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Kansa Tribe

Where the Kansa lived

and when they lived
They lived along the Kansas
Saline rivers in what is now
central Kansas and they lived
there since 1673 or the 17th

How the Earth Was Nomadic or

Created Sedentary?
It started with a Great Spirit creating a The Kansa People are
man and a woman that lived on a small more Sedentary
island and as more children were born because they grew
they prayed to the Great Spirit for
gardens and hunted
More land and brought down Animals
buffalo, but they were
to gather materials from the bottom of
the sea to make more land.

Games they played, wars or battles they

The Games the Kansa Tribe played fought in
were Athletic competitions, horse The Kaws fought in the Kansa and
racing, and gambling for men. Kids Pawnee war, It happened in 1840. The
played will dolls, Practiced Archery, Kaws Killed more than 70 people and
Running, etc. captured 11.
Customs and traditions
of the Kaws
Some Traditions they had were
the Vusial Quest, and it was to
invoke dreams of the future and
connect to supernatural
The Kansa religion Included
Animism, the pantheon of spirits,
and Wakan, and they lived In large-
Earth shape lodges.

Cheifs from Stories, myths, or

the Kaw tribe legends
MYTH: The Wild People are about
Chief White Plume 1-2 ft tall and have one eye, and
Pi-Sing, sometimes winged. They have
magical powers, kidnap children
Chief Al-le-ga-wa-ho or use witchcraft on people.
MYTH: Wakonda is the great
Creator power of tribes. Wakonda
3 Fun Facts is an omnipresent creative force
Kansas was named after the who is never personified in
Kansa Tribe traditional Siouan legends.
Only Men could become Cheifs
The Kansa tribe is are also been
known as "People of the South
wind" or "People of water".
Links Around Kansas - The Bloody War
between the Kansa and the Pawnee

Kansa People The Kansa- Every Day life
https://www.britanni /places/kawmission/kansae verydaylife.htm
Native Languages of the Americas:Kansa
Kansa-Pawnee War Legends, Myths, and Stories (Kanza, Kaw)
\ http://www.native-

Videos and Pictures

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