OB Rotational Exam Student

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Name: _______________________ Section and Group : __________________ Score: _________________


1. Which of the following terms refers to the tissue lying between the vaginal orifice and anus?
A. Mons pubis C. Vestibule
B. Hymen D. Perineum

2. Which of the following hormones stimulates the ovary to produce estrogen during the menstrual cycle?
A. Follicle-stimulating hormones (FSH) C. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)
B. Luteinizing hormones(LH) D. Human chorionic gonadotropin(HCG)

3. Day 6 through 14 of the menstrual cycle constitute which of the following phases?
A. Proliferative C. Luteal
B. Estrogen D. Secretory

4. Which of the following urinary symptoms does the pregnant woman most frequently experience during the first trimester?
A. Dysuria C. Incontinence
B. Frequency D. Burning

5. On which of the following areas would the nurse expect to observe chloasma?
A. Breast, areola, and nipples C. Abdomen, breast, and thighs
B. Chest, neck, arms, and legs D. Cheeks, forehead, and nose

6.  A pregnant client who is experiencing aching, and swollen leg veins, the nurse would explain that this is most probably the result of
which of the following?
A. Pressure on blood vessels from the enlarging uterus
B. Thrombophlebitis
C. Pregnancy-induced HPN
D. Force of gravity pulling down on the uterus

7. Cervical softening and uterine soufflé are classified as which of the following?
A. Diagnostic signs C. Presumptive signs
B. Probable signs D. Positive signs

8. Which of the following terms refers to the thickened endometrium in which the fertilized embryo implants?
A. Endoderm C. Decidua
B. Amnion D. Chorion

9. The corpus luteum acts as the placenta for the implanted ovum until the end of which of the following gestational months?
A. First gestational month C. Fourth gestational months
B. Second gestational months D. Fifth gestational months

10. By which of the following does the placenta transport nutrients and oxygen to the fetus?
A. Diffusion C. Fertilization
B. Capacitation D. Ustulation

11. Fetal heart rate (FHR) can be auscultated with fetoscope as early as which of the following?
A. 5 weeks’ gestation C. 20 weeks’ gestation
B. 10 weeks’ gestation D. 15 weeks’ gestation

12. Quickening in primigravida usually can be detected during which of the following weeks’ of gestation?
A. 18 to 20 weeks C. 15 to 17 weeks
B. 10 to 14 weeks D. 20 to 22 weeks

13. Which of the following fundal heights indicates less than 12 weeks’ gestation when the date of the last menstrual period (LMP) is
A. Uterus at the xiphoid C. Uterus in the pelvis
B. Uterus in the abdomen D. Uterus at the umbilicus
14. Which of the following danger signs should be reported promptly during the antepartum period?
A. Constipation C. Breast tenderness
B. Nasal stuffiness D. Leaking amniotic fluid

15. Which of the following reproductive organs contains the perimetrium, myometrium, and endometrium?
A. Decidua C. Vagina
B. Ovaries D. Uterus

16. Which of the following characteristic of contractions would the nurse expect to find in a client experiencing true labor?
A. Occurring at irregular intervals C. Gradually increasing intervals
B. Increasing intensity with walking D. Starting mainly in the abdomen

17. During which of the following stages of labor would the nurse assess “crowning”?

A. First stage C. Fourth stage

B. Third stage D. Second stage

18. Immediately before expulsion, which of the following cardinal movements occur?
A. Descent C. External rotation
B. Flexion D. Extension

19. When assessing lochia serosa, which of the following would the nurse expect?
A. Serosanguineous appearance C. Characteristic odor
B. Creamy yellow color D. White to colorless

20. When assessing the newborn’s heart rate, which of the following range would be considered normal if the newborn were sleeping?
A. 100 beat per minute C. 120 beats per minute
B. 80 beat per minute D. 140 beat per minute

21. Before birth, which of the following structure connects the right and left auricles of the heart?
A. Umbilical vein C. Ductus venosus
B. Ductus arteriosus D. Foramen ovale

22. Which of the following group of newborn reflexes are present at birth and remain unchanged through adulthood?
A. Blink, cough, sneeze, and gag C. Rooting sneeze, swallowing, and cough
B. Blink, cough, rooting, and gag D. Stepping, blink, cough, and sneeze

23. When preparing to administer the vitamin K injection to a neonate, the nurse would select which of the following sites as appropriate
for injection?
A. Deltoid muscle C. Gluteus maximus muscle
B. Anterior femoris muscle D. Vastus lateralis muscle

24. During a pelvic exam, the nurse notes a purple-blue tinge of the cervix. The nurse document this as which of the following?
A. Chadwick’s sign C. Goodell’s sign
B. Braxton Hicks sign D. McDonald’s sign

25. The nurse documents positive ballottement in the client’s prenatal record. The nurse understands that this indicates which of the
A. Contractions palpable on the abdomen C. Enlargement and softening of the uterus
B. Fetal kicking felt by the client D. Passive movement of the engaged fetus

Part B: From the three days rotation, what are the important learnings/skills you have acquired or developed?

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