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Leyly Gisela Suárez Vanegas Id. 81007

1 Grupo 1BN, Química Industrial, Tecnólogo en Gestión de Procesos Industriales, Universidad ECCI, Bogotá, Colombia

Materials and Methods

✓ The reports presented by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) have been
For the realization of this poster, the summary made in section 1, on contamination,
confirmed over time. Climate Change (IPCC) have been confirmed over time, however they
was taken as a basis, this from various points of view and different
have been more alarming than we thought, unfortunately it continues to increase.
investigations. It is important to mention that there is a common factor in
✓ An investigation and analysis was carried out and 3 types of sampling were carried out
these investigations, the blame for contamination always falls and will fall on
upstream of the WWTP, downstream of the WWTP discharge, and pre-construction sampling
the human being.
was carried out 4 km upstream of the WWTP; For this, these samplings were carried out and
It is so important to study about pollution in all its types, considering that a recent
a result could be reached and it was deduced that the rainwater was more contaminated than
study showed that more than 8 million people died each year due to exposure
normal, and it could be seen that the greatest contamination was on hot days; it was possible
to air pollution.
to know that the phosphorus is the one that generates the WWTP and the greater contracting
There are different types of wastewater which are black water, which is fecal matter,
of contamination.
gray water that is from cooking, laundry, etc; In addition to this, there are
✓ The affectation of the atmosphere by said wear of chemical substances chemical substances
other types of classification that are normally used by companies and
associated with antioxidants such as "diphenylamine, benzothiazole phthalates,
engineers and all of them have a different management; in operation the first
benzotriazoles and alkylphenols" were highlighted due to their possible implications for the
stage consists of a primary treatment of residual waters that includes the
air. The studies are related to the information and investigation of the behavior of said matter
physical treatment of the water. The weather has a lot to do with this and not
only that, but also the care of the people who throw their garbage into the
✓ For the realization of this poster, which is related to the investigation and second language of
water. the streets, which sometimes causes the sewers to become clogged and
the first cut; titled "Environmental contamination" it was required the use of the virtual
cannot be used for the intended purpose, for this reason we seek to innovate in
library provided by the ECCI University, where we obtained four articles referring to
our culture as Colombians every day to improve little by little, it also leads us
environmental contamination. Additional guide articles were used, obtained from Google
to become aware of the environment and how we should take care of it
Academic. After reading, the various articles were socialized, generating the aforementioned
because we may think that garbage does not affect the soil, when in reality it
document, which is referenced at the bottom of this poster.
is what wears out the most along with water; And to better manage residual
water, in this case we are not conscious when it comes to throwing water
down the toilet and so on.

Results and discussion

For the development of the initial summary, which is the basis of this poster, the theme of
pollution was chosen, taking into account how connected it is with Industrial Engineering;
This is an issue that we are experiencing
Through this investigation we understood
day by day and affects both the current Considering the above, it is logical to think that this branch of Engineering is interested in
the magnitude of the contamination, the
generation and future generations, the aim
above serves as a basis to be able to echo
is to make the problem known and how it seek sustainability solutions in management and production systems, thanks to the breadth of
in society and that together a solution is
can be reduced with certain strategies.
knowledge, the flexibility of execution and the inclusive nature of
professionals in Industrial Engineering. Professionals in this branch of Engineering are
pollution specialists in productivity and continuous quality improvement; the needs of today's world are
crying out for more Industrial Engineers, as has been done since
It is important to mention that Chemistry is On the other hand, Industrial Engineering
making its contribution in order to mitigate specializes in the continuous always, with the difference that now professionals with a different approach are needed, an
or reduce contamination; the foregoing improvement of quality, so that
taking into account that this branch of Engineering focused on the environment approach that favors the environment.
science allows the rational use of natural should not only be more applied
resources. knowledge, but also an awareness of the
obvious transversality of the environment.


• Provide better management of wastewater to avoid the problems mentioned above.

• Pollution has affected an important aspect that is the environment. This phenomenon is the product of chemical contamination.
• The need to seek alternatives that lead to environmental sustainability or mitigate said contamination is being generated.
Bibliographic references
●Cassandra Johannessen, Juan Liggio b, Xianming Zhang, Amandeep Sainib, tom harnerb . (2012). Composition and transformation chemistry of organic chemicals derived from tire wear and implications for air
pollutio. 2023, Febrero, de SciencieDirect. Sitio web: e/pii/S1309104222002148?via%3Dihub
● · Cerem Business School. (2015, 23 octubre). El ingeniero industrial, el Medio Ambiente y la Sostenibilidad. bilidad
●· Corbella, J. (2018, 28 enero). La química que ayuda al medio ambiente. La Vanguardia. sco-julia-hernandez-iciq-vanguardia-de-
●· J.M Antó (2020). La crisis del clima y la de la salud pública / The climate crisis. What about the public health? wnload&fr=RR-
● · Uniciencia; (2022); Aporte ambiental de la planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales Los Tajos en la remoción de contaminantes fisicoquímicos y microbiológicos
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Autor para correspondencia: - DEPARTAMENTO DE CIENCIAS BÁSICAS

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