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About OPR Background Story

OPR ( is the home of many free games The Duchies of Vinci are highly reserved and guarded
which are designed to be fast to learn and easy to play. southern domains, which are some of the richest and most
powerful lands in all of Tyria. Their armies consist of heavily
This project was made by gamers for gamers and it can only
armed ranged troops, assisted by a wide variety of mechanical
exist thanks to the support of our awesome community.
creations with rudimentary artificial intelligence.
If you’d like to support the continued development of our
The vast riches of the Duchies of Vinci have afforded them to
games you can donate on
spare no expense when it comes to higher education and
Thank you for playing! advanced research, making them one of the most prolific
factions in terms of technological developments.

Inventors are some of the most respected, and best paid,

professionals in the lands, tirelessly working on new and
bizarre machinery day and night. They managed to create the
first true artificial intelligence, the automa, which are used for
all purposes, from menial housework to brutal combat.

If you wage war with the Duchies of Vinci you better be ready
to face some crazy machinery, or take a bolt to the head…

Game Design: Gaetano Ferrara

Illustrations: Brandon Gillam


Name [size] Qua Def Equipment Special Rules Upgrades Cost

Guard Captain [1] 4+ 4+ Hand Weapon (A3) Hero, Tough(3) A 40pts
Master Assassin [1] 3+ 4+ 2x Armblades (A2) Ambush, Hero, Stealth, B 75pts
Strider, Takedown, Tough(3)
Inventor [1] 5+ 5+ Hand Weapon (A1) Good Shot, Hero, Tough(3) C 25pts
Alchemist [1] 5+ 5+ Hand Weapon (A1) Hero, Tough(3), Wizard(1) D 45pts
Militia [10] 5+ 5+ Hand Weapons (A1) - E, F 90pts
Harlequins [5] 5+ 5+ Hand Weapons (A2, AP(1)) Good Shot, Trickster G 70pts
Assassins [5] 4+ 5+ 2x Armblades (A1) Ambush, Stealth H 105pts
City Guard [5] 5+ 4+ Crossbows (30”, A1, Rending), Hand Weapons (A1) Good Shot I 85pts
Automa Guard [5] 4+ 4+ Handbows (12”, A2, Rending), Hand Weapons (A1) Automa J 90pts
Scouts [5] 5+ 5+ Handbows (12”, A2, Rending), Hand Weapons (A1) Good Shot, Scout, Signal Flare K 105pts
Automa Drones [5] 5+ 5+ Twin Sawblades (A4, Rending) Automa, Good Shot, Flying L 90pts
Aerea Guard [3] 5+ 4+ Crossbows (30”, A1, Rending), Hand Weapons (A1) Flying, Good Shot, Tough(3) I, M 120pts
Snipers [5] 5+ 6+ Snipebows (36”, A1, Rending, Sniper), - N 120pts
Hand Weapons (A1)
Automa Brutes [3] 3+ 3+ Heavy Handbows (18”, A4, Rending), Automa, Tough(3) O 225pts
Brute Lances (A3, AP(1))
Automa Cavalry [5] 4+ 4+ Lances (A2, Impact(1)) Automa, Fast, Impact(1) J, P 135pts
Heavy Automa 3+ 3+ Halberds (A2, Rending), Hooves (A3, AP(1)) Automa, Fast, Impact(3), I, O, Q 240pts
Cavalry [3] Tough(3)

A Upgrade with one: I Replace any Crossbow: Special Rules

Handbow (12”, A2, Rending) +5pts Shotbow (12”, A3, Rending) +5pts Automa: Whenever this unit takes a morale
Crossbow (30”, A1, Rending) +5pts Upgrade all Crossbows with one: test it is passed automatically. Then roll as
Upgrade with: Heavy Bolts (Ignores Cover) +10pts many dice as remaining models/tough in the
Automa Pigeon +15pts Toxin Bolts (Poison) +10pts unit, and for each result of 1-2 the unit takes
(24”, A2, AP(1), Rending, Indirect) Dual Bolts (+1A) +30pts one wound, which can’t be regenerated.
Upgrade with one: Ballistic Master: When the hero is activated
Flame Bolts (AP(+2)) +30pts
pick one friendly Artillery unit within 6”,
Captain +15pts
which may either get +2 to its shooting rolls
Mount on: J Upgrade all models with:
or move up to 6” during its next activation.
Automa Horse - Fast, Impact(1) +5pts Self-Repairing (Regeneration) +30pts Captain: When the hero and his unit are
activated pick one of the following orders,
B Upgrade with one: K Upgrade all models with: and they get one of these special rules until
Cantarella Toxin (AP(1) in Melee) +5pts Wings (Ambush, Flying) +20pts the end of the round:
Tofana Venom (Poison in Melee) +5pts Upgrade with any: • At the Double: +3” when moving
Arsenico Oils (Deadly(3) in Melee) +10pts Metal Spurs (AP(1) in melee) +5pts • Precision Fire: +1 to shooting rolls
Upgrade with: Shock Attacks (Impact(1)) +15pts • Crank Up: AP(+1) when shooting
Throwing Knives (12”, A3) +5pts • Assault Stance: +1 to melee rolls
L Replace any Twin Sawblades:
C Upgrade with one: Twin Handbows (12”,A4,Rending), Free Good Shot: This model shoots at Quality 4+.
Explosive Gears (6”, A1, Blast(6)) +5pts Rotor Blades (A1) Repair: Once per turn, if within 2” of a unit
with Tough, roll one die. On a 2+ you may
Sleeve Gun (12”, A3, AP(1)) +5pts
Replace all Crossbows repair 1 wound from the target.
Upgrade with any: M
Signal Flare: When this unit is activated pick
Automa Helper (Repair) +10pts and Hand Weapons:
one enemy unit within 12”. The next friendly
Ballistic Master +45pts 2x Claw Gauntlets (A3, AP(1)) +5pts unit that shoots at it gets +1 to hit rolls.
Mount on: Takedown: When in melee, may pick one
Automa Horse - Fast, Impact(1) +5pts N Upgrade all models with: model from the enemy unit and roll one die.
Pavise Shields (Defense +2) +20pts On a 2+ it takes 1 hit with Deadly(3).
D Upgrade Wizard(1): Trickster: When this model fights in melee
Wizard(2) +15pts O Upgrade all models with: roll one die and apply one bonus:
Self-Repairing (Regeneration) +55pts • 1-3: Unit gets AP(+1)
E Upgrade with: • 4-6: Enemies get -1 to hit
Sergeant +5pts P Replace all Lances:
Musician +10pts Handbows (12”, A2, Rending), Free Wizard Spells
Battle Standard +10pts Hand Weapons (A1) Fury Herbs (4+): Target friendly unit within
12” gets Furious next time it charges.
F Replace all Hand Weapons: Q Replace all Halberds: Choking Fog (4+): Target enemy unit within
Halberds (A1, Rending) +5pts Crossbows (30”, A1, Rending), +10pts 12” takes 3 automatic hits with AP(1).
2x Hand Weapons (A1) +5pts Hand Weapons (A1) Clearview Leaves (5+): Target friendly unit
Great Weapons (A1, AP(2)) +10pts within 12” gets +6” range next time it shoots.
Spears (A1, Phalanx) +30pts Deep Rot (5+): Target enemy unit within 12”
takes 1 hit with AP(4) and Deadly(3).
G Upgrade all models with: Mesmer Oils (6+): Target enemy unit within
Juggler Bombs (12”, A1, Blast(3)) +25pts 12” must take a morale test. If failed you may
force it to charge another enemy unit.
H Upgrade all models with any: Neurotoxin Gas (6+): Target enemy unit
Venom Blades (Poison in melee) +5pts within 6” takes 1 automatic hit per model.
Throwing Knives (12”, A1) +10pts


Name [size] Qua Def Equipment Special Rules Upgrades Cost

Vita Aerea [1] 4+ 2+ 3x Crossbows (30”, A1, Rending), Crew (A3) Fast, Flying, Tough(6) A 140pts
Support Chariot [1] 4+ 2+ Repeater Crossbow (30”, A3, Rending), Hooves (A2) Fast, Impact(3), Tough(6) B 145pts
Carro Armato [1] 4+ 2+ Mechanical Legs (A2) Fear, Impact(6), Tough(9) C 205pts
Spingarde [1] 4+ 5+ Spingarde (48”, A1, AP(4), Blast(3)), Crew (A3) Artillery, Immobile, Tough(3) - 85pts
Ribauldequin [1] 4+ 5+ Ribauldequin (24”, A12, AP(2)), Crew (A3) Artillery, Immobile, Tough(3) - 105pts
Scout Slingshot [1] 4+ 5+ Slingshot (48”,A1,AP(4),Deadly(3),Indirect,Sniper), Artillery, Immobile, Tough(3) - 115pts
Crew (A3)
Heavy Mortar [1] 4+ 5+ Mortar (48”, A1, AP(2), Blast(6), Indirect), Crew(A3) Artillery, Immobile, Tough(3) - 120pts
Walking Fortress[1] 3+ 2+ 8x Light Cannons (18”, A1, AP(2)), Terrifying, Tough(24), D 680pts
Titanic Stomp (A12, AP(2)) Transport(21)

A Upgrade with any:

Scout +10pts
Drop Bombs +15pts

B Replace Repeater Crossbow:

Light Mortar +10pts
(30”, A1, AP(2), Blast(3), Indirect)
Upgrade with:
Armored Carrier (Transport(11)) +20pts

C Upgrade with any:

Heavy Plow (Impact(+3) +10pts
Heavy Repeater Crossbow +35pts
(30”, A6, Rending)
Upgrade with up to seven:
Light Tank Cannon +15pts
(18”, A1, AP(2), Blast(3))

D Upgrade with any:

Mouth Cannon (12”, A2, AP(4)) +10pts
4x Belly Cannons +50pts
(12”, A1, AP(2), Blast(3))
2x Shoulder Cannons +145pts
(48”, A1, AP(4), Blast(3))
Heavy Tower Cannon +180pts
(48”, A1, AP(4), Blast(6), Indirect)

Special Rules
Drop Bombs: Whenever this unit moves over
enemies pick one of them and roll 1 die, on a
2+ it takes 3 hits with AP(1).
Terrifying: This model counts as having the
Fear special rule, and gets +4 to its Fear rolls.
Transport(X): This model may transport up to
X models. Units embark by moving into
contact and may use any action to disembark
but only move by 6”. Units may also be
deployed within a transport. If a unit is inside
a transport when it’s destroyed then it must
take a Dangerous Terrain test, is immediately
Wavering, and surviving models must be
placed within 6” of the transport before it’s
removed from play.

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