experiences with these fans and how they always had to treat it
delicately. One quote I thought was really interesting was "I’m much
more guarded now – I usually don’t reply to those messages,
because there’s a fragility there that can be quite dangerous to
entertain when you’re somebody who they revere so much.”
-Evanna Lynch, also actor of Luna Lovegood
When people build up such high expectations for one person and
revere them to the level of worship, they remove themselves from
reality and feed thoughts that help them avoid the negative things
in their lives. High engagement in these relationships leads to
depression, anxiety, dissociation, stalking behavior, social
dysfunction, and more (at lower levels it's mainly depression,
anxiety, and self-isolation.) Definitely food for thought.

Moderator of:
Britney Spears With social media though, I doubt that this is something

that's going to be solved anytime soon.
Joined: July 31
Posts: 17,482

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