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CONTACT: Mohamed A. Jumah Altenaiji

When Firefighters Shouldn’t Die, Citizens Rescued, Property
Saved, Resources Spared and the Environment Protected
Edible-Plants Extracts Fight Fires and Help Neutralize Weapons of Mass Destruction
UAE, 20 Feb 2010: With the advent of Holidays, a significant safety product is made available for
consumers to meet emergencies. A UAE-based technology transfer company, MJ International,
LLC, is introducing a unique fire extinguishing agent called Cold Fire© in reusable cans for personal
protection, public-safety and law-enforcement officers. Made from edible plants extracts, Cold
Fire©, is currently approved and used by many federal and states agencies, including NASA, the U.S.
military, USDA Forest Service, New York/New Jersey Port Authority, Florida Police and many other
counties as well as motorized racing, oil refineries and power plants, nationally and internationally.

The long lists of certification and rigorous test results made Minneapolis adopted Cold Fire© as an
agent of choice. Similarly, alluding to Cambridge's quest to be the first US City to turn completely
Green, Deputy-Chief Murphy of Cambridge Fire Department reported their findings of extensive
testing to the members of Massachusetts Institute of Fire Departments Instructors, at Stow Fire
Academy, during their October meeting. “Judging from the many reports and our testing, this new
technology can definitely minimize the loss of life, property, resources, reduce cost of firefighting
and consequential damages,” said Murphy.

Non-flammable, biodegradable, non-corrosive, safe, non-toxic, non-allergenic, and ecologically

remedial, “Cold Fire© prevents the spread of fire and re-ignition by rapid cooling and absorbing
vaporized fuel to act as an anti-catalyst. Because it contains massive organic molecule chains, Cold
Fire© absorbs the energy that could sustain combustion before more fuel can transition to the gaseous
state in order to take part in further oxidation reactions,” says Harvard and Yale Physics alumnus and
MIT faculty researcher, Dr. Joachim Martillo, who worked with Israeli defense corporations like
RAD. That is how Cold Fire© extinguishes flame-engulfed car in seconds with less than two hand-
held extinguishers and makes possible holding burning magnesium chips at 5,600oF on a hand towel.

Fire & Safety Consultant, Mr. Holtzclaw, a 13 year Cambridge Fire Department veteran, who was
injured in the line of duty and for the past 2 years has been working with AIM, said, “Everybody,
especially fire-fighters MUST know about Cold Fire© to stop senseless death and injury of so many
of us. I wish Cold Fire© was available when I was injured.”

As a "New Paradigm" in firefighting, Cold Fire© exhibits advantages of its 21 unique characteristics
on the shortness of time needed to extinguish any fire, 40-times less usage of water, economy of 6.4
less usage-cost than anything available, the indefinite shelf-life, and most importantly the safety of
firefighters, prevention of building collapse, reduction of loss of life, property and the Environment.

The recent US Patent for Advanced Catalytic Enzyme System dual use in fire, decontamination and
detoxification from chemical/biological warfare as well as hazardous industrial fires and explosions,
proved exclusively the advantages of using Cold Fire©.

In addition to this unique wetting agent, MJI is also introducing fire-retardants and flame inhibitors
that can reduce the risk of fires, especially in hotels, restaurants, schools, homes and vehicles.
Cold Fire© is an innovative break-through in safety technology: First, because of its novel conceptual
approach to fire-conflagrations; Second, because of its 21 unique characteristics. Cold Fire©
represents a new paradigm in fire-fighting that cost-effectively maximizes the Safety of firefighters,
people’s lives, property and the environment while rapidly extinguishing almost all types of fires.

Conceptually, Cold Fire© treats fires as a series of successive explosions. Simultaneously, it

eliminates the causes of explosions and symptoms such as flames and smoke, in record short times.
Cold Fire©’s tremendous thermal insulating and heat absorbing capacity as well as its rapid wetting
penetration, swiftly knocks down fires, neutralizes the burning media and prevents re-ignition.

Made from edible plants extracts, Cold Fire© is non-flammable, biodegradable, non-corrosive, safe,
non-toxic, non-allergenic, and ecologically remedial. Cold Fire© prevents the spread of fire and re-
ignition by rapid cooling and absorbing vaporized fuel to act as an anti-catalyst. Because it contains
massive organic molecule chains, Cold Fire© absorbs the energy that could sustain combustion
before more fuel can transition to the gaseous state in order to take part in further oxidation reactions.
It reduces the density of smoke, increases visibility, and eases breathing as it enhances water
penetration to extinguish the fire faster while using less water than anything else currently available.

Classified by NFPA as a wetting agent, Cold Fire© is used by many government agencies, including
NASA, the U.S. military, USDA Forest Service, Navy Seals, Florida Police and motorized racing
industry, oil refineries, and power plants. Cold Fire© is also rated by UL as a wetting agent for Class
A and B fires and tested for D. It is on the EPA-SNAP (Significantly New Alternative Policy)
program products List that designates products friendly to the environment. As documented in the
USA Army’s research in chemical and biological warfare, it enhances decontamination by up to 95%.

Per United States Patent No.US 7,229,819 BI [Assignee: USA Secretary of the Army] this Advanced
Catalytic Enzyme System Dual Use Formulation (ACES) is a non-corrosive, non-flammable, non-
caustic, user friendly and environmentally safe decontaminant. It is constituted by mixing Cold Fire©
with a near-universal decontaminant powder of: [a]OPH Enzyme(Organophosphorus hydrolase),
OPAA(Organophosphorus Acid Anhydrolase), DFPase (Diisopropyl Fluorophosphotase) and a
Dehalogenase Enzyme, [b] Qaternary Amonium Salt, (c) pH control reagent, (d) Foaming agent.

In minutes, the preparation is capable of simultaneously extinguishing massive fires, rapidly cooling
surfaces and surroundings as well as detoxifying a wide range of chemical and biological agents,
including but not limited to: organophosphorus-based G-type, V-type neurotoxic chemical warfare,
sulphur-mustard and other OP-based hazardous industrial materials and pesticides. It is safe for use
on vehicles, equipments, surfaces, skin or personnel de-contamination. The combination with Cold
Fire© enhances significant killing of non-pathogenic B. anthracis cells and other stimulants.

Firefighters are prone to serious, sometimes, fatal injuries. According to the National Fire Protection
Association, smoke inhalation poses one of the greatest threats of injury and death by a fire.
Similarly, heat exposure represents another life threatening danger. Superheated steam is always
generated when water alone is used to extinguish extremely hot fires, resulting in life threatening
risks to fire fighters. These dangers are often compounded because fires are usually a combination of
Class A, B, and D fires. Another major risk to firefighters is the collapse of buildings.

Cold Fire© enhances fire fighters safety and the safety of people who are in and surrounding burning
structures. By combining the ability to encapsulate hydrocarbons in smoke and removing significant
amounts of heat, Cold Fire© reduces the density of smoke, the hazards of steam scolding and smoke
inhalation while increasing visibility. The resulting cooler air reduces building’s heat-collapse factor
below risk temperature, the risk of heat exposure, exhaustion, and superheated steam inhalation.

A prominent Harvard and Yale Physics alumnus and MIT faculty researcher, Dr. Joachim Martillo,
who worked with Israeli defense corporations like RAD, explains the scientific bases of Cold Fire
performance and why “Unlike conventionally extinguished conflagrations, it is not possible to
rekindle any of the fires no matter how hard testers tried.”:

Fires become self-sustaining when the fuel vaporization and oxidation reaction sequence yields
increasing energy to vaporize even more fuel and to provide the activation energy for an even
faster rate of oxidation until the chemical kinetics reaches the singularity/catastrophe that produces
combustion. In the worst case, when there is enough fuel and oxygen, uncontrolled combustion
becomes a conflagration.

Coldfire prevents the mathematical catastrophe phenomenon by absorbing the vaporized fuel to act
as an anticatalyst. Because it contains massive organic molecule chains, Coldfire has an extremely
high specific heat and absorbs the energy that could sustain combustion before more fuel can
transition to the gaseous state to take part in further oxidation reactions. In effect, Coldfire blocks
the fuel from feeding the flames and cools down the materials that the fire had been consuming.

Confirming the product, Joseph Calafa, TB&T Training Academy’s Chief of Instructors in NY & NJ
Port Authority, wrote after testing Cold Fire side-by-side with their product in use, “in performances
of fire knockdown, heat reduction and re-ignition” they decided to replace the “current suppression
agent with Cold Fire…at the Holland and Lincoln Tunnels, as well as George Washington Bridge”.

Similarly, in recommending Cold Fire©, the Commander of Civil Defense Branch and Director of
Saudi Security College wrote: “[Cold Fire©] Extinguished burning cars fires in a very fast time and
reduced burning temperature to a coolness that would immediately allow for rescuing trapped
passengers …It is capable of dealing with fires in the classes (A, B, D) with tremendous capability in
rapid extinguishing and cooling, saving large quantities of water.”

Dr. Abdel-Rahman Mohamed, one of the pioneers in the international environmentalist movement
and a former Associate Professor of International and Development Communication at Boston
University who taught “Technology Transfer” asserts, “Cold Fire© has become ‘The Most
Significant Invention in Fire-fighting,’ actually, ‘the future of fire-fighting technology.’ In my
capacity as Director of Safety Technology Group that markets Cold Fire©, I have made many
presentations in the US and overseas about Cold Fire©. I do recall vividly how scientists and veteran
firefighters reacted with amazement each and every time we made a presentation, especially when
holding in my hand magnesium chips burning at 5,600o on a hand-towel treated with Cold Fire©.”

Fire-fighters, commanders and installations’ safety experts, who spent tens of years, some 50 years,
in fire fighting and protection, all confirm that they never saw anything like Cold Fire©. Fire &
Safety Consultant, Mr. Holtzclaw, a 13 year Cambridge Fire Department veteran, who was injured in
the line of duty and for the past 2 years has been working with AIM, said, “Everybody, especially
fire-fighters MUST know about Cold Fire© to stop senseless death and injury of so many of us. I
wish Cold Fire© was available when I was injured.”

In Michelin sponsored tests, Cold Fire© extinguished a tire warehouse fire in 15 minutes by feeding
the liquid into the sprinkler system. Michelin adopted Cold Fire© for the protection of warehouses.
Similarly, Lloyd insurer does the same for Logging industry machinery. Testing in the Euro-tunnel,
New York/New Jersey Port Authority, Lincoln and Holland tunnels, as well as testing for Oil Fires in
Japan, Australia, Mexico, Brazil, Venezuela, Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, China, Philippines, UAE,
Kuwait, Bahrain, etc., won Cold Fire© approvals in all these facilities and countries. Extinguish a
car fire, soaked with 5 highly combustible flammables and burning for 5 minutes, in only 17
SECONDS can explain why all major Motor Races in the USA are adopting Cold Fire©.

Although Cold Fire© costs almost the same as conventional foam fire extinguishers, it is actually 6.4
times cheaper in terms of “Per-Gallon Usage-Cost”, even after discounting the hard to quantify costs:
Loss of Life, Short- and Long-Term Health-damage due to exposure, Environmental Damage, Water-
Damage to Property due amount of Water used and duration, Fire Fighters time, etc. Furthermore,
Cold Fire© has indefinite shelf life allowing the product to be stored in fire fighting equipment for
long periods of time without fear of the product breaking down, clogging or corroding equipment, as
is the case with current foam products.

Cold Fire© effectively and rapidly extinguishes different types of metal fires such as magnesium,
aluminum, titanium, sodium, and white phosphorous with only 6% to 9% to water. As low as 1 %
concentration with water, Cold Fire© can provide an effective fire break in urban structures, wild-
lands and forests. Similarly, with a maximum of only 6%, Cold Fire© extinguishes non-polar
hydrocarbon fuels, such as JP-4, diesel, and crude oil, at high boiling range without re-ignition. The
oil industry appreciates that because Cold Fire© is the only agent that allows the use of hydrocarbons
after their fires are extinguished, without any contamination, such as in the case of oil tanks.

It is practically impossible to compare Cold Fire© to any other extinguishing agent, especially those
toxic, corrosive, dangerous and comparably ineffective foams. Cold Fire© has successfully
completed toxicity, corrosion, biodegradability and UL testing. Six (6) areas of toxicity testing were
conducted by SGS US Testing Laboratories in accordance with the EPA’s protocols to ensure the
product’s safety, including: oral, ocular, dermal, skin sensitization, inhalation, and aquatic, confirmed
that the product is non-toxic. SGS US Testing Laboratories also conducted corrosion and
biodegradability testing proving the product is non-corrosive and biodegradable. UL listing was
achieved for Class A (wood, paper, furniture etc.) and B (fuel, oil, heavy fuel and petroleum) fires in
June of 1994. UL testing was conducted in accordance with NFPA 18 for Wetting Agents, UL 711
for fuels fires, UL 162 and for Class D (metal) fires on February 11, 2000.

Currently, Cold Fire© can be used in any standard fire fighting equipment: It can be added directly
into fire trucks or booster tanks, fixed units, CAF (compressed air foam) machines, injectors,
inductors, sprinkler systems, automatic fire extinguishing systems, closed loop systems, water mist
systems, extinguishers, dust collector systems, forestry equipment and fire fighting, IFEX systems,
Bambi-bucket applications and deluge systems, as well as hand-held fire-fighting cylinders and
personal spray cans.
AIM International, Inc., The World’s Supermarket of Innovations, Solving Chronic Problems Naturally
Cold FireTM
This is to certify that Cold FireTM formula # 302 is a “Proprietary Formula” of harmless plant and
water based agent that does not contain any known hazardous components. The Formula is filed as a
TRADE SECRET with the State of New Jersey in the United States of America under TSRNs
8010063-5033p through 8010063-5037p.; and with the United States of America’s Environmental
Protection Agency in: EPA SNAP (Significantly New Alternative Policy) Program Listing.
Cold FireTM is Listed by Underwriters Laboratories under UL LISTING #: 2N75 and Underwriters
Laboratories of Canada under ULC LISTED UNDER FILE #: Cex 1225 and ULC Subj. C175.
PRODUCT GROUP: Wetting Fire Extinguishing Agent and Decontamination Media
PRODUCT CLASS: Bio-Surfactant, General Environmental Cleaner
INGREDIENTS: 1- Non-chlorinated, balanced Water
2- Extracts from Edible Vegetation (Plants) in the form of:
[a] Sulfonated Surfactants,
[b] Cellulose, and
[c] Mineral Salts
FROM: 1) Dietary Annual Leguminosae
2) Dietary Annual Cereal Grass
3) Edible Marine Laminaiales
Cold FireTM is NOT a typical artificial chemical compound. It represents a NEW concept that does not conform to
conventional methods of toxic chemical preparations. It is a combination of natural ingredients extracted from plants at
specific temperatures, added at certain ratios and mixed at variable temperature degrees. The ingredients are intended to
work in harmony with each other to respond to the specific Fire and Contamination problems and resolve them in
harmony with Nature. Therefore, there is not one single active ingredient that can be pointed out, as is the case with
chemical compounds. The formula is a registered, copyright-protected, proprietary Trade Secret.
Description: The material is a stable homogeneous 100% soluble in water
1- Color: Clear, Extremely Light Straw-Liquid Color (Almost Colorless)
2- Odor: Fresh Plant Semi-citrus scent (Contains no citrus or di-limonen)
3- pH: 6.15 in concentrate form and Neutral when diluted
4- Flash Point: Not Applicable.
6- Boiling Point: Greater than 212F.
7- Freezing Point: Less than 29F
8- Specific Gravity: 1.02 @ 60F
9- Water Solubility: Complete 100%.
10- Stability: No Separation or sedimentation when dissolved in water
11- Vapor Pressure: Same as Water (mm Hg).


Per United States Patent No.US 7,229,819 BI [Assignee: USA Secretary of the Army] this Advanced Catalytic Enzyme
System Dual Use Formulation (ACES) is a non-corrosive, non-caustic, non-flammable, user friendly and environmentally
safe decontaminant that is constituted from ColdFire TM mixed with near-universal decontaminant powder composed of:
[a]OPH Enzyme(Organophosphorus hydrolase), OPAA(Organophosphorus Acid Anhydrolase), DFPase (Diisopropyl
Fluorophosphotase) and a Dehalogenase Enzyme, [b] Qaternary Amonium Salt, (c) pH control reagent, (d) Foaming agent.
In minutes, the preparation is capable of simultaneously extinguishing massive fires, rapidly cooling surfaces and
surroundings as well as detoxifying a wide range of chemical and biological agents, including but not limited to:
organophosphorus-based G-type, V-type neurotoxic chemical warfare, sulphur-mustard and other OP-based hazardous
industrial materials and pesticides. It is safe for use on vehicles, equipments, surfaces, kin or personnel de-contamination.
The combination with ColdFire TM enhancees significant killing of non-pathogenic B. anthracis cells and other stimulants.

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