Contemporary World

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anti-global authoritarian

 Critical/ Transformative Perspective
Framing Globalization o Recognizes dissolution of old structures and
boundaries (states, economies, communities)
 Beyond a problem-solving approach, especially a o “The state as a space of flows”
perceptive of “promoting international competitiveness  Power and politics are reconfigured
o Eg. Economic and technological  They flow through, across and around
territorial boundaries
 Beyond a buzzword: a process and discourse
o Speed and magnitude of changes
 Critical view: globalization as contested; understood and
o Mobility, hybridity, complexity
constituted in different ways
o Global-local nexus
 Frames of meaning used to describe the world are part of a
political process o Emphasis on unevenness and new hierarchies
 Words and meaning matter: some views become legitimate  Inclusion and exclusion
and define what the world is  Globalization of superficiality
 Globalization of indifference
Globalization: Levels of Debate
 What are the starting premises?
o Competing definitions  Although the term “globalization” has only entered the
English language in recent decades, the integration and
o Varying measurements
mutual dependency of people that constitutes its essence
o Contrasting chronologies
o Diverse explanations o As old as human civilization
o The product of interactions that include
 What are the implications for social change? commerce, warfare, and invasion, intermarriage,
o Geography and migration from place of birth
o Identity  Intensification of worldwide social relations which link
o Production distant localities in such a way that local happenings are
o Governance shaped by events occurring many miles away and vice
o Knowledge versa (Giddens)
 As a concept refers both to the compression of the world
 What are the impacts on the human condition? and the intensification of consciousness of the world as a
o Security whole (Robertson, 1992)
o Equality  Proliferation of worldwide economic, social, and cultural
o Democracy networks, and people’s dependence on these global
netowkrs for prosperity and security (Mansback, 2000)
 What are the responses?  Life experiences and social relations become
o Neoliberalism (markets) “deterritorialized” (Scholte, 2005)
o Rejectionism (localism/ populism) o This process has been neither smooth nor linear
o Reformism (public policies) rather
o Transformism (social revolution)  Rather it has been shaped at different times,
 ,
 ,
 Liberal or Hyper-global perspective  ,
o “end of geography”; end of the nation-state”;  ,
borderless world of flows 
o Privileges an economic and technological logic  ,
o Globalization as mutually beneficial, progressive,  The process of interaction and integration among the
and benign people, companies, and governments of different nations, a
o New, inevitable, levels off process riven by international trade and investment and
o A new modernization theory? aided by information technologies (Sunny Levin Institute)
o The end of the Cold War and the “end of history”  Incursion of the global on the local (Hislope, 2012)
 There is no alternative (TINA)  The expansion and intensification of social relations and
o There is however “pessimistic globalist” consciousness across the world time and across world space
perspective that emphasize both on (Steger)
homogenization and its negative consequences o Expansion
o .  The creation of new social networks
 Conservative/ Skeptical Perspective and the multiplication of existing
o Underplays globalization: internationalization or connections that cut across traditional
regionalization political, economic and cultural and
o Certain types of Marxism/ structuralism adopt a geographic boundaries
strongly state-centric perspective o Intensification
 Expansion, stretching and acceleration o Globalization is inevitable and irreversible
of these networks o Nobody is in charge of globalization
o Relates,’,’,’,, o Globalization benefits everyone in the long run
o , o Globalization furthers the spread of democracy in
o , the world
o , o Globalization requires a global war on terror
o ,
Key Themes and Characteristics GLOBALIZATION

 Globality World Systems Paradigm

o A social condition characterized by tight
economic, political, cultural and environmental  Immanuel Wallerstein
interconnections and flows, making currently  Views globalization not as a recent phenomenon but as
existing borders and boundaries irrelevant virtually synonymous with the birth and spread of
 Globalization capitalism, c. 1500
o A set of social process that appea to teandofmr  Globalization is not at all new
our present social condition of weakening  ,,
nationality inro one of globality; human lives  ,
played out in the world as a single place  ,
o Redefining, 
o ,  ,
o , Global Capitalism
o ,  Globalization is a novel stage in the evolving system of
o , world capitalism
o ,  Qualitatively new features that distinguish it from earlier
 Global Imaginary  New global production and financial system
o A concept referring to people’s growing  Rise of processes that cannot be frame within the nation-
consciousness of belonging to a global state/ interstate system
community  Sklair: “theory of the global system” at the core of which
o Destabilizes and unsettles the conventional are transnational practices (TNPs)
parameters of understanding within which people o TCC (Transnational Capitalist Class)
imagine their communal existence  New class that brings together several
o , social groups- executives of
o , transnational corporation
o ,  Globalizing bureaucrats, politicians,
o , professional and consumerists elites in
o , the media and the commercial sector
 Robinson: theory of global capitalism involving three
Globalization as a Process planks…
 ..
 Multidimensional set of social process that generate and  .
increase “worldwide social interdependencies and  .
exchanges while at the same time fostering in people a  .
growing awareness of deepening connections between the The Network Society
local and the distant”
 Start of globalization? Depends  Manuel Castells, The Rise of the Network Society
Technology, and technological change instead of capitalism
Globalization as a Condition  Castells argues that globalization is a network of
 Globality production, culture, and power that in constantly shaped by
 Scholte’s transplanetary connectivity (establishment. advances in technology, which range from communications
 . technologies to genetic engineering.
 .,  Castell suggests that the rules of global capitalism have
 , changed to embrace these new information technologies
 ,  New economy:
 , o Informational, knowledge based
 , o Global production is organized on a global scale
 . o Networked, productivity is generated through
Globalization as an Ideology global network
 The networked enterprise makes the material the culture of
 Exist in the people’s consciousness the informational, global economy it transforms signals into
o Ideas and beliefs about the global order commodities by processing knowledge
 6 Core Claims
o Globalization is about the liberalization and Space, Time and Globalization
global integration of markets
 Giddens “time-space distanciation”
o The intensification of worldwide relations which  Globalization is realized when national governments
link distant localities in such a way that local “reduce or abolish regulatory measures like trade barriers,
happenings are shaped by event occurring miles foreign- exchange restrictions capital controls and visa
away and vice versa requirements” (Scholte)
 Problem with this misconception:
 David Harvey  ,
o Time-space compression (produced by the very  ,
dynamics of capitalist development)  ,
Globalization as universalization and Westernization
 Sassen’s The Global City  universalization denotes a process of spreading various
o Proposes a new spatial order is emerging such as objects, practices and experiences to the different parts of
London, New York, Tokyo the planet
 Sites of specialized services for  globalization is when things, values, and practices spread to
transnationally mobile capital that is so the different parts of the planet
central to the global economy  implication
o homogenization of culture, politics, economy and
 Robert Robertson “Glocalization” laws
o Ideas about home, locality, and community have o destroys indigenous practices and cultures
been extensively spread around the world  when western modernity spreads and destroys –
Transnationality and Transnationalism  issues arising from the misconception:
o universalization.
 Transnationalism o .
o Umbrella concept encompassing a wide variety o .
of transformative processes, practices, and Multiple Globalization
developments that take place simultaneously at a
local and global level
 Scholars found it simpler to avoid talking about
globalization as a whole
 Transnational processes and practices
 “Multiple globalizations” instead of one process
o Broadly as the multiple ties and interactions
 Arjun Appadurai: Different kinds of globalization occur on
(economic, political, social, and cultural) that link
multiple and intersecting dimensions of integration-
people, communities, and institutions across
borders of state-nations
o Ethnoscapes- global movement of people
o Mediascapes- flow of culture
 Transitional links
o Technoscapes- circulation of mechanical goods
o More intense due to speed and relatively
and software
inexpensive character of travel and
o Financescapes- global circulation of money
communications and their impacts
o Ideoscapes- realm where political ideas move
Global Culture around
 Claudio: distinct windows into the broader phenomenon of
 Emphasize the rapid growth of mass media and resultant globalization
global cultural flows and images in recent decades (global
 Focus: globalization and religion, nations and ethnicity,
global consumerism, global communications, and the Economic Globalization
globalization of tourism
 Ritzer’s Mcdonaldization of Society (homogenization,  Economic globalization is a historical process, the result of
weber’s process of rationalization) human innovation and technological progress
o Efficient, predictable, and standardized lines  It refers to the increasing integration of economies around
 Alienation the world, particularly through the movement of goods,
 Waste services, and capital across borders
 Low nutritional value  The term sometimes refers to the movement of people
 Risk of health problems (labor) and knowledge (technology)n across international
 borders (IMF, 2008)
MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT GLOBALIZATION  Globalization has its roots in international trade
 Goes back deep into human history
Globalization as internalization  The trade involved was overland and small in scale which
 Globalization refers to global economic integration of many slowly expanded territorially to involve larger and larger
formerly national economies into one global economy, numbers of people
mainly by free trade and free capital mobility.
 .  17th Century- European Expansionism
 .
 Globalization as Liberalization  Then, starting in the 17th century, international tradfe
 Liberalization is the removal of barriers and restriction assumed a different scale wioth the expansion
imposed by national governments so as to create an open
and borderless world economy  Was part of the age of Mercantilism
o It advocated that a nation should export more  Profit motive and entrepreneurial initiative (capitalism
than it imported and accumulate bullion becomes the driving force behind economic activity)
(especially gold) to make up the difference  .
 16th-18th Century  .
o Counties primarily Europe competed with one  .
another to sell ore goods as a means to boost their .Political Globalization
country’s income (called monetary reserved later)  An increasing trend toward multilateralism in which the
 To defend their products from competitors, ……… UN plays a key role, toward an emerging “transnational
 Goals included conquest and empire, exonomic profit, statw apparatus” and toward the mwegence of national and
opening up new trade routes, providing slaves for the labor- international nongovernmental organizations that act as
intensive plantaationds that were opening up in the sparsely watchdogs over governements wirh ever-increasing and
populated New Woeldm, and converting “heathen” people influence
to Christianity  A commonly used measuere of politicql globalization is the
 An impotsannt mechanism of incorpotation was growth in the number of multilateral organizations in the
colonialism, which was a succfessfulk enterprise because of international system. These fall into two types:
EWurope;s superior weapons technology, sea power, and o Intergoverne.
commercial prowess …….  ,
 The two fundamental legacies of this period of history were  What is a State?
o The spread of Europeasn power and influence  From the Latin word, Status (condition, position)
ovber the rest of the globe  A community of persons more or less numerous,
o The rise to prominence of New World countries permanently occupying a definite portion of territory,
like SArgetina, austalia, canda and US trhat were having a government of their own to which the great body
the prime movers to globalization of inhabitants render obeidience andf enjoying freedom
from ecternal control
FOUR WAVES OF GLOBALIZATION  An admionistrative entity that endures over time, develops
laws, creates public policies afor its citizens and implemtns
 .
 .
 M oden

 Fourth Wave of Globalization

 The itegration of markets, transportation systems and
communication systems has progressed “farther, faster,
deeper, and cheaper” than ever before (Friedman, 1999)
o Tehcnoligal advancement (lowered the costs and
increased the speed of internation.
o .
o .
o .

Economic Globalization

 The increasingly close international integration of markets

for goods, services and factors of production, labor and
capital (Bordo, 2003)

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