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1. It is the study of algorithm or process that utilize the numerical approximation to solve
mathematical problems.
a) Numerical Methods
b) Probability and Statistics
c) Engineering Economy
d) Advanced Engineering Mathematics
2. Which of the following is not
Pure Mathematics.
a) Plane and Spherical
b) College Algebra
c) Differential Equations
d) Integral Calculus
(all pure mathematics)
3. Which of the following is not a control structure?
a) initialization structures
b) sequence structures
c) conditional structures
d) repetition structures
4. What best describes a keyboard as a computer
system component?
a) hardware
b) software
c) firmware
d) none of the above
5. Which of the following is not an issue in translating an algorithm into a computer
program or program component?
a) programming effort
b) program architecture
c) data structures
d) program input
e) program output
6. Variable declaration and assignment operation are used in this
control structure. *
a) initialization structures
b) sequence structures
c) conditional structures
d) repetition structures
7. ________ help the programmer in sequencing the execution of the steps
in an algorithm.
a) Input and Output
b) Assignment
c) Control Structures
d) Ambiguity and bias
8. What best describes a PDA (personal digital assistant) as a computer
system component?
a) hardware
b) software
c) firmware
d) none of the above
9. Which of the following is an attribute of time that we may incorporate in a
computer program?
a) Time of day: This is the current time of day, including the hour, minute,
and second.
b) Format: This is the way the time is displayed or formatted, including 12-hour or 24-
hour time, and various date formats.
c) Time zone: This is the geographical region or time zone in which the time is being
d) Time conversion: A computer program can convert times between different time
zones or formats.
e) Accuracy: This is the level of precision or accuracy of the time measurement,
including the number of decimal places or the frequency of updates.
f) Date: This is the current date, including the day of the week, the day of the month, the
month, and the year.
(all of the above)
10. An abstract description of a concrete system using mathematical concepts
and language.
a) Mathematical Model
b) error
c) assumptions
d) real world problems
e) results
11. Which of the following does not describe how an
algorithm should be?
a) clear
b) objective
c) efficient
d) random
e) complete
f) reliable
g) deterministic
12. Which of the following is a behavior of time that we may incorporate in a computer
program? Accuracy: This is the level of precision or accuracy of the time measurement,
including the number of decimal places or the frequency of updates.
a) Timekeeping: A computer program can keep track of time, including displaying the
current time, setting alarms, and timers.
b) Time conversion: A computer program can convert times between different time
zones or formats.
c) Time synchronization: A computer program can synchronize the time on a computer
or network with a more accurate time source, such as a time server or atomic clock.
d) Time calculation: A computer program can perform calculations involving time, such
as determining the duration between two times, adding or subtracting time from a given time,
or finding the difference in time between two time zones.
13. Which of the following is not used in
making an algorithm?
a) Input and Output
b) Assignment
c) Control Structures
d) Ambiguity and bias
14. A sequence of detailed steps that is general enough to be applicable for most situations in
solving a problem.
a) mathematical model
b) algorithm
c) object
d) class
15. A name with properties and capabilities
to do something.
a) mathematical model
b) algorithm
c) object
d) class
16. This structure involves execution or skipping of specific steps
in an algorithm.
a) initialization structures
b) sequence structures
c) conditional structures
d) repetition structures
17. It comes in the form of an equation or expression made up of one or more of algebraic
operators, variables, constants, and mathematical functions.
a) Input and Output
b) Assignment
c) Control Structures
d) Ambiguity and bias
(none of the above)
18. What is the gap that should be known between the exact solution and
a) Mathematical Model
b) error
c) assumptions
d) real world problems
e) results
19. This structure involves repeated execution of a
sequence of steps.
a) initialization structures
b) sequence structures
c) conditional structures
d) repetition structures
20. What best describes Google Chrome as a computer
system component?
e) hardware
f) software
g) firmware
h) none of the above
21. What best describes a
good algorithm?
a) objective
b) bias
c) ambiguous
d) inefficient
e) unreliable
f) incomplete
g) random
22. Which of the following is not
Applied Mathematics?
a) Numerical Methods
b) Probability and Statistics
c) Chemistry and Physics
d) Differential Calculus
23. What best describes a cache as a computer system
a) hardware
b) software
c) firmware
d) none of the above
24. The application of mathematical methods in different fields. In other words, it is the use
of math for practical applications.
a) Pure Mathematics
b) Applied Mathematics
c) Advanced Engineering Mathematics
d) Numerical Methods
25. What best describes UEFI as a computer system component?
a) hardware
b) software
c) firmware
d) none of the above
26. What best describes Microsoft Excel as a computer
system component?
a) hardware
b) software
c) firmware
d) none of the above
27. loop statements are used in this
control structure.
a) initialization structures
b) sequence structures
c) conditional structures
d) repetition structures
28. The study of mathematics independent of any applications outside
of mathematics.
a) Pure Mathematics
b) Applied Mathematics
c) Advanced Engineering Mathematics
d) Numerical Methods
29. if-else and switch statements are used in this
control structure.
a) initialization structures
b) sequence structures
c) conditional structures
d) repetition structures
30. It is the structured combination of statements in a computer
programming language.
a) source code
b) object file
c) linked file
d) compiled file
e) executable code
31. In a computer program, the objects are defined in terms of
a) mathematical model
b) algorithm
c) object
d) class
32. This structure means that statements are executed in order – this is the manner in
which an algorithm is developed in terms of ordered steps.
a) initialization structures
b) sequence structures
c) conditional structures
d) repetition structures
33. What best describes BIOS as a computer
system component?
a) hardware
b) software
c) firmware
d) none of the above
34. Which of the following is used in
Analytical Methods?
a) Differential and Integral Calculus
b) Solution of Algebraic Equation
c) Numerical Integration
d) Solution for Differential Equation
35. Which of the following does not affect
model complexity?
a) accuracy
b) user-friendliness
c) timeliness
d) software availability
36. Which of the following does not describe a component in obtaining a numerical
solution? (all of the above)
a) Identification of a real world problem.
b) A procedure or method that establishes a link between the input to the problem and
the expected output from the solution methodology.
c) Translation of the solution methodology to a finite set of distinct steps or algorithm.
d) Conversion of an algorithm to a computer program.
37. Which of the following is not an IDE used for C+
+ programming?
a) Thonny
b) Code::Blocks
c) Eclipse
d) Netbeans
e) Xcode
f) Visual Studio
g) CLion
38. Which of the following is not an attribute of an airplane if we
consider it as an object?
a) weather modeling
b) size and dimensions
c) weight
d) wings and control surfaces
e) fuel system
f) cockpit and avionics
39. Which of the following is not used to describe
numerical methods?
a) is the consolidation of pure mathematics as one
b) is the study of algorithms that use numerical approximation
c) is the study of mathematics independent of any applications outside of mathematics
d) the application of mathematical methods in different fields
40. Which of the following is not a solution of
Algebraic Equation?
a) Euler's Method
b) Bisection Method
c) Newton-Raphson Method
d) Secant Method
e) Regula-Falsi Method
41. What is an error in mathematics?
a) A mistake made in a calculation
b) A number that is greater than one
c) A number that is less than zero
d) A number that is not an integer
42. What is truncation error?
a) The difference between an exact value and an approximate value obtained by rounding
b) The difference between an exact value and an approximate value obtained by truncating
c) The difference between two approximate values obtained by rounding D) The difference
between two approximate values obtained by truncating
43. What is round-off error?
a) The difference between an exact value and an approximate value obtained by rounding
b) The difference between an exact value and an approximate value obtained by truncating
c) The difference between two approximate values obtained by rounding
d) The difference between two approximate values obtained by truncating
44. Which type of error is caused by the method used to calculate a value?
a) Truncation error
b) Round-off error
c) Both A and B
d) Neither A nor B
45. Which type of error is caused by the limitations of the computer or calculator used to
perform a calculation?
a) Truncation error
b) Round-off error
c) Both A and B
d) Neither A nor B
46. Which type of error is greater when the number of calculations performed is larger?
a) Truncation error
b) Round-off error
c) Both A and B
d) Neither A nor B
47. Which type of error is greater when the precision of the calculation is increased?
a) Truncation error
b) Round-off error
c) Both A and B
d) Neither A nor B
48. What is the difference between truncation and round-off error?
a) Truncation error is caused by the method used to calculate a value, while round-off
error is caused by the limitations of the computer or calculator used to perform a
b) Truncation error is caused by the limitations of the computer or calculator used to
perform a calculation, while round-off error is caused by the method used to
calculate a value.
c) Truncation error and round-off error are the same thing.
d) Truncation error and round-off error have nothing to do with each other.
49. Which of the following is an example of a truncation error?
a) Rounding a number to the nearest whole number
b) Rounding a number to the nearest tenth
c) Truncating a number after the hundredth place
d) Truncating a number after the tenth place
50. What is the Taylor series?
a) An infinite series representation of a function
b) A method for solving differential equations
c) A method for approximating numerical derivatives
d) A method for approximating numerical integrals

51. Which of the following is the first-order Taylor series approximation of f(x) about a point
a) f(x) = f(a) + f'(a)(x-a)
b) f(x) = f(a) + f''(a)(x-a)^2
c) f(x) = f(a) + f'''(a)(x-a)^3
d) f(x) = f(a) + f^(4)(a)(x-a)^4
52. What is the purpose of the Taylor series?
A) To approximate a function
B) To find the exact value of a function
C) To simplify a function
D) To make a function more complex
53. What is the error term in the Taylor series?
A) The remainder of the series
B) The first term of the series
C) The last term of the series
D) The middle term of series

54. What is the formula for the error term in the Taylor series?
A) R_n(x) = f^(n+1)(c)(x-a)^(n+1)/(n+1)!
B) R_n(x) = f^(n)(c)(x-a)^(n)/(n)!
C) R_n(x) = f^(n+1)(a)(x-a)^(n+1)/(n+1)!
D) R_n(x) = f^(n)(a)(x-a)^(n)/(n)!

What is machine epsilon?

a) The maximum error that can occur in a numerical computation
b) The smallest number that can be represented by a computer
c) The number of digits that can be represented by a computer
d) The smallest difference between two representable numbers on a computer

What is the definition of machine epsilon?

A) The smallest positive number that can be represented by a computer
B) The largest negative number that can be represented by a computer
C) The smallest number that can be added to 1 without changing the result
D) The smallest number that can be subtracted from 1 without changing the result

Which of the following is the correct formula for machine epsilon?

a) ε = 1/2^p, where p is the number of bits used to represent a number
b) ε = 1/10^n, where n is the number of significant digits in a number
c) ε = 10^-n, where n is the number of significant digits in a number
d) ε = 2^-p, where p is the number of bits used to represent a number

What are significant figures?

a) The number of digits in a number
b) The number of non-zero digits in a number
c) The number of digits after the decimal point in a number
d) The number of digits that can be accurately determined in a measurement

What is the purpose of using significant figures?

A) To make calculations easier
B) To make calculations more accurate
C) To make calculations faster
D) To make calculations more complex

Which of the following is NOT a rule for determining the number of significant figures in a
a) All non-zero digits are significant
b) Zeros between non-zero digits are significant
c) Zeros at the beginning of a number are significant
d) Zeros at the end of a number are significant if there is a decimal point present
What are significant figures?
A) Digits that are not zero
B) Digits that are not zero unless they are between two non-zero digits
C) Digits that are not zero unless they are after a non-zero digit
D) Digits that are not zero unless they are before non- zero digit

Which of the following number systems uses only two digits, 0 and 1?
A) Decimal
B) Octal
C) Hexadecimal
D) Binary

What is the value of the binary number 1010 in decimal?

A) 2
B) 4
C) 8
D) 10

What is the value of the decimal number 23 in binary?

A) 10111
B) 11101
C) 11011
D) 10011

What is the value of the binary number 110101 in decimal?

A) 45
B) 53
C) 61
D) 6

Which of the following number systems uses 16 digits, 0 to 9 and A to F?

A) Binary
B) Decimal
C) Octal
D) Hexadecimal

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