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A Science Investigatory Project submitted to the High School Department, Notre Dame
of Tacurong College, Tacurong City, Sultan Kudarat, in partial fulfillment of the
requirement for the Science subject.

Bolivar, Kyle Brian T.

Catbagan, Jomin Mae S.
Carpizo, Maria Athena Ysabella O.
Valdez, Dan Emil A.
Plecerda, Alhapids, A
APRIL 2023
Chapter I


A. Background of the Study

Technological advancements are proliferating in this incredibly modern society,

and people are utilizing them since they have provided comfort and convenience.

However, certain sources of income that are nearby and just waiting for a hand to

convert them have been ignored by people. A significant experiment requires high-tech

equipment to be carried out, yet the researchers of this study merely employed basic

tools to complete their work. Additionally, the researchers guarantee that the outcome

can be used in place of commercial flour. Despite the time constraints, the researchers

want to finish the research so that it can help our nation's economy.

The results of this study's discovery may provide the unemployed and

underprivileged with new sources of income. The marang tree can grow anywhere in

the Philippines. In this regard, individuals can carry out the procedure so they will no

longer purchase commercial flour throughout the Philippines.

The Marang seeds, according to the researchers, are comparable to commercial

flour. However, because they lack advanced technology and machinery, their product

may not be as white as the commercial variety that can be purchased at a department

store, even though both have the same nutritional value.

B. Statement of the Problem

This study primarily aims to find alternative source of flour. And answer the

following question:

1. Is their any difference between the Marang (Artocarpus Odoratissimus) seeds

as a potential alternative flour to the usual commercial flour?

2. Is there a health benefits you can from the Marang seeds as an alternative


3. Does it cost a lot?

General Objectives

Provide the possible health benefits of Marang (Artocarpus Odoratissimus)

seeds as a potential alternative flour. Also, to encourage everyone to not only rely on

most of the ready-made or processed commercial flour.

Specific Objective:

1. To be aware of the benefits of flour-based foods we consumed through

Marang (Artocarpus Odoratissimus) seeds.

2. To make more useful about the seeds of Marang we consumed.

C. Significance of the Study
The results of the study entitled Marang (Artocarpus Odoratissimus)

Seeds as a Potential Alternative Source of Commercial Flour will be beneficial to

the following:

People. One of the consumers of economy are its people. This study will be

beneficial since there are a lot of benefits you will get from Marang (Artocarpus

Odoratissimus) seeds as an alternative commercial flour.

Entrepreneurs. This study will give the information about the health benefits of

Marang seeds as a flour and an alternative for them to gain income in a simple


Future Researchers. The result of the study is a great help to the future

investigators who are interested in studying the same case. It will serve as the

basis and reference to the future researchers.

D. Definition of Terms

Marang - A large sweet aromatic fruit. Marang is a breadfruit cousin, also known

as the scientific name Artocarpus Odoratissimus. A delicious special fruit that

only grows in tropical climates, also known for its rich health benefits.
Artocarpus Odoratissimus - A species of flowering plant in the Moraceae

family. A scientific name of fruit called Marang.

Seed - a flowering plant's unit of reproduction, capable of developing into another

such plant.

Potential - latent qualities or abilities that may be developed and lead to future

success or usefulness

Alternative - is a proposition offering a choice between two or more things.

Source - a force that gives rise to something.

Flour - A product consisting of finely milled wheat. It is used to make many

different foods.

E. Scope and Delimitation

The study is experimental investigation, focusing on Marang (Artocarpus

Odoratissimus) seeds as a potential alternative source of commercial flour and is

limited to Marang season.

Chapter II

A. Review of Related Literature

Marang (Artocarpus odoratissimus) is a Philippine tree resembling the breadfruit.

The fruit of this tree consists of a mass of small seeds embedded in a white, sweetish,

edible pulp. The fruit of Marang is commonly used as a sweet. It has been reported by

people in the community that the seeds are edible. So we experimented with other uses

of marang seed, like commercial flour. Marang contains a lot of protein. The purpose of

this study is to recycle the Marang (Artocarpus Odoratissimus) seeds can be made into

commercial flour.
Chapter III

A. Materials and Equipment

 Marang Seeds

 Water

 Grinder

 Pan

 Bowl

 Spoon

 Strainer

B. Treatment and Variables/Statistical Design

C. General Procedure

1. Gather the seeds and wash it, then, soak it on water for at least 5mins.

2. Dry the Marang seeds.

3. Boil or toast the seeds, boil for at least 20-30mins or toast it for 10-20mins.

4. Pill the seeds.

5.  Using grinder, grind the seeds thoroughly until fine texture results.( in

grinding the seeds make it sure that it is purely dried because when you grind

it in an wet it will not become a powder.)

6. Pack in cellophane or jar.

7. Store in cool or dry place.

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