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*an anti-social behavior or act which does not conform with the *association with delinquent gangs *based

*based on the view that both thought and behavior have biological
standards of society and social bases
*characterized by disobedience to, or disrespect for, authorities
*youth behavior which is against the norms and regulations of *contemporary explanation of the biogenic approach
society which if left unchecked would give rise to criminality *the doctrine that does not consider delinquent acts as criminal
violation, thus making delinquents non-criminal persons and *has three sub-theories: biochemical, neurological and genetics
*describes a large number of disapproved behavior of children or cannot be found guilty of a crime and punished like an adult
youth criminal *views that crime and delinquency, especially violence, are the
result of diet, vitamin intake, hormonal imbalance and other
*anti-social acts or behavior of children which deviate from the *views minor who violate the laws as victims of improper care, biological causes
normal pattern of rules and regulations, custom and culture which custody and treatment at home
society does not accept and which therefore justify some kind of *explains that crime and delinquency occur because the individual
admonition, punishment or corrective measures in the public *assumption by the State of the role of guardian over children suffers from brain impairment or abnormality in the structure of
interest whose parents are deemed incapable or unworthy the brain

*a child or a young person, who, under the legal system may be *the authority of the state to act on behalf of the children *learning disabilities such as attention deficit/ hyperactive disorder
dealt with for an offense in a manner different from that of an and minimum brain dysfunction are related to antisocial behavior
*characterized by occasional law-breaking
*explains that delinquent traits and predisposition to criminality
*persons below the age of majority, that is, below eighteen years *characterized by chronic law-breaking, a habit which this type are inherited from parents
old cannot avoid or escape from
*criminality of parents can predict delinquency of children
*majority commences at the age of eighteen (18) years *characterized by serious emotional disturbances within the
individual and in some cases associated with tendencies towards *supported by research on twin studies and adoption studies
*freedom from parental authority, both over his person and mental illness
*views delinquency as a result of emotional and mental
*an aggressive youth who resents authority of anyone who makes disturbance of the individual
*happens upon reaching the age of eighteen years an effort to control his behavior
*contemporary explanation of the psychogenic approach
*the law amending the age of majority *one who has internalized his conflicts and is preoccupied with his
own feelings *has three sub-theories: psychodynamic, behavioral and cognitive
*lowered the age of majority from twenty-one (21) to eighteen (18)
years *one whose delinquent acts have a cold, brutal and vicious quality *based on the psychoanalytic theory of Sigmund Freud
for which the youth feels no remorse
*approved on 13 December 1989 *delinquency is the result of the imbalance of the three
*one who is essentially sociable and law-abiding but happens to be components of personality: id, ego and superego
*one whose behavior has brought him into repeated conflict with at the wrong time and place and becomes involved in delinquent
the law regardless whether he has been taken before a court and acts not typical of his general behavior
*delinquency is the product of the abnormal personality structure
adjudged a delinquent formed in early life and which thereafter controls human behavior
*gives an explanation that law violations and delinquency are a choices
*one who has committed an offense that violated the approved result of some physical defects
norms of conduct and is guilty of a misdeed
*believes that individuals learn by observing how people react to
*argues that the critical factors in delinquency are personality their behavior
*certain acts or omissions which may not be punishable socially or problems to which misbehavior is presumed to be the response
legally if committed by adults but become anti-social or illegal
*behavior is reinforced by some positive reaction, and behavior is
because the offender is a minor, such as: *attributes delinquency pattern to social structures extinguished if punished
*truancy, or frequent, unreasonable absenteeism from school *views youthful misdeed as a result of a learning process through *misbehavior of children if left unchecked will persist until
interactions with other members of society adolescence
*use of profane language *running away from home
*based on the classical school of criminology that views an *views that delinquency is a result of the faulty perception and
*smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages individual as having free will in choosing his actions and that he analysis of data of an individual
calculates what he will gain or lose if he commits an act
*disobedience to parents, guardians or school officials *believes that when an individual make decisions, he engages in a
*views the delinquent as a motivated offender who breaks the law sequence of cognitive thought processes:
*mendicancy or begging in the streets because he or she perceives an abundance of benefits and an
absence of threat
*delinquency-prone adolescents may have cognitive deficits and later it became the basis of the juvenile justice system in the *its main goal was to separate wayward, non-dangerous youths
use information incorrectly when they make decisions Philippines. from institutions housing delinquents and to remove adolescents
from institutions housing adult offenders
*views delinquency as a product of the different social factors and *the basis of the juvenile justice system in the Philippines.
dynamics *a court that has original jurisdiction over persons defined by
*in 1535, statutes which mandated the appointed of overseers who statute as juveniles and alleged to be delinquents or status
*has four groups of theories which in turn contain several sub- placed destitute or neglected children with families who then offenders
theories: social structure theories, social process theories, social trained them in agricultural, trade or domestic services; this
reaction theories and social conflict theories practice is called indenture |PD 603| |RA 7610||RA 6809||RA 8552||RA 8043||RA 9208|

*hold that delinquency is a function of a person’s place in the *in 1601, a system was created wherein church workers with the |RA 9231||RA 9255||RA 9262||RA 9523||RA 9344||RA 9775|
economic structure consent of justice of the peace identified vagrant, delinquent and
neglected children and took measures to put them to work; these *THE CHILD AND YOUTH WELFARE CODE
*view delinquency as a result of poor or faulty socialization or children were placed in workhouses until their adulthood
upbringing *approved on 10 December 1974
*protected the property rights and welfare of minor children who
*view delinquent acts and criminality as products of stigma and could not care for themselves
*effectivity date is 10 June 1975 (six months after approval)
*the courts dealt with issues of guardianship and the use and *shall apply to persons under eighteen (18) years of age
*maintain that everyone has the potential to become a criminal but control of property
most people are controlled by their bonds to society
*PATRIA POTESTAS *(“father of the country”)
*the courts operated under the parens patriae philosophy which
*the first and most basic institution of society responsible for held that children were under the protective control of the state
*the sum total of the rights of the parents over the person and
developing a child’s potential in all its aspects like physical, property of their child
emotional, spiritual, moral, intellectual and social *the practice of indenture and chancery courts in England were
adopted by the states of Virginia, Connecticut and Massachusetts,
however, those youths who committed serious criminal offenses *the exercise of which has no distinction between a legitimate and
*molds the child to learn to curb his desires and to accept rules that an illegitimate child
define the time, place and circumstances under which highly continued to be tried in the same courts as adults
personal needs may be satisfied in socially acceptable ways
*middle-class civic leaders, who referred to themselves as CHILD *the father and the mother shall exercise jointly just and
SAVERS began to develop organizations and groups to help reasonable parental authority and responsibility over their
*consists of father, mother and children legitimate or adopted children
alleviate the burdens of the poor and immigrants by sponsoring
shelter care for youths, educational and social activities and the
*consists of father, mother, children, grandparents, uncles and *in case of death of either parent, the surviving parent shall
aunts, cousins, nephews and niences, and in-laws development of settlement houses; this was called the CHILD
SAVING MOVEMENT exercise sole parental authority
*considered the second home of a child, with teachers as the *in case of disagreement, the father’s decision shall prevail unless
second parents *they are responsible for creating a number of programs for
indigent youths, including the New York House of Refuge, a there is a judicial order to the contrary
reformatory, which began operations in 1825
*institution responsible for the training of young person’s *the sum total of the duties and obligations of parents over their
intellectual, moral, as well as social skills which they need for them minor children
to grow up as productive, law-abiding and responsible citizens *the House of Refuge was created to protect indigent youths who
were at risk to crime by taking them off the streets and reforming
them in a family-like environment *parents and guardians are responsible for the damage or injury
*the culture, norms and behavior of the child’s surroundings may caused by the child under their parental authority
very well influence the upbringing of the child especially during
their formative years and such misbehavior learned is likely to be *the first comprehensive juvenile court was established in Illinois
carried on until the child’s maturity in 1899 through the passage of the Illinois Juvenile Court Act of *in case of separation of parents, no child under SEVEN (7) YEARS
1899 which set up an independent court to handle criminal law OF AGE shall be separated from his mother unless the court
violations by children under sixteen (16) years of age, as well as to decides otherwise
*Some of the behavior modification by means of imitation as care for neglected, dependent, and wayward youths
brought about by environmental influence:
*a trust relation of the most sacred character, in which one person,
*the purpose of the act was to separate juveniles from adult called a guardian, acts for another, called a ward, regarded as
*The modern practice of legally separating adult and juvenile offenders and provide a legal framework in which juveniles could incapable of managing his own affairs
offenders can be traced back to two developments in English get adequate care and custody
custom and law that occurred centuries ago: the development of
POOR LAWS and the creation of the English CHANCERY COURTS. *in case of absence or death of both parents, substitute parental
Both were designed to allow the state to take control of the lives of *Congress passed the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency authority shall be given to the following, in order of priority:
needy but not necessarily criminal children. This system was Prevention Act of 1974 to identify the needs of youths and to fund
brought to the United States where it was developed further until programs in the juvenile justice system *grandparents

*oldest brother or sister at least 21 years of age *socially incompetent, socially inadequate, occupationally child-caring agency, freed of the parental authority of his or her
incompetent and unable to manage their own affairs biological parents or guardians or adopter, in case of rescission
*relative who has actual custody of the child/guardian duly
appointed by the court *retarded intellectually from birth or early age *refers to a child in whose favor a certification was issued by the
DSWD that he or she is legally available for adoption after the fact
*the CIVIL PERSONALITY of the child shall commence from the *retarded at maturity *mentally sub-normal of abandonment or neglect has been proven through the
MOMENT OF CONCEPTION submission of pertinent documents, or one who was voluntarily
committed by his or her parents or legal guardian (RA 9523)
*mentally deficient as a result of constitutional origin through
*the union of the sperm cell and the egg cell heredity or disease
*one whose parents or legal guardian knowingly and willingfully
*also called the process of fertilization *the start of life relinquished parental authority to the DSWD or any duly
*crippled, deaf-mute, blind and other conditions which restrict
their means of action or communication with others accredited child-placement or child caring agency or institution
*pertains to the identity and recognition of an individual as person
having rights *refers to a private non-profit or government agency duly
*those who, although not afflicted with insanity or mental defect,
are unable to maintain normal social relations with others and the accredited by the DSWD that provides twenty-four (24) hour
*shall commence from the moment of conception, thus all children community in general due to emotional problems or complexes residential care services for abandoned, neglected, or voluntarily
shall have the right to be born and the right to live committed children (RA 9523)
*may be caused by traumatic experiences
*the expulsion of the fetus from the mother’s womb *refers to a private non-profit institution or government
*those with any behavioral disorder, whether functional or
*classified as intentional or unintentional as provided by the organic, which is of such a degree of severity as to require *agency duly accredited by the DSWD that receives and processes
Revised Penal Code professional help or hospitalization applicants to become foster or adoptive parents and facilitate
placement of children eligible for foster care or adoption
*recommended and performed by a certified physician when there *includes mentally-retarded, physically-handicapped, emotionally-
are health risks and complications disturbed and mentally-ill children *any Filipino citizen of legal age at least sixteen (16) years older
than the adoptee unless the adopter is the biological parent of the
*not punishable by law *punishable by law adoptee, or is the spouse of the adoptee’s biological parent
*an act by which relations of paternity and filiations are
recognized as legally existing between persons not so related by
*CATEGORIES OF CHILDREN (*ibigay) nature *any alien possessing the same qualifications as that of a Filipino
citizen, who has been living in the Philippines for at least three (3)
consecutive years, and whose country has diplomatic relations
*one who is without a parent, guardian or custodian, or whose *the taking into one’s family of the child of another, as son or
parents, guardian or other custodian for good cause desire to be with the Philippines
daughter and heir, and conferring on it a title to the rights and
relieved of his care and custody and is dependent upon the public privileges of such
for support *any person below eighteen (18) years of age judicially declared
available for adoption
*the acknowledgment of the father of his relationship with the
*one who had no proper parental care or guardianship or whose child
parents or guardians have deserted him for a period of at least six *the legitimate son or daughter of one spouse by the other spouse
consecutive months (PD 603)
*also called paternity *essentially incurable
*an illegitimate son or daughter by a qualified adopter to improve
*refers to a child who has no proper parental care or guardianship, his or her status to that of legitimacy
or whose parents have deserted him or her for a period of at least *natural-born child of the parents
three (3) continuous months (RA 9523 *a person of legal age if prior to the adoption, said person has been
*a child who underwent the judicial process of adoption consistently considered and treated by the adopter as his or her
*one whose basic needs have been deliberately unattended or own child since minority
inadequately attended *refers to a deserted or abandoned infant or child whose parents,
guardian or relatives are unknown *a child whose adoption has been previously rescinded
*a child is unattended when left by himself without provision for
his needs and without proper supervision *DOMESTIC ADOPTION ACT OF 1998 *a child whose biological or adoptive parents has died, but
proceedings may only be initiated after six (6) months from the
*neglect may occur in two ways: *approved on 25 February 1998 time of the death of the parents

*Malnourishment, untidy and damaged clothing, no shelter *the person adopting or petitioning for the adoption of a child *a period of time within which a social worker oversees the
adjustment and emotional readiness of both adopter and adoptee
*the child or person being petitioned for adoption in stabilizing their filial relationship
*maltreated, raped, seduced, abused, exploited, made to work
under conditions not conducive to good health or placed in moral
and physical danger *a child who has been voluntarily or involuntarily committed to *the period is at least six (6) months
the DSWD or to a duly licensed and accredited child-placing or

*the nullification of the adoption *the law giving DSWD the sole authority to issue the certification *Balong is below eighteen years old, he commits the crime of rape.
declaring a child legally available for adoption Under R.A. 9344 what do you call to Balong for committing the
*adoption shall not be subject to rescission by the adopter crime?
*amended provisions of RA 8552 and RA 8043
*repeated physical and verbal maltreatment by the adopter despite *Children can be recruited as member of AFP? YES OR NO?
having undergone counseling *approved on 12 March 2009
*It refers to a cradle of Human Society?
*attempt on the life of the adoptee *SPECIAL PROTECTION OF CHILDREN AGAINST CHILD ABUSE,
*sexual assault or violence. *approved on 7 June 1995
*approved on 17 June 1992
*abandonment and failure to comply with parental obligations
*this law is also commonly referred to as the Anti-Child Abuse Act
*violated by the individuals who classified as minors
*the socio-legal process of adopting a Filipino child by a foreigner
or a Filipino citizen permanently residing abroad where the *another terminologies for Nuclear Family
petition is filed, the supervised trial custody is undertaken and the
decree of adoption is issued outside the Philippines *What is the goal of JD? *CICL stands for?

*acts as the central authority in matters relating to inter-country *Did the identity of the young delinquent can be released on the
adoption television?

*shall act as the policy-making body for purposes of carrying out *Ano ang tawag sa batang nakalabag sa tinatawag nating
the provisions of RA 8043, in consultation and coordination with "NORMS"?
the DSWD
*tawag sa iniappoint ng authority doon sa bata
*headed by the Secretary of the DSWD as ex officio chairman and
six (6) members to be appointed by the President, with a term of
*a child who vulnerable to risk of committing for criminal
office of six (6) years offensive
*any alien or a Filipino citizen permanently residing abroad *refers to taking Child in Conflict with the Law into the custody
*at least twenty-seven (27) years of age *refers to 24 hours child caring institution/emergency situation
*at least sixteen (16) years older than the adoptee unless the *may pondo ang government para sa katulad nilang mga bata, and
adopter is the parent by nature of the adoptee or the spouse of such it was distributed by their barangay
*Juvenile Delinquency is now unacceptable to the country under
*coming from a country with whom the Philippines has diplomatic Republic Act 9344 and it is now called _________.
*Emancipation is also called as ________.
*possesses all the qualifications provided in other applicable
Philippine laws
*It is types of juvenile offender who commit offenses that if
committed by adults would not considered crime.
*shall be filed either with:
*Students failing to attend their classes for 20 days without any
1. reasonable cause and this may be attributed to the school’s
2. proximity to place of vices, unattractive school life, failing grades,
strict and unreasonable mentors, family and domestic problems,
*the Philippine Regional Trial Court; or fear of school bullies and fear of punishment.

*the Inter-Country Adoption Board, through an intermediate *Ricky commits the crime of rape at the age of eighteen years old
agency in the country of the prospective adoptive parents but below twenty one years old. What do you call to Ricky for
committing the crime?
*shall be at least six (6) months

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