Perfect Rest 727 1996 PM

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Perfect Rest 727 1996 pt1 PM

What happened immediately following the resurrection? We think many times, how hard would it be , how hard was it to be a Christian at that time? You know today, you're sometimes, in this modern world, perhaps looked at a little strangely. If you make certain comments or declarations. What about then? We see just prior to the crucifixion, Peter denied Him thrice. I feel that our Father had a little something to do with that to teach us. What type of man was He immediately following this. I think we'll take a look today at that. And this will be continued next week. It's kinda ground work for it. I want you to open your books to Act chpt. 2. You can all remember that Christ had risen. He appeared in chpt. 1 of Acts up to the 40th day and I want to mention, specifically, that 40th day . And He delivered a message that day that I think sometimes, tho it's so simple, that it's difficult to grasp for some. He made statements prior to this such as ,"I go to prepare a place for you." Which in the Greek is to say a place to rest. Not a mansion as some people teach it. But the Greek is very specific. A place for you to rest in. And of course Christ is our rest and He had reference in part today for you the Comforter. But He told them in that first chpt. of Acts. "Don't leave Jerusalem." Which means a peaceful habitation until you receive that that is promised you. What was promised them? A comforter. A place of rest. A place to rest in. A place to draw power from. And within this we see and can begin to understand why that, then as He departed on the 40th day. With 40 being probation for one thing. We see Him appearing on that 50th day in the promise. The Comforter. The Holy Spirit. And the evidence of this was given forth in as much as they spoke in cloven tongues. Which means a language that went out in all directions. Meaning quite simple, every language in the world. That was present to hear. And as it was so stipulated in Acts chpt. 2:7. They heard it clearly in their own ear. And it was not those men that was speaking but it was the Comforter. Which is to say, Christ speaking through them. So, with all that is written from beginning to end. It came to pass exactly as it was written. That very fact should strengthen you to the point, cause you know that the first advent came to pass exactly as it was written certainly the second shall also. It's going to happen as it's written. There shouldn't be any mysteries to anyone except those who haven't studied God's Word. And for them, there is no excuse. Other than they listened to man or their own wisdom rather then the wisdom of your Father. That, that is written. Christ gave quite a lecture, which we will be covering in the series that follows this. Quite a Bible study. One of the best that has ever been given. In relationship to how all things that were written of Him must be fulfilled. Both within the first advent and the second. So let's look at the man/ Peter, a fisherman, a man's man. Rough, tough, able to carry his own part, and weight. Anywhere he so chose to stride. What about fear. When they came to take Jesus, he pulled a sword and lobbed off the ear of one of the servants of the chief priest. You know, religiously speaking, you can't lob off someone much closer to someone's heart than the chief priest and expect to get away with it. You certainly can't call him a coward. And then you can begin to ask yourself, how could it be that there were 120 when people were crucified, persecuted, died over the message. That this group would stand forth and take power and authority. It's because, probably many more than we realize, the Word that Christ taught. The Gospel as He walked the earth, sunk in. It was in their hearts and in their minds. And strengthened and touched by that place of rest. That place to rest in. Had

comforted them. And indeed, Christ did not die on the cross. It was only the flesh that died on the cross. He lives. He lived on the 50th day the same as He lived on the 40th day. To soon after ascend. For the final time in the transformed body. But He came back on the 50th day. And entered the hearts of many people. This strengthened them. Do you know something? He'll enter your heart today, every day that you seek Him. When you're in turmoil, when you're down, when the whole world perhaps has turned against you and if you serve Him, sometimes that'll happen. I'm talking about the world that is in this age. The world of man, when you walk in His steps. Bearing in mind, you must always use credibility and keep your credibility in your own community whereby you can plant seeds. But you can have that Strength and that Power. That divine power that changes things. Things that are not seen by men in this world necessarily. Many people might say, 'That's the luckiest person in the world." There's no such thing as luck. There just isn't. There is no such thing as luck. Many times the harder you work the luckier you get. It's the hard work that brings the good fortune. Not fate. God takes care of His own. God causes things to happen to them that may not happen to just everybody. They can really be in hot water. They can be in times that if you were, such a traumatic , tense situation it would see that there is no escaping. He'll see to it that you will survive and come out far better than you were when you entered. For those that trust Him. That believe Him. That absorb that Comforter. Again, no He did not die on the cross. Only this flesh died, His flesh that is to say. He lives. He taught while He was on the cross. Psalms 22 as well as other scriptures and He taught after the cross. He taught even in the, in paradise, hell, whatever you want to call it at that point for those that did not overcome. Because there was no salvation available to them, because there was no repentance for sinning man that he could live by. Only the shadow of the law. The school master that taught us what we should and should not do ,think or act upon . But no He lives. And that resting place is present for you today. He said to them and I'm quoting from John 14,. He said to them, Where I go you cannot go." and as flesh people we cannot go to that place that He is. But He comes to us. He dwells in us for He is the Comforter. And the Comforter in a sense is made up of two offices, both the Father and the Son. So it is a powerful resting place. If you truly learn how to relax in it. To relax and enjoy that place that He promised. It's a mansion. It's a mansion in these troubled times for those that have the ability to go into that rest at times. Well, you might say, 'Can I stay there all the time?' No, He sent you here for a purpose. You're in this world to be a part of this world. A part of it in as much as you are present to accomplish His will. His purpose. And if you hide away within your rest all the time and do not enter into the world, but let me give you a secret. When you have the Comforter within you, you can walk in the world where ever you so choose. And you can do His work. As a matter of fact, I'm going to quote from St. John 17 for a moment if I may. Father they are not of this world neither am I of this world. But they are in this world. I do not ask that you take them out of the world but that You protect them while they walk in the world. Naturally, and those that they give this message to, will rest in that peace also." My words but that is what's written in John 17. So sometimes even as Christians if you're not careful, you fall into a ritualistic habit of mouthing words rather than really resting. Sometimes it shows in your eyes when you're down and you're tired and you're worried. You're stressed. That you're mouthing words of Christianity. That you're really not mature to the point, that you can slip into that peaceful rest and enjoy the embrace. That He

has waiting for you. When you know that He did not die. Only the flesh died covering our sins. And that He lives and is in power. And you can become a part of that Kings domain. That Kingdom by simply allowing yourself to relax. "Well how can I relax with all the problems I have?" Forget it. For you there will be no rest. Because you show immaturity when you say something like that. Because when you relax in that rest of His promise, when you work hard. And you take care of your problems as best you can, friend, He will take up the surplus. I know it. I'll give an example. Do you think that it was an accident that the man that will give me my final check ride. And really a kind a hairy thing, going from straight engine to jet engine. You know, it's really kind a big step. That out of probably a 100 men. The one that is the best teacher, best experienced and is also a Christian, and chosen to come here. I didn't ask for it. Not verbally, but I did in prayer. He answers prayer. When you're in His rest. 'Well how do I know I can believe that?' Forget it, don't waste your time. You see that statement within itself is doubt. And it will not work for you. He doesn't want you in that state. You're not in a condition to rest. You're all beefed up and ready to cry. You're all beefed up and ready to really spend your time worrying about something trying to get that to help. Or to substitute. Worry, some people seem to think, is the greatest substitute there is for solving problems. No problem has ever been solved at a time of critical worry and anxiety. You gotta get your head screwed on right and sit down and meditate and think a moment . With a clear mind. Before you can work those problems out for yourself and again , friend, He'll pick up the excess. That's what counts. You don't want Him down here living with you 24 hrs. a day. blowing your nose for you, changing your clothes for you. Hey you can handle that for yourself. You understand? Your days work. If your not able to go out there and get it done, whatever you business or profession should be on your own. He's not gonna help you. If you don't even try. You understand where I'm coming from? He'll pick up the excess and give you all the brakes. Where you will be the successful one. Where you will have quality life. Now there's a great difference in He lives! Let me re word this. There's a great difference between distance and living! Many people exist. 'One pay check to another. Lord, this is a drag. This earth is a drag. Everything always goes against me. No body loves me. Everybody hates me and Why did I come to this place, this earth? Why couldn't He have just kept me in His bosom as His little babe in arms?' He likes to be proud of His children just like you like to be proud of your children. When your child does something outstanding, different or even cute. Alright, it's beautiful. You can't help that pride swelling up. Or even trying, if a child tries, you count it as perfect. You guide their little hand and get the rest of it put in shape and it always works out fine. Because love overrides many things. Well so it is with Him in your life. I don't know who needed this. I really had a sermon I was gonna do here from the second chpt. of Acts. And I can't seem to leave this fact of trying to grasp this reality that He did not die. Not on the cross and only that ten day period was He gone to the heavens to the right hand of the Father before they both returned as Comforter. And they've never gone away since. They're with us and He is real. And He brought back that place of rest with Him now. That you can go into and mature and receive the blessings of Almighty God. No, there's no such thing as luck. Its blessings. For your endeavor. You know, when you go to work, you have to pick out a time card sometimes or maybe you're in a small business and your boss trusts you and don't have

punch a clock. And you wonder, 'I'm gonna do this for the boss and wonder if he's gonna notice this. I wonder if I'm gonna get credit for it?' That's something you don't have to worry about in serving Him. He knows what you deserve credit for and He blesses you that way. Do you want me to say that again? He knows the credit you deserve. Through your faith, your belief, your ability to rest in Him. It's your paycheck. How ay doing? all right? He never lets you down. He can keep holes from coming in your basket as it is written in Haggai. Leaking out that that ye have. Luck? No Blessings. So it's precious when you rest in that and accept the, 'listen to this word', REALITY! Christianity is not a religion. It's a Reality! It is a daily reality in your life. Well, 'How can I get the courage and how can I be brave enough o make that stand? How can I even be brave enough to promise Him, I gonna try?' I want you to think about Peter for a moment and let's go now to Acts chpt. 2 Here's a man that had denied Christ thrice before the cock crowed that morning and here he is. He's in action. The Holy Spirit has come. The comforter is there. Acts chpt. 2 verse 22. He stands up and he speaks out loudly and boldly. He makes a declaration.

2:22 Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles( His credentials were the fact that He healed people. His credentials are that He raised the dead. ) and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also know: ( You witnessed it. That's what he said) 2:23 Him, being delivered by the determinate( Understand that word. By the determinate counsel) and foreknowledge of God,( Now sit on that a moment. By the determined will and wisdom, counsel of Almighty God. Knowing beforehand that He would die on the cross. As it is written in Psalms 22. Those words on the cross: 'Eeliy, 'Eeliy, laamaah 'a zabtaaniy / My God, my God why hast thou forsaken me Being interpreted. Quoting that psalm. Carrying your sins. God didn't desert Him. Never did, never will , never has. But it was predetermined those would be the words.)and ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain: ( That's pretty easy reading isn't it. I want you to think for a moment who he is talking to. I want you to think for a moment where he's standing. He was ordered not to leave Jerusalem. He 's standing in Jerusalem stating ,'Wicked people slew Him.' Publicly. You see anything cowardly about that? That's my point. No. You see that the Comforter has strengthened him and when you are at your weakest, you are at your strongest when you rest in Him. 24) 2:24 Whom God hath raised up, having loosed the pains of death: because it was not possible that he should be holden of it. ( That He should be holden by death. That it would have any grip on Him whatsoever. That death should be any part of the predetermined makeup of Christ. No! He lives! ) 2:25

For David speaketh concerning him, I foresaw the Lord always before my face, for he is on my right hand, that I should not be moved: ( He's quoting Psalms 16:8.) 2:26 Therefore did my heart rejoice, and my tongue was glad; moreover also my flesh shall rest in hope:( Understand what's happening here beloved. These words were written almost a thousand years before Christ was crucified. Almost a thousand years. And they came to pass as it's written. Again, my point, why should you doubt those scriptures and prophesy that state the Second Advent that I feel is very soon upon us? Why do I feel that? Because I understand scripture. Do I know the moment, the second? No, nobody does. But the wise know the season. 27) 2:27 Because thou wilt not leave my soul in hell, neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.( Christ never witnessed corruption. Christ never had no part in corruption. Quite the contrary, He defeated corruption and listen to me. As long as you have the Comforter in you, you shall defeat corruption also. What is corruption? The incorruptible body. The incorruptible body is what? The corrupt body is the flesh. The one that wilts shrivels, dries up, skeletal remains, nothing. But the spiritual body, your holy soul goes instantly to the Father that gave it and lives in Him. With Him, you will never see corruption. 28) 2:28 Thou hast made known to me the ways of life; thou shalt make me full of joy with thy countenance.( Beloved, can He make you happy and full of joy with His countenance? His countenance will do you no good except you partake of it. Except you rest in that countenance. He paid an awesome price for you. You know, it wasn't a great deal of pleasure to Him, fleshly speaking, to be delivered up, poked, jabbed, struck from behind. And someone said, 'If you be a prophet, tell me who it was that struck you that time.' In other words He couldn't see them. To be beat about the head, the ears. To feel the blood trickling down your face by a crown of thorns. And then to have your arms and legs nailed to a cross. He did that for you. You think you're not important to Him? You think He doesn't care? Do you think He wouldn't supply a place of rest for you when He would die for you in the flesh? How ridiculous! If you can't realize you're something special. That you're a child of God. That He cares. And if you half way try that He'll pat you on the head and He'll say ,"Well done little one. I'll see that it comes out all right for ay." And He will. He wants to. He wants to help you. He wants to reach down and give you the quality of life that only His deserve: Joy! Completeness! Happiness! All you got to do is take it. It's there. You might say, 'Well there's still some pretty rough lo things.' I agree with that but hey, a little bit of rough spot in the road is just a challenge friend. When you're strong in Him. You like to kick a few rocks out of the road, don't ay? You're not a hot house lily are ay? I mean can't you bow up a little bit. Doesn't it make you feel good to get the righteous indignation up once in a while and say, 'No More! You know it's not a bed of roses. But that's still joy within itself is to feel the righteousness of our Father flowing to defeat those things that Satan throws in your way. To kick em out to kick them back in the bar ditch. Smooth the road out and speed on.)

2:29 Men [and] brethren, let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch David, that he is both dead and buried,( His flesh is dead and buried) and his sepulchre is with us unto this day. ( David's bones were laying in that sepulcher , his ashes, the dust. Christ's' were not. Because He was transformed. He was transfigured. 30) 2:30 Therefore being a prophet,( Did you know that David was a prophet?) and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins,( That means in his offspring was still carried in the loins of David.) according to the flesh,( Did it say, according to the spirit? I want you to know what we are talking about. We're talking about flesh here. According to the flesh.) he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne; ( Do you know where Christ, the physical, transfigured Christ is today? He's at the right hand of God. But the Comforter , that office is with us. 31) 2:31 He seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ, ( He's told you a long time ago that it was going to happen.) that his soul was not left in hell, neither his flesh did see corruption . 2:32 This Jesus hath God raised up, whereof we all are witnesses. ( Many of those that walk saw Him. He entered in among them after the resurrection ) 2:33 Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted, and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost,( The Holy Spirit in the Greek.) he hath shed forth this, which ye now see and hear.( See and hear what? The cloven tongues. The presents and evidence of the Holy Spirit. Defacto on Pentecost day. You can see it today. ) 2:34 For David is not ascended into the heavens: but he saith himself, The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand,( Now there is something that you must realize from this. That if Christ therefore is your Counselor, if Christ is therefore is the Spirit that you dwell in , that you rest in? Do you understand where He is sitting? At the right hand of the Creator, Almighty God. How could you doubt or fear? Having counsel of that magnitude present for you when you're in trouble. Working for you. How could you doubt? He's quoting Psalms 1:10.) 2:35 Until I make thy foes thy footstool. 2:36 Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ. ( That is to say, Messiah, the Anointed One, He that can bless you and Yeshua.) 2:37 Now when they heard [this], they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men [and] brethren, what shall we do? (Its an old, old question. It's asked many times and it's still asked to this day. And sometimes even we, that consider ourselves to be of God's elect, still ask that question. What

are we to do? It's real simple, you want a birth on the fastest express in the world, the heavens or the universe.) 2:38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.( Spirit, I quote the manuscript. The word ghost is added. I don't like it cause it kind of changes my image at least of the Holy Spirit. Which is the intellect of Almighty God. Of Christ.) 2:39 For the promise is unto you, and to your children,( Do you know what, 'To you and your children means? That means your children's children. That seed was in the loins of David that would be Christ through Mary. Your children, your grandchildren. That promise applies to all.) and to all that are afar off, [even] as many as the Lord our God shall call.( Some of you are called. Some of you are chosen. Some of you have a destiny.)

Acts 2:40 And with many other words did he testify and exhort, saying, Save yourselves from this untoward generation.( This crooked generation. Would be a simpler translation. Save yourself from it. How simple. It's very simple. Repent. What does repent mean? Does it mean, 'Oh I'm sorry.' Not that alone. It's to recognize the resting place. Which is to say to have a change of mind and heart and to repent. And if you really truly repented, you will instantly thank Him for His forgiveness. Because you already know He forgives ya. You don't have to wait for Him to say, ' I forgive you dear child. It's His promise. You know it! It's real! Christianity again, NOT a religio , a reality! ) 2:41 Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added [unto them] about three thousand souls.( Those 3000 souls would turn to 5000 and today, it's millions. But yet out of the millions. Millions that experienced the touch of the Comforter. For it is that promise when you try, and dear ones, they are trying. For the ones that come to knowledge? What was His key to success. That, that is written. The Word. Last two verses I read. Have you ever read them with understanding? Ive, I've read the Bible through in '82.' What did you learn? 'I don't know, I just read it. It didn't make much sense but I thought that's the thing to do.' You know doesn't that sound foolish? Wouldn't you say that only a fool would do that? Well, not really, cause somebody is trying I suppose. But be successful in everything you do. Or at least go down fighting, alright? If you're gonna go down, go down fighting to understand. Go down fighting and praying for God to give you wisdom and understanding. Perhaps that's an over simplicity. An over simplistic explanation if the fact. Learn His Word. Let it grow within you. For He is the Word. He is the Comforter. And when you

allow the Word to grow within you, you allow wisdom to grow within you. And when He wishes to communicate with you, there is an alphabet. Do you understand what I'm saying? You have an alphabet within you then, whereby the alphabet can be used to communicate with Him. Otherwise, you're never gonna communicate with Him. That alphabet of wisdom, which is to say, the Word of God. If it is within you. You don't have to memorize every verse, but understand at least the simple over flowing plan of Almighty God. Then He can talk to you. He has talked to people perhaps that have never read the Word. In that initial contact. It doesn't take that initial contact long to grow cold. To dissipate and to turn to nothingness. If you don't feed it. And the only food that will sustain it and keep it from starving to death is the Word of God. Alright Bless your hearts. What a season? What a season we come to in this time of Passover. That we remember that time that He died for you. Yes, I mean paid the full price without one complaint. For you and I want you, ..When I say you I mean exactly that. You are His child. He did it for all His children but He did as much for you as He did for any living soul or soul passed through. For you. Don't forget to let Him know how much you appreciate it. You want success, happiness, joy, peace of mind, understanding of what tomorrow brings? Then the answer is in the Word. Go for it. Go for it with love. Go for it with gusto. Make Him proud of you. The very fact that you try makes Him smile. The same as when you see a child that will try. They can have an awesome time trying to grasp and absorb and as clumsily and awkwardly sometimes when they first do something. But they're really trying. He recognizes that in you as well and loves you for that. So never be ashamed to make a stand. Be brave in the Lord. Use common sense, obtain creditability in you community and your family and keep it. But teach and plant seeds when the field is fertile. Cultivate the ground if the field is not fertile. Understand and can you relate to what I'm saying? If there is not a place in the person to plant the seed, now think about this? Then cultivate the ground a little bit. Can you understand that? If they and if their not ready for a seed, do a little cultivating. That doesn't mean, take the bulldozer and turn the thing upside down, alright? Gently, gently. Alright I love you all and I look forward to this coming weekend. Be good to each other and rest a lot. The rest that really counts. He prepared it for you and you can go there. You can go there now for He lives and the rest has come in the Comforter. (Then Prayer)

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