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Note: Answer all questions from Part A and perform and write the steps of one experiment from

Part B

Part A [2×10 = 20]

1. Implement RSA algorithm and evaluate Time Complexity on Best Case, Average Case and Worst

a. Calculate time complexity of encryption and key decryption time.

b. Suggest one optimized technique to reduce time complexity of encryption and key decryption time.

2. Assume that a WSN is to be deployed in a deployment area of 10000 square kilometer

which needs to be covered by the different types of polygons.

i) Compute the number of polygons of each type to cover the entire area.

ii) What is the size of each polygon to cover entire area of 10000 Sqr Km?

iii) What is the size of each polygon to cover at least 90% of the total area?

iv) How many sensor nodes are required for each polygon assuming that the

range R of each sensor node is 10 km.

v) How many sensor nodes are needed to cover at least 90% of area assuming the

sensor range of 10 kms.

Part B [1×10 = 10 Marks]

1. Create three different webpages: one requesting user-id and password, one displaying valid user and
other displaying invalid user. Upload them in one of the AWS services. The first website will redirect to
valid website if user id is your name and password is your roll number else it will redirect to invalid



a. Create an SNS topic and name it td-instance-alarms.

b. Create an email subscription to the topic using

c. Create a log group and name it td-instance-logs and configure the log group to retain logs for 1 year.
d. Create a metric filter using the td-instance-logs log group and name it td-instance-http-5xx-metric.
Create a filter pattern that monitors all of the HTTP 500-level errors and name it td-instance-http-5xx-
filter. Use these log events to test the pattern you created.

1127.0.0.1 - - [24/Sep/2013:11:49:52 -0700] "GET /index.html HTTP/1.1" 500 287 2 - - [24/Sep/2013:11:49:52 -0700] "GET /index.html HTTP/1.1" 500 287 3 - - [24/Sep/2013:11:50:51 -0700] "GET /~test/ HTTP/1.1" 200 3 4 - - [24/Sep/2013:11:50:51 -0700] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 501 308 5 - - [24/Sep/2013:11:50:51 -0700] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 503 308 6 - - [24/Sep/2013:11:51:34 -0700] "GET /~test/index.html HTTP/1.1" 200 3

e. Create an alarm using the custom metric filter you just created. Set the metric name to td-instance-http-

f. Configure the alarm to evaluate every minute and set the total threshold to greater than 5. Then, set the
alarm threshold to 3 units.

g. Publish a message to the td-instance-alarms topic when ALARM state is triggered. Set the alarm name
to td-instance-5xx-alarm.

You can stop at this point and try the lab exercise by yourself. Else, you can also proceed with the
walkthrough we created to guide you in performing this lab exercise.

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