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1. A good thing that seemed bad at first.

2. Something common.
3. Avoid saying, what you mean. Usually because its uncomfortable.
4. Better to arrive late that not come at all.
5. To get something over with because its
6. Good luck.
7. Stop working on something.
8. Don’t be so critical.
9. Doing something poorly in order to sabe time or money.
10. Slow down.
“Not for much to get up early dawn before”

"The early bird catches the worm"

"A penny saved is a penny earned"

1. "A setback may seem like a curse, but with time, it can reveal itself to be a blessing in
2. "When it comes to excuses, they're a dime a dozen, but determination is priceless."
3. "If you want to get to the root of the problem, don't beat around the bush and address it
4. "When the work is done and the sun starts to fade, it's time to call it a day and let
tomorrow take its place."
5. "When someone's going through a rough patch, it's important to cut them some slack and
offer support instead of judgment."
6. "Cutting corners may save you time, but it often leads to shoddy work and a lack of
attention to detail."

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