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Richard Peacock

Rachel Nelson

RPTM 220

9 April 2023

Impact Reflection

After entering all the data on the ecological footprint calculator, I was really surprised at

the end results being that if everyone lived like me, we would need 4.5 Earths. Prior to this

activity I had not thought my ecological footprint was too significant, but this really does change

my perspective on what steps I should be taking in my life to reduce my ecological footprint.

An aspect in my life I feel would be the easiest to change in favor of sustainability would

be limiting the number of animal-based products as well as the processed foods I consume. I

would especially limit my consumption of things like red meat or pork as they are some of the

worst for the environment. To help with this change, I could implement more vegetarian meals to

my diet. This would not prove to be difficult as my mother is a pescatarian, which is essentially a

vegetarian that eats sea food, and having more meals like those which are not centered around

meat would help reduce my footprint in a small way.

The most challenging aspect of my life to change for more sustainable results is using

more renewable energy or using electricity supply. When I become a homeowner in the future, I

plan to invest in a solar panel option to offset my electricity cost for my home. There are many

factors I would have to consider like the investment cost, the size of the battery, the kilowatts

generated, or a tankless water heater. I would have to speak with a professional as this is such an

intricate system that I would need advice for. This is easily the most difficult aspect to change

but I think an investment like this would play a part in reducing my ecological footprint.

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