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Elizabeth Canty Workshop Script Y2s, Interviewing FFW: What information do you think other people get when

n they look at you? (5 minutes) FFW: What information do you think other people get when they talk to you? (5 minutes) FFW: What remains hidden; what do people not find out from looking at you, or even from speaking to you? (5 minutes) Go around and share some of each type of response (5-10 minutes) Reading aloud: Ask the students to read Sandra Cisneros My Name in their Readers. (Alternate choices: Linda Hogan, Song for My Name; Marilyn Mei Ling Chen, How I Got That Name.) Ask for a volunteer to read through the story/poem (2 minutes). FFW: Students do a Focused Free Write on what their name means to them (5 minutes). Additional prompts (if needed): Who named you? Are you named after anyone? How do you feel about your name? Have you always liked it? Do people ever mispronounce it or get it wrong how does that make you feel? FFWs are read in a READ-AROUND (5 minutes). FFW: Make a list of some of the questions that you would ask if you were an admissions representative from a college. Make a separate list of questions you would like to be asked as an interviewee (5 minutes). Mock interviews with a partner remind students to pair with someone they dont know well. Each person takes turns asking and answering the questions. Students may add or subtract to the questions provided, and may use some of the ones they came up with (20-25 minutes).

FFW: Write for 8-10 minutes about the person.

Partners introduce each other to the rest of the group. Share: -

the most interesting thing you learned about the other person the most important piece of information about the other person your impressions of the person if you were an admissions representative. (Would you want to learn more about this person? Did you find talking to them interesting? What did you have questions about after speaking to them?) (30 minutes)

Process: Which questions were easiest to answer? Which were most difficult? Why do you think this was? Did this mock interview make you think about anything you need to do to get ready for college interviews? (5 minutes) Share responses (10 minutes).

Interview Questions that Colleges Might Ask

Below are some questions you might be asked on a college interview. Practice answering these questions with a partner and take notes on what they say. 1.) Why do you want to attend our college?

2.) What can you contribute to our student body / college community?

3.) What courses have you enjoyed most?

4.) Are your grades an accurate reflection of your potential?

5.) Which of your extracurricular activities is most rewarding and why?

6.) What has been your biggest achievement?

7.) What's your opinion on the immigration debate [or other current event]?

8.) How did you spend last summer?

9.) What do you want to do after you graduate from college?

10.) What's the most difficult situation you've faced?

11.) If you could change one thing about your high school, what would it be?

12.) Whats the last book you read? Would you suggest that it to a friend? Why or why not?

13.) If I asked your teachers to tell me something about you, what would they say?

14.) What are five adjectives you would use to describe yourself?

15.) Do you have any questions you would like to ask me?

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