Complete The Following Table - Unit 15 Exercise, Biology

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Drug Effect on the body Dangers to the person

using the drug

Alcohol - Alcohol interferes High blood pressure,
with the brain’s
heart disease, stroke,
pathways liver disease, and
- Make it harder to digestive problems.
think clearly and
move with
- Cardiomyopathy
- Arrhythmias
- Stroke
- High blood pressure
- Steatosis, or fatty
- Alcoholic hepatitis
- Fibrosis
- Cirrhosis

Heroine - They relieve severe The illegal use of heroin has

pain and produce terrible effects on the
short-lived feelings unfortunate addict. The
of wellbeing and overwhelming dependence
freedom from on the drug leads many
anxiety. addicts into prostitution
and crime in order to obtain
- Lead to tolerance the money to buy it.
and physical
Nicotine (in tobacco) increase in blood pressure, Hardening of the arterial
heart rate, flow of blood to walls, which in turn, may
the heart and a narrowing of lead to a heart attack.
the arteries.

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