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GED102- MATHEMATICS IN MODERN *Pattern of Flow - The flow of liquids

WORLD provides an inexhaustible supply of nature’s

patterns. Patterns of flow are usually found in
the water, stone, and even in the growth of trees.
Mathematics is a formal system of
*Pattern of Movement - In the human
thought that was gradually developed in the
walk, the feet strike the ground in a regular
human mind and evolved in the human culture
rhythm: the left-right-left-right-left rhythm.
Then they were able to notice and When a horse, a four-legged creature walks,
recognize some rudiment hints about patterns there is more of a complex but equally rhythmic
and recognizing shapes made its course to build pattern.
human culture:
*Pattern of Rhythm - Rhythm is
Mathematics is a Tool conceivably the most basic pattern in nature.
Our hearts and lungs follow a regular repeated
It is all about forming new ways to see pattern of sounds or movement whose timing is
problems so we can understand them by adapted to our body’s needs.
combining insights with imagination.
*Pattern of Texture - A texture is a
Mathematics, being a broad and deep quality of a certain object that we sense through
discipline, deals with the logic of shape, touch.
quantity, and arrangement.
*Geometric Patterns - A geometric
It is now being understood as a universal pattern is a kind of pattern which consists of a
language dealing with symbols, arts, equations, series of shapes that are typically repeated.
geometric shapes and patterns.
Mathematics is Everywhere
In mathematics, if a figure can be folded
We use mathematics in our daily tasks or divided into two with two halves which are
and activities. the same, such figure is called a symmetric
The Mathematical Landscape figure.

the mathematical landscape exists- Kinds of Symmetry

wherein concepts of numbers, symbols, *Reflection Symmetry - sometimes
equations, operations calculations, abstractions, called line symmetry or mirror symmetry,
and proofs are the inhabitants as well as the captures symmetries when the left half of a
constructs of the impenetrable vastness of its pattern is the same as the right half.
unchartered territories.
*Rotation Symmetry - also known as
PATTERN rotational symmetry, captures symmetries when
Patterns are regular, repeated or it still looks the same after some rotation (of less
recurring forms or designs. than one full turn).

Different Kinds of Pattern *Translations Symmetry - Translational

symmetry exists in patterns that we see in nature
*Pattern of Visuals - Visual patterns are and in man-made objects.
often unpredictable, never quite repeatable, and
often contain fractals.
SEQUENCE In the mathematical sentence;
Sequence refers to an ordered list of 3 + 4 = 7 the verb is =.
numbers called terms, that may have repeated
The symbol + (plus) is what we
called a connective
Ex: 3,5,7,9, …
The elements in the sequence are called
Different types of Sequence
*Arithmetic Sequence - It is a sequence
of numbers that follows a definite pattern. If
common difference is observed, then definitely
arithmetic sequence governed the pattern.
Ex: 2,4,6,8,10,12,…
*Geometric Sequence - In geometric
sequence we need to look for the common ratio.
At first it may seemed like pattern less but only
by digging a little bit deeper that we can finally
delve the constancy.
Ex. 3,9,27,…
*Harmonic Sequence - In the sequence,
the reciprocal of the terms behaved in a manner
like arithmetic sequence.
Ex. ½, ¼ , 1/6 , 1/8, …
*Fibonacci Sequence - This specific
sequence was named after an Italian
mathematician Leonardo Pisano Bigollo. The
Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers
governed by some unusual arithmetic rule.
Fibonnaci Sequence – 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34 …
Mathematis is a Language
Ex. Five added by three is eight – 5+3=8
The language of mathematics makes it
easy to express the kinds of thoughts that
mathematicians like to express. It is:
Difference of set

Cartesian Product

Let x be a number. Translate each phrase or

sentence into a mathematical expression or
Ex. Twelve more than a number
Eight minus a number
Equal/Equivalent Set
Use of the word “set” as a formal
mathematical term was introduced in 1879 by
Georg Cantor. For most mathematical purposes
we can think of a set intuitively, as Cantor did,
simply as a collection of elements.
A set is a collection of well-defined
objects. FUNCTION

Intersection Set

Compliment of Set
Function Notation

Sum and Difference of Function


1. Understand the Problem

2. Devise a plan
3. Carry out the plan
4. Review the solution

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