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1. Introduction2

2. Case analyze 2

2.1 NTUC FairPrice Supermarket 2

2.2 Nestlé Global 4

2.3 Coca-Cola 6

3.Conclusion 8

4.Reference 9
Literature Review (LR) The social responsibility of the food

industry in participating in the UN SDGS


         The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS), adopted by the United Nations in

2015, are the common aspirations and goals of all countries in the world to eliminate
poverty, safeguard human rights, protect the ecological environment and ensure a
future in which all human beings can live in peace and harmony with nature (UNDP,
n.d.). These in turn include the SDGS in 17 different areas covering health,
environmental protection, education, social well-being, the economy, science and
technology, new forms of energy, infrastructure, international cooperation and actions
in each area affect outcomes in the others. Development must balance social,
economic and environmental sustainability (United Nations, n.d.). In many industries,
especially the food industry plays a key role in achieving some of the 17 SDGS. In
this article, I will analyze the cases of three food companies to find out what role they
actually play in the UN SDGS.

2. Case analyze

2.1 NTUC FairPrice Supermarket

        NTUC FairPrice Supermarket, formerly known as NTUC Welcome

Supermarket, is a project formally implemented in 1983 by NTUC FairPrice
corporation, the largest well-known supermarket retailer in Singapore. which has
occupied more than half of the market share in the same industry in Singapore (NTUC
Enterprice, n.d.). Their participation in the implementation of UN SDGS can be seen
from the sustainability report of FairPrice 2021 in Table 1.
Table 1

    As can be seen, ACFTU Fair Price has identified hunger eradication (Goal 2),
decent employment and economic growth (Goal 8) as priority areas for their
participation in the UN Sustainable Development Goals (FairPrice Group, 2022).
Specifically, they insist on providing low-cost and affordable food to the community;
Providing free food to the disadvantaged in the community through food donation
programs; Providing fresh produce to 200 low-income families in the community
(Goal 2), successfully contributing to the successful employment of over 130,000
people, and achieving bizSAFE certification in creating a safe and conducive work
environment for employees (Goal 8). The reason for their choice is that the company
that started FairPrice supermarkets was originally positioned as a "social enterprise",
which was proposed at the Singapore Scientific Symposium in 1969. Different from
other traditional enterprises, the core goal of "social enterprises" is to improve the
lives of community residents, serve the community and create benefits for the
community (NTUC Enterprice, n.d.). In other words, the emergence of FairPrice
supermarkets is to assume social responsibility and improve some practical problems
such as employment difficulties and the gap between rich and poor. It can also be seen
from Table 1 that FairPrice has made substantial efforts to achieve its corporate goals
and a certain area of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS) in 2021. In
terms of the corresponding UN SDGS, NTUC FairPrice has developed several
sustainability programmes such as the Fairprice-CSR Food Waste Reduction
Programme and the No Plastic Bag initiative within its overall strategy Carry out
projects necessary to achieve the company's ultimate goals, focusing on the
integration of UN SDGS and corporate mission

2.2 Nestlé Global

     Nestle is one of the world's largest food and beverage companies. Its products
include a wide range of products such as coffee, mineral water, dairy products and
confectionery. With its high quality products, Nestle has gained an international
presence and its operations cover more than 250 countries (Ahmed, n.d.). In 2020,
Nestle officially committed to actively supporting the realization of the Sustainable
Development Goals of the United Nations and taking environmental protection and
improving human health as key performance indicators of the company's business
(Myers, 2021). At the same time, they developed a framework for creating shared
value. To specifically evaluate corporate performance from sustainability related
indicators (Nestle CWA, n.d.). This is because Nestle finds that by supporting the
Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, it can find out the positive and
negative impacts of the enterprise in a more comprehensive and objective way, which
can continuously and greatly expand its influence in the international market.
Meanwhile, through the use of some renewable resources, Nestle can not only achieve
some sustainable goals but also effectively reduce the production cost of products.
(Nestle CWA, n.d.). It is evident from Table 2 that Nestle's contribution to sustainable
development from 2020 to 2022.

Table 2

As can be seen from the information in Table 2, Nestle has made contributions to the
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in recent years: (goal3); Gender
equality (goal 5); Decent work and economic growth (goal 8): clean water and
sanitation measures (goal 6); Responsible consumption and production (goal 12);
Living on land (Goal 14): living in the sea (Goal 15)(Nestle, 2023). Specifically, for
example, to achieve responsible consumption and production (Goal 12), health
(goal3) and living on land (goal 14) by reducing carbon dioxide and methane
produced in the production of dairy products, Nestle is actively working with external
partners to develop new equipment and improve feed composition to reduce
greenhouse gases produced in cows through "intestinal fermentation". Moreover,
Nestle also developed a natural biodegradable fertilizer based on worms, which can
effectively reduce methane emissions from pastures and improve the quality of land
near rural areas.

2.3 Coca-Cola 
   Coca-Cola is a popular carbonated drink invented in 1886 by John Pemberton, a
pharmacist from Atlanta, Georgia. Originally, the drink was made from coca leaves
and Kola nuts, which gave it its unique name. Today, Coca-Cola is sold in more than
200 countries worldwide and is considered one of the Fortune 500 companies in the
world. As a global brand, Coca-Cola is known for its marketing activities,
sponsorship of major sporting events and philanthropy (ThoughtCo, 2019). Some
parts of Coca-Cola's support for NU SDGS share similarities with NTUC FairPrice
Graph 1

As shown in Graph 1, Coca-Cola has cut more than 900,000 tons of added sugar from
all of its products in 2021 on the goal of achieving physical health (goal3);
Participation in Clean Water and Sanitation (goal6) has resulted in 167% of water
being returned to the country of origin and communities, with more than 18.5 million
people having access to clean water and achieving environmental and personal
hygiene, which is Coca-Cola's sustainability goal by 2021. simultaneously. Coca-Cola
is also committed to making a positive impact on the world, particularly in areas such
as gender equality (SDG 5), decent work and economic growth (SDG 8), responsible
consumption and production (SDG 12), underwater life (SDG 14), and partnerships to
achieve the goals (SDG 17). Through these initiatives, Coca-Cola aims to create a
more sustainable future and help achieve the United Nations' Sustainable
Development Goals (Noorlander, 2018).

     The basic step of Coca-Cola's strategic goal formulation and relevant business
implementation is to focus on and give top priority to sustainable development,
environment, society and governance, so as to better obtain a good and lasting social
impact for the company and more comprehensively meet the interests of all
stakeholders of Coca-Cola. Coca-cola is similar to NTUC FairPrice and Nestle in the
way it achieves the UN SDGS, but also through the integration of specific UN SDG-
related targets into "initiatives" or "plans" as part of the company's corporate
objectives (Coca-Cola, 2022). For example, the Supplemental Africa Initiative
(RAIN), designated to address safe water for at least 20.2 million people across Africa
in six years, worked with other partners to provide potable water, sanitation and
hygiene to more than two communities in eight African countries just six years
ago(Noorlander, 2018). And successfully provided safe drinking water to more than
20,000 people in Africa.

3. Conclusion 
Table 4

UN SDG/Company NTUC FairPrice Nestlé Global Coca-Cola

    Through the contribution of the above three well-known representative companies
in the food industry to the sustainability goals, it can be found in Table 4 that although
the three companies have different focuses on the types of sustainability goals they
pursue, NTUC FairPrice and Coca Cola are more focused on the sustainable goals
related to human health and the livelihood of community residents. Nestle, on the
other hand, makes important contributions to responsible production and protection of
ecological environment and wildlife (Nestlé, 2023). At the same time, they support
the UN SDGS by integrating development-focused sustainability goals with corporate
strategic values through the development of plans, goals, proposals, etc., or through
the establishment of a scientific and objective evaluation system based on a collection
of sustainability related indicators to monitor, control and support more specific
relevant sustainability measures. And then keep consistent with the ultimate
development direction of the enterprise (Coca-Cola, 2022).
      The methods and attitudes of the three geng enterprises in supporting UN SDGS
are worth learning from any company in the field, which is exposed to the adverse
effects of man-made and unsustainable activities such as climate change and
environmental pollution, as well as the disasters of human society caused by poverty
and unusable education caused by other political factors (Bubel et al., 2019). Every
enterprise should take constructive measures to improve some difficulties in reality
(Bubel et al., 2019) ; and show its efforts honestly and concretely to the society
(Bubel et al., 2019). The purpose is not only to support UN SDG, but also to enhance
its international influence and competitiveness, show its responsibility, promote
sustainable production and management, and improve employees' recognition of the
enterprise. Improve production efficiency and ensure the safety and stability of raw
material source and supply chain (Bubel et al., 2019). At the same time, in the process
of participating in the implementation of relevant plans of UN SDG, it can provide
enterprises with a broader and novel perspective, and provide rich and comprehensive
valuable information to assist enterprises in formulating relevant strategies (Bubel et
al., 2019). Supporting the implementation of UN SDGS can be significant to the long-
term growth of an enterprise.

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