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Combining Logic Gates

Lecture Content:
 Boolean Theorems
 De Morgan’s theorem and Identity
 Logic Circuit from a Boolean expression
 Minterm and maxterm Boolean expressions
 Boolean expression from a truth table
 Truth table from a Boolean expression
 Simplifying Boolean expressions
 Karnaugh mapping
 Combinational logic circuits is an interconnection of logic gates
to generate a specified logic function where the inputs result in
an immediate; having no memory or storage capabilities.
 Sometimes it is also called combinatorial logic.
 Digital circuits that have a memory or storage capability are
called sequential logic circuits (will be studied later).
 For the purpose of this combinational logic circuits, you will use
combining gates such as ANDs, ORs, and Inverter (NOT Gate)-
which can be use to solve logic problems that do not require
 To solve combinational logic problems, what do we need are:
 Truth table
 Boolean expressions
 Logic symbols
 Programming (e.g PLD (Programmable Logic Device)
Boolean Theorems
 Boolean Algebra is algebraic process used as a tool in
the design and analysis of digital systems. In Boolean
Algebra only two values are possible, 0 and 1.
 Boolean Theorems is a rules that can be applied to
Boolean algebra to simplify logic expressions.
 The theorems or laws that follow may represent an
expression containing more than one variable.
Boolean Theorems
Theorem (1) states that if any variable
is ANDed with 0, the result must be 0.

Theorem (2) is also obvious

by comparison with ordinary

Prove Theorem (3) by trying each case.

If x = 0, then 0 • 0 = 0
If x = 1, then 1 • 1 = 1
Thus, x • x = x

Theorem (4) can be proved

in the same manner.
Boolean Theorems
Theorem (5) is straightforward,
as 0 added to anything does not affect
value, either in regular addition or in
OR addition.

Theorem (6) states that if any variable

is ORed with 1, the is always 1.
Check values: 0 + 1 = 1 and 1 + 1 = 1.

Theorem (7) can be proved by

checking for both values of x:
0 + 0 = 0 and 1 + 1 = 1.

Theorem (8) can be proved similarly.

Boolean Theorems
Multivariable Theorems

Commutative laws

Associative laws

Distributive law
Boolean Theorems
Multivariable Theorems
Theorems (14) and (15) do not have counterparts
in ordinary algebra. Each can be proved by
trying all possible cases for x and y.
Analysis table & factoring
for Theorem (14)
DeMorgan’s Theorems
 Theorem 1:The complement of a sum (OR operation)
equals the product (AND operation) of the


 Theorem2: The complement of a product (AND

operation) equals the sum (OR operation) of the

DeMorgan’s Theorems

Equivalent circuits implied by Theorem (16)

The alternative symbol

for the NOR function.
DeMorgan’s Theorems

Equivalent circuits implied by Theorem (17)

The alternative symbol

for the NAND function.
Constructing Circuits from Boolean Expressions

 Boolean expressions come in two forms:

 Sum-of-products (SOP)/Minterm form
 e.g: A.B + B.C = Y
 Product-of-sums (POS)/Maxterm form
 e.g: (A+B).(B+C) = Y
Constructing Circuits from Boolean Expressions

 Example of S.O.P
 Suppose you are given the Boolean expression:

From this expression,

A.B  C.D  Y
you can see that there
are three logic gates
involved ; 1 OR and
2 AND gates.

 Step 1: Look at the Boolean expression and note that

you must OR A.B with C.D

Constructing Circuits from Boolean Expressions

 Step 2: Add AND gate at the top input.

 Step 3: Add another AND gate at the bottom input.

Constructing Circuits from Boolean Expressions

 Another example of S.O.P

 Suppose you are given the Boolean expression:

A.C  B.C  A.B.C  Y

 Step 1: Look at the Boolean expression and note that
you must OR A.C with B.C with A.B.C

Constructing Circuits from Boolean Expressions

 Step 2: Add AND gate at the top with input A and C.

 Step 3: Add another AND gate at the middle with input

B and C’ .
Constructing Circuits from Boolean Expressions

 Step 4: Add another AND gate at the bottom with input

B and C’ .
Constructing Circuits from Boolean Expressions

 Example of P.O.S
 Suppose you are given the Boolean expression:

From this expression,

( A  B).(C  D)  Y you can see that there

are three logic gates
involved ; 1 AND and
2 OR gates.

 Step 1: Look at the Boolean expression and note that

you must AND A  B with C  D

Constructing Circuits from Boolean Expressions

 Step 2: Add OR gate at the top input.

 Step 3: Add another OR gate at the bottom input.

Constructing Circuits from Boolean Expressions

 Another example of P.O.S

 Suppose you are given the Boolean expression:

( A  B  C ).(A  B)  Y
 Step 1: Look at the Boolean expression and note that
you must AND A  B  C with A  B

Constructing Circuits from Boolean Expressions

 Step 2: Add OR gate at the top input.

 Step 3: Add another OR gate at the bottom input.

Boolean Expression from Truth Table
 Truth table: is a logic table that depicts a circuit’s
output response to the various combinations of the
logic levels at its inputs.
 It is another precise method of describing how a
logic circuit works.
 From truth table, we can convert information from
truth-table form to a Boolean expression.
Boolean Expression from Truth Table
 Example: Write the Boolean expression that
describe the logic in this truth table.
Step 1:
Input Output Focus only the truth table lines with
ABC Y outputs of 1
000 0
001 0 Step 2:
010 1 AND the inputs for these two lines and
011 0
logically OR the ANDed groups.
100 0
101 0
110 0
111 1
A.B.C  A.B.C  Y

*Reminded: The Boolean expressions you worked

with were in in SOP(Minterm ) form.
Boolean Expression from Truth Table
 Example: Converting from SOP to POS Boolean
Step 1: (SOP term)
Input Output
Step 2:
000 0 The expression consist of 3-variable. Therefore, all
001 0 possible combinations are 8. The SOP expression has 2 of
010 1
these combinations. Then, POS expression is (8-2=6)
011 0
100 0
which 6 expression.
101 0
110 0 000,001,011,100,101,110
111 1
Step 3:
The equivalent POS expression is:
Truth Table from Boolean Expression
Example: Develop a truth table for the following expression.
A.B  A.B.C  Y

A.B. (C  C )
1( BooleanRule)
Input Output
Step 1: ABC Y
Place single 1 output column for
000 0
term with three variables. 001 0
010 1
Step 2: 011 1
Place two 1s in output column for 100 0
term with two variables. 101 0
110 0
Step 3: 111 1
Fill in 0s for the rest column.
Simplifying Boolean Expressions

 Example: Simplify the logic circuit shown.

 The first step is to determine the expression for the

z  ABC  AB( AC )
Simplifying Boolean Expressions

 once the expression is determined, break down

large inverter signs by DeMorgan’s theorem &
multiply out all terms.

 Factoring –the first & third terms above have AC in

common, which can be factored out:

 Since B+B’=1, then…

Simplifying Boolean Expressions

 Factor out A, which results in…..

z = A(C + B)
Simplifying Boolean Expressions

 Example: Simplify the logic circuit shown.

 See the expression for output:

Simplifying Boolean Expressions

 Factorize the second two terms

 We left, (Y=A’.B + A).

 But, from theorem 15(a).……(X’.Y + X = X+Y)
 Therefore; Y=A+B
Karnaugh Map (K-Map)

 Karnaugh map provides a systematic method for

simpifying Boolean expressions.
 Since it presents all possible values of input
variables, K-Map is similar to truth table.
 K-Map can be used for expressions with two, three,
and four variables.
Karnaugh Map (K-Map)

 2-variables K-Map :
 For 2-variables; number of cell are 22 = 4
 From previous example, you were given Boolean

00 0 0 1
01 1 1 1
10 1
11 1 Marking 1s on a Karnaugh map
Karnaugh Map (K-Map)

 2-variables K-Map :
 Loop adjacent 1s (loops of two, four, or eight
The bottom loop:
A is included along with a B and a B’
The B and B’ terms can be eliminated according
0 1 to the rules of Boolean algebra. This leaves the A
term in the bottom loop.
1 1
The vertical loop:
Looping 1s together on a It contains an A and a A’, which are eliminated,
Karnaugh map leaving only a B term.

The leftover A and B terms are then ORed
together, and giving the simplified Boolean
expression A + B = Y
Karnaugh Map (K-Map)

 3-variables K-Map :
 For 3-variables; number of cell are 23 = 8
 Example: Given the unsimplified Boolean
expression (3 variables):

000 1 1 1
001 1
010 0
011 0
100 1
101 0 1
110 1
111 0 Marking 1s on a Karnaugh map
Karnaugh Map (K-Map)

 3-variables K-Map :

Top (horizontal) loop:
1 1 C’+C can be eliminated. Left A’.B’

Vertical loop:
B and B’, which are eliminated, leaving
only a A.C’ term.
Simplified Boolean expression:
Looping 1s and eliminating variables
Y=A.C’ + A’.B’
Karnaugh Map (K-Map)

 4-variables K-Map :
 For 4-variables; number of cell are 24 = 16
 Example: Simplify the following expression.

A.B.C.D  A.B.C.D  A.B.C.D 

A.B.C.D  A.B.C.D  A.B.C.D  Y
Karnaugh Map (K-Map)
A.B.C.D  A.B.C.D  A.B.C.D 
A.B.C.D  A.B.C.D  A.B.C.D  Y

1 1
Simplified Boolean expression:
1 1
A.B.C  A.D  Y
1 1
Looping 1s and eliminating variables

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