Himani Essay Practice

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Every country has poor people and every

country has different ways of dealing with the

poor. What are some of the reasons for world
poverty? How can the poor be helped?
Poverty is a thing that nobody is happy about. Many
countries have people living below poverty line, and
they keep trying various approaches to deal with
poverty as well as try to reduce overall poverty rate.
This essay shall discuss the factors accountable for
world poverty and several ways to alleviate the
To begin with, two main factors are responsible for
affecting the living standard and causing world
poverty. Firstly, the most important factor behind
poverty is illiteracy. Literate people can find jobs
easily, and they have a wide range of jobs available
to work whereas the areas in which people have low
literacy rate, chances of getting job or earning
money are much lower and can lead a person to live
in poverty due to illiteracy. Secondly, birth rate can
impact world poverty up to a great extent, because if
the birth rate is very high in a country then that will
eventually provide a route to less per capita income
than before and reduced numbers of jobs available
as well.
In order to deal with the issues of destitution on a
global platform, several corrective steps can be
taken. Every country should come up with discrete
ideas to deal with poverty issues. The governments
play can play a vital role in this matter as they can
bestow free education up to a certain grade and
subsidize fees for further education. Moreover, the
government can also try to spread awareness by
using various contraceptive methods to reduce the
birth rate. Adding to that, not only government but
locals can also help the indigent by bearing their
study expenses. For instance, in India, the
government has come up with free education
scheme for the underprivileged until the age of 15. A
country can also take some measures like delayed
marriages, medical facilities, incentives, and
legislative actions to reduce the birth rate. This way,
the needy could be helped a lot.
To conclude, illiteracy and increasing birth rates are
two causes of poverty throughout the world.
However, everyone should try to be a helping hand
for the penniless, and the governments should also
be considerate in helping poor people to make this
world a better place.

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