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Death of a Salesman-Global issue

Mateo Rodriguez Henao, André Valencia Vega and Emiliano Velásquez López 10°

Field of inquiry Topic Justification

Beliefs, values and Values We can see this topic

education present in the extract in
what Biff says about him
stealing multiple things
when working for Bill Oliver.


Global issue The family values teached At the beginning of a play,

to children and their impact we see how Willy was
in the kid’s future///How remembering the day before
parents influenced their kids Biff's match. Biff told him
life by educating them bad that he stole a football and
family values Willy encouraged him to
continue robbing by telling
him that was good, that his
teacher will be proud since
he had initiative.

Aspect of form 1: “BIFF: Don’t take it that way! In this particular scene
Goddammit! where it can be clearly seen
WILLY (strikes Biff and that Biff and Willy are having
falters away from the table): a strong discussion at the
You rotten little louse! Are table, we can find certain
you spiting me?” stage directions which help
(Behavior/language) us situate ourselves and
add a context to what is
happening while they are
maintaining the discussion,
which It helps us because
thanks to this we can take
away an idea or connect this
type of situation with the
past and the upbringing that
Willy gave Biff when Biff was

Aspect of form 2: “(Off left, The Woman In this particular scene, willy
laughs.) (...) THE WOMAN: began to listen to the
Someone’s at the door, woman's voice since the
Willy!” (Relations with situation he was going
women) through at that moment
reminded him of when biff
found him being unfaithful to
his mother, willy began to
hear this voice because he
still feels remorse for having
ruined biff's life because of
this event, that is why it
shows us how in the future
biff and happy go in search
of multiple women for sexual
satisfaction and do nothing
to change their lives.

Aspect of content 1: “And I’ll make good Here we can see the values
somewhere, but I can’t go that Willy has instilled in Biff
tomorrow, see? and Happy, about that to
WILLY: Why not? You achieve success in the
simply... business world, they can’t
BIFF: But the pen, Pop! play fair, so here, Willy
WILLY: You give it to him insists to Biff to lie about
and tell him it was an how he got his pen, just to
oversight! go to the appointment and
HAPPY: Sure, have lunch get the money for the
tomorrow! BIFF: I can’t say business.
WILLY: You were doing a
crossword puzzle and
accidentally used his pen!”

Aspect of content 2: “Pop, how can I go back? Here, we can see the effects
WILLY: You don’t want to be of Willy’s teachings in the
anything, is that what’s past, when Biff stole the
behind it? football and Willy instead of
BIFF (now angry at Willy for punishing him, he
not crediting his sympathy): congratulate him because of
Don’t take it that his initiative, and now in the
way! You think it was easy present, Biff let us know that
walking into that office after he kept robbing things in the
what I’d done to places he had worked,
him? A team of horses which was why he never
couldn’t have dragged me stayed in a job, also why he
back to Bill Oliver!” didn’t have an address for 3
months, because he was in
jail for running away with a
suit who wasn’t his, and now
with Oliver’s fountain pen.

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