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Insulin signaling in the hippocampus and amygdala

regulates metabolism and neurobehavior
Marion Sotoa,b,1, Weikang Caia,b,1, Masahiro Konishia,b, and C. Ronald Kahna,b,2
Section of Integrative Physiology and Metabolism, Joslin Diabetes Center, Boston, MA 02215; and bDepartment of Medicine, Harvard Medical School,
Boston, MA 02215

Contributed by C. Ronald Kahn, January 2, 2019 (sent for review October 17, 2018; reviewed by Suzanne Craft and Sam Gandy)

Previous studies have shown that insulin and IGF-1 signaling in the In the present study, we used stereotactic surgery and AAV-Cre to
brain, especially the hypothalamus, is important for regulation of induce IR and IGF1R double knockout (DKO) in the hippocampus
systemic metabolism. Here, we develop mice in which we have and central amygdala. We found that IR/IGF1R deletion specifically
specifically inactivated both insulin receptors (IRs) and IGF-1 receptors down-regulates the expression of an AMPA receptor subunit, glu-
(IGF1Rs) in the hippocampus (Hippo-DKO) or central amygdala (CeA- tamate receptor 1, in synaptosomes from both hippocampus and
DKO) by stereotaxic delivery of AAV-Cre into IRlox/lox/IGF1Rlox/lox mice. amygdala. This is accompanied by multiple metabolic and behavioral
Consequently, both Hippo-DKO and CeA-DKO mice have decreased abnormalities, including glucose intolerance and increased anxiety-
levels of the GluA1 subunit of glutamate AMPA receptor and display like behaviors. In addition, while deletion of both IR and IGF1R in
increased anxiety-like behavior, impaired cognition, and metabolic the hippocampus and central amygdala leads to impaired recogni-
abnormalities, including glucose intolerance. Hippo-DKO mice also tion memory, IR/IGF1R loss in hippocampus also results in im-
display abnormal spatial learning and memory whereas CeA-DKO paired spatial memory. Finally, deletion of IR and IGF1R in the
mice have impaired cold-induced thermogenesis. Thus, insulin/IGF-1 central amygdala impairs cold-induced thermogenesis.

signaling has common roles in the hippocampus and central amyg-
dala, affecting synaptic function, systemic glucose homeostasis, be- Results
havior, and cognition. In addition, in the hippocampus, insulin/IGF-1 Deletion of IR and IGF1R in the Hippocampus and Central Amygdala.
signaling is important for spatial learning and memory whereas We used bilateral stereotaxic injection to deliver AAV encoding
insulin/IGF-1 signaling in the central amygdala controls thermo- a Cre-GFP fusion protein into the hippocampus and central
genesis via regulation of neural circuits innervating interscapular amygdala of IRlox/lox/IGF1Rlox/lox mice to delete both IR and
brown adipose tissue. IGF1R in these nuclei in the brain (Fig. 1 A and C). AAV
encoding GFP alone was injected to generate control groups.
insulin | hippocampus | amygdala | metabolism | cognition The positions of injection and extent of coverage were confirmed
by GFP expression (Fig. 1A). Western blotting of total tissue

I nsulin, insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), and IGF-2 act

through two cognate receptors to control distinct physiological
processes throughout the body. Insulin binds with highest affinity
lysates taken 8 wk later revealed about 50% reduction in IR and
IGF1R protein in the hippocampus from AAV-Cre-GFP–in-
jected mice (Hippo-DKO) compared with AAV-GFP–injected
to the insulin receptor (IR) and low affinity to the IGF-1 receptor
(IGF1R) and thus regulates systemic metabolism (1, 2). In contrast, Significance
IGF-1 and IGF-2 bind with higher affinity to the IGF1R and act as
growth factors important for tissue development and remodeling
Loss of insulin receptors in the brain causes metabolic and
(3–5). Differences between insulin and IGF-1/2 are in part explained
behavioral abnormalities whereas loss of IGF-1 receptors in the
by the different expression patterns of these receptors, and in part
brain leads to a developmental defect in the brain and pe-
by differences in signals generated by the IR and IGF1R (6).
riphery. However, less is known about the impact of brain in-
In the central nervous system, both IR and IGF1R are widely
sulin and IGF-1 receptor (IR/IGF1R) loss in adult mice, especially
expressed, and their actions have been implicated in the brain in
in higher neural processing regions. Here, we show that loss of
control of metabolism and energy homeostasis, as well as brain
IR/IGF1R in the hippocampus and central amygdala of adult
development, injury repair, and higher neural processes, in- mice results in decrease in glutamate receptors, accompanied
cluding cognition and mood (7, 8). At the disease level, altered by glucose intolerance, anxiety-like behavior, and impaired
insulin/IGF-1 signaling in the brain has been linked to increased cognition. In addition, we identify an insulin/IGF-1 signaling-
risks for Alzheimer’s disease, premature cognitive decline, and dependent neural circuit originating from the central amyg-
dementia, as well as depression and anxiety (9–11). Patients with dala, which regulates interscapular brown fat activity and
Alzheimer’s disease show decreased expression of both IR and thermogenesis. Thus, brain insulin/IGF-1 signaling is important
IGF1R (12), as well as abnormal distribution and cellular lo- for higher neural processing and systemic metabolism.
calization of these receptors (13). These CNS phenotypes have
also been observed in states in which there is insulin resistance in Author contributions: M.S., W.C., and C.R.K. designed research; M.S., W.C., and M.K.
the brain, such as obesity and diabetes (14, 15). performed research; M.S., W.C., and M.K. contributed new reagents/analytic tools; M.S.,
Loss of IR in the whole brain causes hyperphagia, insulin re- W.C., and M.K. analyzed data; M.S., W.C., and C.R.K. wrote the paper; and C.R.K. super-
vised the work.
sistance, central hypogonadism, impaired response to hypoglyce-
Reviewers: S.C., Wake Forest University; and S.G., Mount Sinai School of Medicine.
mia, and increased depressive-like behaviors (16–18) whereas loss
of IGF1R (or one of its major substrates, IRS-2) has been shown to Conflict of interest statement: C.R.K. and S.G. are coauthors on a 2016 review article.

impair brain development (19, 20). However, single IR or IGF1R Published under the PNAS license.

knockout models do not completely eliminate insulin or IGF-1 See Commentary on page 5852.
signaling since both ligands can elicit signaling through the receptor 1
M.S. and W.C. contributed equally to this work.
that remains intact. Furthermore, up to now, most studies have 2
To whom correspondence should be addressed. Email:
focused on either the whole brain or hypothalamus (16, 19, 21, 22). This article contains supporting information online at
Hence, the roles of IR/IGF1R in other nuclei controlling higher 1073/pnas.1817391116/-/DCSupplemental.
neural functions, including mood and cognition, are not known. Published online February 14, 2019. PNAS | March 26, 2019 | vol. 116 | no. 13 | 6379–6384

Appendix, Fig. S1 E and F), indicating that the defect of GluA1
expression in the DKO mice was not likely due to the impair-
ment of the structural integrity of the synapsis in these mice.
Thus, IR signaling and IGF1R signaling modulate synaptic
plasticity specifically through regulating the expression of GluA1
in both the hippocampus and central amygdala.

Glucose Homeostasis Is Regulated by IR/IGF1R Signaling in the

Hippocampus and Central Amygdala. Central insulin signaling has
been shown to affect systemic energy homeostasis (16, 21, 22).
Following AAV injection, both controls and DKO mice showed
similar body weight gain and food intake (SI Appendix, Fig. S2
A–D). However, 3 wk after injection, Hippo-DKO mice displayed
significantly higher random-fed blood glucose levels (Fig. 3A) and
a strong trend toward decreased plasma insulin levels 9 wk after
injection (SI Appendix, Fig. S2G). This was accompanied with an
impaired oral glucose tolerance test (Fig. 3B). IR/IGF1R deletion
in the hippocampus also resulted in moderate impairment of the
glucose lowering effect of i.p. insulin injection (SI Appendix, Fig.
S2E) and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (SI Appendix, Fig.
S2F), both of which might contribute to the glucose intolerance in
Hippo-DKO mice. AUC, area under the curve.
CeA-DKO mice also displayed increased random-fed blood glu-
cose levels compared with control mice (Fig. 3C) and glucose in-
tolerance (Fig. 3D), but this did not appear until 3 wk after AAV
injection. However, loss of IR/IGF1R in the central amygdala did not
Fig. 1. AAV-Cre mediates efficient gene recombination in the hippocampus
(Hippo-DKO) and central amygdala (CeA-DKO) of IR/IGF1Rlox/lox mice. (A)
have any significant impact on plasma insulin levels, insulin sensitivity,
Bilateral AAV injection sites of the anterior and posterior hippocampus. or glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (SI Appendix, Fig. S2 H–J).
Representative images of immunohistochemical staining of GFP and DAPI in Both Hippo-DKO and CeA-DKO mice housed in the meta-
the anterior and posterior hippocampus. (B) Immunoblotting of IR and IGF1R bolic cages under the fed and fasted conditions displayed similar
in the hippocampus of adult IR/IGF1Rlox/lox mice injected with AAV-GFP or spontaneous activity, energy expenditure measured by oxygen
AAV-Cre-GFP. Bottom, densitometry analysis. (C) Bilateral AAV injection sites consumption (VO2) and CO2 production (VCO2), and re-
of the central amygdala. Representative images of immunohistochemical spiratory exchange ratio (RER) as their control mice (SI Ap-
staining of GFP and DAPI in the central amygdala. (D) Immunoblotting of IR
pendix, Fig. S3), indicating no major role for hippocampal and
and IGF1R in the central amygdala of adult IR/IGF1Rlox/lox mice injected with
AAV-GFP or AAV-Cre-GFP. Bottom, densitometry analysis. *P < 0.05 by un- amygdala IR and IGF1R signaling on circadian rhythm, energy
paired t test, n = 6. Data are presented as mean ± SEM. expenditure, and substrate preference.

IR/IGF1R Signaling in the Amygdala Contributes to Cold-Induced

control mice (Hippo-CTR) (Fig. 1B). A similar decrease was Thermogenesis. To investigate whether the IR/IGF1R in the
observed in synaptosomes isolated from the hippocampus (SI hippocampus or amygdala is required for normal thermogenesis,
Appendix, Fig. S1A). Likewise, there was an ∼50% decrease in mice were challenged to cold (∼6 °C), and their rectal temper-
protein levels of IR and IGF1R in the central amygdala of CeA- ature was measured every 30 min for 3 h. Core body temperature
DKO mice compared with CeA-CTR mice (Fig. 1D) and syn-
aptosomes (SI Appendix, Fig. S1B). Thus, using stereotaxic
approaches, we were able to significantly reduce IR and IGF1R
in the hippocampus and central amygdala of adult mice.

Decreased Expression of Glutamate Receptor 1 in Synaptosomes of

Hippo-DKO and CeA-DKO Mice. Both insulin signaling and IGF-1
signaling modulate synaptic plasticity, especially in excitatory
glutamatergic neurons (23, 24). Glutamate acts via AMPA and
NMDA receptors, both of which are ionotropic transmembrane
cation channels that mediate fast synaptic transmission (25, 26).
Both Hippo-DKO and CeA-DKO mice displayed 60 to 70%
reductions of the GluA1 (also known as GluR1) subunit of the
AMPA receptor in the isolated synaptosomes from these re-
gions, compared with their controls, whereas the expression of
the other major AMPA receptor, subunit GluA2, was not af-
fected by IR/IGF1R loss (Fig. 2). These occurred with no change
in the phosphorylation of either GluA1 or GluA2 (SI Appendix,
Fig. S1 C and D), suggesting that insulin/IGF-1 signaling was not
important for the phosphorylation of the AMPA receptor sub- Fig. 2. Decreased expression of glutamate receptor 1 in the synaptosome of
Hippo-DKO and CeA-DKO mice. (A and B) Representative Western blots and
units but did affect protein levels of GluA1. The NMDA re-
quantification of glutamate receptor 1 and 2 (GluA1 and GluA2) in synap-
ceptor subunits NR2A and NR2B, on the other hand, were not tosomes extracted from the hippocampus in Hippo-DKO and control mice
affected by IR/IGF1R deletion (SI Appendix, Fig. S1 C and D). (A) and the central amygdala in CeA-DKO and control mice (B). GAPDH serve
Expression of the synaptic marker PSD95 was similar in both the as loading controls. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 by unpaired t test, n = 6. Quan-
hippocampus and amygdala between control and DKO mice (SI titative data are presented as mean ± SEM.

6380 | Soto et al.

for anxiety-like behavior in rodents. In the dark–light box test,
however, both control and DKO mice showed similar time spent in
the light zone (Fig. 5C). Loss of IR and IGF1R in the central
amygdala also resulted in ∼40% reduction in entries and time in the
center zone in the open field test (Fig. 5D) and an ∼25% increase in
marble-burying activity (Fig. 5E). In these mice, there was also an
∼33% decrease in time spent in the light compartment of a dark–
light box compared with control (Fig. 5F). Thus, IR/IGF1R sig-
naling in both the hippocampus and amygdala is important for
controlling anxiety-like behavior in mice.

Hippo-DKO and CeA-DKO Mice Display Impaired Cognition. The ef-

fect of IR/IGF1R loss in the hippocampus and central amygdala
showed differential effects on learning and memory. In the ha-
bituation stage of the novel object recognition test, both control
and Hippo-DKO mice showed equal exploration time with each
of the two identical objects (SI Appendix, Fig. S5A). When one of
Fig. 3. Glucose homeostasis is regulated by IR/IGF1R signaling in the hip- the familiar objects was replaced with a novel object in the test
pocampus and central amygdala. (A) Blood glucose levels in the random-fed stage 6 h later, control mice spent ∼65% of the time exploring
state of Hippo-DKO (n = 31) or Hippo-CTR mice (n = 27). (B) Oral glucose
the novel object (Fig. 6A). By contrast, Hippo-DKO mice
tolerance test (OGTT) performed in Hippo-DKO or Hippo-CTR mice (n =13).
(C) Blood glucose levels in the random-fed state of CeA-DKO (n = 29) or CeA- showed equal interacting time between the familiar and novel
CTR mice (n = 28). (D) OGTT performed in CeA-DKO or CeA-CTR mice (n = 6). objects (Fig. 6A), suggesting impaired recognition memory. In
*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001 by unpaired t test. Data are presented as the novel object location test, one of the familiar objects was

mean ± SEM. AUC, area under the curve. moved to a new location in the testing stage 6 h after the ha-
bituation phase. Control mice explored the object in the new
location ∼75% of the total exploration time whereas Hippo-
of Hippo-DKO mice dropped minimally from 38 °C to 37.6 °C DKO mice explored both objects equally regardless of the lo-
following 3-h cold exposure, similar to the drop observed in cation of the objects (Fig. 6B and SI Appendix, Fig. S5B), which is
control mice (Fig. 4A). In contrast, the core body temperature of a sign of a spatial memory deficit.
the CeA-DKO mice decreased by ∼1.0 °C during the 3-h cold
exposure, significantly more than control mice, whose tempera-
ture was decreased by ∼0.5 °C (Fig. 4 B and C). Since brown
adipose tissue (BAT) plays an important role for thermoregu-
lation in rodents by producing heat through uncoupling protein 1
(UCP-1) (27), we assessed the expression of UCP-1 in BAT and
found that both messenger and protein levels of UCP-1 in CeA-
DKO mice were slightly, but not significantly, reduced compared
with control mice (SI Appendix, Fig. S4 A and B).
Sympathetic outflow is a key regulator of thermogenic acti-
vation of brown fat upon cold exposure (28). The defective cold-
induced thermogenesis of CeA-DKO mice led us to hypothesize
that some neuronal population expressing IR and IGF1R in the
central amygdala are connected to the neural circuitry that
controls sympathetic nerves innervating the interscapular brown
adipose tissue (iBAT). To test this, we injected pseudorabies
virus PRV-765 encoding red fluorescent protein (RFP) into
iBAT to perform retrograde tracing of neuronal connections
from iBAT to the brain. Seven days after viral injection, RFP-
expressing neurons were detected in the spinal cord, nucleus of
the solitary tract (NTS) of the medulla, and parabrachial nucleus
(PBN) of the pons, as well as several areas in the hypothalamus,
including the paraventricular nucleus (PVN), dorsomedial hy-
pothalamus (DMH), and lateral hypothalamic area (LHA) (SI
Appendix, Fig. S4C and Table S1), highlighting the neuronal
circuit from the hypothalamus to the iBAT. Interestingly, the
amygdala was also highly RFP-labeled (Fig. 4D), demonstrating
previously unrecognized input of the neural circuits in the Fig. 4. IR/IGF1R signaling in the amygdala contributes to cold-induced
amygdala for the regulation of iBAT. thermogenesis. (A) Rectal temperature in Hippo-CTR (n = 4) and Hippo-
DKO mice (n = 5) during a 3-h exposure to a 6 °C environment. (B) Rectal
Hippo-DKO and CeA-DKO Mice Display Increased Anxiety-Like temperature in CeA-CTR (n = 9) and CeA-DKO mice (n = 10) during a 3-h
Behaviors. Behavior of the mice was assessed 8 wk after the de- exposure to a 6 °C environment. *P < 0.05 by unpaired t test. (C) Thermal
letion of IR/IGF1R in the hippocampus and central amygdala. images using a FLIR T300 Infrared Camera showing surface temperature
after 3 h at 6 °C between CeA-CTR and CeA-DKO mice. (D) Fluorescent im-
During an open field test, Hippo-DKO mice exhibited a 40% re-
ages of brain sections of mice 7 d after injection of the PRV-765 virus in the
duction in the number of center zone entries and spent ∼75% less BAT. BLA, basolateral amygdalar area; BMA, basomedial amygdalar nucleus;
time in the center zone compared with controls (Fig. 5A), indicating COA, cortical amygdalar area; ENTl, entorhinal area lateral part; PA,
increased anxiety in these mice. These mice also showed signifi- piriform-amygdalar area; PIA, piriform area; TR, postpiriform transition area.
cantly greater marble-burying activity (Fig. 5B), another indicator Data are presented as mean ± SEM.

Soto et al. PNAS | March 26, 2019 | vol. 116 | no. 13 | 6381
significantly impairs the recognition memory of the mice but has
only minor effects on spatial memory.

Insulin signaling and IGF-1 signaling produce a range of effects
on cellular metabolism, proteostasis, growth, and many other

Fig. 5. Hippo-DKO and CeA-DKO mice display increased anxiety-like be-

haviors. (A) Time spent in the center zone and entries in center zone in open
field test in Hippo-CTR (n = 12) and Hippo-DKO mice (n = 15). (B) Assessment
of anxiety as number of buried marbles over 30 min during a marble-burying
task in Hippo-CTR (n = 15) and Hippo-DKO mice (n = 17). (C) Time spent in
light compartment during light/dark box test in Hippo-CTR (n = 11) and
Hippo-DKO mice (n = 12). (D) Time spent in the center zone and entries in
center zone in open field test in CeA-CTR (n = 13) and CeA-DKO mice (n =
14). (E) Assessment of anxiety as number of buried marbles over 30 min
during a marble-burying task test in CeA-CTR (n = 9) and CeA-DKO mice (n =
9). (F) Time spent in light compartment during light/dark box test in CeA-CTR
(n = 18) and CeA-DKO mice (n = 19). *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 by unpaired t test.
Data are presented as mean ± SEM.

We further analyzed spatial learning and memory using a

Stone T maze. In this test, a mouse needs to learn the correct
sequence of 13 left/right turns to successfully escape a water-
filled maze and reach the goal box (SI Appendix, Fig. S5E).
During the first 10 trials of learning conducted over 3 d, control
mice displayed continuous improvement of learning, with fewer
errors and shorter latency to reach the goal box (Fig. 6C and SI
Appendix, Fig. S5F). In contrast, Hippo-DKO mice displayed
significantly slower learning (Fig. 6C and SI Appendix, Fig.
S5F). One week after the last learning trial, mice were exposed
to the same maze to assess their memory. Control mice were
able to finish the maze with low numbers of errors and short
latency, similar to how they performed during the last trial of
learning. By contrast, after a 1-wk hiatus, Hippo-DKO mice
made significantly more errors and took a longer time to
complete the maze (Fig. 6C and SI Appendix, Fig. S5F), and
these mice performed even worse on this task after a 1-mo
hiatus (Fig. 6C and SI Appendix, Fig. S5F). In addition, when
the maze was rotated 180° from its original setting, only con-
trols, but not Hippo-DKO mice, showed worsened performance Fig. 6. Hippo-DKO and CeA-DKO mice have impaired cognition. (A) Time
spent exploring the novel object during the test session of the object rec-
in the T maze, indicating that control mice used spatial cues to
ognition task in Hippo-CTR (n = 8) and Hippo-DKO mice (n = 9). (B) Time
finish the maze while Hippo-DKO mice did not (Fig. 6C and SI spent exploring the object that was moved during the test session of the
Appendix, Fig. S5F). object location task in Hippo-CTR (n = 4) and Hippo-DKO mice (n = 5). (C)
Effects on memory and learning were selective and dependent Errors recorded during the 10 acquisition trials, 1-wk, and 1-mo memory
more on the specific task in CeA-DKO mice. Thus, CeA-DKO testing of the Stone T maze in Hippo-CTR (n = 7) and Hipp-DKO mice (n = 8).
mice failed to recognize the novel object compared with controls (D) Time spent exploring the novel object during the test session of the
in the novel object recognition test (Fig. 6D and SI Appendix, Fig. object recognition task in CeA-CTR (n = 9) and CeA-DKO mice (n = 10). (E)
S5C). However, CeA-DKO mice were able to remember the Time spent exploring the object that was moved during the test session of
the object location task in CeA-CTR (n = 6) and CeA-DKO mice (n = 6). (F)
location of the object as well as control mice (Fig. 6E and SI
Errors recorded during the 10 acquisition trials, 1-wk, and 1-mo memory
Appendix, Fig. S5D). In the Stone T maze test, CeA-DKO mice testing of the Stone T maze in CeA-CTR (n = 7) and CeA-DKO mice (n = 9).
showed normal learning and only slightly impaired ability to #
P < 0.05, ##P < 0.01, ###P < 0.001 by unpaired t test. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01
remember the maze (Fig. 6F and SI Appendix, Fig. S5G). These between DKO and control mice by unpaired t test. Data are presented as
data suggest that loss of IR and IGF1R in the central amygdala mean ± SEM.

6382 | Soto et al.

functions (6, 29–32). Recent studies have shown that the brain is neuronal populations in regions of the hypothalamus (44) known
a major target of insulin/IGF-1 signaling. Insulin and IGF-1 are to affect the autonomic output to the liver. Interestingly, it has
able to cross the blood–brain barrier (BBB), in part through been noted that mice with diet-induced obesity develop insulin
receptor-mediated transcytosis, and act on brain tissues (33, 34). resistance in the central amygdala (44) similar to that reported in
In addition, a significant amount of IGF-1 is produced in the the hypothalamus (45), and thus it is possible that insulin sig-
brain. IR and IGF1R are widely distributed throughout the brain naling in the central amygdala participates in abnormal glucose
and are present on both neurons and glial cells (7). Thus, the homeostasis in the development of obesity.
brain is able to respond to locally and systemically produced Interscapular brown adipose tissue (iBAT) is a major ther-
insulin and IGF-1 and to modulate its activities accordingly. In mogenic tissue in rodents and is important in the regulation of
the present study, we found that loss of IR and IGF1R in the core body temperature, as well as systemic glucose and lipid
hippocampus or central amygdala results in metabolic and be- metabolism (27). Brown adipose tissue is also present in humans
havioral abnormalities, including impaired glucose homeostasis where it has both thermogenic and metabolic functions (46).
and cognition and increased anxiety-like behavior. We also show Regulation of BAT is coordinated by the brain. Thus, when
that insulin/IGF-1 signaling in the central amygdala plays a temperature changes, warm- and cold-sensitive neurons signal to
specific role in thermogenesis while insulin/IGF-1 signaling in the preoptic area of the hypothalamus (POA), which, through a
the hippocampus is important for spatial memory. circuit involving the dorsal medial hypothalamus (DMH) and the
At a molecular level, loss of IR and IGF1R results in a sig- rostral raphe pallidus nucleus (rRPa), controls sympathetic
nificant reduction of the GluA1 subunit of the AMPA receptor nervous system (SNS) outflow to BAT and thus its thermogenic
present in the synaptosomal fraction. Unlike NMDA receptors, activity (47). Our retrograde transsynaptic tracing demonstrates
which are ligand-gated channels permeable to both calcium and that the amygdala is directly involved in the neural circuit in-
sodium, AMPA receptors are ligand-gated sodium channels re- nervating BAT. This neural pathway is important for cold-
sponsible for the rapid depolarization of neuron membrane po- induced thermogenesis, and, more importantly, it is regulated
tential (25, 26). The AMPA receptor is a tetrameric channel, by insulin/IGF-1 signaling since IR/IGF1R deletion in the cen-
composed mainly of GluA1/GluA2 or GluA2/GluA3 hetero- tral amygdala specifically leads to cold intolerance in mice.

dimers (25). A large proportion of GluA1 subunit-containing Several groups, including us, have previously observed the
AMPA receptors localize in the endosomes close to the post- thermogenic effects of central insulin/IGF-1 signaling using
synaptic membrane (35), which can undergo rapid recruitment to whole brain IR knockout mice (7, 48, 49). The current study
the synaptic membrane upon stimulation by insulin or by NMDA pinpoints the amygdala as a critical nucleus where insulin/IGF-1
receptor-mediated calcium influx (36). This is a key molecular signaling exerts a major role in thermogenesis. How this con-
mechanism of long-term potentiation (LTP) (37) and is impor- verges with the POA → DMH → rRPa pathway requires
tant for learning and memory. Consistent with this, mice with further studies.
both IR and IGF1R deleted in the hippocampus display im- We have also identified a crucial role for IR and IGF1R in
paired recognition and spatial memory, possibly due to the the hippocampus and amygdala on mood and cognition. Both
limited GluA1 subunit-containing AMPA receptor pools in the Hippo-DKO and CeA-DKO mice displayed significantly in-
synapses of these neurons. In agreement with this, lentiviral- creased anxiety-like behavior and impaired cognition, indicating
mediated deletion of IR in the hippocampus results in im- a beneficial role of insulin signaling on mood and cognition.
paired spatial memory due to impaired LTP (38). Also, knockout Intranasal insulin delivery has been shown to improve mood and
of SCAP, a cholesterol sensing protein downstream of insulin cognition in humans (50, 51). Our studies suggest that the ion-
action, also results in impaired LTP (39). Intriguingly, IR/IGF1R otropic glutamate AMPA receptor and glutamate signaling may
deletion has no major effect on the phosphorylation of the be a molecular link between brain insulin/IGF-1 signaling de-
GluA1 subunit of the AMPA receptor. Consistent with this, ficiency and altered neurobehavior. Other studies have shown
calmodulin kinase and cAMP/PKA pathways, which are re- that inhibition of metabotropic glutamate receptors mGluR2/3
sponsible for GluA1 phosphorylation (40, 41), are not generally can improve mood behavior, and this is accompanied by in-
considered downstream signaling pathways regulated by IR/ creased adult hippocampal neurogenesis (52). Both insulin/IGF-
IGF1R. The mechanism by which IR/IGF1R regulates GluA1 1 and BDNF have been shown to contribute to adult hippo-
protein levels will require further investigation but might include campal neurogenesis and have potential beneficial effects in
transcriptional or posttranscriptional alterations. Alzheimer’s disease and psychotic disorders (53, 54). Whether
Insulin is the key hormone regulating glucose handling and insulin/IGF-1 signaling and BDNF signaling share a common
energy homeostasis. Thus, it is not surprising that the majority of mechanism for their antidepressive and antidementia effects
research on brain insulin action has focused on the hypothala- awaits further investigation. In addition, future studies are
mus, which controls many metabolic responses (21, 22, 42). Our needed to explore the electrophysiological mechanism of the
study clearly shows that metabolic control by central insulin amygdala GluA1-associated defects in cognition and mood in
signaling is not limited to the hypothalamus since IR/IGF1R CeA-DKO mice.
deletion in both hippocampus and amygdala leads to impaired Interestingly, the phenotypes of the region-specific IR/IGF1R
glucose tolerance. In the hippocampus, this appears to be due to double knockout mice are more severe than those of the mice
a combination of systemic insulin resistance and a decrease in with single IR-only knockout throughout the whole brain, since
insulin secretion. The causal factor for impaired glucose toler- mice with Nestin-Cre-dependent IR deletion (NIRKO) display
ance in mice lacking IR and IGF1R in the amygdala, on the no apparent spatial memory deficit, and the anxiety-like behav-
other hand, is less clear. These mice show normal insulin sensi- iors develop only with aging (18, 55). On the other hand, IR
tivity and glucose-stimulated glucose secretion, suggesting a de- knockout in astrocytes does have significant effects on mood and
fect in some peripheral insulin-independent pathway involved in behavior in young mice (56). To what extent the phenotype of
glucose disposal. The sympathetic nervous system (SNS) inner- these region-specific IR/IGF1R knockouts involves astrocytes vs.
vates the liver and controls hepatic glucose production. Our data neurons is uncertain. Combined IR and IGF1R deletion in pe-
indicate that the amygdala may play a role in the regulation of ripheral tissues, like muscle and adipose tissue, leads to more
hepatic glucose metabolism and, eventually, systemic glucose severe phenotypes than IR-only knockout (29, 32), suggesting
levels, directly or through other brain regions with which it has that IGF1R might partially compensate for IR in peripheral
projections, such as the hypothalamus (43). Indeed, it has been tissues, and this could be also true in the brain. Previous reports
shown that insulin injected in the central amygdala activates have shown higher expression of IGF1R than IR in the brain (7),

Soto et al. PNAS | March 26, 2019 | vol. 116 | no. 13 | 6383
indicating a potential important role for this insulin-IGF1R mice. Thus, both the hippocampus and amygdala are important
cross-activation in the brain. Further studies will be necessary brain regions for central insulin action and normal energy ho-
to dissect the specific contributions of IR and IGF1R or the meostasis and neural functions.
potential role of IR/IGF1R hybrids in these phenotypes.
In summary, we have shown important roles for hippocampal Methods
and amygdala IR and IGF1R signaling in systemic glucose ho- All animal studies were conducted in compliance with the regulations and
meostasis and thermogenesis. At least a part of this effect may be ethics guidelines of the NIH and were approved by the Institutional Animal
through modulation of an amygdala-dependent neural circuit to Care and Use Committee (IACUC) of the Joslin Diabetes Center. Detailed
control sympathetic outflow to liver and brown adipose tissue, materials and methods are available in SI Appendix.
thus regulating peripheral glucose handling and cold-induced
thermogenesis. In addition, we demonstrate that IR and IGF1R ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank Dr. Lynn W. Enquist (Princeton University)
for sharing the PRV-765 virus for the retrograde tracing studies. This work
in the hippocampus and central amygdala are important for
was supported by NIH Grants R01 DK031036 and R01 DK033201 (to C.R.K.).
mood and cognition. These defects in IR/IGF1R-deficient mice The Advanced Microscopy Core and Animal Physiology Core in the Joslin
may be the result of a reduction of AMPA receptor subunit Diabetes Research Center (DRC) (P30 DK036836) also provided important
GluA1 in the synapse, which impairs synaptic plasticity in DKO help.

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