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At the wedding reception, Bowser intends to execute all of his prisoners in lava in Peach's honor.

Toad smuggles an Ice Flower into Peach's bouquet, which Peach uses to freeze Bowser. Mario
and Donkey Kong arrive and free the prisoners, with Mario using a Tanooki Suit to save Luigi. An
enraged Bowser frees himself and summons a Bomber Bill to destroy the Mushroom Kingdom,
but Mario knocks it off course and directs it into the Warp Pipe where it detonates, creating a
vacuum that causes everyone and Bowser's castle to be transported to Brooklyn. As they fight
Bowser, Mario and Luigi grab the Super Star, become invincible, and defeat the Koopas. Bowser
is shrunk with a Mini Mushroom and imprisoned in a bottle. Mario and Luigi are hailed as heroes
and praised by Brooklyn's populace, including their parents and Spike. Afterwards, the brothers
move to a house in the Mushroom Kingdom and begin a day of plumbing work.

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