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Russian Foreign Policy

We can define this into 2 time line. First, establishment Yeltsin period. Second, since 2000 Putin
era. After the Cold War International System has been restructured and all concept started to change
or redefine in that process. They try to adopt itself to the new international Systems or era after the
cold war-era. Russia is governed by the presidential System. We can define the system as a
powerful. (It means president sets and execute foreign policy.) In this case, we can see that role of
the president is dominant. Because of that we can define the System, the presidential system of
Russian Federation as a powerful system. (It means president sets and execute foreign policy.) In
the first period (Yeltsin period) the priorities of Yeltsin who won elections two times in 1991 and
1996 were to protect territorial integrity and sovereignty of country. (We know goals of the states
or actors (basic goals) are about territorial integrity and sovereignty of country from territorial
perspective.) In addition the origin priorities of foreign policy in the first period of Russia. Russia
has been preservation of stability in the Former Soviet geography. The prevention of expansions
claim in this region and the fulfillment of the regional and global responsibilities remaining from
USSR. (This is the Yeltsin period priorities and this was the important period. This priorities such
as territorial Integrity, sovereignty and stability of Former Soviet geography and prevention of
expansionist claims in the region and fulfillment of regional and global responsibilities remaining
from USSR.) In 2000, with the Putin era although he has been criticized for his dictatorial
tendencies and moving away from democratization process. Putin has provided stability to Russia
on economy, political and security based issues. In addition there was a conflict between
Atlanticism and Eurasian in the Yeltsin period. In domestic politics in 1990s came to end when
Putin came into power. Atlanticism means Russia should adopt the Western countries system
especially in the economy and Eurasia means Russia go on his way you like Soviet Union. There is
a discussion between these groups in the domestic politics in 1990s. But with the era of Putin this
conflict came to end, and Putin has provided stability to the Russia in terms of economic, political
and security based issues. In the Putin period, the increases GDP active foreign policy pursuit has
been increased the prestige the people of Russian Federation. (We know the prestige of country as
abstract goals of state from theoritical perspective.) Putin provided this abstract goal for Russia. In
the building period of Russia foreign policy besides the president we turned the level of analysis
and we focus on state and units of State effect on Russian foreign policy, beside the effect of
President it can be mentioned the responsibility of prime minister. However, in the period of Putin
neither Kasyonov and Fradkov as prime minister of Russia nor the Ivanov and Lavrov as the foreign
ministers couldn't came to forefront. Because Putin didn’t like share his power with other
components of state or bureaucrats of States. Because of that Putin has been criticized for his
dictatorial tendencies. In addition, to the administrative organization of foreign policy, the influence
of public opinion and interest groups can also be mentioned. When we compared the Yeltsin and
Putin period, Influence of public opinion on foreign policy was evident especially during the Yeltsin
period. It will be more accurate to determine that the public opinion is directed by government or
Putin during the Putin period. (It means Putin affects the things of public opinions and he changed
the public opinions. The public opinions and interest groups are more prominent. First, military
production complex and Soviet Heritage and second, Full Energy complex.) Within this context,
when will look at the foreign policy in Putin term, we will see that Putin first of all, prefer more
centralized policies in domestic politics and more confident and global politics in foreign policy.
With Putin there was a document namely National security concept and Russian foreign policy
concept. (National Security Council - January 10/2000, foreign policy concept June 28 /2000.)
These concepts were mains determinants of Putin’s foreign policy. In National Security concept
document, how the place of Russia was pursuit in world community was given (in theoritical
perspective from the leader perception, where is the country in the world community? Leader
defined the place of its own country in thee world community.) Accordingly, 1- Russia is the one
of the most powerful countries in the world from the definition in the first part of National Security
concept document. And Russia has strategic unique geopolitical position. 2- Russia is one of the
most important power centers in multipolar world. 3- They listed threats to Russian Nation security.
According to the list, first one is the efforts of certain countries to make existing mechanisms for
International Security such as USA and OSCE less important. They couldn't say the certain
countries but in the National Security document they mean the USA. Second one is the weakening
of military political blocks and alliances with the expansion of NATO. Expansion of NATO towards
the Russian border is the one of the most important priorities of Russian foreign policy. Because of
that define the possibility of expansion of NATO can be defined as a threat of Russian national
security in that document. Third one is threat of Russian national security is the increasing in
weapons of mass destruction. Fourth threat in national security document is about the decreasing
CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States). Fifth threat is the emergence of territorial claims
against Russia. Apart from the documents, Shanghay Cooperation organization became the
instituanalized and became also military fields in the Putin period. Institutionalization of Shangai
was one of the most important priorities of Putin foreign policy. The significance of the Euroasian
Economic community, which was founded in 1996 also increased in the period of Putin. Within this
context, we can define the Russian foreign policy 5 basic principles. (Generally, against US and
Western hegemony.) First one is near abroad policy. Second one is anti-hegemonic attitude. Third
one is multivector politics. Fourth one is pragmatism. Fifth one is selective globalization. When we
look at the definition of near abroad policy, it means Russia has given geopolitical priorities its near
abroad. Russia has developed many policies for near abroad economic integration with the
Euroasian Union and Customs Union and military political partnership with the Collective Security
agreement Organization, whiter integration with the CIS. These are the tools of abroad policy.
When we look at the anti-hegemonic attitude, this is the general principle of Russian foreign policy.
Russia wants a multicenter or multipolar world. Multicentral world create alternatives for actors.
When we look at the multivector politics, we can call it a multidimensional f.p. In addition to
forming anti-hegemonic, economic, political and military alliances it is possible to say that Russia
wants to open up a large space for itself in hierarchical multicentered new world order. To achieve
this Russia tries to diversity bilateral and multilateral relations. Russia is maintaining lines Policy
with other countries that are uncomfortable at reasonal level with military and economic (Western)
under the US leadership. Another tool is the BRICS. (Brasil, Russia, India, China andSouth Africa)
BRICS is a reflection of this thinking in the economic aspect and Shanghai reflection of military
and political sense. The main aim of multivector policy can be explained as the political of being in
many region on global scale. (Main aim is Russian great states position.) Russia is trying establish
relations with many countries and in many regions but also to pursuit a multidimensional policy in
the I. system. When we look at the pragmatism while saying pragmatism it means Russia acts in
accordance with logic on consequences like the others Logical consequences. Russia takes into
account profit-lose calculation and its interest. Pragmatism can be explain as the development of
relations by keeping the economic and political interests instead of the ideological and historical
ties. First priorities is about economic and political interest of state from pragmatist perspective.
When we look at the selective globalization, it means the Russia doesn't reject or ignore all of the
Neoliberal globalization. Russia try to act selectively globalization. Russia establish a band tie with
the globolization within the framework of national interest and global can be argue that
this principle has set to be use by Russia in achieving its goals in foreign policy.

China Foreign Policy

Key driving force behind the emergence of China as an important global actor is undoubtedly the
economic breakthrough the economic development. According to OECD analysis China is still
world 2nd largest economy in accordance with the pursuing power parity and China can be a new
economic super power until 2020 and up to the 2050 or by 2050. Goldman Sachs predicts that if
China doesn't experience Series economic depression or natural disaster and maintains its growth
in the same way, China will surpass the US economy with gross national product of 44 trillion dollar
by 2050. Chinese management style when we look at the domestic structure inside of China,
Chinese management system is one party system. (Socialist republic). Apart from the Chinese
communist party there are other parties in the political domestic structure of China but first article
of these party is related to communist parties loyalties. All the factories have communist party
representatives. It means main decisive actor Chinese adminstrative stucture is Chinese communist
party. Within the context of local government, China is divided into is provinces and autonomous
regions of Tibet and Sincan-Uygur especially in the west part of China are autonomous regions.
These autonomous regions are problematic due to occasional internal disturbances. After the
introductive information on the Chinese structure, we see that despite the rising economic power,
China which is not military and political superpower follows a peaceful foreign policy based on
peaceful coexistence. (The main concept of Chinese foreign policy is peaceful coexistence). It's
emphasized that 5 conditions must be fulfilled in order to live together in peace and in I. system.
The first condition is to respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of other countries. The
second condition is non-aggression based on reciprocity. The third condition is non-interference in
the internal domestic affairs of other countries. The fourth condition is equality between states. (All
states are equal from the perspective of int. Law and system, there is no hierarchical system). The
fifth condition is mutual benefit. China tends to settle border disputes with the other countries
peacefully true negotiation in accordance with the principle of peaceful coexistence. It means China
has border disputes with its own neighbors but China tries to solve the border dispute in accordance
with the principle of peaceful coexistence. In line with this principles, China has resolved the border
debates with Burma, Nepal, Mongolia, Afghanistan in the 1960s or with India on Tibet in the 1950s.
However, in the recent years China has lifted its border disputes with Kazakhistan, Kyrgyzstan,
Tajikistan. China also signed an agreement with Vietnam in 2000. China has proposed package of
agreements to resolve disagreements with India. There are same territorial problem coming from
history with India. There is one another questions or issue concerning the China can be define as
Taiwan issue. Taiwan Issue is the most prominent and international debated issue among border
debates. Taiwan issue starting from Cold war period. Chinese foreign policy regarding the Taiwan
issue is to reunit peacefully one country 2 systems. (The slogan of Chinese foreign policy on Taiwan
issue can be classified as one Country 2 systems). However the US interest in the Taiwan issue
since the 1950s has made the issue more complicated, China has annoyed that the US has to increase
ourselves to Taiwan and has established military relations with Taiwan. (Arms sales to the Taiwan
from the US). However, the US thinks that gun sales and military contact are necessery to maintain
balance in Taiwan. US analysis the problem of Taiwan from a global perspective. (Trading
perspective.) Similarly, in order to ensure the safety of Gulf Aden and Somalian costs were see
piracy has increased greatly. China has sent a fleet of 3 ships to the region in order to prevent see
piracy in the Aden Gulf. This is an important operation from the perspective of China. Because it
is the first offshore maritime mission of Chinese modern history. The main reason of this
intervention is that %40 of all products raw materials coming to China from Aden Gulf. Because
the safety of trading roads is one of the most crucial things for Chinese foreign policy. Moreover,
the mission in the Gulf of Aden realized by China, there is one more message in the mission of
China. Mission in Gulf Aden perceived as a message of desire to play a great in the preservation of
the world peace and security with its increasing military and economic power. Another point is that
China this new taste indirectly declared or argue that the legitimacy of military action in situations
that threaten national interest in the open seas. Within the context, the Chinese government
determined the main principles of the Chinese foreign policy with the document of white paper
declared publish in 2011. There are some Principles of Chinese foreign policy in the white paper
declared in 2011. The main principle of China in this paper is to encourage the construction of a
harmonious world. This the first principle. The second principle is to build an independent peaceful
foreign policy. The third principle is to encourage a new sense of security formulated with the
factors of mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality. The fourth principle is to carry out international
responsibility in an active mother. The fifth principle is to encourage or support the regional
cooperation and good neighborhood relations. These 5 principle decisive factors for Chinese
foreign policy published or created in white paper declared in 2011. These principles can be
categorized as the main determines of Chinese foreign policy. When we look at the historical
development of Chinese foreign policy, we see that the after the establishment of China in 1949,
the foundation era between 1949-1955 can be categorized by the lean-to one side policy. During
this period, the Soviet Union was regarded as the main force based for newly established public
people republic of China in the subjects of Chinese economic troubles and problems in l. system.
Between 1956-1962 China has still acting in foreign policy in parallel with the Soviet Union but it
was a period when China increased its independence from the Soviet Union’s Communist party.
China doesn't want under the Soviet communist party. (Soviet communist party wants the control
all communist countries and Eastern world but China doesn't want this.) Because of that China
establish its own community party. From 1962-1992. We can say that cultural revolution is
influential in that period. This revolution is the movement initated by Mao Zedong as a general
secretary of Chinese Communist party. In his rule to revived Chinese revolutionary sprit. When
anti-hegemony and 3 world views are desicive. Anti-hegemonic policy in that period refers to the
anti-Soviet hegemony. According to the world view, the Soviet Union has been identified as the
main enemy and China has also moved away from other Socialist countries. China considers that
the center of gravity of the world revolutionary movement has moved from Eastern Block to the
independence movement in Asia, Africa, Latin America. (China put himself in the center of the new
revolutionary movement in Asia, Africa, and Latin America). With the reforms in the 1970s in the
Nixon period with pinpon diplomacy, US-Chinese relations started to improve. The reforms in
addition to the development of the US-China relations reforms initiated by Deng Xiaoping in 1977
made a mark in the period that began in 1972. During this period, China entered into semi-alliance
with the US semi-alliance concept is the definition of Henry Kissinger. In that period, Kissinger
defined the relations as semi-alliances. This has shaped the 2 main elements of Chinese foreign
policy that remain valid until the end of the cold war. These elements are alliances with the US
against the Soviet Union and gradual capitalization. In the 1990s, a series of new policies were
adopted to prepare the int. Economic environment of Chinese economic growth. The series of new
policy includes the meeting energy needs of the growing economy and influence in new markets
the protection of the authority of the communist party of China and national territorial integrity and
to balance the impact of the US as new and unique hegemony of the new world order without the
USSR. (These are the main priorities of Chinese foreign policy in 1990s). In that period, at the same
time can be defined as the rapprochement period in terms of relations between China and Russia.
Within this context, we can say like Russia, China follows a multicenter and multidimensional and
pragmatic foreign policy. We have to talk about the new strategy of China called the belt and road
initiative. This initiative is a development strategy adopted by the Chinese government, involving
infrastructure development and investment in countries in Europe, Asia, and Africa. Belt reverse to
the overland roads from road and rail transportation. The Chinese government calls the initiative a
bit to enhance regional connectivity and embarrass try the future. Other countries see this initiative
as the Chinese dominance or Chinese dominance in global affairs with the China center trading

US Foreign Policy

The US is governed by the presidential system. Therefore the most influential element in foreign
policy is the president. Because of that main principles or preferences of the president in the
domestic systems of the US. Apart from the president, other elements that affect impacts or help
the president in the foreign policy are the minister of foreign policy same units in the White House
Executive Branch such as the national security council, special assistant for national security affairs,
central intelligence agency (CIA), ministry of defense and ministry of national security that was
established in 2002, after the September 11th. The ministry of national security established in 2002
is interested in anti-terror issues. So we understand that under the state level there are some units
affecting each other and affecting the foreign policy-making process. The head of the domestic
system is the president. Apart from the president and units that support the president. Under the
State level, congress is the legislative body of the US. Congress consists of 2 chambers. (Senate
and House of Representatives). Then the third part affecting foreign policy decisions in the US is
lobbying. In sum, we can summarize the domestic system of the US, there is an interaction among
the units of the domestic system of the US. We can divided mainly 4 sub-categories into these units.
First one is the president. The second one is some units under the White House Executive Branch.
The third one is congress (legislature body and consists of 2 chambers such as the Senate or House
of Representatives). The fourth one is lobbying. When we look at the president, we see that the
president is elected by the public for 4 years. President has authority in the formulation
implementation of foreign policy in many fields with some exceptions such as the declaration of
war. It means, there are some expectations regarding the authority of the president. President has
to share its authority with e legislature in some cases, President is the Commander of Chief of the
armed forces like the other states. President has the authority to make international agreements
provided that the Senate has a 2/3 majority. The second unit is the vice president. The Vice president
is the president of the Senate and takes over the role of president if the president is unable to perform
his or her duties. (Some people think that the vice president became a president instead of Biden
after 2 years.) Vice president become a president if the president dies, the president resigns. The
president is temporally incapacitated. Vice president and major of cabinet judge that the president
is no longer able to discharge the duties of the president. Apart from the preferences of the vice
president, there are some other duties or authorities of the vice president. Accordingly, the vice
president is an important figure in US foreign policy. For example, Dich Cheney was the vice
president of G. W. Bush, Richard Nixon was the vice president of Eisenhower or Biden as a new
US president was the vice president of Obama. The third domestic structure can be defined as
congress. Congress is the legislative body of the US. The legislative body of the US which has a
federal state structure is the Congress. Congress consists of 2 structures (senate and house of
representatives). The main duty of congress in foreign policy is related to the central function of
some decisions. For instance, the decision on arms sales to some countries taken by the president
must be approved by congress. (The Signature of the president is not enough.) The international
agreement signed by the president but must be approved by 2/3 majority vote in the Senate.
Economic sanctions for some countries must be approved by congress (for ex, sanctions of Turkey
approved by Congress). Among the authorities of congress, the most important one is decleration
of war. (President has to share its authority with other units). Apart from the administrational
structure and units like president, vice president, congress actually there is one more decisive factor
in f.p decision in US. It's the lobbying. Lobbying is one of the most important element in process
of determining the foreign policy of US. Under the state level are interested groups, non-
governmental org., media, lobbies. (These units from theoritical part of lecture.) Lobbying is very
affactive for foreign policy of US. Lobbying activities are mainly carried out by 2 main groups.
One of them is lobbying compesed of interest groups that are effective in economic areas. (These
lobbies are supported by Multinational Corporation). The second one is lobbies based on different
ethnic groups in the country. (Most important lobbies are Jewish and Armenian lobbies.) For ex,
we can see the effectiveness of Jewish lobby in Trump's Jerusalem decisions. (Other effect of Jewish
lobby are about banks (FED)). We can show the pressure of Armenian lobby for so-called
Armenian genocide decision as another example. When we look at the US post cold war foreign
policy understanding, we see that the US foreign policy has been transformed with end of the cold
war. In the new period call new world order. US globalization, cooperation and security policies
have been changed. The reason for this is that we can show the breakdown in international system
together with end of the cold war.1989 the demolition of Berlin wall, the disentegration or collapse
of the Soviets in 1991, dissolution of Warsaw Pact means that ending of bipolar system or cold war
period. Since this date, today's int. system is defined as having a multi-center character. When the
structure of int. system is considered from the military and political point of view, the US at the top
of pyramid. When we think of 2 levels and at the same time when we regarded the US as a
hegemonic power, we can say that US is the navigational power of int. system. (At least, it is the
controller.) When we look at US in int. system and when the policies of US president George Bush,
Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Obama and Trump examined the influence of president on US
foreign policy has become much more clear. Especially in the early 1990s, a new isolationist view
was dominant in US. Isolationist policy is not far from the US administrational understanding.
They use the isolationist policy in the history time to time in 1830s, in the after the first world war
etc. Then they discussed on the preference of using the this policy. According to the 1990s, the
cold war is over and there is no need for US to be interested in the outside world. In early 1990s,
the great strategy of US in this new era, when economic developments in the world are beginning
to stand out was to spread the stable world capitalist economy and liberal democracy, based on US
military and economic leadership. In terms of US foreign policy, the second breaking point came
with events of september 11th with terrorist attacks against the US. After September 11th, US has
prioritize the concept of national Security and has been involved is various int. Interventions with
strategy of war against terrorism. Finally, the US president Trump announced a new strategy
document of US on 18th december 2017. The document resides on 4 pillars. First one is the
preservation of American people and lifestyle. Second one is to protect and strenghten the prosperity
of America. Third one is defend peace using force. Fourth one is to increase American influence.

US Foreign Policy Part 2

We will be concentrated on the priorities of U.S leader on foreign policy starting from the George
H.W. Bush (Father Bush) to William Bill Clinton. George W. Bush to Barack Obama and Donald
Trump terms we will compare the priorities of the changing on priorities of the U.S foreign policy
in these leaders of the U.S. George H.W. Bush: George Bush was from the Republican Party and
was president in the period of 1989-1999. In the transition period after the Cold War. In this period,
U.S perception of threats has undergone serious change and definition of national interests has been
restructured why the with the End of the Cold War the all things in international system started to
change/redifine After abolishing the threat of the Soviet Union the all priorities started to changing
world politics like the all other things in the international system. The U.S need to redefine the its
own priorities on foreign policy. Because of that, with the effect of the End of the Cold War, U.S
perception of threats has changed and the definition of national interest of the U.S has been
restructured. The primary foreing policy issues of the Bush administration from the 1989 to 1999
was the extraordinary development in the Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union while the Bush
administration was pleased with the disintegration of the Soviet Union. On the other hand, it is
worried about the power gap that would arise after the disintegration. The main source of these
concerns of the U.S are the nuclear weapons and the various types of weapons of mass
destruction in Russian Federation and in the new republics coming from the Soviet Union. The
Bush Administration supported the preparation of international aid 8 package for Russia which
entered the economic crisis in 1992 following the disintegration process and contributed
considerable amount. In addition, the U.S Administration regarded the EU as an instrument of the
participation to the Western World of Eastern Europe which was the liberated from the Soviet
influence. Because of that, the transition of the Eastern Europe was another aim of the U.S in that
term. Within this framework, the U.S support the EU’s acceptance of Eastern European Countries
as members as soon as possible. In some George H.W Bush term was the transition term with the
effect of the End of the Cold War. The U.S tried to determine the new priorities in accordance with
the changing circumstances in the world politics. Bush administration was happy with the
disintegration of the Soviet Union but together with the disintegration of the Soviet Union there
was a power gap in the region because of the power gap the U.S worried about it.

William Bill Clinton: Clinton became president from the Democratic Party and served in 1993-
2001. The foreign policy philosophy to foreign policy understanding of this period can be
formulated as the attempt to preserve the leading or guiding leadership rather than the U.S
hegemony. Actually, they prefer to use the concept as the position of the U.S an international
system. At the same time, Iraq, Iran, Cuba, North Korea and Libya are countries were the U.S
perceived threats during the Clinton period from these types of states. During the Clinton Period a
National Economic Council was established. The main aim is the U.S struggle to become leader of
the economic globalization. Actually, it is possible to say that the U.S has abandoned its
internationalism policy which it pursued during the Cold War period. This means that in
international area the U.S should not interfere which the matters that do not direct the concern of
the U.S. Actually, this is the clear explanation about the policy. There is view that U.S interest in
outside world must be limited to directing the countries to liberal democracy and the free market
economy. It means U.S should be interested in the transition period of the other countries politically
adn economically to the liberal democracy and the free market economy. There are also debates in
the country that the U.S should emphasize the issues such as drug addiction, unemployment and
illegal alliances etc. In the Clinton term, contrary to the priorities of the First Presidency term during
the second term the Bill Clinton administration put more emphasis on foreign policy. The U.S has
put more emphasis on issues such as the development of democracy and human rights in around
the world environment and improvement the condition of refugees. Clinton administration have
made much more effort than the Europe’s in the solution of a bloody conflicts in the former
Yugoslavia geography. During this period, the U.S so defined the North Korea as a Iraq states
although the Clinton administration considered a military campaign against the nuclear capacity of
the Northern Korea. However, the U.S gave up the military operation option because of the regional
balances. On October 21st, 1994, an agreement was signed between the U.S and North Korea. This
deal DC agreement was made after the North Korea with drove from the (NPT) Nuclear Non-
Proliferation Treaty. In this term the U.S tried to keep the North Korea in the system by providing
economic assistance to North Korea.

George W. Bush: George W. Bush became president from the Republican Party and he is served
in period of 2001-2009. The understanding of foreign policy differs from the previous period the
role of the U.S in the international system was again defined as dominant power within the
framework of military ideological leadership instead of the guiding leadership. In the international
arena the military and the ideological superiority of the U.S must be preserved and if necessary the
use of force for this purpose should not be avoided. There was a crucial breaking point in that term
this was the terrorist attacks on September 11th. September 11, 2001 has been an important date
for the U.S in terms of foreign policy in particular. From this state on worths the U.S public has
starting to think that they are facing an international terrorist attack under the concept of
international terrorism. In this sense The White Declaration why the White House declared the
new U.S National Security Strategy in 2002. Actually, this so important for the U.S foreign policy.
According to the new U.S National Security Strategy in 2002 the U.S can make some military
operations without the need for UN resolution to whom to terrorists and countries or groups that
directly or indirectly support them or the countries that do not accept Pax Americana (Amerikan
Barışı) and have weapons of mass destruction. The second importance of the decision is about the
legalizaition of the military operations of the U.S. In that point, U.S does not need for the UN
resolution while making military operations without the UN resolution U.S made the military
operations against terrorism to the other countries. According to the President Bush, this was in line
with the legitimate right of the self defense contained in article 50-51 UN legitimate right of the self
defense. The three main targets of the Bush administration in term of terrorism; Afghanistan in
general Al-Qaeda in particular, Iraq, Iran. Within this framework, the main slogan in that term was
war against terrorism. Starting 1992 there was an ongoing Climate Change Negotiations in the
also George Bush term like the Clinton term but the George Bush withdrawn the U.S from the
Kyoto Protocol because the protocol would harm the American or destroy the American economy.

Barack Obama: He was from the Democrat Party and served from the 2009-2017. Obama foreign
policy as pragmatic, realist and liberal idealist. The first foreign policy choosing continuing the
fight against international terrorism. Actually, this aim is to realize with the idea of providing
diplomacy and economic development rather than only with the unilateral military internevtion. It
means the Obama preferred to use the diplomacy instead of the using the military capacity. The
second foreign policy choosing the Barack Obama term was to struggle poverty in order to prevent
extremists or radicalism. The third one was the improve the situation of education and health sectors
in the world. The next one was the U.S troop withdrawal in Iraq at a reasonable time. Continuing
the fight against in Afghanistan in particular fighting against international terrorism in general.
Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction. The last one can be defined as the fighting against the
global climate change. Actually, it means Obama added the U.S again to the international climate
change negotiations in order to fight the against global climate change.

Donald Trump: He was from the Republican Party. He bacame president on January 20th, 2017.
He served just one term Biden won the election in the U.S so because of that we can focus on the
understanding of Donald Trump only one just one term from the 2017 to today. The U.S President
Trump announced a New Strategy Document of the U.S on December 18th, 2017. This document
reside on 4 pillars. These pillars are; *the preservation of the U.S citiziens of the American
people and their lifestyle. *To protect and strengthen the prosperity of America *to defense
peace using force *To incerase the American influence. On January 23rd, 2017 Trump directs
the Office of U.S Trade Representative to withdraw the U.S from the Transpacific Partnership.
Actually, this is the disagreement composed of 12 countries and this is the Asia focused trade
agreement. The agreement signed under the Obama administration but in the Trump term direct the
Office of the U.S Trade Representative withdraw the U.S from the Transpacific Agreement or
Transpacific Partnership Agreement. On January 27th,2017 the President signs an executive
order banning nations of 6 Muslim majority countries from travelling to the U.S for 90 day. That
same week Trump signed to one more executive order. The order directs is the federal found to the
construction of a wall along the U.S Mexico Border to prevent the immigration from the Mexico to
the U.S. On June 1st 2017 in a speech President Trump announced that the U.S will withdraw from
the 2015 Paris Climate Accord, another agreement negotiated by Obama. Obama signed the Paris
agreement like the Transpasicif Partnership Agreement and the President Trump announced that
the U.S will withdraw from the 2015 Paris Climate Accord. Trump criticize the 195 country
agreement under which the U.S would have voluntarily limited its carbon emissions for
concentrating U.S sovereignty harming American workers and disadvantaging the U.S
economically like the George W. Bush a game took the decision to withdraw the U.S from the
international climate change negotiations. On August 21st, 2017 Trump in a speech announced a
counterterrorism focused approach to the U.S Mission in Afghanistan and he announced that he will
deploy more U.S troops there and losing their rules of an engagement. He avoids mentioning
deployment timetables. This was the one of the most important decisions on Trump term about the
Jerusalem on December 6, 2017. Trump breaks whip decades of U.S policy on the Israel Palestinian
conflict by recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, he justifies the move as recognition of reality
that Jersalem is the seat of Israel’s government. U.S started to impose tariffs on foreign made still
an aluminium on March 1st, 2018. The administration imposes the restrictions on China as well as
the EU as trade negotiations continue. In April return China in imposes some tariffs, customs tariffs
on U.S product. On May 8,2018 President Trump announced the U.S withdrawal from the another
international agreement from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. Actually, it means the U.S
took a decision to withdraw from the 2015 agreement on Iran’s nuclear program. The Iran’s nuclear
program and was negotiated signed by the Obama. On May 14th 2018, after recognizing Jerusalem
as the Israel’s capital December 2017, the Trump administration moved the U.S embassy from the
Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Actually, to move upsets the Arab and Western allies and brings
Washington’s neutrality as a broker in the Israel Palestinian peace process into question. On June
12,2018 Trump and Kim meet in Singapore as Uno and their joint declaration fears the U.S, North
Korea relationship from confrontation to the cooperation. Lastly, another decision of the Trump
term on June 19th 2018, Ambassador Nikki Haley announced that the U.S will withdraw from the
Human Right Council, citing a chronic bias against the Israel and human rights abuses of various
sitting members which include China and Venezuela.

EU Foreign Policy

We will have a look at the first of all historical evolution of the EU. However, before giving details
of the EU decision making process, we will lay emphasis on transformation role of the EU, the
reasons for the EU’s attractiveness and limitations of the EU. Actually, the attractiveness and
limitations can determine the limitations of the EU’s foreign policy. Transformative future of the
EU. We can divide it into two time periods before and after the End of the Cold War. Before the
End of the Cold War Period: The Union transformed its Member States and their citizens making
armed conflict among them unthinkable for the future. Europe’s very mission had been to stop the
wars between its countries, its members, and to open a history of peace and cooperation. After the
End of Cold War Period: The European Community focused on the internal integrations or
internal developments after the End of the Cold War. The Notion of the transformative power
came to the for in this period. The European Union had to tackle the sharp differences between the
pre-existing member states and countries that had communist regimes, economies and institutions.
That’s transforming a communist economy into the free market is the Titanic job in that period.
Actually, in that period the EU did not only try to adapt the communist economies to do free market
or the liberal economy but also transformed the communist into institutions of the Central and
Eastern European countries into the Democratic issues. It means the EU trying to transform the old
socialist countries economically and politically.

Power of Attraction of the EU: The EU is the attractive points for the other countries or the citizens
of the other countries. Attractive Factors of the EU; The status of the international affairs.
Actually, in times of insecurity countries prefer to get closer to a military protector. In that point,
Europe does not feel this role but in times of peace and in certain domains countries prefer to deal
with a partner that is not a military power. Europe is the biggest donor of foreign 8 worldwide and
is the biggest economy if we consider the EU members as a single economy. So the first attractive
factor of the EU is about the Civilian Power of the EU. This is welfare system. When we compare
the American System with the European System we will see that when a job is in a danger in US,
the holder of that job fears losing everything and will do almost anything to protect job and in
similar situation the Europeans feel more protected compared to the system of US. The money
system named the Euro zone. The Euro is an important resource. It took play positive role in the
world although not used as often as the American dollars in international transaction. The Euro is
increasingly becoming reserve currency. This means that it is increasing perceived as an anchor of

The Limitations affecting the role of the Europe as a political player negatively;

Internal divisions although the Notion is busier Europe is expected to simultaneously have a single
voice and the multiple voice in international institutions because there is no coherence between the
member states. For example, imagine the scenario of the meeting of the UN Security Council. In
this meeting EU was invited to speak with its own high Representative and this is Representative
speaks on behalf of the EU. However, in the same meeting, this single European foreign official
would also speak to a French or the German/British representatives. Organization which make its
policies we cannot frequently inconsistent. This invitation shows the complex decision making
process in the EU. For example, The Europe has a Council of Agriculture Ministers and Council of
Interior Ministers and each of these councils makes separate decisions. So, although these sets of
policies conflict with each other bot hare the European policies. Uncertainity of the possible role
of the EU also due to the uncertainity of its boundaries. The question is how much more should
do EU expand? Another important point of the discussion is whether Europe and Georgia should
ve members or the neighbours. Because of the border uncertainity is also the another limitation for
the EU the EU’s impact on foreign policy or the EU’s limitation on the formulation foreign policy.
The current conditions of the Transatlantic relations. Europe and the U.S have historical ties or
have historically been friends and allies. However, on the both sides of the Atlantic discussions
consider whether this transition allies still makes sense or not. On the American sides increasing
importance of the East Asia has led to reduced U.S interest in its European allies. It means the
American sides give the attentions to do Asia region instead of the EU. On the European sides the
sharp division on Iraq was just a symptom of the diversity of approaches towards America. This
diversity of approaches was enhanced by enlargement. The EU contradicts many assumptions of
traditional foreign policy in the context of actor and power. The EU is not state and continuous is
foreign policy. EU tried to create the Common Foreign and Security Policy from the 1992
Maastricht Agreement. The Maastricht Agreement was turning point for the EU. The European
Community has transformed into the EU as the Copenhagen Summit in 1993. The EU established
principles that were taken into account in its external relations. The EU members or Member States
are still following their foreign policies because the Member States under the EU are still Nation
states because of that, the EU member states have their own foreign policies but they are
coordinating policies under the common institutional structures at the EU level. Lisbon Treaty
(2009): The strengthened the institutional framework of the EU foreign policy. In the EU foreign
policy global priorities can be grouped under 4 headings. 1) Peace and security 2) Sustainable
development 3) Human rights 4) Strengthening of the United Nations. Within this framework,
we can say the EU is seen as a sui generis actor in international system. Because it does not
conform to the traditional foreign policy power and actor concepts in international system. In that
point, we need to ask a question. “Why does the EU follow a different foreign policy from the
other states and the actors?” Actually, in terms of foreign policy the EU acts differently from the
other actors in international system. The EU does not act like the nation state because of that, the
EU follows a different foreign policies style or different foreign policy from the other actors and
other nation states. We will focus on the answer on the question. In order to understand the different
position of the EU on foreign policy in terms of the mechanisms, nature of the EU etc compared to
the other actors or other nation states we can begin to analyze the EU foreign policy. In order to
understand the different structure of the EU on foreign policy first of all we have to understand the
nature of the Europe as an actor.

The Nature of the EU: We will two sentence one of them is correct, the other is the false sentence
in order to understand/discuss the nature of the Europe. The EU uses military force in the foreign
policy or the EU has the military capacity as an actor international system. The EU is a civilian
actor and the uses economic power/capacities or the soft power instruments in the EU. The question
is which one is the correct for the EU while analysing the nature of the EU. Actually, we can reply
the question as the EU is a civilian actor and they use the economic power and the instrument of
soft power. This sentence of the EU uses the military force is the false sentence. Because military
strength of the EU is weak. At the 1999 Helsinki Summit it was decided to established an army of
50.000 or 60.000 people. This military power was established in 2003. Actually in general it is the
capacitor of peacekeeping force to support to the UN operations. It means, this is not a classic
military army like in the Nation States. Because of that, the EU technically cannot organize the
foreign policy decisions on using military force. Actually, this is one of the limitations of the EU.
The another sentence correct one. We can define the EU nature as an civilian actor and the EU uses
economic power, diplomacy and the another soft power instruments on the foreign policy. Actually,
the EU uses two policy on the foreign policy of the EU mainly. Enlargement Policy and
Neighbourhood Policy. Actually, the EU is a civilian power and the EU organize/regulate its own
foreign policy via some policies formulated such as enlargement policy, neighbourhood policy,
mediterranean policy or trading policy etc. Enlargement Policy: The EU is using enlargement as
a means of foreign policy. It is policy applied to candidate countries such as Turkey. It means the
enlargement policy is there about the membership. Neighbourhood Policy: Its policies applied to
the non candidate countries. It means in the neighbourhood policy the membership process is not
valid. Actually, the neighbourhood policy regulate the relations with the non candidate neigbours
with the EU.

Copenhagen Criteria: In that point is one of the important thing on the EU’s foreign policy, the
Copenhagen Criteria are valid both for the enlargement policy and neighbourhood policy. Actually,
the neighbourhood policy if the third parties to establish relations with the EU, they have to accept
these criteria what we understand from this is that both enlargement and neighbourhood policy are
both tools of the EU foreign policy to the third countries with these tools, the EU tried to transform
the third countries that want to establish relations with the EU.

Structure of the EU: That distinguish the Union from the other actors. Actually, the EU composed
of two basic levels Nation State Levels and the EU Level. Actually, in that point a theory on
foreign policy formulated by the Robert Putnam. We have to be concentrated on the Robert
Putnam’s two-level game theory so in order to understand the foreign policy formulation process
on the nation state level. Why is importance the Robert Putnam’s two-level game theory for
us? Because; We have to understand the process of foreign policy formulating in a nation state.
We will analyze this structure of the EU. Why first of all do we focus on the Putnam’s two-level
game in order to understand the foreign policy of the nation state? EU is not a nation state but EU
composed nation states. We accept in that point the members under the EU go on following their
own foreign policies under the EU. Because of that, first of all be have to understand the foreign
policy formulation logic in the nation states an international system. After analysing/discussing the
two level game theory or the process of the foreign policy formulating in the EU and then we will
pass the structure, we will pass the decision-making mechanisms of the EU. It means, in the nation
states we mentioned about two levels in foreign policy and then when we look at the decision
making mechasims of the EU. We will add an exstra level to the nation state as the union level
because of that there are three levels in the EU foreign policy, the taking decisions on foreign policy
of the EU is a complex situation/process. According to the two-level game of the Robert Putnam
decisions or agreements made in international negotiations are discussed at the domestic level which
is the second level in the nation level. As a result of the discussion the foreign policy decision
becomes final. The process begins with the international level as a nation state or the for example
Prime Minister of nation state. You send some representatives to do international negotiations and
they discussed something they negotiate something on behalf of their own countries in international
level and then in intenational level, as the first level the bureaucrats or prime ministers etc. Agreed
on an agreement or took a decision in intenational level. This is the second level/domestic level and
the agreement signed by the person the representative of a state in international level startes to
discussed in the domestic level among the all units under the nation states. As a result of the
discussion process in the domestic level as a second level foreign policy decision becomes the final.
This is the discussion interaction between two levels (international and domestic level) is the
process of formulating foreign policy in the classic nation state foreign policy process. This theory
applies to the foreign policy process of nation state formulating forming the EU is valid for the
members of the EU because the members of the EU are already nation states because of that, the
members of the EU behaves like the other nation states in international system. There is no
difference between the members of the EU or U.S. Members states of the EU or the Turkey, China,
Russia, Canada etc. When we look at the foreign policy of the EU is the third level about the
Member States. Because of that, the EU is sui generis organization.

EU Foreign Policy Part 2

We can talk about 3 factors as a reason why the EU behaves different from other actors. These are
the logic of action Supranational decision-making mechanism, the normative structure of the EU
standards. When we look at the details of the logic of action, in that point, there are two logic of
actions. These are; the logic of consequences and the logic of appropriateness. The logic of
consequences is a behavioral type used in the process of making foreign policy in nation-states.
(Nation-states use the logic of consequences in formulating foreign policy decisions making or
process). They take some decisions on foreign policy in accordance with their national interest and
profit-loss analysis. (This is the logic of consequences). Nation-states focus on results or
consequences or outputs with the logic of action. The logic of appropriateness focus on culture,
structure, values, norms, identity. This identity determines foreign policy. (For ex: Continental
Europe is the environmentalist. The main reason of this environmentalist mission can be shown
values from history, social structure, the perspectives of people living in Europe.) We can say, that
logic of appropriateness is the EU's logic of actions. (This is the first factor that distinguishes the
EU from the other nation-states.) When we look at the supranational structure of the EU, the
supranational structure of Eu represents the third level. (2 level games of Robert Putnam). We can
talk about int. level, national level, and union level when we look at the foreign policy of the EU
and members of the EU. (Extra level is union). Supranational structure of EU composed of 3 bodies.
European Commission, European Parliament, and European Council. Council of EU, member are
governed ministers from each EU countries. Council is representative for the nation-states and
council acts or council behaves form the nation-state logic, from the nation-state perspective. This
organ uses the logic of consequences like other nation-states). Parliament represents the union level.
(The logic of appropriateness) The commission is the technical body of the EU. Commission has
no right to vote in the decision-making process. (Responsibility of commission are to draft the
decision or to make a decision, to the parliament). The main issue of commission is between
parliament and the council of EU. Because parliament represents the union, the Council represents
the nation-states. We see that the council was always more affected in EU decision making until
the beginning of the 1990s. This was the case until the Copenhagen Summit and the 1993 Maastricht
treaty. With the Maastricht 3 pillar system was established and the power of union was increased
step by step. Because competent of Eu parliament has been increased. With the Maastricht, co-
decision making mechanism was established. If the Eu wants the make a decision, it is now
necessary to approve both Parliament and Council. When we look at the developments with the
Maastricht treaty and Copenhagen Summit as the turning points for the institutionalization process
of the EU. Eu divided 3 pillars- the first pillar is the community pillar. (These subjects are the
jurisdiction of a community of union, Economic issues, environmental issues, social issues are
under the first pillar). Parliament is active on the subjects under the first pillar. The second pillar is
the common foreign and security policy. (Council is active.) Subjects of this pillar are member
states formulating their own member foreign policies, not union. The third pillar is the common
area. (Both union and nation-states have power). This pillar can be described as cooperation in the
field of security forces and justice. Cooperation on int. terrorism, drug trafficking, human
trafficking, training for security units, etc. are subiects under the third pillar. With the 1997
Amsterdam treaty, some topics have been transferred from the third pillar to the first pillar.
Authorities or powers of EU Increased), with the 2009 Lisbon treaty, 3 pillar system has remated 3
pillars were emerged under the EU. They determined Competence areas. Powers of the union have
been increased again. This is the summary of the structure of the Eu. When we look at the normative
structure of the EU, we focused on the question of how the Eu behaves differently from the other
actors? The EU wants to create norms in accordance with the founding philosophy of the EU and
spreads these rules to the other actors. (With the Copenhagen criteria.) If third-country wants to
make a connection with the EU, They have to apply norms in the domestic structure. (It's about the
EU standards.) The important concept for the EU political and economic conditionality. Nation-
states have not normative structure like the EU).

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