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Level V

Professor: David Bonilla

Students: Sandra Felicelli
Silvina Sanchez

With a partner, write a “How to…” article. Choose one of the titles below and try to think at least four tips.
How to…
 Make a good impression on your first day in your English class.
 Make a good impression at a job interview.

How to…Make a good impression at a job interview

1. Be on time
Arriving on time (or a little earlier) is a matter of education and responsibility.
If the interview is by video call, you can previously check how your connection is and if the place where you
are is the correct one for the conversation.
2. Dress presentably
The most important thing to keep in mind is that the clothes go with your personality and in accordance with
the company, but always formal and taking care of the details.
3. Have confidence and security in yourself:
Present yourself as a confident person and confident in your abilities and possibilities. During the interview,
keep eye contact with the person you are talking to. Answer the questions confidently, and if you don't know
what to answer, say you don't know without getting nervous, but don't make up the answer.
4. Take care of body language
Your body language can express more about your personality. Always adopt an upright posture. Avoid all kinds
of nervous movements with your hands or feet. Use your arms to support and reinforce what you say but
watch out for exaggerated gestures. Smile. Employers always prefer a cheerful and enthusiastic person.
5. Sell your skills
Your experience, knowledge or simply your interest make you the right person for that position; Always
remember. This is the time to speak well of yourself, highlight your skills, qualities, and experience. Focus on
talking about your professional work life, in which areas you have experience and why you can be a valuable
element for an organization.
6. Ask smart questions
If an interviewer asks if you have any questions regarding the job, ask questions that show that you are
interested in staying and working with them. Do not ask questions related to salary or holidays but to the
company or the job.
7. Show appreciation
One of the most important tips is that at the end of the interview, you thank the interviewer (or interviewers if
there are several) for the time invested. You can show your politeness and confidence by shaking hands safely
and politely saying "thank you very much" or "I hope we can talk again soon."

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