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Portfolio Item Responses

Title of Item Photos of supportive administrators and ILS

Owner/Creator Rhonda Cowart
Site Found Author created
Description of Item Content These three photos show the wonderful people
around me who supported me in my PL efforts
Relation to Goals/Significance Without the support of all these people, my PL
would not have taken place. From my initial
conversation with Meagan and Adam, they were
very supportive. Meagan spoke to our principal
on my behalf. He (Charley Ingham), too, was
supportive and offered an incentive (getting out
of the weekly PLC meetings) for people to attend
my PL. Meagan also suggested I speak with our
ILS, Meredith, to get her input and guidance since
she deals with adult learners constantly.
Meredith was incredibly helpful. She was
especially helpful in helping me collect data to
show the impact of my PL (Goal #3).
Acquisition Challenge Level I had to grab these folks when they were
1=Easy; 5=Difficult available, which is sometimes challenging due to
their level of activity and being constantly busy.

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