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Aggregation of Small Loads for Demand Response

Programs - Implementation and Challenges: a Review

Amin Rajabi, Li Li, Jiangfeng Zhang, Jianguo Zhu
School of Electrical, Mechanical and Mechatronic Systems
University of Technology, Sydney
Sydney, Australia

Abstract—The concepts of demand response (DR) and Short or long-term DR applications of small loads are only
demand side management have been in practice by power possible if they can be “aggregated” properly. Thermostatically
utilities for many decades. Due to fundamental changes in the controlled loads (TCLs) of residential dwellings and EVs are
electricity structure in recent years, the provision of DR from the best examples of small loads that can offer significant DR
small loads like residential buildings or electric vehicles has to the network when they are aggregated and controlled
become possible. However, there are still many challenges to the collectively. So, recently in different electricity market
real implementation of DR programs for such customers. Based structures a new entity called “aggregator” has been introduced
on a detailed survey of the literature, this paper tries to illustrate to work along with transmission and distribution system
the role of aggregators in the implementation and expansion of
operators and electricity retailers. However, there are still many
DR in future smart grids. Then different technical and
managerial challenges of DR aggregation for residential
unsolved questions regarding the role of these aggregators, the
customers will be discussed thoroughly. interactions of them with customers and system (market)
operators, and the challenges that they in practice face. In this
Keywords—demand response; demand side management; smart paper some of these issues is addressed.
meters; aggregators; smart grids; The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section II is
I. INTRODUCTION dedicated to the basic DR concepts. In Section III the
aggregation of loads for DR purposes is discussed. Then based
Demand response (DR) is considered as one of the on a thorough literature survey, the roles of aggregators will be
fundamental parts of demand side management along with the further clarified in Section IV. Challenges of DR
energy efficiency and conservation (behavioral change) implementations are analyzed in Section V. Finally, Section VI
programs [1] [2]. The definition of DR by Federal Energy summarizes the main outcomes and conclusions.
Regulatory Commission (FERC) or other organizations like
European University Institute enables the adaption of power II. REVIEW OF DR CONCEPTS
demands to time pricing or incentives which consequently can
improve the efficiency and reliability of power networks [3-5]. A. Flexible demand
The great utilization of electric vehicles (EVs), the mass Loads are generally divided into two broad categories:
rollouts of smart metering systems and the huge investment in critical loads that cannot be curtailed or shifted and flexible
renewable generation resources have greatly influenced the DR loads [8-10]. Flexible loads can adjust their typical
research in recent years. Connection of a large number of EVs consumption patterns in response to variations in the electricity
to the network may result in significant increase of the peak price, or to incentive payments. They can be categorized by
load [6] and they can also supply energy back to the grid in the three different models [9, 10]: basic load shift that needs a
vehicle-to-grid (V2G) mode. Therefore, EVs can be seen as constant power for a specific period however the time of use of
flexible loads that consume or store energy, which makes them it can be shifted (like washing machines), the interruptible load
a suitable source of DR applications. On the other hand, smart shift that has more flexibility and allows the interruptions of
meters (SMs) as the fundamental part of advanced metering actual load run (like tumble dryer), and continuous switching in
infrastructures (AMIs) have been deployed vastly in different which the load run duration is determined by the upper and
parts of the world in recent years. The information provided by lower setpoints (like air conditioner). Other kinds of flexible
the SMs can be utilized to enhance DR programs [7]. The loads can be defined based on other characteristics [11].
significant penetration of renewable resources in electrical
B. DR programs
networks, which have inherently intermittent natures and can
jeopardize the system security, makes the use of DR more DR programs are generally divided into two main classes:
sensible. All of these factors have caused an increase in the DR price (time)-based DR and incentive (event)-based DR [1, 10].
volume and a tendency to utilize the great potential of Price-based programs provide users with different electricity
residential loads for DR programs along with large customers prices at different times. They can also offer customers time
(industrial facilities and commercial buildings) that varying prices that are defined based on the cost of electricity
traditionally were considered the main sources of DR. in different time periods [12]. The main price-based DR
programs include time of use pricing and critical peak pricing

978-1-5386-3917-7/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE

which respectively charge users with different prices for In practice, aggregators can be connected to other
different time of day (on-peak, mid-peak, off-peak) and for aggregators at lower and higher levels. So, for instance, a large
special peak periods when system is under the stress. Real-time building may act as a lower level DRA for its occupants and
or dynamic pricing is also considered in this category in which then be connected to an upper DRA. As another example [18],
the electricity price for customers usually varies at different it is possible to have two different DRAs for TCLs and EVs
time intervals of a day, hence requiring maximum customer and at upper level they can be merged by one aggregator.
Incentive-based programs pay users for demand reduction
during periods of system stress like peak load or system C. General DR aggregation
contingencies. Major incentive-based programs are direct load A great deal of research conducted on DR assumes that
control (DLC) and interruptible/curtailable (I/C) load. DLC there are available (and enough) aggregated DR resources to be
loads can be remotely turned off or cycled by the utility, and utilized for different market/system applications. In this case, it
can typically be deployed within a relatively short notice [13]. is presumed that aggregation of small DR loads can be
In the I/C program, customers receive a discounted rate for performed by a DRA; hence, no attention is paid to the real
agreeing to reduce loads when the grid reliability is at risk [14]. source of DR, the methodology of aggregation or dynamics of
There are also various other price-based or incentive-based appliances [16] [19-22] . For example, [16] and [20] consider
programs for DR which mostly have been used by large the interaction of DRAs in the market and distribution system
customers in industrial and commercial sectors. respectively. In [16] DRA offers multiple contracts to
customers and seeks to maximize its payoff for participation in
III. AGGREGATION OF LOADS the energy market. However the method does not specify a
A. DR aggregation concepts special kind of appliance. [20] describes the interaction of
several DRAs in a bi-level leader-follower framework in which
Increasing the number of participating users (or devices) in energy scheduling problem for a load serving entity that serves
DR programs means that it is a higher possibility to have both inflexible and flexible loads is discussed.
adjustable loads available when the need arises to reduce or
increase the demand [15]. In other way, more effective DR can D. Aggregation models and ideas
be achieved by having more participants. Besides, current A limited number of studies present frameworks and ideas
electricity market structures require a minimum amount of bids about the aggregation process of a group of residents. In [23] a
for participation in the market [16]. Therefore, the DR conceptual framework called Smartlink is proposed for DR
aggregation can be seen as a promising way for the exposure of aggregation purposes. This model includes different nodes
small customers or loads to wholesale electricity markets. allowing having as many as DRAs in a hierarchical way. For
The aggregation of loads can be achieved through an agent example, in a system with a two-level hierarchy of nodes, the
called demand response aggregator (DRA). It can schedule DR top DRA interfaces with the utility and three lower level DRAs
and will be paid at the relevant regional spot price for this which are responsible for the heaters and HVAC, illumination
response. It can also offer ancillary services from the load side. and white goods respectively. [24] adopts a multi-agent non-
Usually only large users like industrial and commercial cooperative game approach to residential DR aggregation
customers have been considered for DR aggregations [17]. which demonstrates the interaction of self-interested
However, in recent years more attention has been paid to the households with a DRA in order to integrate two separate sub-
aggregation of residential loads and EVs. The DRAs, on behalf problems of home energy management systems (HEMS) with
of residential customers or vehicle owners, can participate in DR aggregation tasks. The aggregation of just homogenous
different markets. Once the market is cleared, the DRAs appliances using queuing theory is described in [25] in which
receive the DR schedule and require the customers with the final goal is to determine the aggregation scale that is
accepted offers to reduce loads during the contracted DR needed for a specific amount of load reduction.
periods. Load reduction can be achieved through load E. DR by TCLs and HVAC loads
curtailment, load shifting, utilization of onsite generation and
energy storage systems [16]. A basic structure of DR TCLs like air conditioners and water heaters represent an
mechanism involving DRA is depicted in Fig.1. exceptional class of equipment for DR purposes due to their
ability to store energy in the form of temperature gradients.
Data exchange and DRA
DR Data Exchange Instructions for DR They usually can be deferred without any considerable loss of
DRA end-use function for limited periods of time. However for
Payment for DR DRA Payment for DR longer periods, changes in the settings or ON-OFF schedules of
TCLs can disturb users’ comfort. So, in some research this
comfort has been included in the problem formulation typically
Customer based on a disutility function.

Customer Payment
The coordination of a group of TCLs using pricing
Payment for Energy for Energy incentives is considered in [26] to maximize the social welfare
where the internal dynamics of TCLs are also taken into
account. Each user is assumed to take actions to maximize the
Fig. 1. Demand response aggregator model individual utility, while a coordinator makes the collective
choice that achieves various group objectives. In [27] the DA
planning of DRAs of air conditioning loads in a Southern appliances (TAs) and EVs as well as a CHP unit. Frequency
China region is addressed. The DR is based on a DLC model control signal received from the transmission operator is used
which integrates a thermal comfort model to minimize the to schedule the EVs, TAs and CHP. An aggregation
disturbance on the residents’ thermal comfort. formulation for total storage of the EVs and dynamic behavior
of the TA cluster is proposed, allowing the control algorithm to
F. DR by EVs act on the group without considering each individual EV or
EV charging stations is going to be set up in parking areas TA. Provision of manual reserve (which differs from the
of residential and commercial buildings. These charging points secondary reserve in the response time, duration, and control
can be controlled by a DRA who take optimal decisions for equipment) by a group of EVs is considered in [37]. In this
charging and discharging of EVs in order to reduce charging case, an EV aggregator participates in a DA market for
costs and to avoid voltage and congestion problems in the grid purchasing energy and in a manual reserve market to offer
[28-30]. The use of different technologies like RFID, GPRS manual reserve capacity in upward or downward directions.
and Ethernet makes it possible to link EVs to DRAs to collect
static and dynamic data from batteries to control and reduce the H. Uncertainty consideration
total energy cost [31]. This data may include the type of The uncertain parameters of power systems such as market
vehicle, electric characteristics, arrival and forecasted prices, load variations, EV fleet characteristics, and production
departure, and real time charge/discharge status. The hourly level of renewable resources affect the DRA decision making.
electricity prices are also considered to manage different Therefore, techniques for considering uncertainty have also
charging and discharging status of EVs. By agreeing to such a been included in problem formulation of aggregators, among
charging management scheme, EV owners benefit from lower which most importantly are stochastic programming (SP) and
electricity rates for charging or shared revenues by DRAs robust optimization, to improve the DRA’s optimal bidding
which is obtained by offering bids in energy and ancillary strategy. In [19] the concerned uncertainties are wind
services markets [30]. production and DA, intra-day and balancing market prices
which are modeled in the form of scenarios in a three-stage SP
The authors in [32] propose an algorithm for distributed DR problem. A two-stage SP is formulated for an EV aggregator
of the EVs to shape the aggregated daily demand profile of the for participating in DA and regulation markets in [34], and a
system while keeping the peak demand the same as when there risk aversion method by using conditional value-at-risk
is no EVs in the system, without any changes in the users’ (CVaR) is applied to the problem formulation of an EV
commuting behaviors. In [30] a bi-level problem is formulated aggregator in [38]. The authors in [39] address the uncertainty
for bidding strategy of a price-maker EV aggregator in the day- by constructing a finite number of scenarios for an EV’s usage
ahead (DA) market with the objective of minimizing charging over which a household energy cost is minimized. In both [40]
costs. To represent the aggregated representation of EVs, a and [41] uncertainties are taken into account through a robust
probabilistic virtual battery model with time varying optimization model to maximize the utility of DR providers.
constraints is proposed. Also, information gap decision theory is used to address the
G. Provision of Ancillary services uncertainty of wind generation in a formulation that seeks to
Ancillary services serve a variety of grid balancing and manage the congestion on distribution networks with the help
reliability needs. Such services include spinning and of DR [22].
nonspinning reserves and frequency regulation. While reserves I. Benefits of DR for intermittent resources
are provided to offset power shortages, frequency regulation Because of the uncertain, volatile and undispatchable nature
requires fast injections as well as uptake of electrical power to of renewable resources (mostly wind generation), these
keep network frequency within the bounds [2]. As flexible producers can hardly compete with conventional producers in
loads can usually respond very quickly, they are well suited to the markets [19]. It has been suggested that DR resources can
providing ancillary services. Based on the Order 719 issued by be a flexible and cost-effective option to handle this variability.
FERC in October 2008, independent system operators are Also, there are occasions, such as during windy nights, when
required to allow demand resources to participate in ancillary more renewable power can be produced than the amount of
services markets [33]. As stated in [33], providing the spinning nominal demand. If customers shift some daytime building
reserves with loads can be achieved through curtailment loads to such times, greater penetration of renewable
periods that are short enough, hence it can be considered as a generation could be achieved [2]. [19] evaluates the joint
nondisruptive control which avoids disruption of users’ operation of the loads with a wind farm, to form a hybrid wind-
comfort. Furthermore, it is shown that the highest benefits for DR power plant which participates in DA, intra-day and
EV owners are expected through participation in the regulation balancing markets. Also, [42] and [43] investigate the positive
market [34]. benefits of DR on the wind producer’s short term trading. With
[35] and [36] explore methods to coordinate aggregation of regard of photovoltaic (PV) applications, it is shown that
TCLs to manage frequency and energy imbalances. While the HVAC fan power control can be used to absorb a great deal of
former uses state estimation techniques for tracking the intermittency in energy generated by PV panels, during
performance of populations of heterogeneous TCLs, the latter cloudy days, with very little cost compared to existing methods
utilizes a combination of robust and stochastic programming [44].
and then a model predictive controller to determine the TCL
J. Use of DR aggregations for virtual power plants
setpoints. [18] extends the secondary frequency control
providers by considering groups of controllable thermal
The virtual power plant (VPP) concept is also an efficient TABLE I. MANAGERIAL AND TECHNICAL CHALLENGES OF DR
way for utilizing DR aggregations. VPP can act as a single T: TECHNICAL)
entity to maximize its profit by coordinating different
dispatchable and renewable producers, energy storage systems Problem S A U
Design of customer engagement programs 3 3
and flexible loads [45]. As discussed in [46], the incorporation
Investment in AMIs and SMs 3 3
of DR of HVAC loads into the optimization model allows the Specifications of contracts between DRAs and users 3 3
VPP to manage the renewable variability to its own profit. [47] DRA participation in energy and ancillary markets 3 3
considers both the priced-based and incentive-based DR along M Investment in smart appliances 3
with wind and photovoltaic resources as parts of a VPP. In [48] Competition among DRAs 3 3 3
an incentive-based three-level DR is modeled in a VPP Approaches for remunerating customers 3 3
structure to take part in an energy market. [49] assesses the Customer behavioral factors/willingness affecting DR 3 3
action of incorporating a DR into a VPP trading in DA and Customer clustering 3 3 3
Communication infrastructure with bidirectional data
balancing markets. The two-stage problem of [50] is more 3 3 3
complicated as it also includes distribution network constraints Latencies 3 3
in the decision making of a VPP which bids in an intra-day DR distribution over the network/voltage violations due
market. 3 3
T to the asymmetric DR balancing between the phases
DRA control over user’s appliances 3 3
K. Competition among DRAs Cold load pick-up, lead and rebound effects 3
Only limited work has addressed the interaction among the Customer willingness to participate in DR 3 3
aggregators. In [21] the focus is on a hierarchal market Standards and communication protocols 3 3 3
structure for the interaction of residential customers, operator
and several aggregator entities. Customers seek to optimize the Those functional quantities, like setpoint deviation of
trade-off between earnings received from the aggregator and thermostat, that leave the task of maintaining end-use function
discomfort from having to modify their pattern (modeled by a to the local controller may make the most sense. Latencies are
disutility function), and aggregators compete to sell DR another challenge associated with AMIs as they can affect both
services to the operator. Also, the interaction of several the grid stability and performance [57]. This is particularly the
aggregators for a microgrid scenario is considered for a two- case when fast response times are required or frequent control
stage market model [51]. updates are issued, for instance when providing spinning
reserves by DR resources [33]. Eventually, installed AMIs and
V. DR AGGREGATION CHALLENGES SMs in most cases belong to other entities like distribution
There are few publications that address the real system operators or retailers. So, the use of them by DRAs
requirements and challenges of DR aggregation. Table 1 raises questions about privacy and security issues.
summarizes some of the main issues related to the DR DRAs usually have no concept of the network model and
aggregation of residential customers and EVs [34, 52-56]. completely neglect the distribution of DR across the network
Providing a proper infrastructure for the bidirectional data and its consequences [53]. One of these problems is the
transfer between the DRA and system operator and between increased consumption before and after the DR event usually
DRA’s data center and the customers or EV charging stations referred to “lead” and “rebound” effects [2]. Lead effect is
is the fundamental step for DR implementation and imposes caused by the expectation of a DR event, for example a
the main costs to DRAs [34]. The use of current Internet building may be precooled to reduce the afternoon air
networks has been suggested for command and data transfer conditioning load. After the termination of a DR event, the
between aggregators and buildings (HEMS or devices). increase in consumption compared to the baseline shows the
However as such medium doesn’t belong to power networks rebound effect. Also, it is possible that phase unbalance arises
and also with concerns about availability issues, the use of during DR periods due to asymmetrical DR distribution on
them is not without problems. With deployment of AMIs, it phases. Another physical challenge is that regulation service
can be a proper solution for various purposes including DR generally must be capable of both supplying and absorbing
aggregations. However, the cost associated with the investment power [2].
in such infrastructures and other necessary equipment that Beside the system-wide effects, the DRA’s control on
DRAs need for the DR management should be considered user’s appliances or its interaction with smart appliances and
properly. Besides this, many of the work reported in the HEMS (which will be more extensively used in near future) is
literature requires an extensive message exchange between the an important matter that needs to be addressed.
DRA and end-users. Hence, scalability issues may arise in a
large scale deployment [21]. Centralized and de-centralized As far as DR programs are concerned, both incentive- and
approaches that differ in computational complexity, price-based DR face challenges if they are to be implemented
optimization techniques and execution times may be in large scale. DR programs usually disturb user’s comfort.
considered for these purposes [31]. As suggested in [33], a Hence, attractive incentive-based programs are needed to
promising way to use AMIs will be to broadcast one common persuade users to get involved in DR actions. Many existing
signal to all loads (which can be done on relatively short time peak demand management programs that utilize DLC are
scales). Yet, the choice of properly broadcasted signals is an disruptive and can have significant effects on the end users
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