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Early Childhood Education

Learning Experience Template

Name: Lily Knorr Lesson Title: Our Homes

Date: 4/11/2023 Grade Level: Pre-K Circle one: ECE PKSN
C5: Identify similarities and differences of personal, family and cultural characteristics and those of others
L6: Describe familiar people, places, things and experiences

Pre-assessment of current knowledge: Ask students what they know about homes? Their homes, other’s homes?

Instructional Objectives (2-3) Assessment of Student Learning Learning Experience

Two- Three Assessed Identify Evidence: (What will you collect or record as data Academic Language:
Instructional Objective(s): The to demonstrate students have met your objective(s) and Home, family, sibling(s), parent(s), aunt(s), uncle(s), pet(s),
student will be able to... skill?) brother(s), sister(s)

- Explain who lives in their I will use the illustrations and answers students have given
house me to record and assess as a way of seeing if the students Procedural steps:
- Talk about the has been able to identify who lives in their home, their 1. Ask students to think about their home
characteristics of their relation to that person, some of the characteristics of those 2. Ask them what their home looks like (color, size,
home close family members and what their house looks like interior, exterior, etc.)
physically. 3. Hand them each a handout that is titled “_____’s
4. Let them guess or try to read the title or explain what
it says and then tell them to write their name on the
line (ex. Lily’s House)
5. Student will be able to use many different materials
Program Monitoring: (How will you aggregate or compile to create an image of their house, the people in it,
your evidence into a class or group view?) etc.
6. They may also list the names of the people in their
One Assessed Developmental house if they are at that level developmentally or up
Skill: for a challenge.
I will take anecdotal notes of children’s responses and take 7. Students will talk about their homes with the
- Make comparisons to pictures of student’s work to reflect their understanding. students at the table (may occur naturally – if not,
other students to build prompt them : ____ does your house look like
conversation ____’s? How is it different? How is it similar? Do the
people who live in your home have similarities to
____ and their family members in their home)

Authentic Materials: (Describe authentic real life, hands-on

Early Childhood Education
Learning Experience Template

Paper, crayons, markers, colored pencils

Adult Roles:
Facilitate conversation, provide materials, take notes
Safety Considerations:

Resources & References:

Reflection: (What have you learned about your students? How will this inform future instruction?)

When I implemented this lesson, the students were working in stations with the option to come and go from each station as they wanted. I started with about four
students at my station, some staying longer than others. The students were very receptive to my questions and interested in sharing things about their families. I
learned many new things about each student. I learned how many siblings some of the students had, their names, ages, and characteristics. I was able to learn
more about the family dynamics each student experiences at home from who lives in their house, why they love their house, why they don’t etc. This topic proved
engaging for the students who participated and I was able to come to that conclusion because of the participation in conversation. The students were able to make
comparisons between themselves and others. The students seemed to enjoy telling me all about what their home looked like and how they drew it on their paper.
Some students misunderstood the direction to draw their house. Instead of drawing what their house actually looks like, they just drew a house with features that
they liked. The data I collected in this lesson will inform my future instruction as I am more knowledgeable on my students and therefore, I can plan activities that
are suited to them and their experiences, while exposing them to new experiences and knowledge. Knowing a student’s home-life and understanding family
dynamics has helped me to feel closer to the students because of our meaningful conversations.

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