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Teacher: Francireth Rodriguez

Full name: Patricia Nicole Lopez Medina
Carolina Herrera, a source of inspiration

María Carolina Pacanins Niño was born in Caracas on January 8, 1939, her parents were
Guillermo Pacanins Acevedo and María Cristina Niño Passios. At the age of 12, she
moved to the United States where she studied public relations. When she was 42 years
old, she started out as a designer with the help of Diana Vreeland, who became her
mentor. She quickly gained international fame to become one of America's most
successful designers. In addition, although she has been retired for 2 years, she
continues to be an ambassador for all the brands she owns, inspiring most people,
especially women. Therefore, in her free time she likes to work on her brand, in addition
to spending time with her family.

Also, during one of her years as designer of her, she in a conference in her speech
mentioned that "The woman only has one defect: she doesn't recognize how valuable
she is." and they're some words that really impressed and inspired me because I think
they're very right, all of us have insecurities and many times it's difficult for us to
recognize the many virtues we have and instead of that we prefer to highlight the
defects, which manages to degrade our self-esteem.

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