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Practice, Practice, Practice! Congratulations!

The following people have
successfully passed ATA’s
Practice tests, which are available in every language pair in which the exam certification exam:
is offered, are an often overlooked and under-utilized resource for preparing
English into German
for the exam. Rainer W. Dykowski

Zurich, Switzerland
here’s an old joke in which a tourist it’s probably too late to get practice test
asks a New York police officer how results back. English into Portuguese
to get to Carnegie Hall. The cop’s Ana Gauz
ƒƒ Read and follow instructions carefully.
reply: “Practice, practice, practice!” That Cherry Hill, NJ
This includes not just the translation
could also be the answer to the question instructions that are part of the practice Cristina Gonzales
“How can I improve my chances of test passage, but also information about São Paulo, Brazil
passing ATA’s certification exam?” how to take and submit the test. Thais H. Passos Fonseca
Practice tests, which are available in Madison, WI
ƒƒ Take the test under exam conditions. Try
every language pair in which the exam
to set aside 90 minutes of uninterrupted Sandra C. Possas
is offered, are an often overlooked and
time and translate the passage in one go. Petrópolis, Brazil
under-utilized resource for preparing for
Use only print reference material and
the exam. Because practice tests are actual
online resources that have been cleared Arabic into English
exam passages that have been retired, for the computerized exam. Timothy D. Friese
candidates can use them to get an idea of Chicago, IL
the sort of text they will see on the exam ƒƒ Consider the feedback you receive
carefully. The comments your receive French into English
and prepare accordingly.
may tell you the areas where you need Sarah Llewellyn
Unlike exam results, where candidates
to focus. For example, do you need to San Francisco, CA
are provided with a pass or fail notice as
proofread more carefully? Should you
well as information about their overall K-Rae Nelson
work on target-language grammar
numerical score, practice tests are Solana Beach, CA
or usage?
returned with markings and feedback.
ƒƒ Upgrade old tests. If you requested and German into English
The candidate receives the marked text,
paid for a practice test more than a year Capri Beene
together with a point breakdown by error
ago and never got around to translating Akron, OH
category and brief explanations of any
it or having it graded, ATA Headquarters David M. Wise
marked errors that aren’t self-explanatory
will send you a current version of the Corona, CA
(such as misspellings). This feedback
passage for the same language pair upon
can be quite helpful to prepare for the Portuguese into English
request for no additional charge.
actual exam. Timothy D. Friese
At $80 per test for ATA members ƒƒ Get other practice as well. The practice Chicago, IL
($120 for nonmembers), the practice test is intended primarily as a way to
practice taking the exam. Practicing your Spanish into English
test costs a fraction of the actual exam
translation skills is a secondary benefit. Jose O. Fuentes
registration fee and is well worth it for
Look for ways to practice translating, San Salvador, El Salvador
candidates who aren’t sure if they’re
perhaps with others in your language Kathryn Jacoby
ready. Even seasoned translators taking
pair who are also preparing for the exam. Bogota, Colombia
the exam for the first time can benefit
from taking a practice test. For more information about the
Here are a few tips for using the certification practice test,
practice test: ATA-certification-practice. 

ƒƒ Allow plenty of time. Practice test

David Stephenson serves as
grading turnaround depends on volume
chair of ATA’s Certification
and other factors, so candidates should
Committee. Contact: david@
allow up to eight weeks to receive
results. You’ll also need to plan ahead. By
the time you register for an exam sitting,

38 The ATA Chronicle | March/April 2017


Peer Reviewed: Collaborative Preparation

for the Certification Exam
C urrently, the main option available
to help candidates prepare for ATA’s
certification exam is the practice
test. An obvious advantage of taking the
of all candidates interested in practicing.
Encouraged by SLD Administrator Ekaterina
Howard at the division’s annual meeting
in 2016, Maria and I set out to find an
Once the medium for the group had
been chosen, we invited prospective
participants and volunteer reviewers to
practice test is that it’s representative of online platform that would allow members join the Slack platform. New members
the actual exam: the passages used for the to exchange and translate passages into to the group were encouraged to join the
practice test are retired exam passages. and out of Croatian, Polish, Russian, and channel for the language combination(s)
However, unlike the actual exam, which Ukrainian (the Slavic languages offered on in which they wanted to practice.
is pass or fail only, a practice test is ATA’s certification exam). The following process has evolved
graded and returned with error markings We chose Slack as the platform for through trial and error after several
clearly visible and classified as to type coordinating practice sessions. Slack is an rounds of practice.
and seriousness. This feedback should online tool for group communications, Signup:
give candidates a reasonable idea of organized into custom “channels” (message ■■ Candidates in a specific language
whether they are ready to take the exam boards).3 It also allows participants to send combination opt in for each round
and, if not, the areas where they need each other private messages, which is useful of practice.
more work. for exchanging feedback discreetly with a
Even though the practice test is still ■■ Organizers compile a list of all
practice partner. In addition to two default
the best option, candidates may want to participants for the month.
channels, we created a channel for each
do even more to prepare. Not all practice Translation:
combination in the Slavic languages that is
test passages are updated annually, so A practice passage is posted.
currently available for ATA certification. ■■
candidates will find it difficult to reliably
Some of the reasons for choosing ■■ Participants translate the passage
measure their performance. So, what
Slack were: independently under exam conditions.
else can you do to prepare for the exam?
Although ATA does not offer preparation ■■ A free trial version with robust features ■■ Candidates send their translation via
courses, candidates are encouraged “to that met the group’s needs. a private message to the person listed
look for ways to gain more translation ■■ The ability to communicate before and after them on the list of
experience and improve language asynchronously, which is useful for participants (all participants exchange
proficiency skills.”1 participants in different time zones. translations with two colleagues).
In addition to the practice test,
■■ File upload and sharing options that Grading:
candidates should consider enrolling in a
eliminate the need for e-mailing attachments. ■■ Using the Track Changes feature
translation program or class, attending an
in Word, each participant corrects
exam workshop offered at ATA’s Annual ■■ Integration capabilities with external and scores the received translations
Conference or by an ATA chapter or affiliate, applications (e.g., polls, calendar reminders). according to ATA’s grading framework.
or asking translators who have passed the
exam for advice. Practicing on your own We posted information about ATA’s ■■ Everyone returns the graded translations
is an option, but it won’t do much good certification exam, including the with comments back to the original authors.
without feedback to gauge improvement. framework for standardized error marking
and the flow chart for error point decisions,
So, what about forming a practice group? ■■ All participants share the challenges
The following details how we set up an so it could be available to all members of
encountered and discuss possible
online platform for ATA’s Slavic Languages our practice group. These resources were
solutions in the public channel reserved
Division (SLD) to help prospective exam- “pinned” to each active channel, making
for their language combination.
takers in the division practice on a regular them easily accessible from a side panel.
basis and exchange feedback.2 Slack’s linear interface has not always been Expert Feedback:
straightforward. At its most basic, Slack is ■■ The organizers put together a list of
CHOOSING A PLATFORM organized like a newsfeed. As a result, some challenges encountered and solicit
After taking the practice test in 2016, participants had trouble joining the channel feedback from volunteer experts
Maria was looking for colleagues with for the appropriate language combination (certified translators or ATA graders).
whom she could exchange translations and or finding the necessary instructions ■■ Unlike the official ATA practice test, the
feedback. Coordinating that effort through and reference material. Hopefully, this reviewers do not grade each individual
individual e-mail exchanges proved to be shortcoming can be solved through translation, but do provide overall
overwhelming and didn’t meet the needs additional training or an external application. guidance on common challenges. We’ve

38 The ATA Chronicle | September/October 2017

found that the official practice test and the through one round of practice passages identify any common threads. In the end,
practice group complement each other. each month. Since settling on the our practice group is meant to complement,
■■ The organizers share the reviewers’ procedure described above, we’ve held not replace, the official ATA practice test,
comments and suggestions with steady at about 10 participants per text where the translator does receive detailed
channel members. in each channel, which is enough for feedback from an ATA grader.
us to switch partners and get feedback
The entire cycle for one passage from different people. We’ve also been BLUEPRINT FOR OTHER GROUPS?
normally takes a month, with overlaps exchanging messages about exam SLD’s practice group has helped prospective
between cycles. We have recently added procedures, strategies, and resources. exam takers get regular, evaluated
a calendar integration linked to a public Russian is the most active language in our translation practice and become accustomed
Google calendar listing the important group. Unfortunately, the following challenges to ATA’s exam format and grading criteria.
dates of the practice cycle. have hindered participant engagement in the Although this format presents its own
This setup has helped the group work other language combinations: set of challenges—e.g., a new interface,
consistently and manage participants’ fluctuating participant engagement, the
expectations at every stage of the process. At ■■ Recruiting participants and reviewers.
need for input from organizers and expert
the same time, it has required some hands- ■■ Choosing passages for languages other reviewers, and the varying quality of peer
on involvement from the organizers, such than English and Russian—the organizers, feedback—we hope that other groups will
as compiling participant lists every month who don’t speak the other languages, must find our experience helpful and might
and preparing questions for the reviewers. rely on volunteer submissions. consider starting their own practice activities
Slack features could further automate some to complement the resources offered by ATA
of these tasks. For instance, the Donut app Because the group is designed for
practice in several language combinations, and third parties.
can pair up members of a specific channel
“via direct message on a weekly, biweekly, this variation in activity is probably
or monthly basis” so practice partners don’t inevitable. However, despite limited 1
“ATA Certification Program: Frequently
need to be assigned manually.4 resources for the languages that are less Asked Questions,”
well represented, the group’s organizers certification/certification_FAQ.php.
CHOOSING THE PRACTICE TEXT can develop ways to allow candidates 2
Although the practice group discussed in
Since it’s impossible to use real ATA working in those languages to continue this article was not organized or sponsored
exam passages, we’ve been choosing to practice. As a bare minimum, two by ATA’s Certification Program, the
participants working in the same language Certification Committee recognizes the value
passages from online journalism and print
combination can exchange translations these types of groups have for candidates.
sources such as textbooks and academic
and feedback as described above.
“Team Communication for the 21st
publications. We pull an excerpt of Century” (Slack Technologies, Inc.),
225-275 words from a general text that
matches the features of a typical ATA PRACTICE OUTCOMES 4
“Bring People Together” (Donut),
exam passage: “chosen in such a way as At this point, a few participants have 5
“ATA Certification Exam Overview,”
to avoid highly specialized terminology registered or taken the certification exam.
challenges requiring research.”5 (One has passed and the rest are waiting overview.php.
As much as possible, we’ve tried for their results.) In a recent survey
to include challenges similar to those conducted by the organizers, members Maria Guzenko is an
candidates will encounter on the exam: pointed out the practice group has helped English>Russian translator
a line of argument that may be tough to them become familiar with the exam working in the healthcare and
follow, a few terminological challenges, format and error categories. They also corporate domains. She has
interesting syntax, and a professional or appreciated free, recurring rounds of an MA in translation from
semi-formal register. While there have practice and the opportunity to discuss Kent State University. She
been a couple of missteps, such as terms translation challenges with their peers. is a co-administrator of the certification exam
too obscure to be found in a general At the same time, several respondents online practice group for ATA’s Slavic Languages
dictionary or a register that skews a pointed out that peer feedback varied in Division. Contact:
little too colloquial, we’ve become more quality, with some of their partners not
Eugenia Tietz-Sokolskaya is an
proficient at finding appropriate passages following ATA’s grading rubric, making
ATA-certified Russian>English
thanks to the group’s expert consultants. erroneous corrections, or failing to review translator specializing in legal and
their translation altogether. financial translation from Russian
PARTICIPANT ENGAGEMENT These drawbacks could be mitigated and French into English. She has an
As of mid-May 2017, 60 participants had by making sure all participants have basic MA in translation from Kent State
joined the Slack platform. Since the group familiarity with ATA’s standards and grading University and works as a full-time freelance translator.
launched in December 2016, the two process. In addition, having each translation She is a co-administrator of the certification exam online
most active channels—English>Russian reviewed by two different colleagues lets practice group for ATA’s Slavic Languages Division.
and Russian>English—have worked the translator compare the feedback and Contact: American Translators Association 39


Who Wants to Fail ATA’s Certification Exam?

S elf-help books and websites have
recently been featuring “not-to-
do” lists as a way of improving
work habits, enhancing productivity,
and generally boosting quality of life.
ATA’s certification team can’t claim to
offer anything so grand, but we can
enumerate several (unfortunately)
tried-and-true actions that have stood
in the way of candidates passing ATA’s
certification exam.
1. Cut to the chase. Who reads
instructions anymore? Actually, we
expect you to use the valuable resources
available at your fingertips, from the
general information on ATA’s website
down to the specific translation
instructions (TIs) printed at the top
of each exam passage. Ultimately, it’s
up to you to educate yourself about
the exam process before registering, to
click on the link that comes with your
should use it as our source language left theirs at home!) Also, ATA cannot
registration confirmation, and to read
(i.e., the one from which we translate). ensure that links to online resources will
the TIs. Or not! In which case, you’ve
As language teachers know, the most be up and running on exam day. I know,
already turned the page. If you’re still
difficult skill to master is writing—and I know, nobody carries books around
with me, read on.
that’s what translation is. This is why anymore, but do you want to take a
2. Skip the practice test. Life isn’t a most experts recommend we translate chance and leave your dictionaries at
dress rehearsal, right? Well, when into our native language, even if we’ve home that day?
it comes to the certification exam, spent many years learning and using 6. Be spontaneous. Actually, some
rehearsals are a good thing. Like all others. There are exceptions, of course, advance planning is crucial. If you join
exams, ATA’s certification exam is a but should you assume you’re one? ATA and register immediately for the
hybrid of a real-life situation combined ATA’s exam is difficult, so taking the next exam sitting, even if it’s only a few
with exam conditions. The practice exam into a non-native language will weeks away, you deprive yourself of
test is a retired passage marked by likely increase the difficulty. In addition, the opportunity to familiarize yourself
ATA graders and is the only chance not checking your exam registration with the exam by taking a practice
to receive direct feedback prior to the email to ensure you’re actually regis­ test, listening to a webinar, attending
exam. Don’t miss this opportunity— tered for the correct language and a candidate preparation session, or
unless you like surprises. direction will definitely add unwanted working with colleagues. Some people
3. Use the exam as your ticket into the challenges. Showing up on exam day perform better under stress, but the
profession. Despite its description as only to discover that you don’t have certification exam is not the time to find
“an exam that assesses the language skills passages in the right language will out if you’re one of them.
of a professional translator,” many new definitely hurt your chances for success. 7. Cross the bridge when you come to
graduates and career changers sign up Bottom line: double-check everything! it. If you wait until exam day to ask an
with no experience, assuming the exam
5. Travel light. Don’t assume that all test- important question (or to realize you
is an entry-level credential. Caveats
taking resources will be provided at the have one), you may be out of luck. Many
against this appear on ATA’s website,
exam site. Actually, the only thing ATA exams are given on weekends, when
as well as in this column, webinars,
promises to provide is your exam packet. ATA Headquarters is closed. The head
and candidate preparation sessions, but
If you’re taking the computerized exam, proctor’s contact information is included
you’ll be unaware of this if you “cut to
you must bring your own laptop, as with your registration in case you have a
the chase” (see point 1 above).
clearly stated on the website and in the last-minute question or need directions
4. Start with your native language. As registration information. (And yet there to the venue. Your registration email
a general rule, our native language is have been cases where candidates have containing this information is sent to
our strongest, but this doesn’t mean we

34 The ATA Chronicle | November/December 2017

you twice, once when you register and
again just prior to the exam date. But
if you don’t open the link or read the
its members, but you may have to stifle
some aspects of your uniqueness on Congratulations!
exam day. Rules are rules.
instructions ahead of time, you may find The following people have successfully
This all might seem to be just common passed ATA’s certification exam:
yourself in a pickle. If you do manage to
sense, but ATA’s certification team has
reach someone, whether it’s the proctor
seen candidates make these mistakes more English French
or ATA staff, even if you feel desperate or
times than we can count. Sure, candidates into Chinese into English
stressed, try to remember the advice of
don’t set out to fail. But certification is just Yan Yan Su Phillip M. North
authors like Dale Carnegie and Stephen
one of many short- and long-term goals in Toronto, Canada Milton, PA
Covey: treat folks with respect and
you’re more likely to get what you want! our busy lives, so we may not feel we have Mingshu Zhang Elias Shakkour
8. Think of yourself as a snowflake— time to “sweat the small stuff.” We might Palatine, IL Chicago, IL
unique and exceptional. Well, yes, skip over instructions in our rush to meet
everybody is exceptional, but that the registration deadline, and when exam English German
doesn’t mean ATA will make exceptions day is upon us we may even forget basic into Japanese into English
for you. Perhaps you asked a question guidelines in the stress of the moment. So, Mari Matsumura Samuel Davis
about using a certain resource, but if you want to give yourself the best chances Dallas, TX Woodside, NY
didn’t get the answer you wanted. for success on the exam, take the time to Aaron Maddox
inform yourself and prepare. Good luck! English
Perhaps you are someone who always Tecumseh, MI
into Russian
runs late. Whatever the case, don’t
Irina Artamonova Italian
assume exceptions will be made to Michèle Hansen has been an ATA-certified
Fremont, CA into English
accommodate you. If the answer was French>English translator and editor for over
“no” from ATA staff, the answer from the 20 years, specializing in pharmaceutical Matthew Bouillon
proctor will still be “no” on exam day. and medical documents and health-related Mascareñas
into Spanish
Rooms for exam sittings are rented for international development. A former administrator Denver, CO
a certain period of time, which cannot of ATA’s French Language Division, she is now a
Gonzalez Cavazos Portuguese
necessarily be extended to accommodate member of the Certification Committee. Contact:
Azcapotzalco, into English
latecomers. ATA relishes the diversity of
Mexico Robert B. Florstedt
Patricia Cenoz Palm Bay, FL
San Antonio, TX Jean Marie Trujillo
Statement of Ownership, Management, and Circulation
Date of filing: September 26, 2017 Paid Distribution Outside the Mail Including Sales Maria Luisa Lawrence, KS
Title of Publication: The ATA Chronicle Through Dealers and Carriers, Street Vendors, Counter Ortega Hernandez
Frequency of Issues: Bimonthly Sales, and Other Paid Distribution Outside USPS®: Russian
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Subscriptions Stated on PS Form 3541 (Include paid 16D. Percent Paid (Both Print & Electronic Copies)(16b Volant, PA
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Ergonomics for ATA’s Certification Exam:

Unspoken Advice with Untold Benefits
S hortly after I took the computerized
version of ATA’s certification exam
in 2017, I received an e-mail
from one of the proctors—whom I had
If you work with a laptop on a regular
basis, you might consider investing in a
laptop stand, which will serve you well
not only on exam day, but also in your
thanked for stepping up to proctor at the everyday work. There are many to choose
last minute—in which she commented from, but it’s worth procuring one that
on the contrast between my “ergonomic” you can easily carry with you to the exam
setup and the hunched posture of my or when working away from home. I use
fellow test takers. It would make for a the Roost Stand,5 a favorite among digital
great ad, she mused. nomads for its transportability: it collapses
I had to laugh. I didn’t go into the exam into a baton that’s just over a foot long
with ergonomics in mind, but having seen Use a stand to keep your computer screen at eye and it weighs a feathery 5.5 ounces. It’s
the difference a few ergonomic upgrades level and a page holder to prop up the text. also height adjustable. (See photo at left.)
to my home office earlier that year had If you’re in a pinch on exam day
or you aren’t sold on investing in a
made in my focus and overall well-being,
new gadget, you could just as well set
it seemed like a no-brainer to apply the ERGONOMICS: IT’S ABOUT MORE your laptop on a large book or two—
same principles to ensure my comfort and
THAN COMFORT dictionaries work wonderfully.
efficiency during the exam. Before we get into the details, let’s consider Do keep in mind that you’ll need an
It may have seemed silly to focus on the why ergonomics matters. In short, it goes external keyboard and mouse for either of
details of a workstation I would only use well beyond physical comfort. these setups. There are affordable options
for three hours, but the proctor was right: First, what is ergonomics? The authors out there, and I consider it a worthwhile
it ended up making all the difference, of an article in the January/February investment, price notwithstanding.
not only in terms of comfort, but more 2017 issue of The ATA Chronicle point
importantly, in terms of efficiency and Page Holder: Unlike the source texts
out that the concept encompasses
in a translator’s daily work, which are
state of mind. If you’re anything like me, more than “office chairs, keyboards,
almost invariably in digital format, exam
sitting up straight and looking directly and computer mice.”2 As cited in that
article, the International Ergonomics passages are on paper and cannot be
ahead fosters greater confidence and
Association (IEA) defines ergonomics as typed into the computer.
alertness than does being stooped over
being concerned with the optimization So what to do? Ideally, for the same
a mess of pages and books. Perhaps reasons discussed above, the source text
there’s something to be said after all for of “human well-being and overall system
performance”3—that is, it’s about a lot should be positioned at eye level. For this
social psychologist Amy Cuddy’s widely purpose, I used a small, dome-shaped
more than a comfortable office chair.
discussed research on the impact of body page holder during the exam to prop
In fact, one of the three branches
position on our confidence and, in turn, up the source texts. (See photo above.)
defined by IEA is “cognitive ergonomics,”
our chances of success.1 I purchased mine on,
which is concerned with mental
While ergonomics wasn’t at the workload, human reliability, and the but you can find one at just about any
forefront of my mind going into the interaction between humans and major office-supply retailer by searching
exam, it’s now the first thing I mention computers. We’ll come back to this later. for a “page-up holder.” Most are priced
when colleagues ask for advice on how For now, let’s look at recommendations at under $10. You may need to set the
to prepare. There’s plenty of guidance for improving efficiency and performance holder on top of a dictionary to match
out there on the theoretical side of the through one of the more obvious your screen height.
assessment, but how often do we hear branches: physical ergonomics. Not only will this relieve neck pressure,
about the importance of a comfortable it’ll save you time and trouble when
Laptop Height: My number one
and efficient workspace? glancing from sheet to screen.
recommendation is to ensure that your
By sharing some of what worked for computer screen is at eye level. Most of Earplugs: Consider bringing earplugs to
me on exam day, I hope to encourage us set our laptops directly on the desk in the exam to block out noise. Chances are
others to discover the difference that front of us, forcing us to angle our necks you’ll be absorbed in your work, but you
straightening up and finding comfort and downward to see the screen—a posture never know when the clickety-clack of
confidence can make, both during the that has been shown to exert a detrimental a keyboard or the hum of a fluorescent
exam and in our everyday work. amount of strain on the neck over time.4 light will distract you. Here’s where

30 The ATA Chronicle | November/December 2018

cognitive ergonomics come in: decreasing otherwise overlook after staring at your FINAL WORD
distraction lightens cognitive load, translation for so long. As the authors of the aforementioned
allowing you to focus on the task at hand. Another tip for getting a fresh article in The ATA Chronicle propose,
perspective: change the typeface itself. taking ergonomics into account “will allow
Review Techniques: Speaking of translators to do what they do best instead
Finally, try reading the completed
cognitive ergonomics, the exam involves of wasting time and energy dealing with
the demanding cognitive task of not text “aloud” in your head, or reading it
backwards—two old copy-editor’s tricks. non-ergonomic conditions, interfaces, and
only translating, but also reviewing, tools.” What better opportunity to conserve
two dense texts in the span of three Miscellaneous: With the big ones out time and energy than during the rigorous
short hours. This means no opportunity of the way, here are a few final pieces of three-hour ATA certification exam?
to review with fresh eyes, which is a advice to optimize ergonomics during the I may have been amused by the proctor’s
crucial step in actual practice. And comment about my setup, but it cost
exam and help you focus on your work:
without a computer-assisted translation me nothing to implement these simple
tool or other application to help ■■ Keep your feet flat on the floor, if
principles, and the benefits of certification
break the text into segments, the task possible. You may be able to choose are already evident just one year later.
becomes even more prone to errors. from different chairs the day of the
The accidental omission of a word or exam, but don’t count on it. NOTES
an entire line of text can be hugely 1.
Cuddy, Amy. “Your Body Language May
■■ Make sure your elbows are at a right
detrimental. The good news is that these Shape Who You Are.” TEDGlobal Video (June
errors can be avoided by employing angle when typing. Consider bringing a 2012),
some simple review techniques. pillow to sit on for this purpose. 2.
O’Brien, Sharon, and Maureen
One of these is to enlarge your font size: ■■ Have water on hand (drink it). Ehrensberger-Dow. “Why Ergonomics
try increasing it 300% by using the zoom Matters to Professional Translators.” The
feature on your word processor (i.e., ■■ Take at least one stretch break. Do a ATA Chronicle (January/February 2017),
WordPad or TextEdit, the two applications forward bend and gently stretch your 12,
permitted for use on the exam), or by arms, legs, and neck to get your blood 3.
“Definition and Domains of Ergonomics”
increasing the font size to 72 points. flowing before returning to the task (International Ergonomics Association),
This will help you catch errors you may with fresh eyes.
Bever, Lindsey. “‘Text Neck’ Is Becoming
Statement of Ownership, Management, and Circulation An ‘Epidemic’ and Could Wreck Your
Date of filing: September 26, 2018 Outside the Mail Including Sales Through Dealers and Spine,” The Washington Post (November
Title of Publication: The ATA Chronicle Carriers, Street Vendors, Counter Sales, and Other Paid 20, 2014),
Frequency of Issues: Bimonthly Distribution Outside USPS®: 327, 352. 15b4. Paid
No. of Issues Published Annually: 6 issues
Distribution by Other Classes of Mail Through the USPS
Annual Subscription Price: $65 (e.g., First-Class Mail®): 0, 0. 15c. Total Paid Distribution
Location and Office of Publication: [Sum of 15b (1), (2), (3), and (4)]: 5,882, 6,036. 15d. Free
American Translators Association, 225 Reinekers Lane or Nominal Rate Distribution (By Mail and Outside the Emily Safrin is an ATA-certified
Suite 590, Alexandria, VA 22314 Mail). 15d1. Free or Nominal Rate Outside-County Copies Spanish>English translator and
Complete Mailing Address of Headquarters: Included on PS Form 3541: 0, 0. 15d2. Free or Nominal the owner of Saffron Translations.
Same as above Rate In-County Copies Included on PS Form 3541: 0, She has lived, studied, and worked
Names and Address of Editor and Publisher: 0. 15d3. Free or Nominal Rate Copies Mailed at Other
Editor—Jeff Sanfacon, address same as above
between the U.S. and Spain since
Classes Through the USPS (e.g., First-Class Mail): 41, 35. 2004. She holds a master’s degree
Publisher—Walter Bacak, address same as above
15d4. Free or Nominal Rate Distribution Outside the Mail
Known bondholders, mortgages, and other security in intercultural communication and public service
(Carriers or Other Means): 232, 300. 15e. Total Free or
holders owning 1 percent or more of total amount of translation and interpreting from the Universidad de
Nominal Rate Distribution [Sum of 15d (1), (2), (3), and
bonds, mortgages, or other securities: N/A
(4)]: 273, 335. 15f. Total Distribution (Sum of 15c and
Alcalá (Spain). She specializes in medical translation
Issue Date for Circulation Data Below: September 12, 2018 and has a personal interest in all things food,
15e): 6,155, 6,371. 15g. Copies Not Distributed: 170, 279.
Publication Name: The ATA Chronicle
15h. Total (Sum of 15f and g): 6,325, 6,650. 15i. Percent including culinary translation. Also a certified
15. Extent and Nature of Circulation (Average No. of
Paid (15c divided by 15f times 100): 95.6%, 94.7%. 16a. Spanish>English medical interpreter (Certification
Copies Each Issue During Preceding 12 Months followed
by No. of Copies of Single Issue Published Nearest Paid Electronic Copies: 3,998, 3,905. 16b. Total Paid Print Commission for Healthcare Interpreters; Oregon
to Filing Date). 15a. Total No. of Copies (Net press Copies (Line 15c) + Paid Electronic Copies (Line 16a): Health Authority), she is the former lead translator
run) 6,325, 6,650. 15b. Paid Circulation (By Mail and 9,880, 9,941. 16c. Total Print Distribution (Line 15f) + and interpreter for the Northwest’s largest
Outside the Mail). 15b1. Mailed Outside-County Paid Paid Electronic Copies (Line 16a): 10,153, 10,276. 16d. reproductive health care provider. She currently serves
Subscriptions Stated on PS Form 3541 (Include paid Percent Paid (Both Print & Electronic Copies) (16b divided as a board director of the Oregon Society of
distribution above nominal rate, advertiser’s proof by 16c x 100): 97.3%, 96.7%. I certify that 50% of all my
Translators and Interpreters, and writes for The Savvy
copies, and exchange copies): 5,555, 5,684. 15b2. Mailed distributed copies (electronic and print) are paid above
Newcomer blog and ATA’s Public Relations Writers
In-County Paid Subscriptions Stated on PS Form 3541 a nominal price.I certify that all information furnished on
(Include paid distribution above nominal rate, advertiser’s this form is true and complete. (Signed) Walter Bacak, Group. Follow her musings on language, translation,
proof, and exchange copies): 0, 0. 15b3. Paid Distribution Publisher and Executive Director and Spanish culture on Twitter at @saffrontrans.
Contact: American Translators Association 31


Am I Ready for the Exam?

W hy does ATA’s certification

exam have such a low pass rate?
Readers of The ATA Chronicle
tend to be a savvy bunch when it comes
just be comprehensible, but adhere to
the standards of the target language’s
grammar and style and be easy to read
and understand. The reader should
answer the first three questions with a
wholehearted “Yes!” should, at the very
least, test their chances of attaining
certification through a practice test.
to translation. If you’re reading this, you not be confronted with non-standard It costs $80 per passage to take a
probably don’t suffer from any of the collocations, mangled idioms, syntax practice test for ATA members ($120
classic illusions about translation. You that might be fine in the source language for nonmembers) versus $525 for an
know that being a competent translator but highly distracting and confusing in actual exam. It’s puzzling that relatively
takes more than bilingualism. You the target one, or the misapplication of few people take this important step in
appreciate the complexities of human definite and indefinite articles (a frequent preparing for the exam. Practice tests
thought and language that make it so problem in into-English exams). offer candidates an opportunity to
difficult to transmit all the nuances of No one becomes a good writer in a familiarize themselves with the type of
any utterance into another language. You particular language without doing a lot text with which they will be dealing
probably know more about the niceties of writing and reading in it and having and—most importantly—see how their
of grammar and style than many a high their writing critiqued by others. This translation was graded. Unlike the actual
school English teacher. often means having been through a exam, a graded practice test is returned
So maybe this article will, for the target-language university program that to you. Candidates are able to see what
most part, be read by people who included extensive writing and feedback
wordings were marked as errors and
already know what I’m about to say. on that writing.
how severely those errors were assessed.
Nevertheless, here goes.
Often, comments are included to explain
Every year, hundreds of people
It’s hard not to feel bad for error markings.
take ATA’s certification exam and
approximately (on average, across all candidates who have paid Graders are thrilled when they
language pairs) 80% of them fail to encounter candidates who live up to
produce translations that earn them hundreds of dollars to take the standards of ATA’s Certification
ATA certification. This pass rate suggests the exam when they are clearly Program. At the same time, it’s hard not
an epidemic of overconfidence mixed, to feel bad for candidates who have paid
perhaps, with a lack of understanding of nowhere near ready. hundreds of dollars to take the exam
ATA’s certification standards. when they are clearly nowhere near ready.
Of course, there is a certain subset A passing exam must have fewer than
of exam-takers who miss attaining 17 error points per passage, yet many
certification by a few points because In addition to reading dozens if not
exam passages earn well over 40 points.
of nervousness, one unfortunate but hundreds of books in the source
So, please: if you’re planning to take the
impactful error, or because they were language, have I kept up with current
exam, do ask yourself the four questions
simply having a bad day. Such candidates writing in it (e.g., periodicals,
newspapers, blogs)? Excellent reading above. If the answer is “yes” to all of them,
had good reason to take the exam and you have a strong chance of succeeding.
should probably try again. comprehension is just as important as
Based on 15 years as a certification good writing, and developing this ability
grader, I would urge anyone interested in a given language takes more than a Nora Favorov, an ATA-certified
in taking the exam to ask themselves the large vocabulary. It takes practice. Russian>English translator, is
following questions: Any experienced translator knows: a member of ATA’s Certification
languages and the cultures in which they Committee and has served as a
Do I have extensive experience develop are complex living entities that grader for the past 15 years. She
writing and being edited in the target constantly evolve. also serves as associate editor
language? It’s one thing to speak a of ATA’s Slavic Languages Division newsletter,
language well; it’s another to write well Have I successfully translated
SlavFile. She has 30 years of experience translating
in it. All ATA exam passages come with thousands of words in this language
in the areas of literature and the social sciences.
a set of translation instructions (TIs). pair? ATA’s certification exam is a
Her recent translations include the 1863 novel City
Those instructions provide information “mid-career credential for experienced,
Folk and Country Folk by Sofia Khvoshchinskaya
about the purpose of the translation. professional translators.” In other words,
(Russian Library, 2017) and Stalin: New
Although the TIs vary, they all indicate it’s not designed for recent graduates just
Biography of a Dictator by Oleg Khlevniuk (Yale,
that the translation is to be used either starting their translation careers.
2015), selected as Pushkin House U.K.’s “best
for publication or professional use. This Have I taken an ATA practice test? Russian book in translation” for 2016. Contact:
means that the translation must not Prospective candidates who cannot

34 The ATA Chronicle | March/April 2019


ATA Certification Exam Preparation Workshops

I n recent years, ATA has focused on

providing those individuals who are
interested in becoming ATA-certified
with opportunities to learn more about
the exam and hone their skills. Besides
informational updates on ATA’s website,
regular columns by members of the
Certification Committee in The ATA
Chronicle, and a variety of sessions at
ATA’s Annual Conference, ATA has also
explored options for holding regional
exam preparation workshops for
candidates. The first workshop, held
in Boston in January 2018, was well
attended and well received.

Participants left with a very good

sense of whether they were ready
for the exam.

The second workshop in this series

took place in mid-April in Alexandria,
Virginia. That same weekend, ATA’s
Board of Directors met in conjunction
with the Certification Committee and
Language Chairs meetings. (Each exam
language combination has a language chair
administering the passage selection and
graders. ATA currently offers testing in 30
language combinations.) Scheduling the
workshop to coincide with these meetings,
which also took place in Alexandria,
certainly made the logistics easier.
The April workshop was for Spanish
only: an English into Spanish session in
the morning, and a Spanish into English
From left: ATA graders Holly Mikkelson and Jane Maier during their session, “Preparing for the ATA
session in the afternoon. Each session Spanish>English Certification Exam.”
was presented by two veteran graders
working in the respective language pairs.
Below are some highlights from these to the two presenters before the comments to the translator. However,
sessions, which are similar to those workshop. Participants were instructed the advantage of participating in this
offered in recent years during ATA’s to try to simulate actual exam conditions workshop was that the two presenters
Advanced Skills and Training (AST) Day, when working on the test (e.g., only from each session graded the practice
which takes place the day before the ATA using approved software and reference tests in the respective language pairs. (A
Annual Conference. materials, and completing their work regular practice test is only graded by one
within 90 minutes). These tests were grader.) After grading the practice tests,
Two Graders for Each Practice Test: graded exactly the same way as a regular the presenters selected typical errors to
Those who registered for the April practice test, with the grader supplying include as examples in the workshop. If
workshop were sent a sample ATA brief explanations of errors and acceptable participants returned their practice tests
practice test to translate and submit solutions, as well as some overall by the deadline, they got the graded tests American Translators Association 33


back at the end of the workshop. Those Each sentence was discussed in detail,
who did not return their practice test by looking at typical errors as well as
the deadline received marked tests later. acceptable solutions. In some cases, the
participants themselves were invited The following members have
More Time Spent Discussing to use the Certification Program’s own successfully passed ATA’s
Translation: In some earlier iterations of grading tools to assess each rendition certification exam:
the workshop, a substantial amount of and compare notes. The presenters then
valuable time was spent discussing the offered their assessment, along with the English into Chinese
mechanics of taking the exam and the rationale behind each grading decision, Weishun Jiang
grading process. For the April workshop, which prompted additional discussion. Bettendorf, IA
once they registered, participants Participants were encouraged to ask
received reading materials and a video specific questions about anything not English into Japanese
link where they could review all that covered or to request further explanation Megumi Musick
information in advance so that the actual Columbus, OH
or clarification as needed. For example,
workshop could focus exclusively on
at the end of the Spanish into English
translation activities. Chinese into English
session, the presenters demonstrated how
the Corpus of Contemporary American Yongmei Liu
San Francisco, CA
As in previous instances, the English1 can be used by translators to
verify the usage of terms and collocations. Liming Pals
workshop was very well received. Ames, IA
Participants were especially MAXIMIZING CANDIDATE POTENTIAL
French into English
appreciative of the detailed feedback, ON THE EXAM Catherine Randall
As in previous instances, the workshop Brooklyn, NY
and the hands-on approach of using was very well received. Participants were
especially appreciative of the detailed Lianna Sanford Kazarian
the participants’ own work was feedback, and the hands-on approach Bronx, NY
considered especially effective. of using the participants’ own work
was considered especially effective. German into English
Participants left with a very good sense Abigail Huber
of whether they were ready for the exam, Providence, RI
with some deciding that they needed
Dispelling Myths about the Exam: more time and study. Japanese into English
Following a discussion of the common ATA plans to continue offering these Jonathan Merz
reasons why people fail the exam, the workshops at various locations and hopes Atlanta, GA
various error categories were reviewed, to expand them to other language pairs in
including specific examples taken from Russian into English
the future. Both Spanish sessions will also
actual exam passages used in the past. Sonja Swenson-Khalchenia
be offered at this year’s AST Day during
This was an opportunity to dispel some Washington, DC
ATA’s Annual Conference in Palm Springs,
common myths: that punctuation rules
October 23–26.
are the same in English and Spanish (they
Spanish into English
actually differ substantially, and error
NOTE Stephanie Crayne
points on that account can mount rapidly), 1
Information on the Corpus of San Francisco, CA
or that the syntax of the original must be Contemporary American English can be
preserved in the translation (this is not found at
Karen Kraft
the case if the result will sound awkward Chicago, IL
or unnatural). The English into Spanish Amy Polenske
presenters addressed the misconception David Stephenson is the Milwaukee, WI
that candidates should write in a particular chair of ATA’s Certification
“flavor” of Spanish. They reassured Committee. An ATA-
Lourdes Solis Salamanca
participants that as long as they’re certified German>English, Kent, OH
consistent in the variety chosen and avoid Dutch>English, and Hannah R. Sampson
obscure localisms, they will be fine. Croatian>English translator, Kent, OH
he has been an independent translator for
Detailed Error Review: In the second over 30 years, specializing in civil litigation
part of each session, the presenters and creative nonfiction. Contact: david@
reviewed the submitted practice tests.

34 The ATA Chronicle | July/August 2019


Common Errors Found in the English>Spanish

Certification Exam
A TA certification continues to be a
sought-after credential. As a way to
prepare for this demanding exam,
ATA has been offering practice tests for
many years, which are real exam passages
that have been “retired.” In addition to the
practice test, ATA has been offering exam
preparation workshops taught by ATA exam
graders to help candidates better understand
how to prepare for the exam. In the past
three years, ATA has offered regional
workshops in Boston, Alexandria, Houston,
and Mexico City. These workshops are
also offered at ATA’s Annual Conference,
including this year in Palm Springs.
The three-hour workshop for
Spanish<>English includes an analysis The more an English word resembles a Spanish one, the more
of the different error categories and a necessary it is to verify that the meaning is the one that we need
practice test that registered participants
are invited to complete and submit prior in the target language.
to the workshop. The graded practice
tests are returned during the workshop
target language. Always confirm this using we’ve found a number of candidates who
and used as the basis for discussion of
a monolingual dictionary. fail due to mechanical errors. In other
the passage. Here are some of the most
common errors made by candidates in the words, the candidate transfers the meaning
Incorrect Use of Present Continuous well from English into Spanish, but makes
English>Spanish combination. Tense and Gerund/Present Participle: too many mechanical errors.
Mimicking English Syntax: Many This is one aspect of grammar that’s very
candidates mimic the English syntax different in English and Spanish. Most of
without stopping to consider that Spanish the time, in Spanish we cannot imitate PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT
sentences often have to be organized the use of the present continuous tense or If you’re planning to take the certification
differently. English is a more concise gerund/present participle. In fact, this is an exam in the English>Spanish combination,
language than Spanish, and sometimes aspect of Spanish grammar that requires a practice test is the place to start. Brush
it’s necessary to change word order in a study and practice. Just because you see a up on your Spanish grammar and consult
translation, or to provide a verb or an verb ending in -ing in English doesn’t mean some style manuals to guide you in
article that is not present in English. you can replicate it in Spanish. Candidates avoiding mechanical errors. And if you’re
Common errors include the absence lose a lot of points because they don’t
able, attend one of the regional workshops
of definite and indefinite articles, the understand the correct use of the present
that are being offered a few times a year in
mimicking of the passive voice, and the continuous tense and gerund/present
different parts of the country and at ATA’s
use of prepositions that don’t reflect participle in Spanish.
Annual Conference in the fall.
Spanish usage.
Mechanical Errors: These are what we call
False Friends: These are English words “controllable” errors. Mechanical errors are Mercedes De la Rosa-Sherman,
that resemble Spanish words in their those evident to a Spanish reader without CT has been a professional
spelling, but have a different, sometimes having to compare the text to the English translator for over 30 years. An
opposite, meaning. As their name indicates, original. Such errors include punctuation, ATA-certified English>Spanish
these words are very untrustworthy. Many capitalization, spelling, diacritical marks, translator and a member of
candidates tend to choose the word that grammar, and syntax. I say they are ATA’s Certification Committee,
looks like the English for their translation, “controllable” because ATA’s certification she has been a grader for ATA’s English>Spanish
and, in so doing, make a transfer error. The exam is an open-book exam. It is therefore certification exam for over 10 years. She is also
more an English word resembles a Spanish possible, and encouraged, for candidates to a state and federally certified court interpreter.
one, the more necessary it is to verify that consult dictionaries, grammar books, and She has a master’s degree in medical translation.
the meaning is the one that we need in the style manuals during the exam. As graders, Contact:
32 The ATA Chronicle | September/October 2019

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