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Workforce Analytics Dashboard

Goal Goal
Recruitment KPI Hiring KPI > 50% Onboarding KPI Performance KPI > 95%

Time to Hire (Days Avg) Goal: <30 days Net Promotor Score- Candidate Hiring Experience New Hires within the Last 12 Months 0 Staff meeting performance metric

To date: 0.0 Candidates Giving Score 9-10 0 New Hires Left within the Last 12 Month 0 To date: 0.0%
Candidates Giving Score 0-6 0 New Hire Turnover Rate 0.0%
Average Time to Hire (days)
Net Promotor Score: 0.0% Engagement KPI

Internal Promotion Rate 0.0%

Turnover KPI
Employees Active this Month 0
Employees Left this Month 0

Absenteeism KPI Employee Turnover Rate this Month 0.0%

Absenteeism Rate this Month Goal < 10%
Hire d Du ring Mo nth
Month to Date: 0.0%
Workforce Analytics Dashboard Inputs
*Enter data in yellow cells below and load employee list below

Time to Hire (Days) to Date Time to hire = (Date of hire) - (date candidate ent
Candidate Hiring Experience (Net Promotor Score) NPS = (% candidates who rate the exp 9 or 10) - (%
New Hires the Last 12 Months (rolling)
New Hires Left within 12 Months (rolling)
New Hire Turnover New Hire Turnover = (total # new hires left) / (tot
Employees Active this Month
Employees Left this Month
Employee Turnover Rate this Month Employee Turnover Rate = (total # employees left
Performance KPI Met Performance Rate = (# employees meeting perfor
Internal Promotion Rate Internal promotion rate = (Total # active promote
Up-to-Date Training Up to date training rate = (Total # active employe
Absenteeism Rate this Month Absenteeism Rate = (Total # absent days per emp
Number of Work Days this Month

Max 12-Months
Start Month-Year

Hired this Month

Average Time to Hire (days)

Employee List*
Paste employee list below; max 1000 employees
Name Department Date Entered ATS
e = (Date of hire) - (date candidate enters applicant tracking system)
andidates who rate the exp 9 or 10) - (% of candidates who rate the exp 0-6)

urnover = (total # new hires left) / (total new hires) x 100

Turnover Rate = (total # employees left) / (total # employees at the beginning of the period) x 100
ce Rate = (# employees meeting performance metric) - ( # active employees) x 100
omotion rate = (Total # active promoted employees) / (total # active employees) *100
training rate = (Total # active employees up-to-date in training) / (total # active employees)
m Rate = (Total # absent days per employee) / (total # working days) x 100

Date Hired Days to Hir Date Removed Days Absent This Mon100% Performance Met
Value 0.0
Pointer 5.0
End 195.0

Training Up-to-Date NPS Rating Promoted? Status

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