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● Some drugs affect the nervous system in the following ways:

- Can cause an increase in the amount of a neurotransmitter that is released
into a synapse
- Can block a receptor site on a dendrite, preventing a neurotransmitter from
- Can prevent neurotransmitter from leaving a synapse
- Can imitate a neurotransmitter

Classes of commonly Abused Drugs

● Stimulants
○ Drugs can increase alertness and physical activity
○ Nicotine
○ Caffeine
● Depressants
○ Drugs that tend to slow down the central nervous system
○ Alcohol
○ Inhalants
○ Illegal drugs
● Psychedelics
○ Affects all senses, altering a person’s thinking, sense of time and emotions
○ They can also cause a person to hallucinate-seeing or hearing things that do
not exist or distorted
● Opioids
○ Slow heart rate and breathing and provide sensations of pleasure and pain
● Cannabinoids
○ They are responsible for the psychoactive effect when cannabis is consumed.
○ They can make a person feel happy, relaxed, anxious or paranoid

Tolerance and Addiction

● Tolerance: Occurs when a person needs more and more of the same drug to get the
same effect.
● Addiction: The psychological and/or physiological dependence on a drug is addiction
Ear Structure

Eye structure
● Endocrine Glands:
○ Produce hormones, which are released into the bloodstream and distributed
to body cells

● Pituitary Gland
○ Situated at the base of the brain
○ Secretes hormones that regulate many body functions
○ Regulates other endocrine glands

● Parathyroid and Thyroid Glands

○ Thyroxine: A higher rate of metabolism
○ Calcitonin: Regulation of calcium
○ Parathyroid hormone: Increase blood calcium levels

● Pancreas
○ Secrets the hormones insulin and glucagon which work together to maintain

● Adrenal Glands
○ Manufactures the steroid hormone aldosterone and a group of hormones
called glucocorticoids

● Hypothalamus
○ Produces two hormones, oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone.

● Fight or flight: Adrenal

● Stress situation: Adrenal

Endocrine Disease
Conditions Causes Signs and Symptoms

Diabetes Mellitus Pancreas fail to produce - Excessive thirst

sufficient insulin or the body - Fatigue
cannot use available insulin - Frequent Urination
- Weight Loss/Gain
- Vision Changes

Hashimoto Thyroids Autoimmune disease, in - Intolerance to cold

which the thyroid gland is - Constipation
destroyed by the immune - Dry hair and loss
system resulting in low hair
production of thyroid - Fatigue

Grave Disease Autoimmune disease, that - Bulging eyes

causes the thyroid gland to - Diarrhea
produce too much hormone - Difficulty in sleeping
- Fatigue
Hyperthyroidism Overactive thyroid gland - Diarrhea
- Difficulty in sleeping
- Fatigue
- Heat Intolerance

Hypothyroidism Underactive thyroid gland - Intolerance to cold

iodine deficiency - Constipation
- Dry hair
- Fatigue

Polycystic Ovarian Overproduction of androgen - Irregular menstrual

Syndrome (PCOS) in females cycle
- Weight gain
- Oily Skin and Acne
- Infertility

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