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Creating the Solution (Criterion C)

Construct a logical plan that describes the efficient use of time and resources, sufficient for peers
to be able to follow to create the solution.

i. Describe a series of logical steps to create the solution, using charts, diagrams and/or
text that include aspects of quality control and quality assurance.

In objective C, the role of the student switches from designer to prototype-developer or

manufacturer. Objective C focuses on the realization or creation of a solution to a problem.
One of the most difficult aspects of design is to take an idea from paper and create a product that
someone can interact with: a solution to a problem. In objective B, students developed planning
drawings and/or diagrams to clearly depict what they are making. In this first strand of objective C,
students detail how they will make their solution.
By constructing a logical plan that details the steps required to make a solution, students will
demonstrate their knowledge and understanding about how solutions can be made.

What are resources?

Resources can be categorized in two ways: materials and tools.
It is simple to identify tangible materials such as hardwood, nylon or cornstarch; however, it can
become more problematic to determine digital materials. When identifying digital materials, students
should consider text, fonts, images, audio, video, animation, sprites and icons.
For product design, tools include hand tools, machinery, CAD software and CAM hardware.

Quality control and assurance

Quality assurance covers all materials from design to documentation. It includes the regulation of
quality of raw materials, assemblies, products and components, services related to production and
management, and inspection processes.
Quality control manifests itself in the development checking and testing of systems to ensure that
products or services are designed and made to meet or exceed specifications.

Examples of plans
The following questions can help students consider their planning.

 Does your plan contain a sequence of logical steps?

 Is the use of resources explained clearly?

 Have you made sure you have enough time to complete your product?

 Have you given time for practising or learning a new skill?

 Have you allowed extra time in case something goes wrong?

 Have you considered alternative ways of creating the solution?

 Have you planned for testing at appropriate times in the manufacturing process?

Samples of planning:

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