Effectiveness of Communication

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32,7 Effectiveness of animation
as a tool for communication in
primary education
1202 An experimental study in India
Received 25 April 2016
Revised 29 March 2017
Shreesha M.
11 October 2017 Ibri College of Applied Sciences,
13 December 2017 Ministry of Higher Education, Ibri, Oman, and
Accepted 13 December 2017
Sanjay Kumar Tyagi
Department of General Studies, Higher College of Technology,
Fujairah, United Arab Emirates

Purpose – In the digital era, the dynamics of the communication process in classrooms have changed
significantly. With the help of computer-mediated communication techniques, especially animation, teachers
can deliver a distinct learning experience to students that can be fun, while presenting complex ideas in
simpler forms. The purpose of this paper is to assess the effectiveness of animation in education, in the
context of developing Asian countries, using Karnataka, an Indian state, as a study area.
Design/methodology/approach – This paper uses the field experimental method to assess animation’s
effectiveness in education. Attempts are made to neutralize the influence of extraneous factors, such as
psychological conditions, and the socio-economic background of students, while assessing academic
performance. To achieve this, a fuzzy-set-theory-based two-sample statistical hypothesis test is used.
Findings – Results indicate that animation can be used as an effective tool for communication in pedagogy
and, if used properly, can improve students’ academic performance in primary education, even in developing
countries such as India.
Research limitations/implications – The paper’s limitations are explored, and point to how future
research could use more advanced statistical tools to identify the motivational, behavioral, cognitive and
psychological factors influencing students, when animation is used in education, and should perform a
comparative analysis of the performance of students in developed and developing countries.
Originality/value – As the current study proves that animation is effective in education, even in developing
countries such as India, efforts should be made to convert existing curricula into animated multimedia
content. Currently, most government-run schools in India use traditional chalk-and-talk methods for teaching.
The use of animated instructional material will help improve the standard of educational communication in
classroom, and maintain consistency in delivering the curriculum.
Keywords Education, ICT, Communication, Animation, Teaching learning
Paper type Research paper

In any level of education, teaching is about establishing effective communication with the
students in the classroom. Effective teachers are effective communicators. They understand
that communication and learning are inter-dependent. Barnlund’s (1970) transactional model
stresses that communication is complex, and individuals ultimately act on the meaning they
construct. While some may infer meaning from physical cues, others may focus on the verbal
message. All the elements help to shape understanding (Powell and Dana, 2004).
The introduction of computers has changed the mode of communication in modern day
International Journal of
classrooms, and it is successfully enhancing students’ learning. Advancements in information
Educational Management technology (IT) have led to the development of various applications that help students better
Vol. 32 No. 7, 2018
pp. 1202-1214
© Emerald Publishing Limited The authors acknowledge and extend their heartfelt gratitude to the guest editor and anonymous
DOI 10.1108/IJEM-04-2016-0077 reviewers for their careful reading of this paper and constructive suggestions.
understanding of concepts and theories (Bakırcı et al., 2011; Koong and Wu, 2011). Effectiveness
IT applications have transformed learning methods by creating an active learning of animation
environment (de Koning-Veenstra et al., 2014). Information and communications technology
(ICT) tools are encouraging a “playful approach” to learning, placing problems in
“meaningful” contexts and leading to collaborative work and discussion (Whiteboard, 2006).
Many researchers have suggested that technology is a highly effective tool for learning
in primary education (Chauhan, 2016). The use of technological tools, such as animation, in 1203
the classroom is becoming more and more popular (Xio, 2013), as it helps to increase
conceptual understanding by promoting the formation of dynamic mental models of
phenomena. The use of animation may promote a deeper encoding of information than that
of static pictures (Williamson and Abraham, 1995). Computer animation facilitates students’
understanding of complicated concepts (Karamustafaoğlu, 2012), and animated cartoons are
effective in inducing scientific thinking among students (Dalacosta et al., 2009). The use of
animation in classrooms can improve students’ understanding of scientific concepts
(Kelly and Jones, 2007). Animated game-based learning engages the learners in authentic
problem solving by providing enjoyable and motivating learning experiences (Barzilai and
Blau, 2014). Many studies have observed that the use of animation both improves
engagement with the audience (Mayer, 2008) and the quality of communication, by focusing
on the specificity and accuracy of the message in classroom (Hegarty and Kriz, 2008). Using
animation enables expressions, emotions and other life-like qualities to be depicted more
effectively (Rogers, 2008). Moreover, it can help reduce students’ cognitive load, as it can
present complex topics in simpler forms (Schnotz and Rasch, 2008).
However, a few researchers have argued that the use of animation in the classroom can be
detrimental to the learning process. Mayer (2008) opined that learning with animation poses
serious challenges to the human information processing system. Lowe (2008) stated that
animation was always superior to static images for promoting learning. There is also a
possibility of a phenomenon called “underwhelming,” where there will be a negative effect on
learning from animated graphics, due to the insufficient processing of pictorial information
(Betrancourt and Chassot, 2008). Therefore, an unequivocal view cannot be formed by the
educationists and policy makers on the benefits of using animation in education. Hence, the
current study aims to examine the effectiveness of animation as a tool for communicating
ideas and information in primary schools, using Karnataka, an Indian state, as the study area.

Literature review
Use of ICT in education
ICT tools are used in the field of education to improve the quality of teaching and learning,
and to improve information literacy among teachers and students (Heo and Kang, 2009).
Various researchers have demonstrated that ICT tools have a positive influence on children’s
early literacy (Chizmar and Walbert, 1999; Lumande et al., 2005; Laurillard, 2006; Papert,
1980). ICT is used in many educational institutions around the world making significant
differences to the way learners learn, their speed in mastering a skill, and the ease of learning.
ICT tools also help remove traditional barriers in educational communication (Lumande et al.,
2005). Laurillard (2006) stated that the use of ICT tools can help students create an
environment in which they can explore, manipulate and experiment better. These
technologies, and the activities that children may engage in, have the potential to extend
learning in new and exciting ways and strengthen everyday literacy teaching and learning in
classes for young children (Waller, 2006). According to Chizmar and Walbert (1999),
technology allows the teacher to move from the “sage on the stage” to “guide at the side.”
When technologies are infused into the curriculum, a teacher’s role shifts from, being
primarily, an information source, to that of a facilitator, a coach, a guide and a co-learner.
Furthermore, Papert (1980) argued that computers can even help young children to think.
IJEM Effectiveness of animation in teaching and learning
32,7 Several studies have been conducted to understand the effectiveness of animation in the
classroom. Hegarty and Kriz (2008) observed that when students see a static diagram in the
classroom, they may have to mentally animate it to understand how the system works.
However, if they view the same course content in animated form, they merely have to
perceive it as it is. Thus, students viewing animated content comprehend the subject more
1204 easily than those viewing a static image, or sequences of images, in the classroom. A good
animation can help pupils swiftly integrate new information with prior subject knowledge.
Thus, students with a high level of prior subject knowledge can assess the “gaps” between
the internal and external information they have.
Narayanan and Hegarty (1998) found that when static diagrams or images are presented
in the classroom, the inference of motion depends on the prior knowledge as well as the
spatial visualization abilities of a student. Animation may be more effective for the students
with little prior subject knowledge because it shows the motion in a mechanical system
explicitly and does not rely on the learner’s ability to infer motion from static diagrams.
When being taught in the classroom, two channels are used to process the information:
visual and auditory. The visual, or pictorial, channel helps to process pictures, while
auditory, or verbal, channels are used to process words. Each channel has a limited capacity
for processing information. If the visual or auditory channels are overburdened with
information, it can become “noise,” and it may eventually disrupt the communication
process, which will have a detrimental effect on learning.
In another study, Baylor and Ryu (2003) compared the use of static images and
animations in the classroom, and found that the animated versions were rated as being more
“engaging and credible.” Rogers (2008) attempted to discern the reasons for the efficacy of
animations in supporting the learning process in two different circumstances, i.e., when
animated agents are used as learning companions vs when they are used as virtual
characters in an interactive narrative. In both the instances, it appeared that the use of
animated agents resulted in a highly engaging user experience, enabling children to more
readily understand what is being said, acted out and being asked for.
Schnotz and Rasch (2008) argued that animated pictures can direct an observer’s
attention to the important aspects being displayed, convey procedural knowledge,
demonstrate the dynamics of subject matter and allow explanatory learning through
manipulating a displayed object. Further, Betrancourt and Chassot (2008), in their study on
instructional uses of animation, found that animation promoted better understanding due to
its visualization. In the studies conducted, they observed that students learned algorithms
and other complex concepts more effectively from interactive visualizations presented in the
form of animations, integrated with hypertext explanations than from classroom lectures or
textbooks. They also discovered that learning is negatively impacted when animation is
removed from the multiple representations. Narayanan and Hegarty (1998) observed the
same in their study, and concluded that animation can facilitate a deeper learning by
providing multiple perspectives to a complex concept.
In another study, conducted by Hegarty and Kriz (2008), students studied the operation
of the flushing cistern. The study compared three different scenarios: a single static
diagram; a series of three static diagrams showing the three different stages of the operation
and an animation. The study revealed that the performance of the students who learned
from only one static image was very poor compared to those who had learned from the
animation. Further, in an experimental study conducted by Shreesha and Tyagi (2016), it
was observed that students improved their performance in mathematics, science and
languages when they studied using animations.
The success of the use of animations for classroom communication largely depends on
the design of the animated instructional material. Animations that encode the message
effectively and engage the students in learning will be successful in an educational Effectiveness
environment. According to the “bottom-up” model of animation comprehension, of animation
comprehension is primarily a process of encoding the information in the external display;
thus, improving the display necessarily improves understanding (Hegarty and Kriz, 2008).
It is largely evident from these studies that animation is facilitating better learning
among students. However, many of these studies were conducted in developed western
countries, which are socially, economically, educationally and technologically empowered. 1205
Hence, the results of these studies cannot be applied directly in the context of developing
countries, such as India. According to the census of 2011, in India, 72.2 percent of the
population live in rural areas, and the remaining 27.8 percent live in towns and urban
centers. In urban India, students have access to good private schools, whereas in rural areas
students mainly depend on state-run government schools. Many private schools provide
computer education with the use of ICT tools, whereas less than half do in government
schools (Sharma et al., 2009). A study conducted by Sampath and Basavaraja (2017), in rural
India, showed that 72 percent of female and 63.33 percent of male students had never
used a computer.
India has witnessed rapid development in the field of computer and mobile technology in
the last two decades. According to the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (2016), India
had 1,035.12m mobile phone users and 342.65m internet users at the end of March 2016.
India is the third largest internet user in the world, after the USA and China. In sharp
contrast to these statistics, in India, schools in rural areas are still deprived of basic digital
infrastructure, such as computers (Roy, 2012). A study by Bharadwaj (2006) showed that
there has been a slow progress in the availability of ICT facilities for Indian students and
only a small percentage of schools had computers in 2009. Kukshal and Pant (2013) found
that around 48 percent of people still feel that the digital divide is wide in India. However, in
developed countries like the USA, 73 percent of the adults own a desktop or laptop
computer, and almost half of all Americans own a tablet (Anderson, 2015). In the UK,
90 percent of households have internet access (Office for National Statistics, 2017). This
shows that digital exposure in developed countries and developing countries, such as India,
is not the same. Hence, understanding the effectiveness of the use of technological tools like
animation, in the context of India, can give new insights into pedagogical methods to be
used in other developing countries, and will also help to design a comprehensive educational
communication strategy for modern day classrooms. Considering these factors, the
following hypothesis was formed and tested in the study:
H1. The use of animation as a communication tool in education will have a significant
effect on students’ performance in developing countries, such as India.

Research methodology
Data collection
The study included students from four different districts of Karnataka: Bangalore; Bidar;
Chamaraj Nagara and Dakshina Kannada. These districts were selected for the study using
the cluster sampling method, considering the diversity in the geographical area, educational
standards, socio-economic conditions and students’ exposure to technology. The study was
conducted using the field experimental method, with a population size of 544 students.
In every selected district, two schools were selected; one from a rural location, and another
one from an urban location. Further, in every selected district, one of these two schools
delivered lessons in English, while the other delivered lessons in Kannada. In the selected
schools, the experiment was conducted on second-, fourth- and sixth-standard students.
In experiment, a pre-test–post-test randomized control group design was applied. In each
class, students were randomly assigned into control and experimental groups to eliminate
IJEM the possibility of bias. In the control group, traditional chalk-and-talk methods were used;
32,7 and in experimental group, teaching was delivered using animated instructional material.
To understand the impact of animation on the students’ performance, class tests were
conducted, and marks of the students in the control group were compared to those in the
experimental group. For the study, three different subjects were randomly selected:
mathematics for second-standard students; language for fourth-standard students; and
1206 science for sixth-standard students. Teaching material was collected on these subjects from
the pool of animated instructional material used in primary schools of Karnataka. Topics
related to addition and subtraction for second standard, grammar for fourth standard and
human anatomy for sixth standard were finalized for the study.
Before the actual experiment was undertaken, a pilot study was conducted in a school
using 44 students (14 students from the second standard, 15 students from the fourth
standard and 15 from the sixth standard). After considering the responses from the
students, amendments were made to the test paper and the method of presentation for the
animated material. During the experimental study, for every class, two test papers, one for
the pre-test and another one for the post-test, were prepared. As the sample included
students studying both in English and Kannada (a regional language), question papers were
prepared in both languages. The English test paper was translated into Kannada for all
three classes to avoid discrepancies in difficulty levels of the exam. For both control and
experimental groups, 45 min were given for the pre-test and the post-test, and 2 h for
teaching. The maximum marks in each test paper that students could score was 20, and the
minimum they could obtain was zero. To minimize the differences and biases of the teacher,
the same teacher was delivered the lesson in all eight selected schools.

Variable measurement
The variables for the study were developed based on a review of the literature. The pre-test
and post-test test papers are independent variables in the study. The marks obtained by the
students in theses exams (out of 20) were used to measure dependent variables in the study.
The class in which students were studying, i.e. second, fourth and sixth standard, was
considered as a controlled variable.

A contingency table for the marks, for the pre-test and the post-test, was prepared. Means
and standard deviation (SD) were calculated for every set, both for the pre-test and the
post-test, using the Statistical Package for the Social Research software developed by IBM.
To examine the effectiveness of the teaching method, in control and experimental groups,
differences between the pre-test and post-test scores were calculated and compared.
Following this, the hypothesis was tested using fuzzy-set-theory-based statistical tools.
The study was conducted with a total sample size of 544 students, belonging to different
demographic backgrounds, as shown in the Table I. Table II shows the final results of the
study. Out of 544 students, 271 students were placed in the control group, where traditional
teaching methods were used. The remaining 273 students were placed in the experimental
group, where animated instructional materials were used for teaching. In the control group,
the average scores of students, for the pre-test and the post-test, were 7.31 and 10.58,
respectively. Also, the SD was 4.28 and 4.78, pre-test and post-test, respectively. In the
experimental group, students scored an average of 7.28 and 11.25 marks, for the pre-test and
the post-test, respectively. SD for the pre-test was 4.2, while for the post-test it was 5.23.
Inferential statistical tools are commonly used to predict the characteristics of a population,
or to test hypotheses based on random samples. Often, these tools are used to determine
the relationship between two independent populations. In testing hypothesis using
classical-set-theory-based statistical tools, it is presumed that the available data are precise.
Variables No. of students Percentage
of animation
Male 284 52
Female 260 48
Second 174 32 1207
Fourth 184 34
Sixth 186 34
Medium of instruction
Kannada 251 54
English 293 46
Bengaluru 167 31
Dakshina Kannada 120 22
Bidar 121 22
Chamaraja Nagara 136 25
Urban 197 36 Table I.
Rural 347 64 Demographic details

Control group Experimental group

Pre-test Post-test Pre-test Post-test

Total no. of students 271 271 273 273

Mean score 7.31 10.58 7.18 11.25 Table II.
SD 4.28 4.78 4.2 5.23 Details of the marks

However, in reality, the collected data may have some ambiguities or uncertainties. There are
two types of uncertainties: randomness and fuzziness. Randomness involves uncertainties
related to the outcomes of an experiment, whereas fuzziness involves uncertainties due to
imprecision, or vagueness in the data.
To deal with uncertainties in the statistical analysis of a real-world problem, a researcher
needs tools that can measure these uncertainties. Fuzzy set theory, introduced by
Zadeh (1965), has the ability to capture the uncertainty in measurement. Since the inception
of fuzzy set theory, many researchers have worked on the “fuzzification” of statistical tools.
Grzegorzewski (1998) introduced a method for statistical inference for the median of a
population based on fuzzy random variables (FRV ). Arnold (1998) discussed fuzzy
hypothesis testing with crisp data. They both also considered the Neyman–Pearson-type
testing of hypotheses. Montenegro et al. (2001) presented a method to test the fuzzy means of
FRVs. Parchami et al. (2005) investigated a fuzzy version of some process capability indices
when specification limits are fuzzy, rather than precise.
In the current study, the hypothesis (H1) will be tested by using fuzzy-set-theory-based
statistical tools. Here, it is considered that d~ E and d~ C are the fuzzy perceptions of the random
variables dE and dC, representing the differences between the scores of the students in
experimental and control groups, respectively. It is understood that, when operating with
fuzzy numbers, the results of the calculations largely depend on the shape of their membership
functions. Less regular membership functions lead to more complicated calculations.
IJEM On the other hand, fuzzy numbers with simpler shapes, such as triangular and trapezoidal,
32,7 have a more intuitive and natural interpretation (Tyagi and Akram, 2013). All these reasons
lead to the need for a simple approximation of fuzzy numbers, such as triangular and
trapezoidal, which are easy to handle. Therefore, in the present study, triangular fuzzy
numbers (TFNs), in symmetric form, have been chosen to characterize the FRVs d~ E and d~ C .
To further understand the basics of fuzzy set theory, one can refer to Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy
1208 Logic: Theory and Applications (Klir and Yuan, 2002).
To test H1, a study was conducted on a sample of 544 students from various schools in
the Indian state of Karnataka, for different subjects. To measure the impact of animation
on the academic performance of the students, the average difference between their scores,
for the pre-test and the post-test, in both control and experimental groups was calculated.
A comparison between the differences in scores for the control group and the experimental
group was made to understand the level of impact of animation. It is presumed that if the
difference between marks, pre-test and post-test is high in one group, the teaching method
adopted in that particular group is more effective than the other.
However, this study also considers the fact that some extraneous factors can contribute to
this difference. These extraneous factors may include the psychological status of the students,
their exposure to the technology, their socio-economic background and differences in the type
of teaching material used, etc. To capture this uncertainty in the differences between their
scores, the present study employed a fuzzy set theoretical approach while testing the
hypothesis. In this method, it is considered that d~ E and d~ C represent the fuzzy perception of the
random variables dE and dC, representing the differences between the scores for the students in
experimental and control groups, respectively. A TFN (a, b, c) in symmetric form (b−a ¼ c−b) is
assigned to each of the FRVs, d~ E and d~ C . Without any loss of generality, one can assume that
the difference between the scores is positively correlated with the uncertainty incurred therein.
Therefore, to maintain the uniformity in the selection of TFNs for the FRVs d~ E and d~ C , it is
assumed that the length (b−a ¼ c−b) for each fuzzy number (a, b, c) increases proportionally
with the increment in the differences between scores, for the pre-test and the post-test, for the
students. Furthermore, it is quite obvious that most of the time, this difference is non-negative.
However, there are also cases where it appears to be negative. In the present work, as
mentioned above, the TFNs were assigned to the FRVs d~ E and d~ C , representing the
fuzzy perception of the random variables dE and dC, respectively. The TFNs assigned to the
FRVs d~ E and d~ C , and their corresponding α-cut for the non-negative values of random
variables dE and dC, for the control group, as well as experimental group, are shown in Table III.
In a similar manner, the TFNs assigned to the FRVs d~ E and d~ C , and their corresponding
α-cut for the negative values of random variables dE and dC, both for experimental and
control groups, respectively, are shown in Table IV.
Thereafter, using the arithmetic of intervals, the average (mean) of lower and upper
interval values x~ L and x~ U , and y~ L and y~ U , respectively, for the intervals representing the
α-cut of the TFNs, as shown in Tables III and IV, is computed as follows:
Interval values for the experimental group:
x L ¼ 3:6647þ0:4013a
xU ¼ 4:46720:4013a

Interval values for the control group:

yL ¼ 2:8847þ0:3935a
yU ¼ 3:67180:3935a
Difference Control group Exp. group
(non-negative) No. of No. of of animation
in scores TFN α-cut of TFN students % students %

0 (−0.2, 0, 0.2) [−0.2 + 0.2α, 0.2 + 0.2α] 31 11.44 17 6.23

1 (0.8, 1, 1.2) [0.8 + 0.2α, 1.2 − 0.2α] 20 7.38 26 9.52
2 (1.75, 2, 2.25) [1.75 + 0.25α, 2.25 − 0.25α] 32 11.81 46 16.85
3 (2.7, 3, 3.3) [2.7 + 0.3α, 3.3 − 0.3α] 15 5.53 23 8.42 1209
4 (3.6, 4, 4.4) [3.6 + 0.4α, 4.4 − 0.4α] 36 13.28 42 15.38
5 (4.55, 5, 5.45) [4.55 + 0.45α, 5.45 − 0.45α] 17 6.27 10 3.66
6 (5.5, 6, 6.5) [5.5 + 0.5α, 6.5 − 0.5α] 20 7.38 34 12.45
7 (6.45, 7, 7.55) [6.45 + 0.55α, 7.55 − 0.55α] 6 2.21 3 1.10
8 (7.4, 8, 8.6) [7.4 + 0.6α, 8.65 − 0.6α] 22 8.12 29 10.62
9 (8.3, 9, 9.7) [8.3 + 0.7α, 9.7 − 0.7α] 5 1.84 1 0.37
10 (9.25, 10, 10.75) [9.25 + 0.75α, 10.75 − 0.75α] 16 5.90 19 6.96
11 (10.2, 11, 11.8) [10.2 + 0.8α, 11.8 − 0.8α] 2 0.73 1 0.37 Table III.
12 (11.15, 12, 12.85) [11.15 + 0.85α, 12.85 − 0.85α] 3 1.11 5 1.83 α-cut of the TFNs
13 (12.15, 13, 13.85) [2.15 + 0.85α, 13.85 − 0.85α] 0 0 0 0 assigned to the
14 (13.10, 14, 14.90) [13.10 + 0.9α, 14.90 − 0.9α] 1 0.37 1 0.37 FRVs d~ E and d~ C
15 (14.10, 15, 15.90) [14.10 + 0.9α, 15.90 − 0.9α] 1 0.37 0 0 (for non-negative
16 (15.05, 16, 16.95) [15.05 + 0.95α, 16.95 − 0.95α] 1 0.37 0 0 difference)

Control group Exp. group

Difference (negative) in No. of No. of
scores TFN α-cut of TFN students % students %

−1 (−1.2, −1, −0.8) [−1.2 + 0.2α, −0.8−0.2α] 11 4.10 4 1.46

−2 (−2.5, −2, −1.75) [−2.25 + 0.25α, −1.75−0.25α] 16 5.90 6 2.20 Table IV.
−3 (−3.3, −3, −2.7) [−3.3 + 0.3α, −2.7−0.3α] 2 0.74 4 1.46 α-cut of the TFNs
−4 (−4.4, −4, −3.6) [−4.4 + 0.4α, −3.6−0.4α] 7 2.58 2 0.73 assigned to the FRVs
−5 (−5.45, −5, −4.55) [−5.45 + 0.45α, −4.55−0.45α] 3 1.11 0 0 d~ E and d~ C (for
−6 (−6.5, −6, −5.5) [−6.5 + 0.5α, −5.5−0.5α] 4 1.48 0 0 negative difference)

Similarly, the SD for the lower and upper interval values for the experimental group and the
control group, respectively, is computed as follows:
SD for the experimental group:
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi )
sLx ¼ 0:0322a2 þ1:0866aþ10:5239
p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi :
x ¼
sU 0:0322a2 1:2153aþ12:8258

SD for the control group:

pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 9
sLy ¼ 0:0341a2 þ1:1780aþ15:7545 =
p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi :
x ¼
sU 0:0341a2 1:3142aþ18:2468 ;

The critical z-value (one-tail), with a 95% confidence level, with a 542 degree of freedom, is
1.6448. For the testing of the null hypothesis: μx ¼ μy, the z-values, zL for lower interval, and
zU for upper interval, are evaluated for different values of α in [0, 1] and listed in Table V.
IJEM α zL zU
0 2.5084 2.35268
0.1 2.5001 2.35999
0.2 2.4919 2.36735
0.3 2.4837 2.37475
0.4 2.4756 2.3822
1210 0.5 2.4675 2.3897
0.6 2.4595 2.39726
Table V. 0.7 2.4515 2.40486
The lower and upper 0.8 2.4436 2.41251
interval z-value with 0.9 2.4358 2.42021
respect to α 1 2.428 2.428

Results and discussion

The current study clearly indicates that animation can be used as an effective tool for
communication in pedagogy and, if it is used properly, it can improve students’ academic
performance in primary education, even in developing countries, such as India. The
experimental study conducted shows that students who studied with animated instructional
material outperformed the students in the control group by an average of 0.8 marks. In the
pre-test, the control group students obtained an average score of 7.31 and, after attending
the class conducted using traditional teaching techniques, they achieved, in the post-test, an
average score of 10.58. The difference between these two tests was 3.27. In experimental group,
where animated instructional materials were used in teaching, this difference was found to be
significantly higher (4.07). Here, the average pre-test score was 7.18. For the post-test, after
attending the classes conducted using animation, they achieved an average mark of 11.25. In the
study, as shown in the Tables III, 11.44 percent students in the control group and 6.23 percent
students in the experimental group scored the same marks in both the pre-test and the post-test.
For these students, the teaching method adopted in their respective group did not make any
difference. However, 72.27 percent of the students in the control group and 87.9 percent of the
students in experimental group improved their marks in the post-test. As shown in the Table III,
the differences between the pre-test and post-test scores ranged from 1 to 16. These results
clearly indicate that the improvement in the performance of students was significantly higher in
experimental group, where animation was used as a tool for communication, compared to the
control group, where the traditional “chalk-and-talk” communication technique was employed
by the teacher. The study also shows that (see Table IV), in both the groups, the teaching
method adopted had a negative impact on the performance of some students. A total of
15.9 percent of the students in control group and 5.85 percent of the students in the experimental
group scored less in the post-test when compared to their performance in the pre-test.
From Table V, it can be observed that the lower and upper intervals for the z-value, z L
and zU, respectively, are greater than the critical z-value of 1.6448 (one-tail) for all values of
α ∈ [0, 1]. Therefore, H1 is confirmed in the study.
The findings of the study are similar to those of Hegarty and Kriz (2008), Mayer (2008)
and Betrancourt and Chassot (2008). The current study proves that use of animation
positively contributes to enhancing the academic performance of the students, even in
developing countries, when used in primary education. The study shows that animation is a
unique combination of audio and visual elements that helps a teacher to deliver messages
through multiple channels and makes the process of educational communication effective, even
for students from diverse socio-economic backgrounds. In this study, the teacher used animation
for different purposes (to inform, to educate and to entertain the students in a classroom
environment), and this had a positive effect on facilitating learning among the students.
Limitations of the study Effectiveness
The study has some limitations. For example, the animation material used in the experimental of animation
study was prepared by the Ajim Premji Foundation, and was approved by the government of
Karnataka. The researcher, therefore, had hardly any control over the design and content
of the instructional material. Further, the instructional material was in 2D form only: the use of
advanced animation technology may have produced different results. Finally, this study was
conducted using samples from second-, fourth- and sixth-standard students using animation 1211
instructional content for mathematics, language and science only.

Scope for future research

In the current research, teacher is the “sender” of the message, and animation is used as a
communication tool in the classroom. If interactive, animated instructional material were
used by the students without the assistance of teacher, its effectiveness may vary. This
could be studied by comparing two different scenarios. Research could further be extended
using more sophisticated statistical tools to identify the motivational, behavioral, cognitive
and psychological factors influencing students while animation is used in a primary school
setting. Research could also be further expanded to include a comparative analysis of the
performance of students in developed countries and developing countries.

The rapid technological innovations that the world has witnessed have resulted in significant
socio-economic changes. Teaching in a digital classroom environment can better equip
students with the skills and talents needed to face various challenges, and to make the most of
the opportunities that such innovations bring, both for students and teachers, emphasizing the
need to move from traditional “chalk-and-talk” methods to a computer-mediated classroom
environment. Further, new digital tools are making teaching and learning more innovative
and interesting. Tools, such as animation, are adding an element of entertainment and fun to
classroom communication and student learning.
Animation also has the potential to offer new and improved learning opportunities, and
to improve the participation and performance of all students in the classroom. It should be
used from primary education, because it could make schools more attractive to students in
India, where 4.34 percent of students drop out of primary-level education (Sampath, 2016).
Studies conducted in developed countries have indicated that animation makes learning an
enjoyable experience, engages students effectively in the class and also improves the overall
quality of educational communication (Rogers, 2008; Schnotz and Rasch, 2008; Hegarty and
Kriz, 2008). As the current study proves that use of animation is more effective in education,
even in developed countries, such as India, efforts should be made to convert existing
curricula into animated multimedia content. Currently, most of the government-run schools
in India use traditional “chalk-and-talk” methods for teaching. The use of animated
instructional material will not only help to improve the standard of educational
communication in the classroom, but will also enable to curricula to be delivered more
consistently. Finding good teachers is one of the biggest challenges in rural areas of India;
however, the use of animation could reduce the discrepancy that exists between the quality
of teachers in urban and rural schools in India.

Recommendations and conclusion

In India, most of the state, government-run schools provide primary education in regional
languages. There are a limited number of content creators in English and Hindi, but finding
good multimedia content creators in regional languages is extremely difficult. The government
should form a panel of experts in every regional language to develop multimedia content,
IJEM according to the requirements of the state and central syllabi. This panel should also take
32,7 responsibility for training new multimedia content developers, and updating or revising the
content, if required. The lack of digital infrastructure is also a big challenge that the Indian
education sector faces. Many of the schools in India still do not have a computer. A big
infrastructure push is imperative to revamp Indian primary education system.
The government must provide at least the minimum level of digital infrastructure needed
1212 in classrooms, such as computers, projectors and speakers, to deliver animated instructional
materials effectively. Many primary school teachers in India still lack the technical skills
necessary to work with classes in a multimedia-enabled environment. Special training should
be given to teachers on the usage, and mode of presentation, of animated instruction in
teaching. Overall, every possible attempt should be made by the policy makers to promote the
use of animated content, and other digital tools, in primary education because, in a developing
country, such as India, the use of these modern pedagogical tools in primary education is even
more important than in developed countries, because primary education not only lays a firm
foundation for a student’s future, but also for a country’s economic future.

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About the authors

Shreesha M. completed the MA and PhD degrees in Communication and Journalism from the
Department of Studies in Communication, University of Mysore, India in 2006 and 2015, respectively.
He is currently working as the faculty in Department of Applied Media at Higher College of
Technology, Dubai. Before joining the academics, he was Animator at Technicolor India, Bangalore
where he had worked for internationally reputed Animation TV series like “Penguins of Madgascar,”
“Back at the Barnayad,” etc. As a Researcher, he has published several research papers related to
multimedia, social media, animation and educational communication. As a Freelance Writer, he has
published more than 200 articles and 700 cartoons in various leading newspapers of India and Oman.
Shreesha M. is the corresponding author and can be contacted at: shreeshapunacha@gmail.com
Dr Sanjay Kumar Tyagi received the MSc and PhD degrees in Mathematics from the C.C.S.
University, Meerut, India in 2000 and 2006, respectively. He is currently working as Assistant Professor
of Mathematics in the Department of General Studies, Higher College of Technology, Fujairah, UAE.
He is the author of more than 20 research papers in various International/National journals of repute such
as IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Applied Mathematical
Modeling, etc. He has authored/coauthored five books in the area of mathematics. He has been reviewer of
research articles in IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Sets and Systems; Optimization, Taylor, and Francis;
Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Elsevier; International Journal of System Sciences, Taylor and
Francis; Process Safety and Environmental Protection, Elsevier, etc. His research interests include fuzzy
and intuitionistic fuzzy logic, reliability analysis, man-machine interaction and theory of decision making.
Dr Tyagi is life member of Indian Mathematical Society, India and a member of IEEE.

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