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The GalileO Project

Newsletter #


9/7/2011 Convenience and Communication without Radiation

The GalileO Project is a grass-roots organization formed to educate individuals and groups about EM/RF radiation health issues and encourage support for personal, community, and planetary well-being. The GalileO Project will publish an occasional information-sharing Newsletter. Send your email address to receive it, and send your news, articles, or letter contributions to: Georgia Pearson at:

To reference past newsletters see: This project began in 2008 after wireless devices were installed in public places and compulsory radiation was instituted. The GalileO Project supports honest scientists, life on Earth, and the sharing of information to assist people in making informed decisions for themselves, future generations, and other species. Please join us.

WIRELESS SAFETY SUMMIT - October 5 & 6, 2011 Capitol Hill United Methodist Church, Washington, DC 20003
Hosted by the Center for Safer Wireless The GalileO Project is one of 19 organizations sponsoring this summit. To register see: Topics Smart meters their negative impact on health, privacy and the best strategies to de-feat their installation in your community. Cell phones, cell towers, Wi-Fi, ereaders, baby monitors, wireless laptops, iPads, and cordless phones their adverse health effects. Working with Congressional representatives. Working with other health advocates to affect change.

Martin Blank, Ph.D. (Associate Professor of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics at Columbia
University Medical Center) The Health Effects of EMFs (15 minute q & a)

Devra Davis, Ph.D. (Executive Director of Environmental Health Trust The Latest Developments on Cell Phones and Children (15 minute q & a) Stephen Sinatra. M.D. (founder of Heart MD Institute, Doctors for Safer Schools, Doctors for Safer Skies) Microwave Radiation Effects on the Heart (15 minute q & a) Orlean Koehle, (President of the Eagle Forum of CA) and Joshua Hart, (Founder of Stop Smart Meters!) - Smart Meters and the Home Area Network (15 minute q & a) Janet Newton, (Founder and Executive Director of the EMR Policy Institute) The Federal
Communications Commission and Wireless Safety Standards (15 minute q & a)

Elizabeth Kelley (founder of the Electromagnetic Safety Alliance) leads discussion on unified
messaging to Congress and our Administration

Stephen Sinatra, MD (co-author of Earthing) Earthing Felicia N. Trujillo, ND, (Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner) Instantly Undo Painful Back
Spasm and Poor Posture Using Your Body's Electrical System

For those who are electrosentive, there will be a TV in the Fellowship Hall where one can watch the presentations as well as ask questions. Online Participation You can participate in the Summit online, watch live presentations and ask questions as if you were sitting in the audience. Other Locations If you live in another U.S. location or in another country use this Summit as an inspiration for activity in your area. Contact: Website The International EMF Alliance www.iemfa.or The International Electromagnetic Fields Alliance has rapidly grown in 2010 into a global collaboration of over fifty health advocacy groups focused on electromagnetic fields. Its principle aim is to disseminate coherent, health-oriented information and advice to the public worldwide on the ever-expanding body of knowledge on biological disruptions observed in living tissues after acute and long-term exposure to non-ionizing electromagnetic fields. The Alliance benefits from the support of a large number of life scientists and medical experts from fifteen countries who collaborate worldwide to address emerging threats to public health.

The Simplified Version

Of some of what You need to know about Electromagnetic Frequency (EMF) and Radio Wave Frequency (RF) Radiation, Part I
by Georgia Pearson

Experts say that the safe amount of pulsed human-made EMF and RF radiation is zero. Research shows that this energy does have an effect on biological systems. One needs to take precautions to maintain ones health.if one uses these human made radiations Pulsed waves carry information, are erratic and interfere with the natural electrical fields of living creations. They can create dirty electricity. Exposures to these radiations are cumulative. You carry them with you and they add up creating an ever-increasing stress, ultimately to a breaking point. Meters are a necessity to perceive radiations. Your senses normally do not pick them up even when they are there. You must use your mind, since you cannot use your senses, to help make informed decisions which affect your family, your friends, your employees, and the environments exposures. This means educating your mind. The industry is fooling the public by promoting false information to promote their sales. They influence law-makers with their wealth, and discourage public funding of independent scientists. There is what could be called a conspiracy to influence the public, and to defund and discredit independent scientists who find biological effects from these radiations. You must use your mind again to discern truth and discard falsehood. For example: Studies funded by the industry may be contrived to show no harm. They do not run long enough, or include children, or heavy users, etc. Look for the studies by independent scientists. Organizations created for the public welfare may be infiltrated by those with industry biases who do not declare these conflicts of interest. With enough exposure beings may cease to handle the physical stress of radiation and experience symptoms. DNA may break. The Blood Brain Barrier may leak and the immune system may weaken. Health and life may be challenged. Beings may be sensitive for the rest of their lives to some degree. They may need to live somewhat in isolation to avoid radiation exposures to not worsen their symptoms. Radiating the air 24/7 effects creations in the environment, trees, plants, all living creations. They cannot take precautions. Cancer clusters develop near wireless towers and antennas.

Physical Symptoms

Initially symptoms may be mild and are ignored, not diagnosed for what they are by you or the medical profession. The sooner you recognize these symptoms the sooner you can take precautions to reduce exposures and lessen discomforts. If exposures are not lessened the symptoms will worsen. Some of the symptoms are:
Nervous system Headache, insomnia, memory challenges, tinnitus, nausea, dizziness, unconsciousness Heart Irregular heart rhythm, chest pain, increased blood pressure. Internal bleeding. Skin Rash, burning, pricking, skin sensations. Eyes burning, tearing, light sensitivity. Cancer/Tumors, disease.

See effects of Excessive Electrical Exposure on Human and Animal Health Environment

The Grass-roots Movement This simplified presentation is coming from the perspective of a grass-roots person who has examined independent research, anecdotal evidence, and personally experiences Electro Hypersensitivity (EHS). I educated myself for nine months before my breaking point, recognized my symptoms and took precautions to lessen my discomforts. You do not have to be a scientist, an electrical engineer, or a physician to learn from the information that is available from an interconnected, international family of humanity who are valiantly attempting to educate other humans government officials, healthcare professionals, educators, etc. and you. As you learn to protect yourself and your family more, you can then become a part of this interconnected, international family and share information with others starting with your personal grass-roots world.


Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe. H. G. Wells (In Spanish)

On Legal Medical Group Published: Today News of Forensic Medicine and Law, News of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Disability News, News September 2011
Grupo Medico Legal

Hypersensitivity to the waves produced by mobile phones becomes a new cause of permanent disability. Spain, September 2011 - This has been ruled by the Labour Court to declare Madrid 24 permanent incapacitation of a college professor who suffered from chronic fatigue and environmental and electromagnetic hypersensitivity. The ruling is unique in this regard and makes a precedent for future conditions related to hypersensitivity to these waves. The verdict was issued on 23 May and gave the teacher 100% of his base salary, which amounted to 1640.80 euros. Team Assessment of the Social Security disability (EVI), recognized in clinical diagnosis: chronic fatigue syndrome, celiac disease, fibromyalgia syndrome and environmental electromagnetic hypersensitivity, yet they dismissed the patient's disability. The Labour Court in Madrid again puts into question the criteria for the granting of this decree by the provincial leadership of the national institute, and recognizes the rights of the applicant stating that presents enormous problems for the performance of their tasks "with appropriate level of professionalism and performance." Legal Medical Group would like to echo this pioneer statement in the defense of those who are entitled to a permanent disability pension, and upholds the spirit of not giving up any circumstance for lost when there is sufficient medical and legal basis. Legal Medical Group is a pioneer in the defense of those who apply for disability,

accident or illness, advising them from a technical point of view, medical and legal since 1978.

Motorcycles -News Release Motorcycle Cancer Seat Patent Granted

MISSISSAUGA, Ontario -- The United Kingdom has granted a patent to Canadian inventor
Randall Dale Chipkar for his innovative 'ELF EMF shielding motorcycle seat'. The invention is designed to shield motorcycle ELF EMF magnetic field radiation from penetrating the vital organs of riders. "I am grateful to the U.K. for sharing my vision and I appreciate their recognition of this serious health concern for motorcyclists. This is a major step in my quest to protect riders worldwide," Chipkar says.

"Various types of extremely low frequency electromagnetic field (ELF EMF) radiations are linked to health disorders including cancer. Millions of motorcycles generate excessive ELF EMF magnetic radiation up through the seat penetrating directly into the rider's groin and torso. The prostate is of major concern as it is one of the closest delicate glands invaded by the radiation. The colon and neighboring organs are also at risk," adds Chipkar. Major organizations now agree that ELF EMF magnetic fields are a possible carcinogen. People should not have to gamble with their health because they love riding motorcycles. Consumer safety is priority. "ELF EMF magnetic fields penetrate through steel and even lead. Only highly processed material can dramatically shield us from these cancer-controversial forces. With patent protection, we can now aggressively market innovative internally shielded motorcycle seats to help protect riders within the groin area," Chipkar says. Chipkar adds, "Hopefully, this new RiderSaver motorcycle seat internal accessory will revolutionize the motorcycle industry to keep riders safer from ELF EMF radiation." "Let's put 'true freedom' back into riding motorcycles!" Chipkar concludes. Randall Dale Chipkar can be reached by email through the motorcycle cancer website at where The Motorcycle Cancer Book is also available along with further information. MOTORCYCLE CANCER RISK Petition for ELF EMF Radiation Emission Control for
Rider Safety Worldwide:

Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe. H. G. Wells

New Action Ideas

Place a notice on your door asking people to turn off their Cell Phone to limit passive radiation in your home from cell phones. July 26, 2011. Citizen-activists are being urged by Citizens for Health, the American Academy of Environmental Medicine and the EMF advocacy group,, to contact their representatives in Congress to request

the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to update its obsolete cell tower safety regulations.

The FCCs cell tower safety regulations need to be revised immediately because:
WHOS International Agency for Research on Cancer has classified RF Radiation as a Possible Carcinogen Current Regulations Have Long Overlooked the Harm from RF Radiations Non-Thermal Biological Effects Biological and Health Effects from RF Radiation Are Widely Occurring In Both Adults and Children Evidence for RF Damage to the Ecosystem is mounting.

To protect the public from risks from radiofrequency radiation (RF) the FCC must establish new safety guidelines for cell towers, Wi-Fi and cell phones that reflect the current science showing harm to human health, wildlife and nature.
For full request see:

Website The International EMF Alliance www.iemfa.or The International Electromagnetic Fields Alliance has rapidly grown in 2010 into a global collaboration of over fifty health advocacy groups focused on electromagnetic fields. Its principle aim is to disseminate coherent, health-oriented information and advice to the public worldwide on the ever-expanding body of knowledge on biological disruptions observed in living tissues after acute and long-term exposure to non-ionizing electromagnetic fields. The Alliance benefits from the support of a large

number of life scientists and medical experts from fifteen countries who collaborate worldwide to address emerging threats to public health.

Do Something Ideas
headed. Chinese Proverb

If we don't change our direction we're likely to end up where we're

If each of us on The GalileO Projects list in 26 states and 15 countries, awakened two others to the hazards of EMF radiation, and each did the same, it would take approximately 25 levels of interactions to reach the adults on the planet. This is what a grass roots movement can do. Participate in, or help to create a group in your area. Educate. Show Full Signal DVD in your area. Contact groups - environmental, animal rights, peace groups and ask what they are doing to educate people about EMF/RF dangers to the environment, wildlife, and themselves. Alert them. Withdraw support for the present cell phone, WiFi technologies. Each time you buy them you are in effect voting for them. If no one buys them they will cease to exist, and new inventions will be created. Teach your children about the dangers so they will not become bedazzled by these untested creations, or become guinea pigs for the industries experiment on uninformed participants. Develop White Zones without wireless radiation, outdoors, public buildings, churches, schools. Publicize and support these places. Do not call people on their cell phones. Use a land line number. Help to create a movement toward safer technology. Support land lines, and public phones available for public use. Search for the Towers and antennas near your home, school, office, church, business and public places. Support businesses that are part of a White Zone that do not have wireless use in their space. This will be the preference once people realize the health consequences to themselves and their children.
Donate books and videos to your libraries to help your community to make informed decisions. Publicize their availability.

Ask that public places with WiFi be posted with warning signs that radiation is present. Publicize places that do not use WiFi and are not near towers and antennas. Make your wishes known in public places that you and your children do not wish to be radiated and you favor WiFi-free areas.
Educate others about the risks in using cell phones and WiFi to themselves, others, and the natural world. Develop a petition to eliminate public WiFi areas. See the Sebastopol, Californias example, a successful petition effort, at:

Another Galileo Project

Tafelmusik musicians perform music by memory to a backdrop of images from the Hubble telescope and Canadian astronomers. The Galileo Project: Music of the Spheres features poetic narration, choreography, and music by Monteverdi, Vivaldi, Bach and Handel.

Question 10

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ET 1: What larger perspective can humans take in making their decisions? ET 2: Think of other creations as well as themselves birds, insects, animals, plants, trees, all living things, the whole environment.

This newsletter is created primarily in 14 point type on a white background for ease of reading. There are no photographs keeping the overall file size down to accommodate those with a slow internet speed. If you have difficulty with links in this newsletter, try them more than once, and consider downloading Mozilla Firefox as an alternate web browser.

To reference past newsletters see: Access old links - Wayback Machine:

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