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Name: ________________________________ Section and Group____________ Score_______

Part A
1. A nurse is conducting an interview with a patient who is non-English speaking. What is the most appropriate action for the nurse to take?
a) Use a translator or interpreter to facilitate communication
b) Speak louder and more slowly
c) Use hand gestures and facial expressions to communicate
d) None of the above

2. During an interview with a patient, the nurse notices that the patient is providing vague answers to the questions. What is the most
appropriate action for the nurse to take?
a) Continue with the interview and assume the patient is being truthful
b) Ask more specific questions to gather more information
c) Document the vague answers and move on to the next question
d) None of the above

3. During an interview with a patient, the nurse notices that the patient is becoming emotional. What is the most appropriate action for the
nurse to take?
a) Ignore the emotional response and continue with the interview
b) Provide tissues and ask the patient to calm down
c) Acknowledge the patient's feelings and provide support
d) None of the above

4. A nurse is conducting an interview with a patient who is anxious and rambling. What is the most appropriate action for the nurse to take?
a) Allow the patient to ramble and provide a listening ear
b) Interrupt the patient and redirect the conversation to the topic at hand
c) Ask the patient to take a deep breath and calm down
d) None of the above

5. A nurse is conducting an interview with a patient who is hard of hearing. What is the most appropriate action for the nurse to take?
a) Speak loudly and clearly to the patient
b) Use hand gestures and facial expressions to communicate
c) Use a hearing aid or other assistive device to facilitate communication
d) None of the above

6. During an interview with a patient, the nurse notices that the patient is providing conflicting information. What is the most appropriate
action for the nurse to take?
a) Assume the patient is lying and document the conflicting information
b) Ask follow-up questions to clarify the conflicting information
c) Ignore the conflicting information and move on to the next question
d) None of the above

7. During an interview with a patient, the nurse notices that the patient is hesitant to answer some questions. What is the most appropriate
action for the nurse to take?
a) Continue with the interview and assume the patient will answer later
b) Skip the questions the patient is hesitant to answer
c) Ask the patient why they are hesitant and provide reassurance
d) None of the above

8. A nurse is conducting an interview with a patient who speaks a different dialect than the nurse. What is the most appropriate action for the
nurse to take?
a) Speak slowly and clearly to the patient
b) Use a dialect translator or interpreter to facilitate communication
c) Use hand gestures and facial expressions to communicate
d) None of the above

9. A nurse is taking a medical history from a patient with a history of heart disease. What is the most important question for the nurse to ask?
a) Have you ever had a heart attack? c) Are you currently experiencing chest pain?
b) Do you have a family history of heart disease? d) How often do you exercise?

10. During an interview with a patient, the nurse learns that the patient is taking multiple medications. What is the most important question for
the nurse to ask?
a) Are you taking any herbal supplements or over-the-counter medications?
b) Do you have any allergies to medications?
c) How often do you forget to take your medications?
d) Have you ever had any adverse reactions to your medications?

11. A nurse is taking a sexual history from a patient. What is the most important question for the nurse to ask?
a) Are you sexually active?
b) How many sexual partners have you had?
c) Do you use condoms during sexual activity?
d) Have you ever had a sexually transmitted infection?

12. During an interview with a patient, the nurse learns that the patient has a history of substance abuse. What is the most important question
for the nurse to ask?
a) What substances have you abused in the past?
b) Have you ever sought treatment for substance abuse?
c) Are you currently using any substances?
d) Have you ever experienced withdrawal symptoms from substance abuse?

13. When taking a patient's blood pressure, what is the correct placement of the stethoscope?
a) Over the brachial artery c) Over the carotid artery
b) Over the radial artery d) Over the femoral artery

14. When measuring blood pressure, what is the appropriate amount to inflate the cuff?
a) 10 mmHg above the expected systolic pressure c) 30 mmHg above the expected systolic pressure
b) 20 mmHg above the expected systolic pressure d) 40 mmHg above the expected systolic pressure

15. After deflating the cuff when taking a patient's blood pressure, how long should the nurse wait before taking a subsequent reading?
a) 15 seconds c) 1 minute
b) 30 seconds d) 5 minutes

16. You are taking a patient's height measurement using a stadiometer. Which of the following should you do to ensure accurate results?
a) Have the patient remove their shoes and stand straight against the wall
b) Use the same stadiometer that was used during the patient's last visit
c) Measure the patient's height while they are lying down
d) Record the measurement to the nearest inch

17. You are taking a patient's body mass index (BMI) measurement. Which of the following should you do first?
a) Obtain the patient's weight and height measurements
b) Determine the patient's waist circumference measurement
c) Assess the patient's body composition using a bioelectrical impedance analyzer
d) Assess the patient's physical activity level using a questionnaire

18. You are taking a patient's mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) measurement. Which of the following should you do to ensure accurate
a) Place the tape measure directly over the bony prominence of the elbow
b) Ensure that the tape measure is snug but not too tight
c) Take the measurement on the non-dominant arm
d) Record the measurement to the nearest quarter-inch

19. You are measuring the height of a 6-month-old infant. Which of the following positions is appropriate for this measurement?
a) Standing position c) Supine position
b) Sitting position d) Prone position

20. You are measuring the head circumference of a 3-year-old child. Which of the following landmarks should you use as a reference point?
a) The forehead c) The parietal bones
b) The occiput d) The temporal bones

21. You are measuring the chest circumference of a 4-year-old child. Which of the following landmarks should you use as a reference point?
a) The nipple line c) The umbilicus
b) The xiphoid process d) The mid-clavicular line

22. You are measuring the head circumference of a 2-month-old infant. Which of the following is the correct method for taking this
a) Use a tape measure to measure the circumference of the head at the widest point.
b) Use a tape measure to measure the circumference of the head at the narrowest point.
c) Use a measuring tape to measure the length of the head from the occiput to the supraorbital ridge.
d) Use a measuring tape to measure the length of the head from the occiput to the nasion.

23. You are measuring the height of a 12-year-old child. Which of the following is the correct method for taking this measurement?
a) Have the child stand with their back against a wall and mark their height with a pencil.
b) Have the child sit on a chair with their back straight and feet flat on the ground.
c) Have the child lie on a flat surface with their legs extended.
d) Have the child stand on a scale that measures both weight and height.

24. You are assessing a patient who has a suspected wrist fracture. What is the priority nursing assessment you should perform?
a) Assess the patient's level of pain
b) Assess the patient's range of motion in the affected wrist
c) Assess the patient's sensation in the affected hand
d) Assess the patient's pulse and circulation in the affected hand

25. You are assessing a patient who has a suspected hip fracture. Which of the following is a key symptom that the patient may experience?
a) Numbness and tingling in the affected leg
b) Increased range of motion in the affected hip
c) Swelling and bruising in the affected hip
d) Decreased pain when the affected leg is moved

26. During a prenatal interview, what is a key question to ask the pregnant client regarding her prenatal care?
a) "Have you experienced any vaginal bleeding?"
b) "Have you had any difficulty sleeping?"
c) "Have you been taking any over-the-counter medications?"
d) "Have you been attending your prenatal appointments regularly?"

27. During a prenatal checkup, what is the recommended method for measuring fundal height?
a) Measuring from the top of the pubic bone to the top of the uterus
b) Measuring from the bottom of the uterus to the top of the uterus
c) Measuring from the top of the uterus to the top of the pubic bone
d) Measuring from the bottom of the uterus to the pubic bone

28. A patient in the OPD is scheduled for a procedure that requires fasting. What should the nurse do to ensure the patient is properly prepared?
a) Remind the patient to fast before the procedure
b) Provide the patient with clear instructions on fasting requirements
c) Allow the patient to eat and drink before the procedure
d) Check the patient's blood glucose level

29. A patient in the OPD has a hearing impairment. What should the nurse do to facilitate communication?
a) Speak loudly and slowly
b) Use hand gestures and facial expressions
c) Write down important information
d) Ask the patient to bring a friend or family member to assist with communication

30. A patient in the OPD has a history of falls. What should the nurse do to prevent further falls?
a) Provide the patient with non-slip footwear
b) Install grab bars in the bathroom
c) Assess the patient's risk factors for falls and implement appropriate interventions
d) All of the above

31. What is the recommended frequency for breast cancer screening for women with no known risk factors?
a) Every year starting at age 40
b) Every 2 years starting at age 50
c) Every 3 years starting at age 60
d) Screening is not necessary for women with no known risk factors

32. Which of the following is not a recommended method for measuring body temperature in adults?
a) Oral c) Rectal
b) Axillary d) Forehead

33. A patient is experiencing anxiety and stress related to their illness. What is the best way for the nurse to provide emotional support to the
a) Provide information about the patient's illness and treatment options
b) Encourage the patient to talk about their feelings and concerns
c) Use humor and distraction techniques to help the patient relax
d) Provide the patient with spiritual or religious resources

34. A patient is angry and refuses to speak with the nurse. What is the best way for the nurse to approach the situation?
a) Ignore the patient's anger and continue with the assessment
b) Force the patient to speak with the nurse
c) Acknowledge the patient's anger and ask if there is anything the nurse can do to help
d) Request a different nurse to take over the patient's care

35. A patient is upset and crying after receiving a difficult diagnosis. What communication technique should the nurse use to help the patient
cope with their emotions?
a) Encourage the patient to stop crying and be strong
b) Acknowledge the patient's emotions and offer support
c) Ignore the patient's emotions and continue with the assessment
d) Advise the patient to seek professional help for their emotional distress

Part B: From the three days rotation, what are the important learnings/skills you have acquired or developed?
(You can use the back part of this page for your answer)

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