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Which gas was responsible for Bhopal Gas

tragedy/disaster happened in Madhyapradesh.

Ans : methyl isocyanate

2. Smog is a mixture of -------------- and --------------------.?

Ans(Smoke+ Fog)

3.What is the reason behind the gradual color change of Taj

Mahal ?
Ans: Acid rain(enhancement of Sulphur di oxide concentration)

4. Solid waste can be handled by 3R technique, what are those

3 R known as?
Ans: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Which row in the above figure implies non-renewal energy resources?

Ans: 2nd

6) Global warming is mainly caused by which gas, name one more gas
which is causing the same phenomenon

Ans: CO2 gas

Other gas may be CFC(chloro fluoro carbons), SF6(sulfur hexa
fluoride), Methane gas etc.

7 . What is the full form of GAP for controlling water pollution in


Ans: Ganga Action plan.

8. What is the direct effect of the hole in Ozone layer?
Ans: Skin Cancer
9. Mention the type of pollution in context to bombing in
Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
Ans: Radioactive Pollution

10) Which date is celebrated as the World Environment Day?

Ans: 5th day of June

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