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Doc COMBRI/CTICM-xx – 11/07/2006

COMBRI Project – RFS-CR-03018 WP 3.2 –Presentation Manual of EBPlate

Centre Technique Industriel

de la Construction Métallique
102, route de Limours
F-78470 – St Rémy les Chevreuse





Presentation Manual of EBPlate

Working document COMBRI/CTICM-xx

Liege – 11 & 12/07/2006

Pierre-Olivier MARTIN

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COMBRI Project – RFS-CR-03018 WP 3.2 –Presentation Manual of EBPlate

1 Scope of EBPlate...................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 General .............................................................................................................................. 3
1.2 Scope of EBPlate............................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Content of this document .................................................................................................. 4
2 Graphical User Interface of EBPlate..................................................................................... 5
2.1 Presentation ....................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Menus ................................................................................................................................ 5
2.3 Toolbars............................................................................................................................. 6
2.4 Working area ..................................................................................................................... 7
2.4.1 “Plate’s parameters” working area ............................................................................ 7
2.4.2 “Stiffening” working area ......................................................................................... 7
2.4.3 “Define stresses” working area ............................................................................... 10
2.4.4 “Check stresses” working area................................................................................ 11
2.4.5 “Calculation” working area..................................................................................... 13
2.4.6 Calculation sheet ..................................................................................................... 14
2.4.7 “Post processing” working area .............................................................................. 14
2.4.8 Deformed shape coefficients................................................................................... 15
3 Theoretical bases and particular aspects ............................................................................ 16
3.1 General methodology for calculation of critical stresses ................................................ 16
3.2 Strain energy ................................................................................................................... 16
3.3 Internal work of stresses.................................................................................................. 18
3.3.1 General .................................................................................................................... 18
3.3.2 Internal work in the plate ........................................................................................ 18
3.3.3 Internal work in longitudinal stiffeners ................................................................... 23
3.3.4 Internal work in transverse stiffeners ...................................................................... 24
3.4 Treatment of rotational restraints at edges ...................................................................... 24
3.4.1 Components of edge restraint stiffness ................................................................... 24
3.4.2 Edge restraint stiffnesses for usual cases ................................................................ 25
3.5 Treatment of longitudinal stiffeners with a closed cross-section .................................... 26
3.5.1 General model ......................................................................................................... 26
3.5.2 Closed stiffeners supposed hinged at their junctions to the web............................. 26
3.5.3 Accounting for local stiffnesses at stiffener-to-web junctions................................ 27
3.6 Solving the eigenproblem................................................................................................ 29
3.7 Choice of the number of terms in Fourier’s series for w(x,y)......................................... 30
3.8 Stresses imposed at buckling state .................................................................................. 31
3.9 Orthotropic plate - Smearing stiffeners........................................................................... 31
3.9.1 General .................................................................................................................... 31
3.9.2 Smearing the flexural stiffness of stiffeners............................................................ 31
3.9.3 Smearing the axial stiffness of stiffeners ................................................................ 32
3.10 Stiffener properties.......................................................................................................... 32

Annexe A Summary of the validation task

Annexe B Samples
Annexe C Plate type behaviour - Calculation of σcr,p using EBPlate

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1 Scope of EBPlate
1.1 General
Plate buckling checks are of the utmost importance in the design of steel plated structures. They
often govern the steel weight by imposing the plate thicknesses and/or the use of stiffeners which
are generally expansive to work out. Plate buckling checks are treated in EN 1993-1-5 and involve
elastic critical stresses (or plate buckling coefficients) which may have a major influence on the
assessment of plate buckling resistances. Elastic critical stresses are also needed for checking web
breathing for plated structures with rolling loads.
For very common cases, elastic critical stresses may be obtained from formulas, or specific charts,
often in the frame of simplified assumptions which can be sometimes far from the reality and very
conservative. Moreover these charts deal with a limited number of configurations (geometry,
stiffener positions and properties, stress distribution, …) and can not always be used because
practical cases are often beyond their limits. Beside this, numerical simulations using Finite
Element Codes may be used but they are complex to carry out and time consuming.
In the case of plates with multiple longitudinal stiffeners, EN 1993-1-5 imposes to determine
specific elastic critical stresses σcr,p ignoring buckling between stiffeners. Depending on the case,
a plate modelling using smeared stiffeners may allow solving the problem, but this modelling may
be questionable for numerous cases, especially with a low number of stiffeners and the designer
may meet difficulties.
So, for at least these reasons, a piece of software has been developed in order to provide the
designer with a useful and practical tool:
- giving accurate values of elastic critical stresses for a wider field of practical cases than
presently available design aids
- accounting for stabilizing effects generally neglected in current calculations (e.g. torsional
stiffness of stiffeners or rotational restraint at edges)
- giving information about the buckling shape of the plate
- avoiding time consuming FEM calculations for many cases
- bringing a better answer to the requirements of Part 1-5 (e.g. σcr,p )
- having an user-friendly graphical user interface
- free of charge (downloadable from the web sites of CTICM)
This piece of software has been named EBPlate (Elastic Buckling of Plates).
Note : EBPlate has been developed by CTICM in the frame of the research project RFS-CR-
03018 (2003~2006) partially funded by the Research Fund for Steel and Coal (RFCS).

1.2 Scope of EBPlate

The scope of EBPlate may be summarized as follows (see Figure 1-1):
Plate: . rectangular (a×b), uniform thickness t
. possibly orthotropic (Dx, Dy) due to smeared stiffeners
. plate stretching neglected
Supports: . laterally supported along its 4 edges (out-of-plane displacement w = 0)
. support conditions in rotation at edges: hinged or restrained (full or elastic –
rotational (Kr) and/or torsional (J) stiffnesses accounted for)

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Stiffeners: . longitudinal and/or transverse, single or multiple, with different properties

. axial (due to area As), flexural (due to flexural inertia Is) and torsional (due to
torsional constant Js) stiffnesses accounted for
. smearing of identical and regularly spaced stiffeners (Dx, Dy)
. automatic calculations of stiffener properties for commonly used cross-sections
. special treatment for closed (trapezoidal) stiffeners, accounting for the distance
between their junctions to the plate, their torsional stiffness, the flexibility of their
Stresses: . normally, generated by stress patterns acting along edges in the mid-plane
. possibility of linear variation of longitudinal stress σx along the plate length
. possibility of generating any stress distribution by defining directly stresses (σx,σy,τ)
within the elements of a regular meshing of the plate
. possibility to impose one or more stresses at buckling state and to perform the
buckling analysis on the remaining free stresses
σxtl O σxtr
x Krt Jt
w(x,y) τu
τu Isx, Asx, Jsx
Krr Jr
Krl Jl Dy
Isy, Asy, Jsy
Krb Jb
σxbl σxbr
Figure 1-1 : Scope of EBPlate software

EBPlate calculates the minimum factor φcr – also called “critical factor” – to be applied to the
reference stresses (σx, σy, τ) defined by the user and acting within the plate for reaching the elastic
plate buckling. Critical stresses are then obtained from:
σ x,cr = φcr ⋅ σ x σ y ,cr = φ cr ⋅ σ y τ cr = φ cr ⋅ τ

1.3 Content of this document

This document presents
• the graphical user interface of EBPlate and its main functionalities
• the theoretical bases of EBPlate and some particular aspects
• in Annexes,
- a brief survey of the validation task
- some examples of application
- how to use EBPlate for calculating critical stresses σcr,p according to EN 1993-1-5

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2 Graphical User Interface of EBPlate

2.1 Presentation
EBPlate is a piece of software designed in VB language for Windows systems, from versions
Windows 98 to Windows XP. It is a freeware that can be freely downloaded from the website of
CTICM (http// at the time being). When EBPlate is
launched and if the connection to internet is available, the availability of a more recent version of
the software is automatically controlled.
EBPlate is built up with a main sizeable window, which has the following parts:
- a menu area, which gives access to files functions and to options
- a toolbar area, which gives access to the most common function and allows to select the
working area
- a working area, where the parameters are defined, the calculations carried out and the
results displayed.

Menu area

Toolbar area

Working area

Figure 2-1 : Main window of EBPlate and its areas

2.2 Menus
The following menus are available:
- “File” menu
The parameters of the study, but not the results, can be saved in an ASCII file, which
extension is .EBP. The following operations are allowed: opening a file, saving or saving
as a file and opening directly one of the last four files.

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- “Options” menu
The options menus enable the user to modify several parameters of EBPlate:
o the language of the interface – French, English, German and Spanish are available;
o the default working directory, where files are opened or saved;
o the unit in which length are defined by the user (m, cm or mm);
o the table of colours with whom the results are displayed;
o the coefficient which defines the length of plate to be attached to a stiffener to
calculate its second moment of inertia.
- “?” menu
This menu give access to the “About” window and to the Help Files.
The “About” windows proposes email addresses to be contacted in case of troubles.
EBPlate is delivered with a French Help File, associated to the French interface and with
an English Help File, associated to all other language of the interface.

2.3 Toolbars
The most useful functions and the working areas of EBPlate can be activated directly by the
buttons of the toolbars. The functions associated with the buttons of the main toolbar are described

Definition of the references of the study

Activation of the “plate’s parameter” working area – see 2.4.1

Activation of the “Stiffening” working area

Activation of the “Define the stresses” working area

Activation of the “Check the stresses” working area

Activation of the “Calculation” working area

Edition of the calculation sheet. Available only after the calculation is done.

Activation of the “Post processing” working area. Available only after the
calculation is done.
Edition of the deformed shape coefficients. Available only after the calculation
is done.
Modification the background colour.

Copy of the present drawing in the Clipboard

Printing of the picture which is displayed in the working area

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2.4 Working area

The working area may be one of the following:

2.4.1 “Plate’s parameters” working area

This is the default working area, which is first displayed when EBPlate is executed (see Figure
2-1). The plate’s parameters to be defined by the user in this working area are:
- The dimensions of the plate (width, height and thickness)
- The characteristics of the material (Young’s modulus and Poisson coefficient). The
defaults ones are the characteristics of steel.
- The rotational restraints of the edges. By default, the four edges are free to rotate. But for
each edge, the user can specify either a fixed edge (rotation are not possible) or an elastic
restraint, which is then characterised by two parameters (see 3.4): Kr the rotational stiffness
by unit length, constant along the edge, and J the torsional constant (or θ its non-
dimensional parameter). These parameters can be either defined directly by the user or
calculated by EBPlate from the dimensions of a flange (button ).
For each change of a dimension or of a rotational restraint condition, the drawing of the plate is

2.4.2 “Stiffening” working area

The aim of this working area is to define the stiffening of the plate, which can be provided by:
- The orthotropy of the plate
The studied plate is by default is considered as isotropic. Orthotropy can nevertheless be
imposed, which is then defined for each direction by two parameters: β which represents
the change of the flexural rigidity of the plate (βx in longitudinal direction and βy in
transverse direction) and η which represents the change axial rigidity (ηx in longitudinal
direction and ηy in transverse direction) – See 3.9.

Figure 2-2: Definition of orthotropic parameters in EBPlate

The orthotropic parameters can be either imposed directly by the user or calculated by
EBPlate as the result of the smearing of equally spaced stiffeners (buttons and ).

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- Stiffeners
Stiffeners can be defined either in longitudinal or in transverse direction. Their number is
not limited.
The definition of a stiffener is realised by a specific window which is opened by clicking
on the button .

Figure 2-3: Definition of a stiffener

A stiffener is defined first by its orientation (button for a horizontal stiffener and
button for a vertical one). Its location is defined about the referential of the plate,
which can be either the bottom left corner or the top left corner.
Five predefined types of stiffeners are proposed:
o Angles
o Tees
o Trapezoidal sections
o Flat bars
o Symmetrical flat bars
For those predefined types, a stiffener is defined only by its dimensions. Its properties are
then automatically calculated by EBPlate: the area A, the second moment of inertia I, the
torsional inertia J and their associated non-dimensional parameters δ, γ and θ. For
trapezoidal sections, the local rotational stiffness Kr and the local torsional constant Jt of
the stiffener’s panels are also displayed, as well as the associated non-dimensional
parameters θr and θt (see 3.5.3). A representation of the section is then drawn in the
associated picture box.
A general type stiffener is also proposed. In this case, the stiffener is defined by its
properties A, I and J, or δ, γ and θ. It is moreover possible to impose a closed section by
specifying the spacing of the stiffener-to-web junctions, the local rotational stiffness Kr of
the stiffener’s panel and their thickness.
It is possible to generate multiple stiffeners from the defined one, by duplication.
The defined stiffeners are displayed in a tree view, with all their parameters.

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Figure 2-4: Stiffeners Tree view

The stiffening of the plate – orthotropy and stiffeners – is graphically represented in the associated
picture box of the working area. Powerful functions are associated with this drawing:
- it is possible to move a stiffener with the mouse.
- by locating the mouse upon a stiffener, its main properties are then displayed on the screen.
- by clicking on the right button of the mouse located upon a stiffener, it is possible to
delete, to modify or to duplicate this stiffener.
- by locating the mouse upon the symbols of orthotropy, the orthotropic parameters are
displayed on the screen.

Figure 2-5: Graphical representation of the stiffening of the plate

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2.4.3 “Define stresses” working area

The aim of this working area is to define the stress patterns to which the plate is submitted. The
definition of the stresses is split in three parts, one for each main component: longitudinal stresses,
transverse stresses and shear stresses. Each selected component can be treated as “analytical”
stresses or as “meshed” stresses or both. For “analytical” stresses, the entire pattern is completely
known from the few values defined at the edges of the plate. For “meshed” stresses, the plate is
divided in a regular and rectangular meshing and stresses are to be defined by the user at the
centre of each mesh.
- Longitudinal stresses
The “analytical” stresses are linearly interpolated from the values at the four corners of the
- Transverse stresses
The first part of transverse “analytical” stresses is made of the linear interpolation of the
transverse stresses at the top and the bottom edges.
The second part is made of the combination of the effects of patch loadings on the bottom
and the top edges (see If patch loadings are defined, the local longitudinal and
shear stresses generated by these loads can be considered. The associated patterns are
calculated with one of the following assumptions:
o the plate is either a single plate, which leads to a parabolic distribution of the shear
along the height,
o or the plate is the web of a girder connected through its bottom and top edges to
flanges, which leads to a quite constant distribution of shear along the height. In
this case, the elastic modulus of the upper and lower fibres of the plate, which
govern the distribution of the local longitudinal stresses, can be either imposed by
the user or automatically calculated by EBPlate from the flanges dimensions.
- Shear stresses
The shear “analytical” stress is supposed to be constant along the entire plate.

The sign convention adopted in EBPlate is that compression stresses are positive and traction
stresses are negative.
A symbolic representation of the defined “analytical” stresses is drawn in the graphical part of the
working area. Symbols for “meshed” stresses are also displayed, when necessary.
It is to be mentioned that a stress can be “imposed”, which means that the critical factor does not
apply to this stress (see 3.8). For example, for a building under the effects of weight (W) and snow
(S), the stresses due to weight can be imposed (W + φcr S). At least one non imposed positive
value has to be defined so that the calculation is possible.
A specific window is devoted to the definition of “meshed” stresses. In this window, the specific
meshing of the plate can be defined. The meshing can be different for each component of stresses.
To each mesh of the plate is associated a cell of the grid, in which the stress is to be entered. It can
be done cell by cell, or the user can automatically fill them in by linear interpolation of the value
at the four corners, or at last, he can paste a table of values from the Clipboard. This table of value
can be provided by any other windows application like a FEM piece of software or an EXCEL
This window gives to the user the possibility to define any type of pattern.

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Figure 2-6: “Meshed” stresses window

2.4.4 “Check stresses” working area

This working area enables the user to check the stresses patterns that he defined in the previous
working area.
For each component of stresses, a 3D representation of the stresses pattern inside the plate is
represented, for “analytical” stresses, “meshed” stresses and the sum of both (by default). It is also
possible to display the pattern of Von Mises equivalent stresses. By default, the patterns are
represented with a conventional table of 8 colours, associated to 8 equally wide intervals between
the minimum and the maximum values. The user can define its own table of colours to be used,
with the Menu / Colours (see 2.2). By default, the associated legend is displayed.

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Figure 2-7: Graphical representation of stresses pattern inside the plate

For 3D representations, powerful graphical functions are associated to the mouse: zooming with
left button and rotating with the right one.

Figure 2-8: Graphical functions associated to the mouse

Longitudinal or transverse sections of the plate can be produced for each of the component.
At the end, the user can copy the stresses pattern in the Clipboard.

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2.4.5 “Calculation” working area

In this working area, the calculation’s options are defined, the calculation is carried out and the
results are displayed.

Figure 2-9: Calculation

Calculation’s options:
- The maximum number of half waves of the buckling mode has to be specified for each
direction of the plate. This can be done automatically by EBPlate from a level of
complexity defined by the user, from 1 for the simplest case to 3 for the most complicated
one. But the user can also impose his own values.
A high maximal number of half waves leads to more accurate results but in the other hands
implies much longer calculation times.
- The number of modes to be searched: the first buckling mode by default, the twenty first
ones or all the buckling modes.
- The contour lines of the first buckling mode can be calculated if requested.

The calculation process is divided in three steps: preparation of the matrices, resolution of
the eigen problem and calculation of the contour lines. For each step, a progress bar is
displayed during the process and the calculation times are edited.

At the end of the process, if the calculations have been successfully achieved, the “Results”
frame is filled in with the values of the critical factor φcr, the critical stresses σ and the
buckling factors kσij. The imposed stresses are mentioned with brackets.

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2.4.6 Calculation sheet

The calculation sheet can be edited at any moment by clicking the associated button .
A specific window is then proposed where the calculation sheet is displayed. Specific functions to
navigate inside the document (scroll bar, buttons and mousewheel) and to print the sheet are
proposed. It is possible for the user to save the calculation sheet in an independent file by printing
it with a PDF writer tool. EBPlate is provided with “PDF Creator”, a freeware to create PDF files
easily from nearly any application (for more information, see This tool can be installed directly from the
Menu / Configuration of EBPlate.
The different chapters of the calculation sheets are:
- Plate’s parameters
- Stiffening of the plate
- Definition of the stresses
- If the calculations have been successfully achieved: calculation’s options, critical factor
and critical stresses for the first buckling mode and table of critical factors of the calculated

2.4.7 “Post processing” working area

If the calculations have been successfully achieved, it is possible to represent each of the
calculated buckling modes with 3D drawings, using the “Post Processing” working area (button

Figure 2-10: Post Processing

For the 3D drawings, powerful graphical functions are associated to the mouse: zooming with left
button and rotating with the right one. The functions are the same that those described in Figure 2-8.

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The hidden parts of the plate can be either displayed (button , by default) or not (button ).
The out-of-plane deformations of the plane can be represented by a one colour drawing (button
) or by a multicolour drawing, using the table of colours (button , by default). An animated
representation of the mode can be displayed (button ). The amplitude and the sign of the
displayed mode can be controlled (buttons , and ). A longitudinal or transverse section
of the deformed plate can be drawn (button ). The displayed mode can be selected with a
combo box or with buttons ( and ).

2.4.8 Deformed shape coefficients

If the calculations have been successfully achieved, it is possible to edit the deformed shape
coefficients for each of the calculated buckling modes (button ).
The buckling shape of the deformed plate is expressed by a Fourier series (see 3.1):
  mπ x   nπ y  
mmax nmax
w( x , y ) = ∑ ∑  a mn sin
 a 
 sin
 b 
 
m =1 n =1 
amn are the deformed shape coefficients.

Figure 2-11: Aij coefficients window

The format with whom the values are displayed can be modify with specific buttons:
Scientific notation
Numeric notation

Add a decimal

Remove a decimal

The user can also copy the aij coefficients in the Clipboard (button ).

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3 Theoretical bases and particular aspects

3.1 General methodology for calculation of critical stresses
EBPlate calculates the minimum factor φcr to be applied to the reference stresses (σx, σy, τ)
defined by the user and acting within the plate for reaching the elastic plate buckling. Critical
stresses are then obtained from :
σ x,cr = φcr ⋅ σ x σ y ,cr = φ cr ⋅ σ y τ cr = φ cr ⋅ τ
The critical factor φcr is calculated using the Rayleigh-Ritz Method (energy method). At buckling
level, the buckling shape of the plate is expressed by a Fourier series:
 mπ x   nπ y  
mmax nmax
w( x , y ) = ∑ ∑  a
m =1 n =1 
sin mn
 a 
 sin
 b 
 

with mmax maximum number of half-waves considered in the x direction (see 3.7)
nmax maximum number of half-waves considered in the y direction (see 3.7)
amn displacement parameters or degrees of freedom of the system (components of the
So, variations of energy can be calculated. At instability, it can be written:
∆U − ∆Wint ( S cr ) = 0 = minimum
where ∆U variation of strain energy of the plate
∆Wint(Scr) variation of internal work of critical stresses Scr
Scr = φcr S critical stresses
This leads to solve the following eigenvalue problem (see 3.6 for the solving method):
det [R0 − φcr ⋅ RG ( S )] = 0
where R0 initial stiffness matrix (from strain energy)
RG geometrical stiffness matrix (from internal work of stresses)
The element at line i and column j of each matrix is obtained from:
∂ 2 (∆U ) ∂ 2 (∆Wint ( S ) )
rij0 = for R0 rijG = for RG
∂ai ∂a j ∂ai ∂a j

An intensive analytical work has been performed by CTICM to calculate all terms rij by
performing all the necessary integrations (energies) and derivations (rij terms).

3.2 Strain energy

The total strain energy ∆U of the plate may be expressed by :
∆U = ∆Up + ∆Usx + ∆Usy + ∆Uer
where ∆Up strain energy of the plate itself
∆Usx strain energy of longitudinal stiffeners
∆Usy strain energy of transverse stiffeners
∆Uer strain energy of edge rotational restraints
The different strain energies are given hereafter.

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• strain energy of the plate itself

D  ∂ 2 w ∂ 2 w   ∂ 2 w ∂ 2 w  ∂ 2 w  2  
a b 2

∆U p = ∫ ∫  2 + 2  − 2( 1 − ν ) 2 ⋅ 2 −     dx ⋅ dy +
2 0 0  ∂x ∂y   ∂x ∂ y  ∂x ∂ y   

D   ∂ 2 w   ∂ 2 w  
a b 2 2

2 ∫0 ∫0   ∂x 2 
β x   + β y  2   dx ⋅ dy
  ∂y  

E t3
with D reference flexural plate rigidity : D =
12 (1 − ν 2 )
βx , βy relative increase in the flexural plate rigidity in the x, respectively y, direction
regarding D for an orthotropic plate (see 3.9.2).
• strain energy of longitudinal stiffeners

nx  a  ∂ 2 w  
 nx  a  ∂ 2 w  

 EI   GJ sxi 
∆U sx = ∑  sxi ∫0  ∂x 2   dx  + ∑  ∫0  ∂x ∂y   dx 
i =1  2  i =1  2 
  y = y i 
   y = yi 

with Isxi flexural inertia of the longitudinal stiffener i (see 3.10)

Jsxi torsional constant of the longitudinal stiffener i (see 3.10)
yi position along y axis of the longitudinal stiffener i
nx number of longitudinal stiffeners
• strain energy of transverse stiffeners
ny  EI b  ∂ 2 w  
 n y  GJ b  ∂ 2 w  

 syi   syi 
∆U sy = ∑ ∫0  ∂y 2   dy  + ∑  ∫0  ∂x ∂y   dy 
i =1  2  i =1  2 
  x = xi   x = xi 

with Isyi flexural inertia of the transverse stiffener i (see 3.10)

Jsyi torsional constant of the transverse stiffener I (see 3.10)
xi position along x axis of the transverse stiffener i
ny number of transverse stiffeners
• strain energy of edge rotational restraints
Edge restraining members can resist to the rotation of the plate at edges by their “pure rotational”
stiffness (excluding any torsion) and/or their “pure torsional” stiffness (excluding any global
rotation) around the edge (see 3.4).
Edge rotational restraints are characterized by two parameters :
Kre stiffness in “pure rotation” around the edge e of the edge restraining member at edge
e, per unit length.
Je torsional constant of the edge restraining member at edge e.
Generally, the restraint provided by the flange of a I section is “pure torsional”, while the flange of
a box section provides both “pure rotational” and “pure torsional” restraints for a web panel
because the support on the other web. Simple expressions for edge restraint stiffnesses of I section
flanges and box section flanges have been derived (see 3.4.2).

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The strain energy of these rotational restraints along edges may be expressed by:
2 2
a 
1  ∂2w   1
a  ∂w  
∆U er = GJ t ∫    dx + K rt ∫0  ∂y   dx + (contribution for top edge)
2 0 
∂x ∂y  y =0  2
   y =0 

2 2
a 
1  ∂2w   1
a  ∂w  
GJ b ∫    dx + K rb ∫0  ∂y   dx + (contribution for bottom edge)
2 0 
∂x ∂y  y =b  2
   y =b 

2 2
 ∂ 2 w   1
 ∂w  
GJ l ∫0  ∂x ∂y   dy + 2 K rl ∫0  ∂x  x=0  dy + (contribution for left edge)
 x =0 
2 2
 ∂ 2 w   1
 ∂w  
GJ r ∫0  ∂x ∂y   dy + 2 K rr ∫0  ∂x  x=a  dy (contribution for right edge)
 x=a 

3.3 Internal work of stresses

3.3.1 General
The total internal work ∆Wint of stresses in the plate may be expressed by :
∆Wint = ∆Wp + ∆Wsx + ∆Wsy
where ∆Wp is the internal work of stresses in the plate itself
∆Wsx is the internal work of normal forces in longitudinal stiffeners
∆Wsy is the internal work of normal forces in transverse stiffeners

3.3.2 Internal work in the plate Type of stresses

Stresses in the plate are split in three types:
• “simple” stresses σx, σy and τ resulting from edge stress patterns such as defined in Figure
1-1, except patch loading stresses σyp (treated separately – see below) :
.σx,lin : linear distribution in the x and/or y direction,
.σy,ulin : uniform along the whole length a of the plate with a linear distribution in the
y direction,
.τ u : uniform over the whole plate
• “patch loading” local stresses σx,patch, σy,patch and τpatch resulting of the application of
patch loading stresses σyp on the top and or the bottom edge of the plate.
The distribution of these stresses over the plate is complex and is treated accordingly.
• “meshed” stresses σx,mesh, σy,mesh and τmesh , defined for each element (dimensions ae×be) of
a regular mesh of me×ne = Ne elements of the plate (see Figure 3-1) and assumed uniform
within each element. These stresses may be imported by the user from external Finite
Elements calculations, from spread sheets (e.g. EXCEL) or from other applications. So,
any distribution of these stresses can be defined.

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Ne = me × ne elements with area:

x xe Ae = ae × be

Deflection w( xe , ye ) at the centre

y ( xe , ye ) of each element
b = ne × be

( σ ex ,mesh , σ ey ,mesh , τ emesh ) assumed

uniform within each element e

a = me × ae
Figure 3-1 : Meshing of the plate

NOTE : Influence of orthotropy and/or stiffeners upon stresses :

It is assumed that for orthotropic plates, the distribution of stresses in the plate is not
modified by orthotropy and/or stiffeners. Internal work of “simple” stresses

The internal work of “simple” stresses acting in the plate itself is expressed by :
a b   ∂w 
 ∂w 
∂w ∂w 
∆W p ,simple =
(1 + η )
∫0 ∫0  x x ,lin  ∂x 
σ   + (
1 + η )σ 
y ,ulin   + 2 τ  dx ⋅ dy
∂y 
y u
2  ∂x ∂y 
 
with: σ x ,lin ( x , y ) = σ xtl + ( σ xbl − σ xtl ) +
b (see Figure 1-1)
 y x
+ ( σ xtr − σ xtl ) + (( σ xbr − σ xbl ) − ( σ xtr − σ xtl ))  ⋅
 b a
σ y ,ulin ( x , y ) = σ yut + ( σ yub − σ yut ) (see Figure 1-1)
ηx , ηy relative increase in the axial plate rigidity in the x, respectively y, direction for an
orthotropic plate (see 3.9.3) Internal work of “meshed” stresses

The internal work of “meshed” stresses acting in the plate itself may be expressed by:
  ∂w 
 ∂w 

(1 + η x )σ x ,mesh ⋅  
+ (1 + η y )σ y ,mesh ⋅  
Ne   ∂x  xy==xye  ∂y  xy==xyee 
t ab 
∆W p ,mesh = ⋅ 
2 N e e =1   ∂w ∂w  
+ 2τ mesh ⋅  ∂x ∂y  x = x

   y = yee 
where σ xe,mesh , σ ye ,mesh , τ mesh
are the stresses defined in the element e centred in (xe, ye)

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It is assumed here that the plate has neither global bending nor global shear, these global effects
being supposed introduced by stresses dealt with in or Only local stresses are
considered herein.
According to Figure 1-1, patch loading stresses σypt and σypb are applied at top and bottom edges
respectively, along distances ct and cb respectively, both centred in the plate length a. Patch
loading generates a complex state of local stresses σx,patch, σy,patch and τpatch in the plate. It is
assumed that the local stress distribution is not influenced by the presence of stiffeners if any.
Internal work
The work of local stresses σx,patch, σy,patch and τpatch may be expressed as follows:
a b   ∂w 
 ∂w 
∂w ∂w 
∆W p , patch =
 (1 + η )
∫0 ∫0  x x , patch  ∂x 
σ   + (1 + η )σ 
y , patch   + 2 τ  dx dy
∂y 
y patch
2  ∂x ∂y 
 
Because the complexity of the local stress fields, it has not been possible to develop this work
analytically. The internal work is in fact calculated using the same method that for “meshed”
stresses. The plate is meshed in Ne (me×ne) small rectangular elements of dimensions ae×be,
stresses are calculated at the centre of each element and assumed uniform within it. Finally,
∆Wp,patch is derived as in, replacing σx,mesh, σy,mesh and τmesh by σx,patch, σy,patch and τpatch
respectively. The accuracy on ∆Wp,patch depends on the number of elements. The numbers of
elements me (to be an even integer) in the plate length and ne in the plate depth are calculated as a
function of the aspect ration of the plate. Minimum values are me=30 and ne=20.
Determination of stresses
For determining stresses, local reference axes (O x , O y ) with the origin O at mid-length of the top
edge of the plate (see Figure 3-2) have been used. Hereafter, any quantity expressed in these new
axes is upper-lined.
At any point, stresses
x σypt
O σ x , patch , σ y , patch and τ patch
due to σypt and σypb

y t

Figure 3-2 : Patch loading stresses and new reference axes
Stresses are calculated using an Airy stress function. Denoting F ( x , y ) the Airy stress function
from which stresses in the plate derive, it can be written :
∂ 2 F (x, y) ∂ 2 F (x, y) ∂ 2 F (x, y)
σx (x, y) = σ y (x, y) = τ (x, y) =
∂y 2 ∂x 2 ∂x ∂y

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Considering the symmetry of the problem, the Airy stress function is defined here as :
 a2
[ ]
F ( x , y ) = ∑  2 2 Ak e γ k + Bk e −γ k + C k γ k e γ k + Dk γ k e −γ k ⋅ cos
 k π x 
k k π  a 
kπ y
with k = 1, 3, 5, … and γ k ( y) =
So, it follows :

σ x , patch ( x , y ) = ∑  ( Ak + 2C k ) e γ k + ( Bk − 2 Dk ) e −γ k + C k γ k e γ k + Dk γ k e −γ k ⋅ cos
 k π x 
k   a 

[ ]
σ y , patch ( x , y ) = −∑  Ak e γ k + Bk e −γ k + C k γ k e γ k + Dk γ k e −γ k ⋅ cos
 k π x 
k   a 


τ patch ( x , y ) = ∑  ( Ak + C k ) e γ k − ( Bk − Dk ) e −γ k + C k γ k e γ k − Dk γ k e −γ k ⋅ sin
 k π x 
k   a 
Factors Ak, Bk, Ck and Dk are to be determined accounting for the boundary conditions at plate
Two configurations are considered hereafter:
• no panel or flange exists above or beneath the considered panel (or only weak flanges), so
that τ patch = 0 along top and bottom edges. So, the shear stress distribution over the plate
depth b is not far from “parabolic”
• web panels or flanges exist above or beneath the considered panel, so that the assumption
of a uniform shear stress τm over the plate depth b is considered for dealing with the
possible presence of flanges or upper and lower adjacent panels. Stresses - Case of a plate with no flanges (or weak flanges)

Stresses σ y ( x ) applied on longitudinal edges may be expressed using Fourier series :

1  k π ct
4   kπ x 
• top edge ( y = 0) : σ yt ( x ) =sin σ ypt ∑  cos  k = 1, 3, 5, …
π k k  2a   a 
4 1  k π cb   kπ x 
• bottom edge ( y = b): σ yb ( x ) = σ ypb ∑ sin  cos  k = 1, 3, 5, …
π k k  2a   a 

Note : σypt and σypb considered positive as shown in Figure 3-2, and σypt ≠ 0.
The accuracy of the approximation depends on the number of terms chosen. Tests
have shown that 20 terms give a sufficient accuracy.
The shear stress distribution assumed in the plate along edges is presented in Figure 3-3 below.
This corresponds to the case where no flanges (or only very weak flanges) exist at top and bottom

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τtm t
τ ( x ,0 ) = 0
a a
τ t (− , y ) -
+ τt ( , y )
2 2

τtm τ t ( x ,0 ) = 0 τtm

Figure 3-3 : Assumption of “parabolic” shear stresses in the plate at edges due to σypt only

With the assumption of no shear stress along longitudinal edges, the boundary conditions are:
For y = 0 for any x τ patch ( x ,0 ) = 0 and σ y , patch ( x ,0 ) = −σ yt ( x )
For y = b for any x τ patch ( x ,b ) = 0 and σ y , patch ( x ,b ) = σ yb ( x )
 kπ x 
These four conditions are valid for any x . Because the common term cos  in σ y , patch and
 a 
σ yt and σ yb , they can be written for each term of the Fourier series, i.e. for each k. So these
conditions provide, for each k, a linear system of four equations for determining the factors Ak, Bk,
Ck and Dk. Then, complex analytical expressions of stresses σ x , patch , σ y , patch and τ patch can be
derived. Stresses - Case of a plate with flanges

Stresses σ y ( x ) applied on longitudinal edges are expressed as in
The shear stress distribution in the plate assumed here is shown in Figure 3-4 for the patch loading
stress σypt alone. The distribution is linear about x in the plate band delimited by the length of
application of σypt, and uniform elsewhere, with a “uniform” value τ tm given by :
σ ypt ⋅ ct
τ tm =
If present, σypb generates the same type of shear stress pattern, with a “uniform” value τ bm
σ ypb ⋅ cb
τbm =
The resulting shear stress for σypt and σypb acting together is given by: τ m = τ tm + τ bm
τ t (x ,0) τtm
τtm +
- x
a + a
τ (− , y )
ct τt ( , y )
2 2

τtm - t τtm
τ (x ,0)

Figure 3-4 : Assumption of “uniform” shear stresses in the plate at edges due to σypt only

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Here, shear stress τ ( x ) applied on longitudinal edges are also expressed using Fourier series
which fulfil the stress patterns in Figure 3-4 :
4α 1  k π ct   k π x 
• top edge ( y = 0): τ t ( x ) = 2 σ ypt ∑ 2 sin  sin  k = 1, 3, 5, …
π k k  2a   a 
4α 1  k π cb  kπx 
• bottom edge ( y = b): τ b ( x ) = − 2
σ ypb ∑ sin   sin   k = 1, 3, 5, …
π k k2  2a   a 

So, the boundary conditions are :

For y = 0 for any x τ ( x ,0) = τ t ( x ) + τ b ( x ) and σ y ( x ,0) = −σ yt ( x )
For y = b for any x τ ( x , b) = τ t ( x ) + τ b ( x ) and σ y ( x , b) = σ by ( x )

As in, these four conditions provide, for each k, a linear system of four equations for
determining the factors Ak, Bk, Ck and Dk. Then, complex analytical expressions of stresses σ x , patch ,
σ y , patch and τ patch can be derived.
More appropriate definition for local bending stresses σx,patch
Where top and bottom edge members (e.g. as flanges) exist, the local bending stresses depend on
the elastic modulus Wel(y) of the section at this ordinate y. Boundary conditions expressed above
do not reflect this matter of fact, and comparisons with numerical simulations have shown that the
expression of σ x , patch ( x , y ) determined from the Airy function is not very appropriate. So, in that
case, the following and more suitable local bending stresses distribution has been adopted in
The local bending stress due to a patch loading stress σ ypc ( σ ypt or σ ypb ) is given by:
1 act x
For x ≤ ( a − c ) σ x , patch ( x , y ) = σ ypc ⋅ ⋅
2 Wel ( y ) a − c
1 1 act  x ( 2 x − a + c ) 2 
For (a −c)< x < (a+c) σ x , patch ( x , y ) = σ ypc ⋅ ⋅ − 
2 2 Wel ( y )  2a 4ac 
1 act ( a − x )
For x ≥ ( a + c ) σ x , patch ( x , y ) = σ ypc ⋅ ⋅
2 Wel ( y ) a − c

Note : These expressions are given in the axes ( x, y ) and not ( x , y )

3.3.3 Internal work in longitudinal stiffeners

The internal work in the nx longitudinal stiffeners is calculated by:
 1
nx a
 ∂w 
∆Wsx = ∑  Asxi ∫ σ xi   dx 
i =1 2 0  ∂x  y = yi 
where yi position of the longitudinal stiffener i on the y axis
Asxi cross-sectional area of the longitudinal stiffener i
σ xi (x) normal stress in the longitudinal stiffener i at abscissa x (= σx(x,yi))

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If σx is defined as a “meshed” stress (see, the internal work is obtained by:
1 a n x  me   
 ∂w 
∆Wsx = ⋅ ⋅ ∑  Asxi ⋅ ∑ σ x ,mesh ( xe , y i ) ⋅   
2 me i =1  e =1   ∂x  xy== xye  
  i 

where me number of elements in the x direction

σ x ,mesh ( xe , yi ) stress defined at the centre of the element e (abscissa xe) in the
longitudinal stiffener i located at the ordinate yi.
Note : Stresses σx due to patch loading are treated like “meshed” stresses.

3.3.4 Internal work in transverse stiffeners

The internal work in the ny transverse stiffeners is calculated by:
ny  1 b
 ∂w 
∆Wsy = ∑  Asyi ∫ σ yi   dy 
i =1  2
 0  ∂y  x = xi 
where xi position of the transverse stiffener i on the x axis
Asyi cross-sectional area of the transverse stiffener i
σ yi (y) normal stress in the transverse stiffener i at ordinate y (= σy(xi,y))

If σy is defined as a “meshed” stress (see, the internal work is obtained by:
1 b y  ne   
n 2
 ∂w 
∆Wsy = ⋅ ⋅ ∑  Asyi ⋅ ∑ σ y ,mesh ( xi , y e ) ⋅   
2 ne i =1  e =1   ∂x  xy==xyi  
  e 

where ne number of elements in the y direction

σ y ,mesh ( xi , y e ) stress defined at the centre of the element e (ordinate ye) in the
transverse stiffener i located at the abscissa xi.
Note : Stresses σy due to patch loading are treated like “meshed” stresses.

3.4 Treatment of rotational restraints at edges

3.4.1 Components of edge restraint stiffness
A rotational restraint (full or elastic) may exist along any edge of the plate. This is generally due to
the presence of bar elements framing the plate (flanges, stiffeners, …) and to which the plate is
clamped or because the plate is rigidly or elastically connected to a massive body (concrete slab,
massive steel component, …). In all cases, the deflection w along any edge is assumed to be fully
restrained (w = 0).
Two types of edge restraints are to be considered :
• “Pure rotational” edge restraint: The rotation of the edge is restrained by a stiffness Kr by
unit length, constant along the edge. This restraint is provided by a continuum with a null
torsional stiffness. For example, this would be the case for a “transversally sliced” box
section flange.

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transversally sliced flange



“pure rotational” “pure torsional”

Figure 3-5 : Components of a edge restraint stiffness

• “Pure torsional” edge restraint: The differential rotation of the edge is restrained. This
restraint is characterized by the torsional constant J of the restraining element.
Generally, the restraint provided by the flange of a I section is “pure torsional”, while the flange
of a box section provides both “pure rotational” and “pure torsional” restraints.

3.4.2 Edge restraint stiffnesses for usual cases I section flange
• “pure rotational” stiffness Kr : Kr = 0
• equivalent torsional constant J for “pure torsional” restraint for a flange bf × tf :
b f t 3f bf
J = (1 − δ1 ) where δ1 = 0,0025 − 0,05 with 0 ≤ δ1 ≤ 0,7
3 tf
(calibration from Finite Elements analyses with ANSYS) Box section flange


tf bf2 bf1 bf2

Plate bf1
b and torsion

t bf

Figure 3-6 : Box section flange

E t 3f
• “pure rotational” stiffness Kr : Kr =
6bf 1
Note : It is assumed here that both webs buckle at the same time and in opposite
directions so that the flange is bent in simple curvature (see Figure 3-6).
• equivalent torsional constant J for “pure torsional” restraint :
b f t 3f bf1
J = (1 − δ1 )(1 − δ 2 ) where b f = + bf 2
3 2

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and δ1 = 0,0025 − 0,05 with 0 ≤ δ1 ≤ 0,7
δ 2 = 0,0041 with δ 2 ≤ 0,8

3.5 Treatment of longitudinal stiffeners with a closed cross-section

Note : Only longitudinal stiffeners with closed cross-sections are addressed hereafter, but such
transverse stiffeners can be treated exactly in the same way. In EBPlate, both longitudinal
and transverse closed stiffeners are accounted for.

3.5.1 General model

The objective here is to deal with a closed stiffener (especially a trapezoidal stiffener) attached to
the web along two parallel lines located at y1 and y2 (see Figure 3-7). This longitudinal closed
stiffener i has the following “global” properties:
Isxi flexural inertia of the longitudinal closed stiffener about plate mid-plane
Jsxi torsional constant of the longitudinal closed stiffener
y1i position of the upper “junction line” along y axis of the longitudinal stiffener
y2i position of the lower “junction line” along y axis of the longitudinal stiffener
dsxi = |y2i – y1i| : distance between junction lines to the web
y i = ( y1i + y 2 i ) : “central location” of the longitudinal stiffener along y axis
Moreover, it is assumed that its cross-section is symmetrical, and, assuming also that the
deflection w and the global rotation φi is small, it follows : yGi ≈ yi.
Hereafter, firstly, junctions of the stiffener to the web are assumed hinged, then secondly, the
influence of local stiffnesses at the stiffener-to-web junctions are treated.

3.5.2 Closed stiffeners supposed hinged at their junctions to the web

supposed hinged w The following displacements are defined:
at this stage
w1i ( x ) = w( x , y1i )
y1i w1i Isxi, Jsxi
w2 i ( x ) = w( x , y 2 i )

Gi If follows:
dsxi yi wmi 1
wmi ( x ) = ( w1i ( x ) + w2i ( x ))
φi Note : wmi ( x ) ≠ w( x , y i ) )
y2i w2i
φi ( x ) = ( w2i ( x ) − w1i ( x ))
web d sxi
Figure 3-7 : Longitudinal closed stiffener

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Flexural deformation
The strain energy ∆Usxb,c of the ncx longitudinal closed stiffeners due to their flexural deformation
is given by
ncx  EI a  ∂ 2 w ( x )  2 
 
∆U sxb ,c = ∑  sxi ∫  mi
 dx 
 ∂x
i =1  2 0   

 a  2  
 ∂ w  ∂2w 
 EI
or ∆U sxb ,c = ∑  sxi ∫  2  +  2   dx 
i =1  8  0  ∂x  y = y1i  ∂x  y = y2 i  

with ncx number of longitudinal closed stiffeners over the depth b of the plate.

Torsional deformation
The strain energy ∆Usxt,c of the ncx longitudinal closed stiffeners due to their torsional deformation
is given by
ncx  GJ sxi a  ∂φ i ( x )  2 
∆U sxt ,c = ∑ ∫0  ∂x  dx 
i =1  2 
 GJ a
  ∂w  

 ∂w 
  dx 
or ∆U sxt ,c = ∑  sxi ∫0   ∂x  y = y −  ∂x  y = y
i =1  2 d sxi

  2i 1i   Internal work

For introducing its internal work, any longitudinal closed stiffener i may be replaced by 2 open
longitudinal stiffeners with a relative axial stiffness δ sxi 2 for each one, located respectively at y1i
and y2i.

3.5.3 Accounting for local stiffnesses at stiffener-to-web junctions

Additional terms are derived hereafter for accounting the elastic restraints at stiffener-to-web
junctions. As for restraints at edges of the plate (see Figure 3-8), two types of restraints are to be
considered :
- local rotational restraint (“pure rotational” restraint), characterized by a rotational stiffness
- local torsional restraint (“pure torsional” restraint), characterized by an equivalent
torsional constant Jt,s (here denoted also “torsional stiffness”)

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Kr,sx , Jt,sx
y1 twc


Kr,sx , Jt,sx
Figure 3-8 : Local stiffnesses at junctions for a longitudinal closed stiffener
Case of any closed cross-section shape (but symmetrical)
In the case of closed stiffeners with any cross-section shape, it is possible to determine the
junction stiffnesses as follows.
• junction rotational stiffness:

Kr,s , Jt,s

Figure 3-9 : Example of a closed stiffener and its local stiffnesses at one of its junctions to web
One considers a “frame” composed by a slice of the closed stiffener with a width equal to one unit
length. This “frame” is supposed clamped at one junction to the web and hinged at the other
junction. One applies a moment M to the “hinged” junction. The rotation obtained by an elastic
analysis is denoted φ.

width of the slice of stiffener = 1 unit length

K r ,s =

hinged clamped

Figure 3-10 : Evaluation of the junction rotational stiffness Kr,s

So, the local rotational stiffness is obtained by : K r ,s =

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• junction torsional stiffness:

Referring to 3.4.2, it is chosen here to treat the “pure torsional” elastic restraint at each stiffener-
to-web junction by defining an equivalent box section flange having the same rotational
stiffness Kr,s.

Case of a trapezoidal stiffener

For a trapezoidal stiffener, and neglecting the flexural stiffness of the flange of the stiffener, one
can derived :
E t wc 2
K r ,s = and J t ,s = (1 − δ wc ) ⋅ ⋅ d wc t wc
8 d wc 9
with δ wc = 0,00125 wc − 0,05 and 0 ≤ δ wc ≤ 0,7
t wc
twc and dwc : thickness and depth of the side wall of the trapezoïdal stiffener (see Figure

Additional strain energy due to junction rotational stiffness of longitudinal closed stiffeners
The additional strain energy ∆Usx,cr of the ncx longitudinal closed stiffeners due to their junction
rotational stiffnesses is given by
ncx  a 
2 2
 1   ∂w   a
 ∂w   
∆U sx ,cr = ∑  K rxi  ∫    dx + ∫    dx 
i =1  2  0  ∂y  y = y1i  0
  y = y2i  
  

Additional strain energy due to junction torsional stiffness of longitudinal closed stiffeners
The additional strain energy for each longitudinal closed stiffener due to its junction torsional
stiffness is the same that the one of two fictitious longitudinal stiffeners with an equivalent
torsional constant Jt,sx located at junctions of the longitudinal closed stiffener with the web. So, the
additional strain energy ∆Usx,ct of the ncx longitudinal closed stiffeners due to their junction
torsional stiffness is given by
 a  ∂ 2 w 
 a  ∂ 2 w  

 GJ GJ t ,sxi

∆U sx ,ct = ∑  t ,sxi ∫0  ∂x ∂y   dx + 2
   ∫0  ∂x ∂y   dx 
i =1  2 
  y = y1i   y = y 2i 

3.6 Solving the eigenproblem

The eigenproblem is expressed by : det [R0 − φ cr ⋅ RG ( S )] = 0
which is equivalent to : R0 ⋅ X = φcr ⋅ RG ( S ) ⋅ X
where X is the eigenvector (displacement parameters defining the out-of-plane deflection of the
plate at buckling) related to the eigenvalue φcr.
Solving this equation leads to a set of solutions φcr,i, and related eigenvectors Xi, whose number is
equal to the range of matrices R0 and RG that is the number N = mmax× nmax of terms used in the
displacement function w(x,y)

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  mπ x   nπ y  
mmax nmax
w( x , y ) = ∑ ∑  a mn sin
 a 
 sin
 b 
 
m =1 n =1 
Most of these mathematical solutions to this eigenproblem do not correspond to an actual
behaviour of the plate. Generally, the designer is only interested in the smallest positive value
φcr,min of φcr . But, in certain cases, other values may give useful information and the designer may
be interested in extracting higher eigenvalues with their related eigenvector.
Matrices R0 and RG are symmetric. R0 is positive definite, but, generally, RG is not. So, in order to
turn the problem to a generalized symmetric definite eigenproblem, the above equation is
replaced by:
RG ( S ) ⋅ X = λcr ⋅ R0 ⋅ X with λcr =
So, each eigenvalue φcr,i is obtain by : φcr ,i =
λcr ,i
The smallest positive value φcr,min will be equal to the highest positive value λcr,max.
In EBPlate, the generalized symmetric definite eigenproblem above is solved using LAPACK
routines. The name LAPACK is an acronym for “Linear Algebra PACKage”. LAPACK is written
in Fortran77 and provides routines for solving systems of simultaneous linear equations, least-
squares solutions of linear systems of equations, eigenvalue problems, and singular value
problems. Some details are given hereafter but all information about LAPACK are available on
the website:
The problem can be reduced to a standard symmetric eigenvalue problem, using a Cholesky
factorization of R0 as either R0 =L⋅LT or R0 =UT⋅U.
With R0 = L⋅LT, we have
RG ( S ) ⋅ X = λ cr ⋅ R0 ⋅ X ⇒ (L−1
)( ) (
⋅ RG ( S ) ⋅ L−T ⋅ LT ⋅ X = λ cr ⋅ LT ⋅ X )
Hence the eigenvalues are those of C⋅Y = λ⋅Y, where C is the symmetric matrix C = L-1 RG L-T and
Y = LT X.
This computation proceeds in the following stages:
1. The real symmetric matrix RG is reduced to real tridiagonal form T. This decomposition is
RG =Q T QT with Q orthogonal and T symmetric tridiagonal.
2. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the real symmetric tridiagonal matrix T are computed. If
all eigenvalues and eigenvectors are computed, this is equivalent to factorizing T as
T = S Λ S T , where S is orthogonal and Λ is diagonal. The diagonal entries of Λ are the
eigenvalues of T, which are also the eigenvalues of RG, and the columns of S are the
eigenvectors of T; the eigenvectors of RG are the columns of Z=Q S, so that RG = Z Λ Z T .
A specific routine uses bisection to compute some or all of the eigenvalues. Options provide for
computing all the eigenvalues in a real interval or all the eigenvalues from the ith to the jth largest.
It can be highly accurate, but may be adjusted to run faster if lower accuracy is acceptable. Given
accurate eigenvalues, another routine uses inverse iteration to compute some or all of the

3.7 Choice of the number of terms in Fourier’s series for w(x,y)

The accuracy of the critical factor φcr and the associated eigenvector depends on the capability of
the displacement function w(x,y) defined in 3.6 to describe the real deformed shape of the plate at
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buckling. Therefore, this accuracy depends on mmax and nmax values. These parameters mmax or nmax
represents the number of sine half-waves allowed in the direction x or y respectively to describe
the deformed shape in that direction. The choice of a value depends on the complexity of the
expected shape at buckling in the considered direction. The aspects that influence the complexity
of the shape are mainly:
• the aspect ratio α=a/b of the plate : longer is the plate, greater is the number of necessary
• the presence of shear stresses : buckling shape under shear stresses is more complex than
under normal stresses
• the presence of stiffeners, their number and their bending stiffness : where they are stiff,
local buckling occurs in the plate areas between stiffeners
• edges with rotational restraints : the number of half-waves must be sufficient for describing
with a good accuracy the curvature at restrained edges
It is recommended to assess the accuracy of the results by repeating calculations using two sets
of values ( mmax, nmax) in order to observe the stability of these results.

3.8 Stresses imposed at buckling state

It is possible to determine the critical state of the plate under various reference stresses S, among
which one given stress Sg is fixed to an imposed value Sg,imp. That means that the problem is to
determine the critical factor φcr for all other stresses in presence of the imposed stresses Sg. In that
case, firstly, the part of the matrix RG relating to Sg,imp has to be calculated using all zero values for
the other stresses, and secondly, the corresponding elements of this part of RG are to be transferred
and added to the matrix R0. Doing so, the critical factor φcr determined from the eigenvalue
problem applies only to non-imposed stresses, keeping Sg unchanged at the critical level (Sg,cr =
Sg,imp). Then, all the other critical stresses are calculated by multiplying their reference values S by

3.9 Orthotropic plate - Smearing stiffeners

3.9.1 General
Where numerous (e.g. a number greater than 6) identical stiffeners are equally spaced in the plate,
parallel to one edge, it is possible “to smear” these stiffeners and defined an “equivalent
orthotropic plate” with approximately the same behaviour that the stiffened plate. The flexural
and axial stiffnesses of the stiffeners are accounted for determining the properties of the equivalent
orthotropic plate. The torsional stiffness of the stiffeners is not taken into account in the

3.9.2 Smearing the flexural stiffness of stiffeners

So, for numerous identical longitudinal stiffeners, the rigidity D of the plate alone is increased in
the longitudinal direction and changed to a value Dx defined by
D x = D (1 + β x )
with βx change of longitudinal flexural plate rigidity regarding the reference plate rigidity D,
due to smearing of stiffeners.
For numerous identical longitudinal stiffeners with flexural inertia Isx regularly
12 (1 − ν 2 ) I sx
spaced of a distance dsx, βx is given by : β x = .
d sx t 3

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For numerous identical transverse stiffeners, it follows:

D y = D (1 + β y )

with βy change of transverse flexural plate rigidity regarding the reference plate rigidity D, due
to smearing of stiffeners.
For numerous identical transverse stiffeners with flexural inertia Isy and regularly
12 ( 1 − ν 2 ) I sy
spaced of a distance dsy, βy is given by : β y =
d sy t 3

3.9.3 Smearing the axial stiffness of stiffeners

The smearing action must also account for the influence of the axial rigidity of the smeared
stiffeners on the equivalent orthotropic plate. If we denote:
Ax the cross-section area of the plate, normal to x axis, including areas of longitudinal
stiffeners, and
Ay the cross-section area of the plate, normal to y axis, including areas of transverse stiffeners,
the parameters ηx and ηy for orthotropy may be introduced such that:
Ax = bt (1 + η x ) Ay = at (1 + η y )

with ηx change of transverse cross-section area (normal to x axis) of the plate regarding the
reference cross-section area b⋅t, due to smearing of stiffeners
ηy change of longitudinal cross-section area (normal to y axis) of the plate regarding
the reference cross-section area a⋅t, due to smearing of stiffeners
Ax Ay
or, written differently : ηx = −1 and ηy = −1
bt at
For numerous identical longitudinal stiffeners with individual area Asx and regularly spaced of a
distance dsx, then : η x = sx
d sx t
For numerous identical transverse stiffeners with individual area Asy and regularly spaced of a
distance dsy, then : η y = sy
d sy t

3.10 Stiffener properties

Calculations with EBPlate need the following main stiffeners properties.
• Flexural inertia Is of a stiffener
The flexural inertia for a stiffener has to be calculated about the centroïd axis of a cross-section
composed of the cross-section of the stiffener itself and a participating width of web (also called
“effective width”). A recommended value for the effective width to account for is l=10t (t : web
thickness) each side of each stiffener-to-web junction (value obtained by CTICM from
parametric studies and numerical simulations with ANSYS).

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l l l l

Figure 3-11 - Reference cross-section for flexural inertia of a stiffener

• Cross-section area As of a stiffener

For calculating As, only the cross-section of the stiffener itself has to be considered, without
participating width of web.

Figure 3-12 - Reference cross-section for section area of a stiffener

• Torsional constant Js of a stiffener

- Open cross-section stiffeners
For calculating Js, only the cross-section of the stiffener itself has to be considered, without
participating width of web.
- Closed cross-section stiffeners
For calculating Js, a closed cross-section composed of the cross-section of the stiffener itself and
the part of web between the stiffener-to-web junctions.

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Annexe A Summary of the validation task

A.1 Validation of EBPlate

EBPlate has been calibrated by comparison with results obtained by an other way (reference
results). About 430 tests have been carried out so. The different ways to obtain reference results
can be split as follow (see Table A.1):
- comparison with analytical results:
The calculation by EBPlate of the stiffeners properties (Area A, second moment of inertia
I, torsional inertia J and associated adimensional parameters δ, γ and θ) and of the
orthotropic coefficient by smearing of stiffeners (coefficients β and η) has been validated
by comparison with theoretical results. A very good concordance is obtained and the
deviations are quite equal to zero.
- comparison with results found in literature:
About 30 most common cases have been considered from Klöppel Und Sheer work and
compared to the results given by EBPlate. See Figure A.1 for an exemple. The deviations
are always less than 2 %, that is very good, according to the uncertainty of the reading of
the curves.
- comparison with FEM numerical results:
About 330 tests have been carried out by comparison with results obtained by FEM
calculations (ANSYS). For these numerical calculations, several modelizations have been
realized, based upon shell elements. These tests deal with important points of EBPlate:
o Treatment of edge rotational restraints, including the effects of the rotational
stiffness and of the torsional constant.
o Treatment of the patch loadings: control of the stress patterns, including
longitudinal and shear local effects, with both assumptions of a single plate and of a
web between two flanges; control of the critical factors φcr.
o Control of the calculation of high order eigen modes (up to order 10).
o Verification of the torsional effects of stiffeners on the plate behaviour.
o Calculation of the torsional properties of stiffeners.
o Specific treatment of stiffeners with closed sections (see Figure A.2).
Deviations are generally less than 1%, or more rarely less than 2%. For some very specific
configurations, higher deviations have been observed:
o About 4% for angles, because the orientation of the stiffener about the plate is not
considered, and the angle is considered as an equivalent tee stiffener.
o About 8 to 10 % for very stiff or very short stiffeners. The influence of the effective
width of plate attached to the stiffener as been shown (see hereafter chapter A.2).
- comparison with EBPlate results:
Tests have been carried out to verify the following points:
o Comparison of results obtained for “analytical” stresses and for equivalent
“meshed” stresses.
o Verification of the symmetry of results for symmetric cases.
o Verification of the equivalent results for plates rotated by 90°.
All deviations obtained are quite equal to zero.

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Buckling Coefficient







0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,6 1,7 1,8 1,9 2,0
Aspect Ratio a


Figure A.1: Curves obtained with EBPlate according to Klöppel and Sheer presentation

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Analytical Literature Numerical EBPlate

results results results results
Stiffeners properties, orthotropic x
Edge rotational restraints x
Stiffening Orthotropic plates x x x
General case x x
Torsional properties x
Trapezoidal sections x
Longitudinal x x x
Patch Loadings x
Stresses Shear x x x
Analytical x x x
Meshed x x
High order eigen modes x

Table A.1 : Comparison with reference results

Ansys modelisation

φcr = 6.219
φcr = 6.195
EBPlate eigen mode
Ansys eigen mode
Figure A.2 : Comparison of results for a plate stiffened by a trapezoidal section

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Annexe B Samples

The following cases are proposed in the “Samples” directory.

PLATE01.EBP Unstiffened plate under pure compression

σ = 100 MPa

t = 10 mm
b = 1500 mm

a = 3000 mm
Results given by EBPlate: φcr = 0.3374 σcr = 33.74 MPa kσ = 4.0

Buckling mode:

PLATE01F.EBP Unstiffened web with two flanges under pure compression

Flange 220x25
σ = 100 MPa

t = 10 mm
b = 1500 mm

a = 3000 mm Flange 220x25

Results given by EBPlate: φcr = 0.5772 σcr = 57.72 MPa kσ = 6.82

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Buckling mode:

PLATE02.EBP Plate stiffened by a longitudinal trapezoidal section under patch


c = 120 mm

σ = 100 MPa

section b1
b = 1500 mm b2
t = 7 mm

a = 4000 mm

Stiffeners dimensions: b1 = 130 mm; hs = 130 mm; b2 = 85 mm; ts = 9 mm

Results given by EBPlate: φcr = 0.5635 σcr = 56.35 MPa kσ = 18.55

Buckling mode:

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PLATE03.EBP Orthotropic plate under pure compression

σ = 100 MPa

t = 6 mm Orthotropy due to the

smearing of eight equally
spaced longitudinal tees.
b = 800 mm

a = 1500

Results given by EBPlate: φcr = 33.73 σcr = 3373 MPa kσ = 316.03

Buckling mode:

PLATE04.EBP Plate stiffened by vertical stiffeners under uniform shear

Two double sided flat bar

τ = 25 MPa vertical stiffeners 150x10.

b = 1200 mm

t = 8 mm

a = 2800 mm

Results given by EBPlate: φcr = 3.2338 τcr = 80.85 MPa kτ = 9.584

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Buckling mode:

PLATE05.EBP Stiffened plate under bending

Two tee horizontal stiffeners.

σ = 150 MPa

b = 2500 mm

t = 10 mm

-75 MPa
a = 4500 mm

Results given by EBPlate: φcr = 1.9649 σcr = 294.7 MPa kτ = 97.05

Buckling mode:

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Annexe C Plate type behaviour - Calculation of σcr,p using


C.1 Context
The verification of a stiffened plate with longitudinal stiffeners for the buckling effects due to
direct stresses at the Ultimate Limit State, according to EN1993-1-5 § 4, needs to assess the value
σcr,p, which is the critical stress of the stiffened plate for a plate type behaviour (§ 4.5.2). This
concept is neither easy to figure out nor to be calculated. The Annex A of EN 1993-1-5 gives
some formulas for specific cases, but no general method is proposed in the EN document.
A general method using EBPlate has been developed during the study, calibrated about numerical
results and compared to the formulas of Annex A of EN 1993-1-5.

C.2 Principle
The value σcr,p is first defined as the critical stress which provides the buckling of the longitudinal
stiffeners in the elastic continuum of the plate, all local buckling of the sub-panels being avoided.
To realize these conditions, the following method is proposed using EBPlate, in the case of plates
with longitudinal stiffeners under longitudinal stresses, whatever their number and their positions
are. The principle is shown in Figure C.1.

Stresses in plate + stiffeners Transfer of stresses into stiffeners only

Local plate buckling Global plate buckling

σc normal

γ1, δ1 γ1, δ’1

γ2, δ2 γ2, δ’2

no stresses in the plate

γ3, δ3 γ3, δ3

Stiffeners with increased

relative axial rigidity δ’
Figure C.1 : Principle of the method

In order to avoid local buckling in the sub-panels without neglecting the destabilizing effects of
the stresses in the plate itself, these stresses need to be “transferred” to the stiffeners. This is
obtained in EBPlate by performing the two following operations:
- Deleting all longitudinal stresses in the plate itself: the plate must be declared as a
fictitious orthotropic plate, its orthotropic coefficient ηx being set to -1, which is a
reference value that signifies to EBPlate not to consider longitudinal stresses in the plate
itself, so that local buckling in the sub-panels will not occur. All other orthotropic
coefficients are set to 0 (βx, ηy, βy); that means that the plate itself is isotropic, and that
effects due to transverse stresses (in the y direction), if any, may be accounted for in the
plate itself.

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Note: The axial rigidity of the plate considered in the calculations is proportional to
Ax = b t (1 + ηx).

In the “Stiffening” working area

Figure C.2 : Declaring a fictitious orthotropic plate with EBPlate

- Transferring the stresses from the plate to stiffeners: the stresses in the plate are taken
into account by transferring them in the stiffeners. This is realised by increasing the section
area (parameter δ) of the stiffener in the compression zone of the plate, according to
EN1993-1-5 Figure A.1 – Gross area. The parameters γ and θ are kept unchanged.
The parameters of the stiffeners in the tension zone of the plate are kept unchanged,
including δ. The stiffeners in the tension zone are not ignored.
The increasing of the δ parameter can be expressed by the following relations:
o Stiffeners in the compression zone of the plate (application of EN1993-1-5
Figure A.1)

bi δ
bij σst
bj δ’


Figure C.3 : Case of a stiffener in the compression zone of the plate

σ st σ bot σ bot
Definition of stresses ratios: ψtop = ψbot = ψ= = ψbot ψtop
σ top σ st σ top
Increasing of the δ parameter:
 3 − ψ top bi 2 bj 
if ψbot ≥ 0 then δ ’ = δ +  + 

 5 − ψ top bij 5 − ψ bot bij 

 3 − ψ top bi 0.4 b j 
if ψbot < 0 then δ ’ = δ +  +

 5 − ψ top bij 1 − ψ bot bij 

o Stiffeners in the tension zone of the plate : δ’ = δ

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C.3 Application
Calculations with EBPlate carried out with an effective width of plate attached to the stiffener for
the assessment of γ parameter equal to the common used value l = 15 t (although a value of 10t is
rather recommended – see 3.10 – but the difference is small in the cases treated hereafter).

C.3.1 Case 1: plate stiffened by one single stiffener

b1 ts

b b

0 0

Figure C.4 : Definition of case 1

Dimensions of the plate: a = 2000 mm Dimensions of the stiffener: b1 = 350 mm

b = 1000 mm bst = 200 mm
t = 10 mm tst = 10 mm
Loads: σ = 100 MPa and ψ=0

Critical factor and buckling mode:

See File in “Samples” directory: EN1993_1_5 CASE01A.EBP
Result of EBPlate calculation: φcr = 6.966
Buckling mode: buckling of the lower sub panel (see Figure C.5)

Figure C.5 : First buckling mode for case n°1

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σc,rp according to EN1993-1-5 Annex A:

Compression stress at stiffener level : σsl = 65 MPa
Stresses ratio: ψ1 = 0.65
Width of plate attached to the stiffener: b1,inf = 189 mm (EN1993-1-5 Figure A.1)
b2,sup = 260 mm
Section properties: Asl,1 = 64.91 cm2 (EN1993-1-5 A.2.1 (2))
Isl,1 = 2196 cm4
Application of simplified model: ac = 447.1 cm (EN1993-1-5 A.2.2)
σcr,st = 1822,6 MPa
σcr,p = σcr,st / ψ1 = 2804,0 MPa
and φcr,p = 28,0

σc,rp calculated with EBPlate according to the proposed method:

Stresses ratio: ψtop = 0.65
ψbot = 0
Dimensions: bij = 1000 mm
bi = 350 mm
bj = 650 mm
δ parameter: δ = 0.2
Increasing of δ: δ’ = δ + 0.189 + 0.26 = 0.649

See File in “Samples” directory: EN1993_1_5 CASE01B.EBP

Result of EBPlate calculation: φcr,p = 6.966
Buckling mode: buckling of the stiffener in the elastic continuum of the plate (see Figure

Figure C.6 : Buckling mode of the stiffener in the elastic continuum of the plate, for case n°1

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C.3.2 Case 2: plate stiffened by two stiffeners

y1 ts


-0.5 σ a -0.5 σ

Figure C.7 : Definition of case 2

Dimensions of the plate: a = 1500 mm Dimensions of the stiffener: y1 = 225 mm

b = 1000 mm y2 = 450 mm
t = 8 mm bst = 200 mm
tst = 10 mm
Loads: σ = 100 MPa and ψ = -0.5

Critical factor and buckling mode:

See File in “Samples” directory: EN1993_1_5 CASE02A.EBP
Result of EBPlate calculation: φcr = 15,877
Buckling mode: buckling of the upper sub panel (see Figure C.8)

Figure C.8 : First buckling mode for case n°2

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σc,rp according to EN1993-1-5 Annex A:

Compression stress at the level of the upper stiffener: σsl,I = 66.25 MPa
Compression stress at the level of the lower stiffener: σsl,II = 32.5 MPa
Treatment of stiffener I in upper sub-panels:
Stresses ratio: ψ1 = 0.6625 ; ψ = 0.325 ; ψ2 = 0.4906
Plate width to be attached to the stiffener: b1,inf = 121.3 mm ; b2,sup = 99.8 mm
Characteristics of the section: Asl,I = 37.7 cm2 ; Isl,I = 1683 cm4
Application of simplified model: ac = 284.8 cm
σcr,st = 4427,1 MPa
σcr,p = 6682.5 MPa
b1 ts


Figure C.9 : Treatment of stiffener I in upper sub panels

Treatment of stiffener II in lower sub-panels:

Dimensions: b = 775 mm ; b1 = 225 mm
Stresses ratio: ψ1 = 0.4906 ; ψ = -0.754 ; ψ2 = -1.538
Plate width to be attached to the stiffener: b1,inf = 125.2 mm ; b2,sup = 86.7 mm
Characteristics of the section: Asl,I = 36.95 cm2 ; Isl,I = 1660 cm4
Application of simplified model: ac = 387.4 cm
σcr,st = 4230.3 MPa
σcr,p = 13016 MPa


ψσ t

Figure C.10 : Treatment of stiffener II in lower sub panels

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Treatment of stiffener lumped stiffener in the plate:

Dimensions: b = 1000 mm ; b1,eq = 298 mm
Characteristics of the section: Asl,eq = Asl,I + Asl,II = 74.63 cm2
Isl,eq = Isl,I + Isl,II = 3343 cm4
Application of simplified model: ac = 563.0 cm
σcr,st = 4146 MPa
σcr,p = 7499 MPa
Value of σcr,p: σcr,p = 6682 MPa
φcr,p = 66.8
b1,eq ts


-0.5 σ -0.5 σ

Figure C.11 : Treatment of lumped stiffener in the plate

σc,rp calculated with EBPlate according to the proposed method:

Upper stiffener:
Stresses ratio: ψtop = 0.6625 ; ψbot = 0.4906
Dimensions: bij = 450 mm ; bi = bj = 225 mm
δ parameter: δ = 0.2
Increasing of δ: δ’ = δ + 0.099 + 0.121 = 0.471
Lower stiffener:
Stresses ratio: ψtop = 0.4906 ; ψbot = -1.538
Dimensions: bij = 775 mm ; bi = 225 mm ; bj = 550 mm
δ parameter: δ = 0.2
Increasing of δ: δ’ = δ + 0.087 + 0.125 = 0.462
See File in “Samples” directory: EN1993_1_5 CASE02B.EBP
Result of EBPlate calculation: φcr,p = 69.75
Buckling mode: buckling of the stiffener in the elastic continuum of the plate (see Figure

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Figure C.12 : Buckling mode of the stiffener in the elastic continuum of the plate, for case n°2

C.4 Conclusion
The proposed method to calculate σcr,p with EBPlate for a plate with longitudinal stiffeners has the
following advantages:
- the method is general, whatever the number and the location of longitudinal stiffeners
- the validation carried out shows its reliability
- the method avoids discontinuities and gaps between the formulas of EN1993-1-5 for
specific cases
- the stiffeners in the tension zone are not ignored: their advantageous effects are taken into
account (bending stiffness and second order effect of the tension).
- the search of the first global mode with global deformation of the stiffener among all the
buckling modes can lead to noticeable errors, including unsafe values.

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