All-In-One QR Code Id Card: A Mechanism To Easy Access On Teachers' Information

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An Action Research Entry for the Municipal Research Congress





October 2019

“The ultimate promise of technology is to make us master of a

world that we command by the push of a button.”
-Volker Grassmuck

Researchers concentrated on this study to lighten the overload job of teachers,

ADAS and even the School Head. The reason that most of them cannot handle
anymore the time on task submission of papers needed by the higher office due to
working overload. As the researchers observed that the ADAS frequently reminding the
School Heads about the lacking of information and ID Numbers on the data sheet of the
teachers, after then, she relayed the information to the teachers who were imparting
knowledge on that moment. So, the teachers needed to find their pouch or purse, which
wasted their time to write their ID numbers and lacking of other information, however,
what if, not all the information are made of plastic IDs like plantilla numbers, date of
assignment orders or even the seminars, trainings and workshops’ certificates of the
QR code or Quick Response code (Waters, 2017) is a type of 2D bar code that is
used to provide easy access to information through smartphone. The main advantage of
the application is to store all employees’ data as programmed in an ID Card with a QR
Code. Using a cellphone with a barcode reader application, the stored employees’ data
can be retrieved easily. This study aimed to modernize the current practice of finding
the teachers' information from a bunch of folders with, oftentimes incorrect data, or what
we call 201 files to a better access process.
This study employed a qualitative method of research. A teacher, an
Administrative Assistant and School Head assigned at Libi Integrated School were
selected regardless of their age, ethnicity and gender, as respondents of the study.
The selected respondents allowed for in-depth interviews. Through interviews
that guide the conversation (Seidman, 1998), but allow for participants to provide
information that is important to them. An open ended questions, that the common
answers coming from the teacher, Administrative Assistant and School Head will be
noted and considered as standard and typical.

As a result, most collective reactions coming from teacher, ADAS and School
Head regarding the issues, concerns, gaps and problems encountered by the School
when it comes to teachers’ information were the information especially in Personal Data
Sheet which were delayed due to misplaced of ID numbers and personal information
and they longing for having a device for faster relaying of teachers’ information for
submission purposes.

The researchers would like to acknowledge with all sincerity and gratitude, the
persons who helped them in the preparation for this research work:

Sir Melvin S. Calixton, PhD, Assistant to the Principal of Romana Acharon

Elementary School, who shared his expertise on research and procedure of conducting
this study;

Sir Ariston V. Sentasas, PSDS of Malapatan 2 District, who widely opened the
gate of optimism in the aspect of Research Congress;

Mrs. Edna T. Lerios, Principal I of Libi Integrated School, who untiringly support
the action research to become impeccable and standard among the other research

Mr. Rennie T. Quiachon, their mentor and principal of Tuyan Integrated School
for giving great ideas and encouraging the researchers to be more enthusiastic and
confident in line with ICT;

Geneveve A. Asuncion, Malapatan 2 District Action Research Coordinator, who

assessed their research for the improvement and checking of grammar;

Mary Grace A. Amora and Michelle C. Cortel, Administrative Assistants, who

shared their insights and perceptions on the status of relaying of information in
Malapatan 2 District;

Ricca Joy C. Joriza, Ulynne Jane A. Mariñas, Edson S. Planas, Ailyn D. Sayde
and Chris G. Patlingrao, their friends who helped administer and handling the
interviewees for conducting this study and giving an inspiration to them to work hard for
the goodness and improvements of the school through action research;

Above all, the Almighty God who gives strength, courage, good health and
wisdom to overcome all the obstacles encountered in their challenging endeavor, for
giving them wings the strength to soar high and for the blessing them the gift of life.
Context and Rationale

Most of the teachers deal with their Personal Data Sheet and other filling up of
forms with sluggishness and slowness due to finding some of their government ID
cards, other ID numbers and other needed information. Thus, oftentimes, they
submitted their information sheets beyond the deadline imposed.

Tomacruz (2018) found out that teachers have their paperworks and teaching
overload and have lesser time to compile their job updates and personal information
such like plantilla numbers, GSIS numbers, PAG IBIG mid, employee number and even
their places and dates of their Licensure Examination. They just need to find their
compilation of 201 files in their cabinets to retrieve some of their PDS to review their
previous information. As all know that teachers need to have a copies for all of those
for their annual, semi-annual or quarterly updates.

Researchers had a thought about the dilemma and grumble of their co-teachers
and school head. Besides, they observed the challenges encountered by the
Administrative Assistants of calling the attention of the school head because of lack of
information or incorrect data filled in. It could consumed (Makin, 2010) so much time to
seek all of the ID Numbers and other information needed for the updates or filling up of
forms. So the researcher aimed to propose the All-in-One QR Code ID Card: A
Mechanism to Easy Access on Teachers’ Information.
Innovation, Intervention, and Strategy

Teachers have atleast five ID cards in their purse or pouch – mostly PAG IBIG
Mid, GSIS, School or DepEd ID, PRC, etc. These ID cards are useful in their
transactions as proof of identity. However, these numbers within the ID cards are not
enough for the information because not all the numbers needed are made as ID cards
such like plantilla numbers, agency employee number or even the OR / CR of vehicles.
Besides, teachers need their cabinets with a bunch of folders to find some previous

Smartphones are now considered as part of the needs of the teachers and even
other people due to contact number information and also a communication to their loved
ones. Mostly, it is part of their pleasure and entertainment because of other apps for
games and web-browsing. So they called it as “Hand-Chain Device” nowadays that
most of the people spend more than 2 hours of using smartphone (Curtin, 2018).

Thus, to have a good view regarding with this matter of smartphone, researchers
studied and explored the useful side of the gadget. Moreover, the researchers realized
that in some easy ways they can help to lighten the burden of teachers in a single ID
card that all of the personal information, ID card and documentation numbers merged

The researchers wished to seek the issues, concerns, gaps and problems by the
School when it comes to teachers’ information. Further, possibly the All-in-One QR
Code ID Card can eases the difficulties of the teachers, which associate and affect the
job of the Administrative Assistants and the School Head, as well.
Action Research Questions

The purpose of this study was to determine the All-in-One QR Code ID Card: A
Mechanism to Easy Access on Teachers’ Information. The research questions that
guided to this study were:

1. What are the issues, concerns, gaps and problems encountered by the
School when it comes to teachers’ information?

1.1 Teacher

1.2 Administrative Assistant

1.3 School Head

2. What are the benefits that can be derived using the All-in-One QR Code ID

3. What is the process of using All-in-One QR Code ID Card?

Action Research Methods

A. Research Participants

The respondents of this study were a teacher, an Administrative Assistant and

School Head of Libi Integrated School regardless of their age, ethnicity and gender.

B. Data Gathering Methods

After getting the approval of the PSDS, the researchers conducted the research
to target respondents. The researchers used in-depth interviews for this research. The
teacher was given a time to fix herself and given the chance to choose her vacant time
which cannot distract some of her classes for one-by-one interview. The researchers
personally interviewed the teacher. And the open ended questions, answers that were
given by the teacher with the most related, highlighted and give emphasis to the study
were noted.

Further, the researchers also used in-depth interviews for Administrative

Assistant, as well as the School Head, and borrowed their lunch time as enhancing the
time on tasks implementation in the district.
Results and Reflection

The research design involved utilization of qualitative research methods in

addressing the in-depth interview to the teachers, ADAS and School Head.

1. This result the issues, concerns, gaps and problems encountered by the
School when it comes to teachers’ information

1.1 Teacher
Based on the actual interview of the teacher and the researchers noted her most
related answers that most of the submission deadline is unexpected and abrupt. And
so, she had no enough time to find her personal information copy and previous
Personal Data Sheet. Besides, some of her information like plantilla and other paper –
documents were safe keep in their house since it considered as “original”.

“It is so difficult to leave our documents to the office or classroom especially the
letter of appointment and other related documents, or bringing it with us everyday
because it may lost or drop somewhere. And as we all know that they are just papers, not
plastic IDs, and prone to damp or wet.”

She added that the higher office must give enough time to collect their recent
information since they are designated as teachers.

She desired that there must be a database that can save all of their needed
information in a thing or in their cellphone and can easily transfer or submit to the
Administrative Assistants in a short period of time. As discussed, the teacher said:

“I am thinking that someway, teachers will have the same Learners Information
System that can save all of our information, because we, teachers cannot memorize all of
our information and we just need to find first our 201 files to refer. And we admit
oftentimes we forgot our ID numbers and we just filled up of different numbers just to
complete the forms.”

Undeniable, most of the teachers had the agony on gathering their information
due to seeking for their bunch of folders in their cabinets.

1.2 Administrative Assistant

Since they were considered as the gateway through submission of papers to the
higher office, they had the big roles and crucial part on finalizing teachers’ information.
ADAS had the most pressured job in counting minutes against the deadline imposed.

“Incomplete papers, sir. But the worst part is the PDS in the 201 file which are
incomplete and incorrect data filled in even it is annual requirements… Instead 201 file
is reliable and if any case we need to submit some data in the Division Office, we need to
refer to this, however 201 file submitted by the teachers were lacking of information.”

She also added:

“It is also hassle for me to open a teachers’ folders one-by-one or singly. And it
is time consuming for us as ADAS with more than 50 teachers. It is maybe better to have
a device or online of 201 file or Personal Data Sheet and to be updated every school

Administrative Assistant shared their sufferings on having problems and issues to

Personal Data Sheet and longing for a device that can have the full and exact teachers’

1.3 School Head

Researchers interviewed the School Head of Libi Integrated School as one of the
respondents of this study. She stressed out regarding the calling of attention of teachers
due to lacking of information that to be submitted or collected for different purposes:
“Most of the teachers cannot filled up the other information on the said day
because most of their papers and information… they carried it to their home because
most of it were authentic. The same with their original certificates of trainings and
seminars. So, we cannot blame them because it is their own important documents.”

She imparted some ideas that it is better to safe keep all of the documents than
to put it to the office and will be lost. She also added that:

“Maybe, there is an instrument that can keep all of the information of a teacher,
not a computer or laptop because it is too bulky and cannot carry on hand. Maybe just
like USB to put all of their information there.”

As also longing for the School Head to have a device or gadget just like flash
drive to save all the information of a teacher with its exact ID numbers and references
as the owner.

2. This result the benefits that can be derived using the All-in-One QR Code ID

Through understandings of Teachers, ADAS, and School Heads issues and

problems encountered by the school, the researchers resolved this by utilizing of All-in-
One QR Code ID Card. It can help to save information such like ID numbers, personal
information, or even the dates and places of seminars and trainings. It can also link and
send to the School Head, if needed, or to the ADAS through Bluetooth, SMS, Notepad,
Facebook, Gmail, and even on Messages or Texts without retyping it.

This will help to lighten the workload of teachers, fast communication and
submission of school heads, and prevent time wasting of Administrative Assistants.
3. This result the process of using All-in-One QR Code ID Card

All-in-One ID Card composed of 3 QR Codes:

a) Personal Information,
b) Work Experience Information, and
c) Learning & Development Interventions / Training Programs Attended

As shown the contents of different QR Codes attached on ID Card.

a) Personal Information

c) Learning & Development Interventions

/ Training Programs Attended

b) Work Experience Information

There are 3 easy steps to send it to the School Head and/or Administrative
1. Get
2. Scan
3. Send

1. Get the All-in-One QR Code ID card.

2. Scan it using scanner apps in a phone.
3. Send it by tapping the “Share” below the scanned documents, and choose the
sharing mode:
a) if online or data, use Messenger, Facebook, SMS, Email, Gmail, or
Save to Google Drive
b) if offline, use Text or Messages
c) if nearby, use Share it or Bluetooth

In this way, teachers can somehow prevent from agony and stress on submitting
papers to the School Head or ADAS. This will also encourage teachers to strive more in
a 21st Century Teaching Era and utilize our technology for the modern education
imparting to the modern learners who are depending their future toward us.

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