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Gene 728 (2020) 144288

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Research paper

The dynamic transcriptome of pepper (Capsicum annuum) whole roots T

reveals an important role for the phenylpropanoid biosynthesis pathway in
root resistance to Phytophthora capsici
Ying Lia,1, Ting Yub,1, Tingquan Wua,c, Rui Wanga,c, Hengming Wanga, Hu Dua,c, Xiaowan Xua,

Dasen Xiea,c, XiaoMei Xua,c,
Vegetables Research Institute, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guangzhou, 510640, PR China
Agro-biological Gene Research Center, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guangzhou, 510640, PR China
Guangdong Key Laboratory for New Technology Research of Vegetables, Guangzhou, 510640, PR China


Keywords: Phytophthora root rot, caused by the soilborne oomycete pathogen Phytophthora capsici (Leon.), is a devastating
Capsicum annuum disease causing significant losses in pepper production worldwide. To uncover the mechanism of root-mediated
Phytophthora root rot resistance to P. capsici we elucidated the dynamic transcriptome of whole pepper roots of the resistant accession
Root-mediated resistance CM334 and the susceptible accession NMCA10399 after P. capsici infection at 0, 12 and 36 hpi using RNA-Seq
method. We detected that the roots of the resistant CM334 and the susceptible NMCA10399 had different
Secondary metabolites
transcriptional responses to P. capsici, suggesting the former activated a response to P. capsici earlier than the
latter. KEGG enrichment analysis showed the pathways involved in the synthesis of secondary metabolites were
those in which the most DEGs were enriched. Focusing on the gene regulation of phenylpropanoid biosynthesis-
related genes, we found genes related to the key enzyme phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) were activated
earlier with greater changes in the resistant accession than in the susceptible one. Moreover, genes related to
cinnamoyl-CoA reductase (CCR1) were also upregulated in resistant roots but downregulated with great folder
changes in susceptible roots. Briefly, we inferred that the phenylpropanoid biosynthesis pathway, especially
cinnamaldehyde and lignin derived from its branches, played significant roles in pepper root resistance to P.
capsici. These results provide new insight into root-mediated resistance to P. capsici in pepper.

1. Introduction Bosland, 2008; Xu et al., 2016) and quantitative trait loci (QTLs) acting
together (Ogundiwin et al., 2005; Quirin et al., 2005; Minamiyama
The soilborne oomycete plant pathogen Phytophthora capsici (Leon.) et al., 2007; Kim et al., 2008; Truong et al., 2012). However, no re-
is one of the most devastating pathogens to pepper production world- sistant gene (QTL) for Phytophthora root rot has been cloned to date,
wide (Leonian, 1922). In South China, which is characterized by high and the molecular mechanism of resistance to Phytophthora root rot in
temperature and humidity, Phytophthora blight on pepper becomes pepper remains largely unknown.
especially serious. Depending on the point of infection, P. capsici may With the exception of forward genetics, the analysis of the whole-
cause several different disease syndromes, including root rot, stem rot, genome transcriptional response is likely the most effective approach to
fruit rot and foliar blight in pepper (Ristaino, 1990), and their genetic uncover the mechanisms of resistance to P. capsici in pepper roots.
mechanisms are not considered to be entirely the same (Sy et al., 2005). However, compared to studies of other crops, transcriptome studies in
For Phytophthora root rot, which usually causes plant death, two genetic peppers have been very limited until now. An analysis of whole-genome
models have been reported, including control via a single dominant transcriptional responses of pepper after P. capsici infection has not
gene (Walker and Bosland, 1999; Sy et al., 2005; Monroy-Barbosa and been reported to date. Fortunately, a transcriptome profiling dataset of

Abbreviations: QTL, Quantitative trait loci; MAMP, Microbe-associated molecular pattern; GO, Gene ontology; LRR, Leucine-rich repeat; FPKM, Fragments Per
Kilobase of transcript sequence per Millions base pairs sequenced; DEG, Differential expression gene; KEGG, Kyoto encyclopedia of genes and genomes; RNA,
Ribonucleic acid; qRT-PCR, Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (X. Xu).
These authors have contributed equally to this work.
Received 15 September 2019; Received in revised form 12 December 2019; Accepted 12 December 2019
Available online 14 December 2019
0378-1119/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Y. Li, et al. Gene 728 (2020) 144288

pepper immune responses to multiple pathogens, including and is one of the components of the plant cell wall (Pusztahelyi et al.,
Phytophthora infestans, pepper mottle virus and tobacco mosaic virus, 2015). Increasing the content of lignin, which is a physical barrier for
has been provided on the website ( These data plant defense against pathogens, can enhance the ability of the plant
provide valuable resources for further investigation of the interaction cell wall to prevent fungal invasion and enzyme-induced degradation
between pepper and these pathogens (Kim et al., 2018). Recently, a (Sattler and Funnell-Harris, 2013). Pomar et al. (2004) observed that
time course transcriptomic study was performed on detached leaves the total stem lignin content increased in pepper plants after inocula-
inoculated with P. infestans, and a subset of EAS/EAH gene family tion with Verticillium dahliae and suggested that lignification may be a
members were identified as being induced upon P. infestans infection in mechanism through which pepper could restrict the growth of V. dah-
pepper (Lee et al., 2017). Transcriptome analysis has also been used to liae hyphae in the xylem (Pomar et al., 2004). Moreover, inoculation
identify disease resistance (R) genes in peppers. An example case in- with V. dahliae also induced a significant increase in the total amount of
cludes the candidate Bs4C gene, an R gene from pepper that mediates lignin in tomato roots in both susceptible and resistant lines, although
recognition of the Xanthomonas TALE protein AvrBs4, which was at earlier times in the latter (Gayoso et al., 2010). Xu et al. (2011)
identified using RNA-Seq (Strauss et al., 2012). Additionally, candidate reported that lignin metabolism has a central role in resistance to the
R genes against capsicum chlorosis virus were also identified using a wilt fungus V. dahliae in cotton, detecting an increased level of ex-
similar approach (Widana-Gamage et al., 2016). pression of lignin synthesis-related genes after inoculation in both re-
Plant roots are usually the first organs to be infected by soilborne sistant and susceptible cotton plants but with greater fold change and
pathogens. Recently, an increasing number of reports have focused on earlier activation in the resistant line.
the molecular mechanisms of root-mediated resistance in plants and In this study, the first global analysis of the dynamic transcriptome
demonstrated that plant roots also have an immune system that func- of resistant and susceptible pepper roots after P. capsici infection at 12
tions to protect the plant against soilborne pathogens. In Arabidopsis and 36 h post inoculation (hpi) (0 hpi as mock-inoculated control) was
roots, tissue-specific microbe-associated molecular pattern (MAMP) performed using the RNA-Seq method. We analyzed the responsive
responses and potential pathogen-encoded mechanisms were activated genes in resistant and susceptible accessions independently and com-
to block MAMP-elicited signaling pathways (Millet et al., 2010). In pared the responses between these two accessions. KEGG enrichment
tomato, grafting of resistant rootstocks to susceptible scions was suc- analysis of DEGs was performed and phenylpropanoid biosynthesis
cessfully used to manage bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solana- pathway was found to play important roles in root resistance to P.
cearum, which indicated that roots also appear to trigger a defense re- capsici. Gene expression of key genes on this pathway was analyzed and
sponse to the pathogen (McAvoy et al., 2012; Rivard et al., 2012). In verified by qRT-PCR. These related results provided further insight into
addition, using whole root transcriptomic analysis, it was revealed that root-mediated resistance in plants and might help in developing pepper
roots mediate resistance to R. solanacearum through genome-wide varieties with resistance to P. capsici.
transcriptomic changes resulting in strong activation of defense genes
and alteration of auxin pathways (French et al., 2018). Similar studies 2. Materials and methods
have also been performed in wild potato roots of resistant and sus-
ceptible genotypes against R. solanacearum and found that gene func- 2.1. Plant growth and inoculation with P. capsici
tion was primarily downregulated during development, and those in the
Gene Ontology (GO) category ‘biotic stress’ were mainly upregulated in The plant materials are described in more detail in the reference
both genotypes after infection (Zuluaga et al., 2015). In contrast, in a (Reeves et al., 2013). Briefly, CM334, a landrace from Mexico, is known
time course of peanut root infection with R. solanacearum, the expres- to have the highest resistance to P. capsici, and NMCA10399, the P.
sion of many defense genes, including leucine-rich repeat (LRR) kinases capsici-susceptible accession, has been found to be susceptible to all P.
and R genes, were downregulated in both resistant and susceptible capsici isolates tested to date (Oelke et al., 2003; Sy et al., 2008). All
roots, and carbohydrate metabolism was repressed after infection in plant materials were grown in plastic pots filled with plant growth soil
roots of both resistant and susceptible peanut plants but was more mix (Floragard, Germany) and kept in a growth room at 26 ± 2 °C
strongly inhibited in resistant plants (Chen et al., 2014). All of these with a relative humidity of 70% under a 14-h light and 10-h dark
reports suggested that the mechanisms of root-mediated resistance may photoperiod.
differ among different plant species. At the six-leaf stage, the plants were inoculated with P. capsici iso-
Plant secondary metabolites, including terpenoids, phenylpropa- late Byl4 which was isolated from infected pepper plants in 2012 in
noids, and nitrogen-containing substances, are low molecular mass Baiyun field, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China (Xu et al., 2016).
compounds derived from multiple pathways based on different bio- Twelve hours before inoculation, the plants grown in plastic pots were
synthetic substrates and pathways (Makkar et al., 2007) and function as watered sufficiently, and then the root-shoot soil line was injected with
defense molecules against pathogens or competing plants or as signal 2 ml spore suspensions of isolate Byl4, at a concentration of 5 × 104
molecules such as hormones and attractants for pollinators or seed zoospores/ml, as described by (Xu et al., 2016) with a small number of
dispersing animals (Makkar et al., 2007). Cinnamaldehyde, one of the modifications. The inoculated plants were first kept in darkness at 28 °C
numerous secondary metabolites, is a natural antimicrobial that has and 80% humidity for 24 h and then grown under the same conditions
been found to have potent antifungal activities against a wide variety of as mentioned above.
fungi and has recently been applied as an efficient bioagent for con-
trolling plant disease in agriculture (Chen and Dai, 2012; Hu et al., 2.2. Sampling and RNA extraction
2013; Wu et al., 2017; Duan et al., 2018). It was reported that cinna-
maldehyde enabled the inhibition of bacterial growth by regulating The whole roots from 4 plants of each genotype (CM334 and
genome-wide transcriptional changes in bacteria (Visvalingam et al., NMCA10399) were sampled at 0 h, 12 h, and 36 h after P. capsici in-
2013) and markedly inhibited the growth of P. capsici by stimulating oculation. Roots from these 4 plants were pooled for each genotype at
transient Ca2+ efflux via Michael addition (Hu et al., 2013). Moreover, each targeted timepoint in each replicate. Three independent duplicates
cinnamaldehyde might exhibit its antifungal activity by interfering with were performed. Harvested roots were ground into powder using a
the synthesis of the cell wall of Geotrichum citri-aurantii and therefore mortar and pestle under liquid nitrogen. Approximately 120 mg of
may damage cell wall permeability and integrity (OuYang et al., 2019). powder from each sample was used to extract total RNA using the
In addition to cinnamaldehyde, lignin is another important secondary GenElute™ Total RNA Purification Kit (Sigma-Aldrich, USA) according
metabolite involved in plant disease resistance. Lignin is a complex to the manufacturer’s instructions. RNA degradation and contamination
phenolic compound synthesized through phenylpropanoid metabolism were monitored on 1% agarose gels. An ND-2000C spectrophotometer

Y. Li, et al. Gene 728 (2020) 144288

(NanoDrop, USA) was used to determine the absorbance ratios at 260/ and actin-related protein 2/3 complex subunit 3-like (Novel04650),
280 nm and at 260/230 nm to quantify and assess the purity of the RNA were selected from non-DEGs in the RNA-Seq dataset as candidate in-
samples. All 18 qualified samples (2 genotypes × 3 timepoints × 3 ternal reference genes. Primers were designed using Primer Premier 5.0
duplicates) were submitted to Novogene Bioinformatics Technology Co. (Premier Biosoft International) according to the coding sequences
Ltd. (Beijing, China) for RNA-Seq. Before sequencing, the exact RNA (CDS) of each gene on the pepper reference genome of CM334 (http://
concentration was further measured using a Qubit® 2.0 Fluorometer or in the RNA-Seq dataset. Information on
(Life Technologies, CA, USA), and RNA integrity was accurately as- the primers is listed in Table S1. Complementary DNA was synthesized
sessed using an Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer system (Agilent Technologies, using the same total RNA preparations used for Illumina sequencing
CA, USA). All samples had an RNA integrity number (RIN) of at least with RevertAidTM First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit (Thermo Scientific,
7.2, which means they qualified for sequencing (Schroeder et al., 2006). MA, USA). qRT-PCR was performed with three technical replicates on a
StepOnePlusTM Real-Time PCR System (Applied Biosystems) with 25 μl
2.3. cDNA library construction and sequencing final volumes containing 2 μl of cDNA, 1 μl of each primer (2.5 μM),
8.5 μl of DNase- and RNase-free water and 12.5 μl of 2× SYBR® Select
Eighteen samples of RNA from the roots of the resistant and sus- Master Mix (Applied Biosystems), with the following amplification
ceptible accessions, with 9 samples per genotype, were used to con- protocol: 95 °C for 5 min followed by 40 cycles at 95 °C for 15 s and
struct the cDNA libraries. For each sample, the mRNA was enriched by 60 °C for 30 s. The expression stability of the 9 candidate internal re-
magnetic beads with Oligo (dT) combining the ployA tail of mRNA ference genes was evaluated using NormFinder software (Andersen
through A-T complementary pairing. Then, the mRNA was broken into et al., 2004), and the gene with the most stable expression was selected
short fragments after adding the fragmentation buffer. The prepared as the internal reference gene. The relative expression levels of the 18
mRNA was used as the template, and the random hexamer bases were selected DEGs normalized to the expression level of the internal re-
used as primers to synthesize one chain of the cDNA, and the second ference control were calculated using the 2−ΔΔCt method (Livak and
chain of the cDNA was synthesized by adding the buffer, dNTPs and Schmittgen, 2001), and coefficient analysis was carried out to evaluate
DNA polymerase I. The synthesized double-chain cDNA was purified the correlation between the qRT-PCR and the RNA-Seq results (Benesty
using AMPure XP beads, the ends were repaired, and the A tail was et al., 2009).
appended and connected to the sequencing adaptors. Then, AMPure XP
beads were again used for the fragment size selection, and finally, PCR
3. Results
enrichments were conducted to obtain the final cDNA libraries.
The libraries were preliminarily quantified using Qubit 2.0 and were
3.1. Phenotypes after infection with P. capsici
diluted to 1 ng/µl to check the inserted fragment length (insert size)
using the Agilent 2100. After determining that the insert size met the
We used the resistant accession CM334 and the susceptible acces-
expectations, the Q-PCR method was used for the accurate quantifica-
sion NMCA10399 for our analysis. CM334, known as the accession most
tion of the concentration of the libraries, and a concentration higher
resistant to P. capsici, has displayed resistance to all P. capsici isolates
than 2 nM was considered adequate. The 18 qualified cDNA libraries
thus far (Oelke et al., 2003; Thabuis et al., 2004). NMCA10399 has been
were pooled together and sequenced on an Illumina HiSeq 2500 plat-
susceptible to all P. capsici isolates tested to date (Oelke et al., 2003; Sy
form at Novogene Bioinformatics Technology Co. Ltd. (Beijing, China)
et al., 2008). These materials including the inoculum Byl4 had pre-
using 150 bp paired-end sequencing. The raw paired-end reads were
viously been utilized in our study on genetic analysis and gene mapping
submitted to the Sequence Read Archive of the NCBI (accession
for resistance to P. capsici (Xu et al., 2016). As expected, the resistant
number: SRP217055).
and susceptible accessions showed completely different phenotypes
7 days after inoculation. For the resistant CM334, there were no visible
2.4. RNA-Seq data analysis
lesions on the roots of plants. Moreover, the size of roots indicated that
the plant continued to grow as normal after inoculation. In contrast to
For the raw reads, which contained the adaptor sequences, those
the resistant CM334, the roots of the susceptible NMCA10399 were
with a proportion of N of more than 10% and with a proportion of low-
completely lesioned and began to rot 7 days after inoculation, and the
quality bases (Qphred ≤ 20) higher than 50% were removed. The clean
size of the roots suggested that their growth slowed after inoculation
reads were aligned to the pepper reference genome of CM334 (http://
(Fig. 1). Considering that changes in gene expression must precede the using the HISAT software with the default
appearance of the disease phenotype and our pre-experimental results,
parameters (Kim et al., 2015). HTSeq with the union model (Anders
we chose 12 hpi and 36 hpi for comparison with the 0 hpi mock control
et al., 2015) was used to calculate the FPKM values (expected number
for each genotype to identify the transcriptional responses in resistant
of Fragments Per Kilobase of transcript sequence per Millions base pairs
and susceptible accessions.
sequenced) to obtain the gene expression level (Trapnell et al., 2010).
Then, DESeq (Anders and Huber, 2012) was performed to detect dif-
ferentially expressed genes (DEGs), and DEGs were considered sig- 3.2. Summary of the transcriptome data
nificant at Padj ≤ 0.05 (P ≤ 0.05 and FDR ≤ 0.05) and a relative
change threshold of 1.8-fold (log2fold change ≥ 0.8 or log2fold The root transcriptomes of two pepper accessions at targeted times
change ≤ −0.8). Finally, KEGG pathway enrichment analysis of DEGs of 0, 12 and 36 hpi were sequenced and yielded an average of 53.8 M
was carried out using KOBAS (Xie et al., 2011), and Venn diagrams clean reads and 8 G high-quality bases per sample after sequences were
were plotted in the R environment (v3.1.2) ( filtered (Table S2). An average of 81% of clean reads of each sample
was uniquely aligned to the pepper reference genome (Table S3). FPKM
2.5. Validation of gene expression by qRT- PCR were used as the normalized expression values of genes. Approximately
40% of the genes of each sample whose FPKM was lower than 1 were
The expression profiles of 18 out of 42 DEGs assigned to the phe- considered to be expressed at levels that were too low, while 9%, 21%,
nylpropanoid biosynthesis pathway (Figure S1) were validated using 20% and 9% of the genes of each sample were determined to belong to
qRT-PCR. Nine genes, including UBP5 (CA09g09640), UBP13 the low expression (1 < FPKM ≤ 3), medium expression
(CA11g15560), UBC38 (CA07g13540), IF1C (CA12g20290), IF4G (3 < FPKM ≤ 15), high expression (15 < FPKM ≤ 60), and ex-
(CA01g27330), EFTS (CA07g07780), ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hy- tremely high expression (60 > FPKM) categories, respectively (Table
drolase 3-like (Novel07992), E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase (Novel02297), S4).

Y. Li, et al. Gene 728 (2020) 144288

between each timepoint and the 0 hpi (mock-inoculated control)

timepoint within the resistant and susceptible accessions. A total of 810
and 1110 DEGs were identified in the resistant CM334 at 12 and 36 hpi,
respectively, while a total of 291 and 2465 were identified in the sus-
ceptible NMCA10399 at these two timepoints, respectively (Fig. 2B). In
roots of the susceptible NMCA10399 at 12 hpi, 236 genes were sig-
nificantly upregulated and 55 were downregulated, while in the re-
sistant CM334 at that time point, 560 genes were significantly upre-
gulated and 250 were downregulated, which was a difference of more
than twice as many DEGs. In contrast, at 36 hpi, 1641 genes were
significantly upregulated and 824 genes were downregulated in
NMCA10399 roots, which were more than twice as many genes com-
pared with the 763 upregulated and 347 downregulated genes in
CM334 roots (Fig. 2B). From the results of differential expression
analysis, we found that after P. capsici infection, both the resistant and
the susceptible pepper accessions presented more DEGs (including up-
regulated and downregulated) at 36 hpi than at 12 hpi, indicating that
both plants continued to respond to P. capsici after 12 hpi. Additionally,
more than twice the number of DEGs was detected in the resistant ac-
cession (560 upregulated and 250 downregulated) compared with the
susceptible accession (236 upregulated and 55 downregulated) at
12 hpi, suggesting that the resistant accession CM334 activated the
response to P. capsici earlier than did the susceptible NMCA10399.
To better understand the response of resistant and susceptible ac-
cession roots to P. capsici infection, we performed Venn analysis of
DEGs. There was a total of 2154 DEGs (469 exclusively in the resistant
CM334, 1229 exclusively in the susceptible NMCA10399 and 456 in
both) upregulated at 12 and/or 36 hpi in resistant and/or susceptible
pepper roots after P. capsici inoculation (Fig. 2C). Among them, 123
DEGs were upregulated in both pepper accessions at all time points
(Fig. 2C), suggesting that these DEGs were the key genes involved in the
response to P. capsici after infection, including some DEGs were most
related to transcription factors and transport, such as ERF95 (ethylene-
responsive transcription factor), ERF98 (ethylene-responsive tran-
scription factor), CHX20 (cation/H(+) antiporter 20), RVE1 (protein
REVEILLE 1), ALMTA (aluminum-activated malate transporter 10),
COL5 (zinc finger protein CONSTANS-LIKE 5) and so on (Table 1); most
of these DEGs are involved in stress tolerance. Furthermore, in the roots
of the resistant CM334, 127 and 153 upregulated DEGs were specifi-
cally detected at 12 and 36 hpi, respectively. Compared to those of the
resistant roots, there was a major shift in the number of upregulated
Fig. 1. Root architecture of the resistant accession CM334 and the susceptible
DEGs in susceptible roots, from 14 to 1171 between 12 and 36 hpi,
accession NMCA10399 at 0 and 7 days post inoculation (dpi) of P. capsici.
indicating that a larger number of upregulated DEGs were induced to
respond to P. capsici infection at 36 hpi in the susceptible roots.
3.3. Sample correlations Compared to 2154 upregulated DEGs, there were a total of 1138
(298 in the resistant CM334, 728 in the susceptible NMCA10399 and
Pearson's correlation coefficient was used to investigate the sample 112 in both) downregulated DEGs, almost half the number of upregu-
correlation and biological duplication. As shown in Fig. 2A, the corre- lated DEGs, found at 12 and/or 36 hpi in resistant and/or susceptible
lation coefficients among the samples of CM334 at 0 h (S0334), 12 h pepper roots (Fig. 2D). Among them, 26 DEGs, including mostly genes
(S12334), and 36 h (S36334) were all higher than those between the related to enzymes, such as SBT17 (Subtilisin-like protease), THIC
genotypes of CM334 and NMCA10399 at any timepoint after P. capsici (phosphomethylpyrimidine synthase), THI41 (thiamine thiazole syn-
inoculation. Similarly, the correlation coefficients among the samples of thase 1), ZIP2 (zinc transporter 2), BZP06 (basic leucine zipper 6) and
NMCA10399 at 0 h (S0339), 12 h (S12339), and 36 h (S36339) were all so on (Table 2), were downregulated in the two pepper accessions at all
higher than the correlation coefficients between S0334 and S0339, time points (Fig. 2D), suggesting that these DEGs were suppressed after
S12334 and S12339, S36334 and S36339. The correlation analysis in- P. capsici infection. In addition, 54 and 130 downregulated DEGs were
dicated that the intra-genotype correlations were higher than the inter- exclusively detected in the roots of the resistant CM334 at 12 and
genotype correlations, implying that the intra-genotypes gene expres- 36 hpi, respectively. The same trend in the number of downregulated
sion patterns were much more similar than the inter-genotypes pat- DEGs from 10 to 708 was also observed in susceptible roots between 12
terns. Moreover, the correlation analysis also showed that one group and 36 hpi (Fig. 2D), indicating that a larger number of genes were
with three biological duplications was highly relevant and proved the suppressed in response to P. capsici infection at 36 hpi in the susceptible
feasibility of this experiment. accession NMCA10399. Briefly, the results stated above indicate that
resistant and susceptible plant roots respond to P. capsici infection
3.4. Transcriptional response of resistant and susceptible plant roots to P. differently. In the resistant accession CM334, the response to P. capsici
capsici infection infection was induced earlier than in the susceptible NMCA10399, with
many more upregulated/downregulated DEGs detected than those in
To identify DEGs, pairwise comparisons were independently made the susceptible NMCA10399 roots at 12 hpi. However, a more intense

Y. Li, et al. Gene 728 (2020) 144288

Fig. 2. The sample correlations, differentially expressed genes (DEGs) and the Venn analysis of DEGs. (A) Pearson correlation between RNA-seq samples. R2: the
square of the Pearson correlation coefficients. (B) DEGs identified between two-group comparisons. (C) Venn analysis of upregulated DEGs. (D) Venn analysis of
downregulated DEGs.

response was initiated in the susceptible accession NMCA10399 at downregulated DEGs, respectively (Fig. 3 and Table S5). For plant
36 hpi, with more than twice as many upregulated/downregulated hormone signal transduction, the classic defense hormone pathway was
DEGs than those observed in the resistant CM334 roots (Fig. 2B). uniquely significantly enriched in upregulated DEGs in roots of the
susceptible accession only at 12 hpi (P = 4.6 × 10−3) compared to that
in downregulated DEGs, which were significantly enriched in roots of
3.5. KEGG functional annotations of DEGs the resistant CM334 at both 12 (P = 2.8 × 10−2) and 36 hpi
(P = 4.3 × 10−4) (Fig. 3 and Table S5), suggesting that the resistant
To better understand the pathways in which DEGs were involved in and susceptible accessions may respond to P. capsici through different
response to P. capsici infection, KEGG enrichment analysis of DEGs was signaling pathways. Unexpectedly, the plant-pathogen interaction
performed. A total of 23 and 16 KEGG pathway categories were en- pathway was only present in the upregulated DEGs. Moreover, it was
riched by up- and downregulated DEGs, respectively, from four pair- exclusively significantly enriched in upregulated DEGs in roots of the
wise comparisons (Fig. 3). Among them, five KEGG pathways were susceptible accession only at 36 hpi (P = 1.0 × 10−2) but not in re-
enriched in both up- and downregulated DEGs, including plant hor- sistant roots at 12 or 36 hpi (Fig. 3 and Table S5). Notably, the KEGG
mone signal transduction and zeatin biosynthesis pathways, which pathways enriched for the most DEGs are those involved in the synth-
were considered to be involved in the defense response. Accordingly, 18 esis of secondary metabolites. The top three enriched pathways were
and 11 KEGG pathways were uniquely enriched in up- and

Y. Li, et al. Gene 728 (2020) 144288

Table 1
Common upregulated DEGs in the two pepper accessions at any timepoint (top 20 listed).
Gene ID CM334-12hpi CM334-36hpi NMCA10399-12hpi NMCA10399-36hpi Gene name Description
vs vs vs vs
CM334-0hpi CM334-0hpi NMCA10399-0hpi NMCA10399-0hpi
CA03g05620 3.0843 3.9763 14.6 17.9 ERF95 Ethylene-responsive transcription factor ERF095
CA04g00510 5.8852 6.645 3.9045 7.6687 ERF98 Ethylene-responsive transcription factor ERF098
CA09g04800 6.0671 5.0844 3.4259 2.7923 CHX20 Cation/H(+) antiporter 20
CA02g18810 5.1835 4.796 5.8302 5.315 RVE1 Protein REVEILLE 1
CA01g00460 4.165 4.2066 5.2938 4.5388 ALMTA Aluminum-activated malate transporter 10
CA07g00270 2.9268 3.0803 5.2183 5.0655 COL5 Zinc finger protein CONSTANS-LIKE 5
CA03g25750 5.179 5.1985 3.7489 3.5176 Y5279 DUF21 domain-containing protein
CA03g19240 3.6012 3.3166 5.0677 4.7648 SIGE RNA polymerase sigma factor sigE
CA10g22110 4.9361 4.363 2.6639 3.0818 FKB65 Peptidyl-prolyl cis–trans isomerase FKBP65
CA12g19270 3.4323 2.9005 4.1197 4.8042 COL4 Zinc finger protein CONSTANS-LIKE 4
CA05g08190 4.3777 4.2222 4.7481 4.1848 CDF2 Cyclic dof factor 2
CA11g02380 2.9525 3.0137 3.6758 4.6787 BZP43 Basic leucine zipper 43
CA12g02080 4.0658 4.096 4.2583 4.6353 SKOR Potassium channel SKOR
CA06g04100 3.6436 3.9418 4.2986 4.5599 WTR14 WAT1-related protein
CA10g20370 4.4848 3.7259 3.9392 2.8681 ZOG Zeatin O-glucosyltransferase
CA02g04730 4.3211 4.1598 4.2914 4.102 NFYA7 Nuclear transcription factor Y subunit A-7
CA11g04440 2.0886 2.0732 1.9521 4.2994 NAC29 NAC transcription factor 29
CA12g01260 2.367 2.1231 3.0293 4.2401 TDT Tonoplast dicarboxylate transporter
CA05g16280 3.545 3.4406 4.1839 3.1897 UVR8 Ultraviolet-B receptor UVR8
CA01g16810 3.9813 3.8964 3.9002 4.0753 P2C34 Probable protein phosphatase 2C 34

secondary metabolite biosynthesis, phenylpropanoid biosynthesis and variety of fungi (Bang et al., 2000; Cheng et al., 2008; Hu et al., 2013;
phenylalanine metabolism pathways (Fig. 3A). Among them, the latter Wu et al., 2017; Duan et al., 2018; OuYang et al., 2019). There are 10
two were considered to be major pathways leading to the synthesis of enzymes involved in the phenylpropanoid biosynthesis pathway
secondary metabolites involved in plant defense against pathogens (Fig. 4). Among them, PAL is the first and most important enzyme,
(Widana-Gamage et al., 2016). which converts phenylalanine to cinnamic acid, the precursor of cin-
namaldehyde. Mapping DEGs to the pathway showed that two PAL-
related genes (CA05g20790 and CA12g15510) were all upregulated in
3.6. Secondary metabolites synthesized through the phenylpropanoid the resistant accession CM344 at 12 hpi and continued to show higher
biosynthesis pathway played important roles in the response to P. Capsici expression at 36 hpi. In contrast, in the susceptible NMCA10399, only
one gene (CA12g15510) was upregulated at 36 hpi (Fig. 4 and Figure
As mentioned above, the phenylpropanoid biosynthesis pathway S1). 4-coumarate-CoA ligase (4CL2) and cinnamoyl-CoA reductase
could lead to the synthesis of secondary metabolites involved in plant (CCR1) were the other key enzymes related to the synthesis of cinna-
defense against pathogens. One of the compounds synthesized through maldehyde, and two DEGs were assigned to each enzyme. The expres-
this pathway was cinnamaldehyde, which is a natural antimicrobial sion of DEGs mapped to 4CL2 showed that one gene (CA03g21580) was
that has been found to have potent antifungal activities against a wide

Table 2
Common downregulated DEGs in the two pepper accessions at any timepoint.
Gene ID CM334-12hpi CM334-36hpi NMCA10399-12hpi NMCA10399-36hpi Gene name Description
vs vs vs vs
CM334-0hpi CM334-0hpi NMCA10399-0hpi NMCA10399-0hpi
CA10g14810 −1.4467 −1.6759 −2.3562 −6.0878 SBT17 Subtilisin-like protease SBT1.7
CA06g07140 −5.707 −5.8391 −3.5328 −3.8671 ELF4 Protein EARLY FLOWERING 4
CA06g05410 −2.6945 −2.8697 −2.586 −4.7984 THIC Phosphomethylpyrimidine synthase
CA04g14140 −4.3552 −3.7509 −4.5629 −4.3666 GIGAN Protein GIGANTEA
Novel03040 −4.1931 −3.8017 −4.1099 −3.8849 – PREDICTED: protein GIGANTEA
CA06g04640 −4.0511 −3.9195 −2.7148 −1.6707 PCL1 Transcription factor LUX
CA07g19520 −2.4562 −3.1805 −3.276 −4.0251 THI41 Thiamine thiazole synthase 1
CA04g18690 −3.5286 −3.9464 −2.6011 −2.0211 – –
CA08g05800 −2.7055 −2.9099 −2.4984 −3.6588 NLTP Non-specific lipid-transfer protein
Novel04270 −3.3392 −3.609 −2.9249 −2.9529 – Uncharacterized protein
CA12g10560 −1.7317 −2.0028 −1.6808 −3.5997 SUT34 Probable sulfate transporter 3.4
CA07g19510 −1.5819 −1.9097 −1.8875 −3.5951 PME1 Pectinesterase 1
CA01g10700 −2.721 −2.6333 −3.3156 −3.5697 JMJ30 Putative lysine-specific demethylase JMJD5
CA02g03340 −2.3779 −3.3966 −2.3362 −2.1619 DNAJ Chaperone protein DnaJ
CA03g16270 −2.9494 −2.7021 −3.3594 −2.4117 – –
CA09g13840 −2.7648 −3.2868 −2.9826 −2.2651 COL9 Zinc finger protein CONSTANS-LIKE 9
Novel03250 −2.6056 −2.6118 −2.5833 −1.8049 – Uncharacterized protein
CA07g15940 −2.5423 −2.3762 −2.3162 −1.6828 HSPC2 Small heat shock protein C2
CA08g18480 −2.1785 −2.4473 −2.2832 −2.4125 ELF4 Protein EARLY FLOWERING 4
CA03g21270 −1.3879 −1.5319 −1.3189 −2.4138 SBT33 Subtilisin-like protease SBT3.3
CA07g20290 −1.7108 −1.7054 −1.3573 −2.1102 ZIP2 Zinc transporter 2
CA02g25790 −1.8116 −1.9877 −1.8654 −1.6254 SRK2I Serine/threonine-protein kinase SRK2I
CA12g07640 −1.2727 −1.1276 −1.8501 −1.6145 BZP06 Basic leucine zipper 6
CA08g12400 −1.5603 −1.7969 −1.4352 −1.1563 DNJB6 DnaJ homolog subfamily B member 6
CA01g06670 −1.3049 −1.3133 −1.4208 −1.7957 CLSY3 SNF2 domain-containing protein CLASSY 3
CA11g16570 −1.0851 −1.2199 −1.542 −1.6497 – –

Y. Li, et al. Gene 728 (2020) 144288

Fig. 3. KEGG pathway enrichment analysis of DEGs. (A) KEGG pathways enriched in upregulated DEGs. (B) KEGG pathways enriched in downregulated DEGs. The
number in the box is the number of DEGs enriched in one pathway per sample.

upregulated in both the resistant CM334 and the susceptible antimicrobials mentioned above, we observed that pepper plant roots
NMCA10399 at both timepoints but showed greater fold changes in the also impeded infection by P. capsici by strengthening ‘barriers’ through
resistant CM334, with the other (CA06g17350) was uniquely upregu- the synthesis of lignin, which is the main component of the plant cell
lated in the resistant CM334 at 36 hpi (Fig. 4 and Figure S1). For the wall and has been demonstrated to be involved in plant defense against
DEGs assigned to CCR1, however, one (CA03g32090) was uniquely pathogens (Naoumkina et al., 2010; Xu et al., 2011; Guo et al., 2016). In
upregulated in the resistant CM344 at 12 hpi, while the other the phenylpropanoid biosynthesis pathway, 6 enzymes function in the
(CA03g32100) was drastically downregulated in the susceptible branch pathway of lignin synthesis, including PAL, trans-cinnamate 4-
NMCA10399 at 36 hpi (Fig. 4 and Figure S1). These results suggest that monooxygenase (TCMO), 4CL2, CCR1, cinnamyl-alcohol dehy-
resistant CM334 initiated cinnamaldehyde synthesis earlier and at drogenase (CADH6) and peroxidase (PER), and 27 DEGs were mapped
higher levels than did the susceptible NMCA10399 to defend against P. to them. Among these DEGs, all were upregulated in the resistant
capsici. CM334 or/and susceptible NMCA10399 except one gene (CA03g32100)
Caffeoyl quinic acid, suggested to function in defense against pre- assigned to CCR1 (Fig. 4 and Figure S1), suggesting that both the re-
dation and infection in plants (Faulds and Williamson, 1999; Jr. sistant and susceptible accessions activated the synthesis of lignin to
Harrison et al., 2008), is a secondary metabolite of one of the branch recover the cell wall after P. capsici infection, but the CCR1-related gene
pathways of phenylpropanoid biosynthesis. Herein, we found that two might play more crucial roles, resulting in the different resistance to P.
synthetase 5-O-(4-coumaroyl)-D-quinate 3′-monooxygenase (C98A2/ capsici between the resistant and susceptible genotypes.
3)-related genes (Novel06712 and CA10g22120) were upregulated in
the resistant CM344 at 12 hpi, and the other three genes (CA10g22130, 3.7. Validation of RNA-Seq data by qRT-PCR analysis
CA10g22140 and CA10g22150) were upregulated in the susceptible
NMCA10399 at 36 hpi with much higher fold changes. Additionally, the The expression of 18 selected DEGs assigned to the phenylpropanoid
degrading enzyme of caffeoyl quinic acid, shikimate O-hydro- biosynthesis pathway was verified by qRT-PCR. After stability evalua-
xycinnamoyl transferase (HST)-related gene (CA09g18230), was ex- tion, IF4G (CA01g27330) was considered to be the most stable and
clusively downregulated in susceptible NMCA10399 roots at 36 hpi but selected as the internal reference gene. The fold change of gene ex-
not in resistant CM334 roots at any time point (Fig. 4 and Figure S1). pression at 12 hpi and 36 hpi was calculated using the 2−ΔΔCt method
These results indicated that both the resistant CM344 and susceptible (Livak and Schmittgen, 2001) (Tables S6 and S7). For RNA-Seq data,
NMCA10399 plants initiated the biosynthesis of caffeoyl quinic acid to the fold change of gene expression was calculated by dividing the FPKM
respond to P. capsici after infection, but the susceptible NMCA10399 value at each timepoint in each genotype with the FPKM value of the
activated biosynthesis more strongly and repressed its degradation at 0 hpi mock control. Coefficient analysis showed that qRT-PCR data of
the same time. the 18 selected DEGs were significantly correlated with the RNA-Seq
Capsaicin is a kind of phytoalexin found in solanaceous plants that results (r = 0.96, p < 0.001; Fig. 5), which indicated that the RNA-Seq
possesses antimicrobial and antifungal properties and induces the ex- data in the present study were reliable and could support the tran-
pression of defense-related genes to play roles in plant defense (Veloso scriptomic analysis presented above.
et al., 2014). It is also one of the compounds synthesized through the
other branch pathway of phenylpropanoid biosynthesis. Caffeoyl-CoA 4. Discussion
O-methyltransferase (CAMT) is the key enzyme that converts caffeoyl-
CoA to feruloyl-CoA, which is the precursor of capsaicin. We observed Although Phytophthora blight is one of the most devastating diseases
that the expression of two genes (CA02g14460 and CA02g14470) to pepper production worldwide, an analysis of whole-genome tran-
mapped to CAMT were both upregulated in the susceptible scriptional responses of pepper after P. capsici infection has not been
NMCA10399 at 36 hpi, but no such marked changes were observed in reported to date. This report was the first global analysis of the dynamic
the resistant CM334 at any time point (Fig. 4 and Figure S1), implying transcriptome of resistant and susceptible pepper roots after P. capsici
that NMCA10399 might strengthen its defense against P. capsici by infection. In the present study, we found that a total of 810 and 1110
synthesizing capsaicin. DEGs presented in resistant CM334 roots at 12 and 36 hpi, respectively,
In addition to actively attacking P. capsici by synthesizing the three compared with a total of 291 and 2465 DEGs in susceptible

Y. Li, et al. Gene 728 (2020) 144288

Fig. 4. The phenylpropanoid biosynthesis pathway. The yellow boxes represent enzymes, and the blue ovals represent the products. Black arrows indicate a direct
product, and dotted arrows indicate an indirect product. The equals sign indicates DEGs assigned to a given enzyme. The number in the box is the fold change of the
DEG, which is marked by red or yellow to represent the upregulated DEGs, or marked by green to represent the downregulated DEGs. Samples from left to right are
CM334_12hpi, CM334_36hpi, NMCA10399_12hpi, and NMCA10399_36hpi.

NMCA10399 roots at these two timepoints, respectively. This result upregulated DEGs. Moreover, it was exclusively significantly enriched
showed that both roots of resistant and susceptible accessions activated in upregulated DEGs in roots of the susceptible accession only at 36 hpi
defense responses to P. capsici after infection; however, the resistant but not in resistant roots at 12 or 36 hpi, which was unexpected. We
CM334 activated the response earlier than did the susceptible presumed that plant-pathogen interactions might not be the main way
NMCA10399 with more than twice as many genes differentially ex- to mediate resistance to P. capsici in pepper roots. In contrast, we ob-
pressed at 12 hpi. Similar results have been reported in other plants in served that pathways involved in the synthesis of secondary metabolites
previous studies. Using the same whole-genome transcriptional analysis were those that were enriched for the most DEGs. The important roles
method, it was determined that defense-related gene activation oc- of the phenylpropanoid biosynthesis pathway in defense against pa-
curred earlier and was stronger in roots of resistant tomato plants after thogens have been demonstrated in previous studies (Naoumkina et al.,
R. solanacearum infection (French et al., 2018). In addition, Xu et al. 2010). Therefore, we inferred that the pathway involved in secondary
(2011) deduced phenylpropanoid metabolism was involved in the metabolite synthesis, phenylpropanoid biosynthesis, might play a more
cotton defense response after V. dahliae infection and both resistant and critical role than plant-pathogen interactions in root-mediated re-
susceptible cotton plants showed an increased level of expression of sistance to P. capsici in pepper.
lignin synthesis-related genes, but the increase was greater and faster in In the present study, secondary metabolite synthesis pathways
the resistant line (Xu et al., 2011). All the points stated above suggest played significant roles in root-mediated resistance to P. capsici. We
that activation of the response in a timely manner is very important for focused our study on the phenylpropanoid biosynthesis pathway, which
plant disease resistance. was divided into four branch pathways synthesizing five secondary
Based on KEGG enrichment analysis, we observed that the plant- metabolites, coumarine, cinnamaldehyde, lignin, caffeoyl quinic acid
pathogen interaction pathway was only present in the group of and capsaicin. Among them, cinnamaldehyde (Bang et al., 2000; Cheng

Y. Li, et al. Gene 728 (2020) 144288

nutrients to recover after pathogen infection, which mutually con-

tribute to disease resistance in pepper plants.
Understanding the mechanisms of root-mediated disease resistance
is an important step in developing crops with resistance to soilborne
pathogens. Our study suggested that phenylpropanoid compounds de-
rived from the phenylpropanoid biosynthesis pathway, especially cin-
namaldehyde and lignin, played important roles in pepper root defense
against P. capsici. Although the transcriptional analysis of these genes
from the multiple branches of the phenylpropanoid biosynthesis
pathway helped to better highlight these findings, many questions re-
main largely unknown. Further characterization of these genes is
needed and may provide candidates for genetic improvement of pepper.
Moreover, identification of transcription factors involved in the phe-
nylpropanoid pathway, especially in the cinnamaldehyde and lignin
synthesis branches, will provide new and further insights into root-
mediated resistance to P. capsici in pepper.


Fig. 5. Coefficient analysis of gene expression levels obtained from RNA-seq This research was funded by the project of National Natural Science
and qRT-PCR. Fold change indicates the gene expression fold change at 12 hpi Foundation of China (Grant No. 31601750), the project of
and 36 hpi compared to the 0 hpi mock control in the resistant CM334 and the China Scholarship Council (Grant No. 201808440093), the project of
susceptible NMCA10399, respectively.
Guangzhou Science and Technology (Grant No. 201710010055) and
the projects of Guangdong Science and Technology (Grant No.
et al., 2008; Hu et al., 2013; Wu et al., 2017; Duan et al., 2018; OuYang 2018A0505060520 and 2017B030314111).
et al., 2019), lignin (Naoumkina et al., 2010; Xu et al., 2011; Guo et al.,
2016), caffeoyl quinic acid (Faulds and Williamson, 1999; Jr. Harrison CRediT authorship contribution statement
et al., 2008) and capsaicin (Veloso et al., 2014) have been shown to be
involved in plant defense against pathogens. PAL was the first enzyme Ying Li: Resources, Supervision. Ting Yu: Software, Data curation,
detected, plays an essential role in the phenylpropanoid pathway and Writing - original draft. Tingquan Wu: Writing - review & editing. Rui
has been reported to be responsive to both biotic and abiotic stresses, Wang: Validation. Hengming Wang: Investigation. Hu Du: Validation.
including pathogen attack (Xu et al., 2011), wounding, cold, and UV Xiaowan Xu: Data curation. Dasen Xie: Writing - review & editing.
light exposure (Huang et al., 2010). In this study, two genes XiaoMei Xu: Methodology, Formal analysis, Data curation, Writing -
(CA05g20790 and CA12g15510) mapped to PAL were both upregulated original draft.
in resistant accessions with greater changes, and more importantly,
their activation time was earlier than that in susceptible accessions. Declaration of Competing Interest
Similar results were also observed in tomato (Gayoso et al., 2010) and
cotton (Xu et al., 2011) defense responses to V. dahliae. In addition, The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
CCR1 is a common enzyme in the branch pathways of cinnamaldehyde interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
and lignin synthesis, and genes in its family have been reported to play ence the work reported in this paper.
an important role in disease resistance in plants (Eynck et al., 2012).
Our results showed that genes assigned to CCR1 were also upregulated Acknowledgments
in resistant roots but downregulated with great folder changes in sus-
ceptible roots. All of these results suggested that the most significant The authors are grateful to Paul W. Bosland of New Mexico State
difference between resistant and susceptible plants was whether the University for providing experimental materials such as CM334 and
plants could activate the involved pathways in a timely and efficient NMCA10399.
In addition to potent antifungal activities against a wide variety of Appendix A. Supplementary data
pathogens, cinnamaldehyde has recently been reported to show great
potential in promoting lateral root formation, which is mediated by Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://
endogenous hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in pepper plants (Xue et al., 2016).
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