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Jimin and I spent the night just talking he even reminded me about the the video he

took of me ,Jungkook ,Jung Woo-soek and Huening Kai as we danced to talkin' bout
by Loui feat. Saweetie .

"What should be the caption?" i asked .

"Don't say anything just tag Pentagon ,TXT and BTS ," he said .

"Why?" I asked.

"Do you have anything else to caption?" he asked me .

"Well ..yeah I have nothing ...good idea ," i said as I did as he said and uploaded the
video on Tiktok .

"Well I have to go now ," he said as he stood up .

"Yeah I guess thanks for visiting ," i said as i stood up and side hugged him .

After he left , I decided to sleep as I was tired .The next morning I woke up and
freshened i was waiting for the doctor to do a final check up and discharge me ,the
doctor walked in . "Morning Ms. Anashe ," he said as he smiled at me ,he had an
appealing appearance and he looked good ,I smiled and greeted him back . "Well your
reports just arrived and it is not looking good at all ," the doctor said as his face
became serious . " Ms. Anashe you need to avoid straining activities your heart can't
handle it ...unfortunately your heart condition is getting worse ...we might even
consider performing surgery on you ," he added .I was quiet for a few minutes , "How
bad is it ?" i asked looking at the doctor , " is not yet that bad but if you don't
avoid the don'ts then you might not really need the surgery you just need to do the dos
and avoid the don'ts ...Ms. Anashe I hope you know that your condition is not a joke
you need to adhere strictly to the rules ," he said .

He then told me that he was discharging me ,my director sent a car to fetch me as
Ayesha was busy with some work .I got ready and when the driver arrived I left the
hospital .I got to my hotel room and just laid on my bed thinking about what the
doctor said ,My phone was buzzing with notifications from my social media apps ,my
director sent me a message telling me that we would be doing the next final shoot in
South Korea before we would fly to another country to film some more .I took my
script and practiced my lines as I wanted to do my best .

Ayesha later came along with Anurak , "How are you ?" he asked me as he hugged
me , "I am fine thanks for asking ," i said as i hugged him back .

"Did something happen ?" Ayesha asked me .

"No ..why are you asking ?"

"Well you look dull and not so jolly ," she said .

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