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    The Human
Breathing System

   The human breathing system, or

respiratory system, consists of the
lungs, airways, and muscles involved
in breathing. The system is responsible
for obtaining oxygen and eliminating
carbon dioxide, and is closely
connected to the circulatory system.

Movement of Diaphragm

   The diaphragm is a muscle involved in breathing. It

contracts and moves downward during inhalation,
creating space for air to enter the lungs, and relaxes to
move back up during exhalation, helping to push air out
of the lungs. This enables the process of breathing and
regulates oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the body.
Mechanism of how Respiratory and
Circulatory System Works

   The respiratory system takes in oxygen during inhalation,

  which diffuses into the bloodstream and is delivered to tissues
by the circulatory system. Carbon dioxide, a waste product,
diffuses from tissues into the bloodstream, and is expelled
during exhalation. The circulatory system delivers oxygenated
blood to tissues and returns deoxygenated blood to the lungs for
oxygenation. This coordinated effort ensures oxygen supply and
carbon dioxide removal to support cellular functions and
maintain homeostasis in the body.

Circulatory System

   The circulatory system, consisting of the heart, blood vessels,

and blood, is responsible for circulating oxygen, nutrients, and
hormones to tissues and organs, and removing waste products
from the body. It includes systemic circulation (from the heart to
the body and back) and pulmonary circulation (between the heart
and lungs). The heart pumps blood, blood vessels transport blood,
and blood contains red and white blood cells and plasma. The
circulatory system is crucial for maintaining overall body health
and function.
The Human Heart

   The human heart is a vital organ that

  pumps blood through a network of blood
vessels. It has four chambers - the left and
right atria and ventricles - and is
responsible for circulating oxygen-rich
blood to the body and oxygen-depleted
blood to the lungs. It requires its own
blood supply from coronary arteries and
has its own electrical system that controls
the heartbeat.

Heart Rate

   Heart rate refers to the number of times the human heart beats
per minute. It is typically measured as beats per minute (BPM)
and can vary depending on various factors such as age, fitness
level, emotional state, and overall health. The normal resting
heart rate for adults is typically between 60-100 BPM, although
it can be lower for well-trained athletes. Heart rate can increase
during physical activity, stress, or illness, and may also be
affected by medications or medical conditions.
Negative Effects of Cigarette Smoking on
Circulatory and Respiratory System 

  Cigarette smoking has detrimental effects on the

circulatory and respiratory systems, including increased
risks of cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases,
reduced lung function, respiratory infections, impaired
wound healing, blood clots, and harm to fetal health
during pregnancy. Quitting smoking is crucial for
protecting these systems and promoting better health.

Heredity: Inheritance
and Variation

   Heredity is the study of how traits are passed down from

parents to offspring through the inheritance of genetic
information. This involves the transmission of genes, which
are located on chromosomes and determine traits. Variation
in traits occurs due to different forms of genes (alleles) and
genetic mutations. Heredity has implications in medicine,
agriculture, and other fields, and understanding it is crucial
for comprehending genetic traits, disorders, and diseases.

   Genetics is the study of how traits are inherited through

  the transmission of genes, which are segments of DNA. It
encompasses various branches and applications, including
molecular genetics, population genetics, and medical
genetics, and has led to advancements in our
understanding of health, disease, and genetic therapies.
Genetics plays a crucial role in diverse fields and has
profound implications for understanding life's

(Deoxyribonucleic Acid)

   DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is a double-stranded

molecule composed of nucleotides, which are the basic
building blocks of DNA. Each nucleotide consists of a sugar
molecule called deoxyribose, a phosphate group, and one of
four nitrogenous bases: adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine
(C), or guanine (G). The sequence of these nitrogenous bases
in DNA is responsible for the genetic code, which contains
instructions for building proteins, the essential molecules that
carry out various functions in cells.

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