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Eur J Plant Pathol

Differential development of wilt and stem rot diseases

in grafted bell pepper (Capsicum annuum, L.)
César Guigón-López

Accepted: 5 December 2018

# Koninklijke Nederlandse Planteziektenkundige Vereniging 2019

Abstract In bell pepper production, diseases caused by goal of reducing the use of chemicals, environmen-
soil-borne pathogens are a serious problem. The use of tal pollution and the costs of control in the produc-
chemicals remains the main method for the control of tion of sweet bell pepper.
soil-borne pathogens, with poor results in many cases.
However, grafting has been proposed as an alternative Keywords Grafting . Terrano . Phytophthora capsici .
which can also improve control. The present study Rhizoctonia solani . Fusarium solani
analyses and compares the development of diseases
caused by soil-borne pathogens in grafted and non-
grafted sweet bell pepper plants. Plots of cultivars
Fascinato and Janette non-grafted and grafted on
Terrano rootstock were established on a farm man-
Bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) is among the world’s
aged under the shaded greenhouse system.
most popular vegetables belonging to the Solanaceae
Phytophthora capsici and Rhizoctonia solani AG4
family. It is one of the most important vegetable crops
were identified causing wilt. Fusarium solani was
in North American countries and, in European countries,
identified causing stem rot. Terrano resisted wilt by
it is one of the five most important vegetable crops
reducing the apparent infection rate and the final
(Lucier and Lin 2001). Generally, these fruits are grown
incidence in the Fascinato variety by 92% and
in high-value production systems such as glasshouses
89%, respectively, and in the Janette variety by
(Bosland et al. 2012; Jovicich et al. 2005).
99% and 98%, respectively. However, Terrano was
In northern Mexico, sweet bell pepper is a high-tech
not resistant to stem rot. Compared to non-grafted
export product, mainly to the United States (SIAP-
plants, Terrano had a higher apparent infection rate
SAGARPA 2017). Unfortunately, bell pepper is strong-
and final incidence, which in Fascinato were 56%
ly affected by soil-borne fungi and nematodes. Crops
and 60%, respectively, and in Janette were 97% and
damage accentuated by intensive production systems
99%, respectively. Terrano also affected the spatial
also generates significant losses.
patterns of both wilt and stem rot. These results
The filamentous oomycete Phytophthora capsici
show that it is necessary to supplement the use of
causes devastating diseases to bell pepper worldwide
Terrano with other strategies. This complicates the
and is responsible for $1 billion in losses in worldwide
vegetable production every year (Lamour et al. 2012).
This fungus causes root and crown rot as well as the aerial
C. Guigón-López (*)
Centro de Investigación para los Recursos Naturales point Salices, blight of leaves, fruit, and stems (Ristaino and Johnston
Chihuahua, Mexico 1999). Symptoms vary considerably according to the
e-mail: host, the infected plant part and environmental conditions.
Eur J Plant Pathol

Rhizoctonia solani is a globally distributed, soil- The advantages of grafting are unquestionable.
borne plant pathogen which develops a necrotrophic However, in addition to the above-mentioned advan-
lifestyle (González et al. 2006). R. solani is typically a tages, some research has shown that rootstocks resistant
pathogen of pepper seedlings, causing damping-off, but to P. capsici are most promising because they are more
it can also cause wilting and death in mature plants. The stable and do not affect the plant development or yield of
fungus is dispersed mainly via sclerotia, contaminated the commercial varieties (Gisbert et al. 2010). In contrast,
plant material or soil particles spread by wind, water or a rootstock line resistant to other soil-borne fungi has
during agricultural practices such as tillage and seed been shown to be more complicated, as the pathogens
transportation. The fungus can remain in the soil as a show different interactions with different scions (Morra
saprophyte for long periods (González et al. 2006). and Bilotto 2006). Currently, in Mexico the Terrano
Fusarium wilt is the most important soil-borne dis- rootstock (Syngenta Seeds) is being used as an alterna-
ease caused by Fusarium spp. in pepper plants. F. solani tive for the control of wilt caused by P. capsici. This is
is reported to cause great losses in pepper production in due to their resistance to this fungus and to nematodes, in
different countries in the world (Jarvis et al. 1994a; addition to their excellent affinity for the main pepper
Sundaramoorthy et al. 2012). F. solani can also affect varieties to which they provide a vigorous root system
the internal parts of the pepper fruit (Yang et al. 2009). and enable balanced vegetative development, favoring a
Because of this economic impact of soil-borne path- healthy plant structure (Chávez-Mendoza et al. 2013;
ogens, it is critical to have effective control strategies Sánchez et al. 2015). However, information on epidemi-
(Ristaino and Johnston 1999; Lamour et al. 2012). ological aspects of wilt and other diseases in bell pepper
However, treatment of these sweet pepper soil-borne plants grafted onto Terrano is lacking.
pathogens is difficult. In many countries, many farmers In plant disease epidemiology, characterization of
continue to use soil fumigants with increasing costs disease incidence or severity over time is of high impor-
(Slusarski and Pietr 2009). Chemical control methods tance for evaluating control treatments (Madden and
may not be feasible or economical, as some fungi have Hughes 1995). For example, the analysis of the progress
developed resistance to chemicals. Additionally, it is curve of the disease allows quantification, usually using
very difficult to control pathogens in the field once they least-squares regression analysis (nonlinear or linear) to
have become established, as chemical control and cul- estimate parameters, determination of predicted values
tural strategies are difficult to implement under for disease, and a comparison of epidemics. Similarly in
pathogen-favorable conditions. spatial analysis, the magnitude of overdispersion, can be
In addition, synthetic fungicides usually take long determined and used to analyze treatments effects prop-
periods of time to be degraded completely, causing heavy erly (Madden and Hughes 1995). The variance-to-mean
toxicity to humans and domestic animals (Arias et al. ratio (V/M) is routinely calculated to measure aggrega-
2008). Hence, agronomic controls are good alternatives tion and test for overdispersion. When there can be no
against these diseases (Martin 2003). Genetic resistance more than ‘n’ possible individuals in a quadrat,
or tolerance is often at the center of integrated manage- Morisita’s index is used.
ment programmes against soil-borne pathogens. Given the little information available in Mexico, the
However, susceptible crop species possess low-to- objective of this work was to determine the efficiency of
moderate levels of genetic resistance (Gisbert et al. 2010). Terrano rootstock in the control of the diseases caused
Where neither genetic resistance nor fungicide man- by soil-borne pathogens in bell pepper plants through
agement appear to be efficient, grafting can provide a the analysis of the temporal and spatial development of
suitable tool for integrated management of the main soil- the diseases.
borne diseases of pepper (Morra and Bilotto 2006;
Martínez-Ballesta et al. 2010; Louws et al. 2010).
Grafting is an environmentally friendly alternative Methodology
method for preventing soil-borne diseases in continuous
cropping systems. Peppers are generally grafted onto Experimental plot
rootstocks that are of the same species as the scions
(C. annuum L.) that have resistance to Phytophthora This work was carried out on a farm in Delicias,
blight (Jang et al. 2012). Chihuahua, Mexico in a 1-ha shaded greenhouse system
Eur J Plant Pathol

(38% shade) with white plastic covering an under- contained the following amounts of each component:
ground drip irrigation system. The soil had a loamy 1 μL of DNA, 2 μL of primer mix, 22.5 μL of master
sandy-clayey texture (29.84% clay, 12.08% silt, and mix, and 24.5 μL nuclease-free water necessary to reach
57.36% sand), inorganic N at 50.17 ppm, P at a volume of 50 μL. The amplified products were veri-
64.14 ppm, cation exchange capacity of 32.5 me/ fied by agarose gel electrophoresis. They were then
100 g, an electrical conductivity of 0.84 ds/m, organic purified using the PureLink PCR Purification Kit™
matter of 1.68%, and pH of 7.72. The selected plot had a (Zymo) and sent for sequencing to the Unity of
history of serious problems due to diseases caused by Synthesis and Sequencing of Biotechnology Institute,
soil-borne fungi, ensuring enough disease pressure. The National Autonomous University of Mexico,
bell pepper cultivars used were Fascinato and Janette Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico. Sequence analysis was
(Syngenta, Co., Houston, TX, USA), and the rootstock performed using BioEdit. BLAST was performed using
was “Terrano” (Syngenta, Co. Houston. TX, USA). The the NCBI database. The sequences data were submitted
height of grafting was 1.5 cm above the first true leaf. to GenBank NCBI. In order to identify the AG subgroup
Rows of 90 m in length and thirty-three thousand plants of the R. solani, Molecular Evolutionary Genetics
per hectare were established. There was a 1.5-m distance Analysis version 7.0 (MEGA7) software were used to
between rows and 30 cm between plants for “Terrano” build a phylogenetic tree for ITS regions with 60
rootstock and 20 cm for non-grafted plants. The exper- R. solani sequences of different AG subgroups obtained
imental design consisted of randomized complete from GenBank. The phylogenetic tree was constructed
blocks with four treatments and four blocks. according to the neighbor-joining algorithm.
Treatments were: (1) Fascinato/Terrano; (2) Janette/
Terrano; (3) non-grafted Fascinato; and (4) non-grafted Disease progress curves analysis (temporal analysis)
Janette. Cultivars without rootstock (non-grafted plants)
served as controls for the Terrano effects. In the second Diseased plants in each block were recorded weekly
growing season, only two treatments with the bell pep- from the establishment (March) until the end (October)
per cultivars Fascinato/Terrano and Janette/Terrano of the crop season. Different sample points were distrib-
were established in the same plots. uted in the blocks. At each sample point, 30 plants
distributed along the three rows were evaluated.
Sample and microorganism identification Incidence was determined as the percentage of diseased
plants. Incidence data were transformed by ln(1/(1-x)),
In each block and each growing season, soil and root and regression was used to determine the apparent in-
samples of diseased plants were collected for the isola- fection rate. The temporal analysis of disease was car-
tion and identification of plant pathogenic fungi. The ried out for two crop seasons.
identification considered morphological characteristics
and analysis of the complete sequences of internal tran- Spatial distribution of diseased plants (spatial analysis)
scribed spacer 1, the 5.8S ribosomal RNA gene, and
internal transcribed spacer 2. Pure cultures of detected The spatial distribution of diseased plants was deter-
fungi on potato dextrose agar (PDA) medium were used mined by means of indices that stimulated the degree
to isolate DNA, using a Zymo Fungal/Bacterial 2r DNA of aggregation:
Miniprep kit™ (Zymo Research Corp Irvine, CA
92614, U.S.A.). The quality and quantity of DNA were Relative variance (variance/mean ratio; González et al.
verified by agarose gel electrophoresis. The DNA was 2014)
used as a template for PCR. The primers utilized were
ITS1 Fw 5´ TCCGTAGGTGAACCTGCGG 3′ and The relative variance is determined by:
et al. 2007). The PCRs were performed under the fol- S2 =X ¼ Σ Xi−X 2=n−X
lowing conditions: one cycle of 95 °C for 10 min;
35 cycles of denaturation at 95 °C for 10 s, annealing where:
at 56 °C for 50 s and extension at 72 °C for 30 s; and a S2 = variance, ̅=
X mean, Xi = individual numbers in
final extension for 15 min at 72 °C. Each reaction i-th quadrant, and n = individual numbers in the sample.
Eur J Plant Pathol

A variance/mean (V/M) value less than 1 indicates a crop (including other diseases) affected each block in
uniform distribution, a value equal to 1 indicates a the same way.
random distribution and, a value greater than 1indicates
an aggregate distribution. The statistical significance of
the V/M ratio was determined by the Xi2 test: Results
X i2 ¼ 1=Xn Σ Xi−X The diseases detected affecting bell pepper were wilt
and stem rot. Wilt was characterized by root and crown
rot of plants. Stem rot showed the development of soft,
Morisita’s index (Zarco-Espinosa et al. 2010) dark brown or black necrotic lesions on the stems.
Salmon-white cottony-like mycelia were also present
The Morisita’s index is determined by: on the surface of stem lesions. Both diseases restrict
the upward movement of water, resulting in wilting of
Iδ ¼ q Σni ðni−1Þ=NðN−1Þ the plants (Fig. 1). From plants affected by wilt, two
where: microorganisms were identified (Table 1).
Iδ = spatial distribution index, q = quadrant number,
ni = individual numbers in the i-th quadrant, and N = a) P. capsici (GenBank accession number:
total number of individuals in all q quadrants. MF093754). This Oomycete presented compact
Iδ values less than, equal to or greater than 1 indicate colonies with abundant aerial and cenocitic hyphae,
a uniform, random or aggregate distribution, cottony and softly radiated. Hyaline mycelium,
respectively. branched, with swellings and vesicles, piriform
The values of two different treatments were compared sporangia, with prominent papilla, deciduous.
by David and Moore’s index (I) (Dale et al., 2002): b) A sterile mycelium, typical of R. solani (GenBank
  accession number: MF093753) was also isolated.
I ¼ S2 =X −1 Phylogenetic analysis of ITS region (Fig. 2) indi-
cated that it is R. solani AG4. These pathogens,
Considering X1 and X2 the means and S21 and S22 P. capsici and R. solani, were often present together
the variances of the samples of “n” size of the two in the same plant and were isolated with the same
populations, were calculated the “W” statist as follows: frequency.
W ¼ −1=2 Ln S2 1 =X1 = S2 2 =X2 :
From stem rot, in grafted or non-grafted plants, one
Statistical significance (population 1 is different from microorganism was identified (Table 1): Fusarium
population 2) (P < 0.05) is considered when W is out of solani (GenBank accession number: MF093752). This
range − 2.5/√(n-1), +2.5/√(n-1). fungus presented cotton-colored mycelium, septate,
cream-colored. Unicellular, ovoid, kidney-shaped
microconidia, produced in individual conidiophores or
Reduction of plant population in pairs and lengths. Macroconidia in the form of a
canoe or a half moon, with 1–4 septa. Globose
Although this study was not established to estimate crop chlamydospores.
losses, an estimation of the reduction of plants attributed
to wilt and stem rot was made in the second growing Analysis of bell pepper wilt
season. During each weekly sampling, once the plants
showed irreversible damage, they were removed from Temporal analysis
the soil. The calculation was made based on the initial
and final quantity of plants per treatment. Of the remain- Wilt affected the plants in the different combinations
ing plants at the end of the growing season, those that studied, although grafted plants greatly exhibited re-
were infected (diseased plants) were quantified. This duced incidence. The disease was observed 35 days
analysis assumes that the other factors involved in the after transplanting (dat) (Fig. 3) and, in non-grafted
Eur J Plant Pathol

Fig. 1 Bell pepper plants affected by wilt (a) and root rot of plants infected with P. capsici and R. solani (b). Bell pepper stem rot (c) and
necrotic lesions with salmon-white cottony-like mycelia of F. solani (d)

plants, presented high apparent infection rates (“r”) 85 Spatial analysis

dat. In plants grafted on Terrano, the “r” was much
lower; therefore, at the end of the crop cycle the inci- When non-grafted, wilted plants grew in aggregates. This
dence of diseased plants was very low. In the Fascinato spatial distribution exhibited variable aggregation rates
variety, the use of Terrano rootstock represented reduc- during the growth cycle (Table 2). In grafted plants, the
tions of 92% in “r” and 89% in the final incidence of spatial distribution was unchanged throughout the cycle,
diseased plants. In the Janette variety, the use of Terrano except in two cases. In Janette/Terrano, the spatial distri-
reduced “r” by 99% and final incidence by 98%. bution of wilted plats was random (V/M = 1.27, Iδ = 1.6,

Table 1 Microorganism identified in diseased bell pepper plants

Disease/Organism Sequences producing significant alignments Score* Query cover (%) E value Ident (%)

Wilt/Phytophthora capsici Phytophthora capsici strain UACH-GAQ62 737 99 0.0 90

GenBank: KM288418.1
Wilt/Rhizoctonia solani Rhizoctonia solani isolate: HG-I 78-23R-3 1206 95 0.0 100
GenBank: AB000007.1
Stem rot/Fusarium solani Fusarium solani strain DI12 883 93 0.0 99
GenBank: KF918580.1

*Similarity values (score, query cover, E value and ident) according to the comparison by Blast (NCBI) of nucleotide sequences to sequence
databases and calculation of statistical significance
Eur J Plant Pathol

Fig. 2 Phylogenetic tree of Rhizoctonia solani. The R. solani of method. The bootstrap values (1000 replicates) are shown next to
this work is identified as Rhizoctonia solani Delicias Mexico. The the branches. The analysis involved 31 nucleotide sequences.
optimal tree with the sum of branch length = 0.96023389 is shown. Evolutionary analyses were conducted in Molecular Evolutionary
The evolutionary history was inferred using the Neighbor-Joining Genetics Analysis version 7.0 (MEGA7)

Xi2 P > 0.05) in both cropping seasons. On the contrary, incidence was higher in grafted plants. The onset
in Fascinato/Terrano, during the first cropping season, the of the epidemic was delayed approximately 100 days
distribution was aggregated (V/M = 2.22, Iδ = 2.35, Xi2 with respect to that observed for wilt (Fig. 3). The
P < 0.01). In the second growing season, the distribution first diseased plants were observed 131 dat, and the
was random (V/M = 0.125, Xi2 P > 0.01). epidemics were characterized by a larger apparent
The comparison between treatments indicated that the infection rate (“r”) in the grafted plants. These “r”
spatial distribution of wilted plants was different in all values were higher than in the case of the wilt; and,
treatments (Table 3). When plants were grafted on consequently, at the end of the cycle the incidence
Terrano rootstock, spatial distribution rates were un- of diseased plants was also higher. Compared to the
changed throughout the cycle; hence, the comparison non-grafted plants, Fascinato/Terrano resulted in a
between treatments was made only once. In non-grafted 56% increase in “r” and a 60% increase in the final
plants, since the aggregation indices of wilted plants were incidence of stem rot. For Janette/Terrano, there was
variable during the growing cycle, the spatial distribution a 97% increase in “r” and a 99% final incidence.
was different during the first three dates of the epidemics The “r” of Fascinato was 50% less than that of
(Table 4). The distribution was similar for most of the Janette, and the final incidence was also 39% less.
crop cycle but again differed for the last two dates. In the first growing season, the stem rot incidence
was four times higher in the non-grafted Fascinato
Analysis of bell pepper stem rot cultivar than in ungrafted Janette. However, in for
Janette/Terrano, stem rot incidence was more than
Temporal analysis two times higher than in Fascinato/Terrano. In the
second growing season, the disease progress curves
According to the disease progress curves, the use of of Fascinato/Terrano and Janette/Terrano were
a rootstock did not control stem rot. Disease identical.
Eur J Plant Pathol

Fig. 3 Progress curves of wilt Wilt and Stem Rot Incidence First Crop Season
(W) and stem rot (SR) in 100
Wilt r Stem rot r F/T W
ungrafted (UG) or grafted bell 90 F/T = 0.0256 R2= 0.7638 J/T W
F/T = 0.0029 R2= 0.8319
pepper plants. Cultivars Fascinato 80 J/T= 0.0008 R2= 0.7145 J/T= 0.0509 R2= 0.9551 F UG W
F UG= 0.0366 R2= 0.9689 F UG= 0.0112 R2= 0.9225
(F) and Janette (J) plants were 70 J UG W

Incidence (%)
J UG= 0.0865 R = 0.9571 J UG= 0.0006 R = 0.3750
grafted on Terrano (T) rootstock. 60 F/T SR
The ¨r¨ value represents the 50 J/T SR
apparent infection rate (u/u/day) F UG SR
and was calculated by regression 30
of transformated data by (ln 1 (1- 20
x). R2 is determination coefficient 10
and represents the fit of the model 0

Days after transplant

Wilt and Stem Rot Incidence Second Crop Season


Wilt r Stem rot r

F/T = 0.0035 R2= 0.9285 F/T = 0.3907 R2= 0.9651
Incidence (%)

J/T= 0.0008 R2= 0.9202 J/T= 0.3784 R2= 0.9446 J/T W

60 F/T W


50 58 65 72 79 86 92 99 103 117 131 145 172 188 208 222
Days after transplant

Spatial analysis

The spatial distribution of diseased plants varied slightly

between cultivars (Table 5). For Janette, the diseased
plants were initially distributed in aggregates and from
Table 2 Spatial distribution indices of ungrafted bell pepper August thereafter in a regular pattern. For Fascinato, the
wilted plants
distribution of diseased plants was always regular.
Date Fascinato Janette

V/M Iδ V/M Iδ Reduction of plant population

June 26 2.30 ** 1.2363 6.94 ** 1.3493 During the second cropping cycle, the loss of plants due
July 2 2.84 ** 1.3004 5.99 ** 1.2839 to stem rot was higher than the loss due to wilt (Fig. 4).
July 7 2.94 ** 1.2590 6.00 ** 1.2720 The losses of plants due to wilt were minimal, ranging
July 23 3.42 ** 1.2549 5.42 ** 1.2107 from 1 to 3%, while losses of plants due to stem rot
July 30 4.16 ** 1.2931 5.09 ** 1.2146 ranged from 65% in cultivar Janette to 71% in
August 7 4.19 ** 1.2745 5.55 ** 1.2032 Fascinato. Of the plants that remained in the plots,
August 13 4.02 ** 1.2467 5.37 ** 1.1917 28% of Janette were infected as well as 24% of
August 21 4.28 ** 1.2527 4.90 ** 1.1638 Fascinato.
August 27 4.37 ** 1.2566 5.02 ** 1.1677
September 4 4.56 ** 1.2589 3.39 ** 1.0926
September 18 4.95 ** 1.2400 2.92 ** 1.0719 Discussion
October 2 5.29 ** 1.2439 2.18 ** 1.0407

** = Significant Xi2 P < 0.01. V/M = Variance/Mean Ratio. Iδ = In this work, an experimental field was selected in
Morisita Spatial Distribution Index which continuous bell pepper and tomato cropping in
Eur J Plant Pathol

Table 3 Statistical comparison of spatial distribution of wilted plants in the treatments

Treatment I* Comparison W** Significance***

1 (Fascinato/Terrano) 1.2214 IT1 vs IT2 −0.7498 Different

2 (Janette/Terrano) 0.2726 IT1 vs IT3 0.8499 Different
3 (Ungrafted Fascinato) 6.6854 IT1 vs IT4 1.4432 Different
4 (Ungrafted Janette) 21.8996 IT2 vs IT3 1.5998 Different
– – IT2 vs IT4 2.1931 Different

* David y Moore Index. ** W statist. ***P < 0.05; Interval − 0.2649 to +0.2649. IT = David and Moore Index of traetment

previous years increased the incidence of diseases relat- therefore the control strategy must be different for these
ed to soilborne pathogens. These conditions allowed for different host–pathogen interactions (Jang et al. 2013).
an evaluation of the Terrano rootstock. The results con- In determining how plant diseases can best be man-
firm the advantages of grafting for protecting against aged, understanding how disease levels increase over
some soil-borne diseases. “Terrano” appeared to be time and comparisons between patterns of disease prog-
good rootstock due to resistance shown to P. capsici ress for different cultivars or management strategies can
and R. solani. Our results show a larger reduction of help (Arneson 2001; Madden et al. 2007). In this work,
wilting than that reported previously (Sánchez et al. disease progress curves were different between grafted
2015), similar to the effect of “Terrano” on the cultivar and non-grafted plants. Assuming environmental factors
Fiume, which provides complete control of the wilt were the same for all plant/rootstock combinations,
(Gilardi et al. 2013). differences in progress over time can be attributed to
However, although bell pepper plants grafted on resistance/susceptibility of plants to soil-borne fungi.
Terrano showed high resistance to P. capsici and The resistance to wilt is complex and related to poly-
R. solani, these plants also showed high susceptibility genic Capsicum annum-P. capsici interactions (Castro-
to F. solani. This indicates that susceptibility of grafted Rocha et al. 2012). Several work has related resistance
bell pepper to soil-borne plant pathogens is variable, to the synthesis and accumulation of β-1,3-glucanases,
the phytoalexin capsidiol, a basic PR-1 protein, a class II
chitinase and a sesquiterpene cyclase (Jin and Kook
Table 4 Statistical comparison of spatial distribution of wilted 1994; García et al. 1998 and Veloso and Díaz 2012).
plants in ungrafted Fascinato and ungrafted Janette With regard to stem rot caused by F. solani, there are no
Date IF IJ W Significance*
reports about resistance in Terrano. However, systemic
resistance of pepper to Fusarium diseases, induced by
June 26 6.68 21.89 0.5932 Different bacteria, is related to the enhanced activities of peroxi-
July 2 8.33 19.08 0.4139 Different dases, polyphenol oxidases, phenylalanine ammonia-
July 7 8.87 19.05 0.3822 Different
July 23 10.20 17.08 0.2574 Not different
July 30 12.78 15.98 0.1117 Not different
Table 5 Spatial distribution of bell pepper stem rot in plants
August 7 12.89 17.45 0.1512 Not different grafted on Terrano
August 13 12.41 17.11 0.1605 Not different
August 21 13.28 15.34 0.0722 Not different Treatment V/M Significance Distribution
August 27 13.52 15.85 0.0791 Not different
July August July August July August
September 4 14.10 10.51 −0.1468 Not different
September 18 15.36 8.82 −0.2770 Different Janette 1.6769 0.1932 * * Agregated Regular
October 2 16.63 6.33 −0.4825 Different Fascinato 0.7882 0.2147 * * Regular Regular

IF = David and Moore Index of Fascinato. IJ = David and Moore * = Significant (P < 0.05%) according to X2 test. V/M = Variance/
Index of Janette. W = W statist. *P < 0.05; Interval − 0.2649 to Mean Ratio. Only show data of July and August. After august
+0.2649 spatial distribution was regular
Eur J Plant Pathol
90 growth requires increasing amounts of cultural practices
80 and during harvest. Therefore, it is important that the
management of the disease considers this mechanism of
Plants (%)

The susceptibility of grafted plants to stem rot was
noticeable. These results are important since F. solani
20 has been reported in pepper in commercial greenhouses
10 where it causes serious losses in fruit yield and plants
0 (Fletcher 1994; Jarvis et al. 1994b). To understand the
Janette/Terrano Facinato/Terrano
magnitude of the problem of stem rot, the loss of plants
Fig. 4 Set of plants in the experimental plots at the beginning
due to disease was quantified during the second
(initial) and at the end (final) of the second crop cycle. The
difference between initial set and final set represents the loss of cropping cycle. Wilt damage was not significant after
plants and is attributed to stem rot disease. Diseased plants refers to July, but thereafter, stem rot became important. Once the
the percentage of plants that are diseased from the total of plants plants showed severe damage, they were removed from
that remained until the end of the cycle
the soil. Since wilt showed very low levels, the loss of
plants was attributed mainly to stem rot. Hence, it was
lyase, β-1,3-glucanase, chitinase and phenolics in- noteworthy that this disease can be as destructive as wilt
volved in the synthesis of phytoalexins and use of Terrano is not enough and therefore it is
(Sundaramoorthy et al. 2012). Nevertheless, in the requires a more efficient management system for its
development of stem rot, the insensitivity of control. In this attempt, it will be necessary to take into
F. solani to the action of defence-related proteins account other factors such as amendments to soil fertil-
from the pepper plant may be involved (Van Loon ity and farming practices which may have significant
et al. 2006). It is known that F. solani f.sp. eumartii impacts on the temporal and spatial components of
produces a serine protease of the subtilisin family epidemics (Liu et al. 2008).
that degrades pathogenesis-related proteins of potato
(Olivieri et al. 2002).
Thus, the differences in diseases progress over time Conclusions
confirm the efficiency of the Terrano rootstock to con-
trol wilt. However, these differences also show that in Grafting on Terrano rootstock could constitute a better
grafted plants the apparent infection rate of stem rot was tool for the integrated management of the wilt of pepper,
increased in such a way that this disease was not con- but would be insufficient for the management of stem
trolled and other measures that complement its use are rot. Therefore, it is necessary to supplement grafting on
needed. The disease progress curves also show that the Terrano rootstock with chemicals, although production
critical period of stem rot begins about 130 days after costs would remain high. This also complicates the goal
transplanting, when the apparent infection rate of the of reducing the use of chemicals and environmental
disease increases. pollution during the production of sweet bell pepper.
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