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My Predictions about the future

The world has been developing and changing over time, this has allowed the advancement
of technology, which helps medicine, education, among others, although on the other hand
it has brought disadvantages such as global warming and pollution. That is why some of my
predictions about the future are:

By 2050, most of the professions that we know will disappear because with the
advancement of technology, sophisticated programs have been created and will continue to
be created that will perform the functions of an accountant, an engineer or others, even
robots are being created that would replace the pilots or the police in the future, therefore
there will also be changes in the education of both colleges and universities.
If the population doesn't make better use of its natural resources, by 2050 fresh water will
run out and it'll cause the death of many people as well as the destruction of agricultural
ecosystems, generating a world famine that will be difficult to control.
By 2050, the cure for diseases such as cancer, AIDS, Alzheimer, among others, will have
been found, all thanks to advances in the treatment and prevention of diseases, even with
this life expectancy will increase worldwide.

In conclusion, by 2050 the world will change for better or for worse, it depends on the
actions we decide to change.

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