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0135; 838-9077 Email:



In the previous module, you have learned the parts and components of
the your respiratory and circulatory systems and how they coordinate to keep
your body functioning.

Now, you will explore on the consequences of unhealthy lifestyle, like

cigarette smoking, to your respiratory and circulatory systems, and how to
prevent the occurrence of related diseases and disorders.


At the end of this module, you are

expected to: functioning of respiratory and
circulatory systems
o Explain the negative effects of o Conduct information dissemination
cigarette smoking activity on effective ways of taking care
o Infer how to detect and prevent of the respiratory and circulatory
diseases in the circulatory system and system
respiratory system
o Infer how one’s lifestyle can affect the
In Module 2, you will be able to answer the following What diseases affect the respiratory and circulatory
key systems and how do you prevent the occurrence of
questions: these diseases?
How does lifestyle affect the functioning of
What harmful substances affect the respiratory and respiratory and circulatory system?

o infer how one’s lifestyle can affect the functioning of respiratory and circulatory

✔ Prevention, Detection, and Treatment of
Diseases of the Respiratory and Circulatory


Pre Assessment:

Multiple Choice: Choose the letter if the best answer. Write you answer on
the space before the number.
____1. A history of smoking, abnormal permanent enlargement of the alveoli,
cough and dyspnea (shortness of breath) suggest _____________
a. asthma c. chronic bronchitis
b. emphysema d. common cold
____2. Which of the following leads to premature death?
a. smoking c. unhealthy food and exercise habits b. alcoholism d. all of
the above
____3. A cardiovascular disease known as “chest pain”, signifying an inadequate
supply of oxygen to the heart
a. atherosclerosis c. stroke
b. angina pectoris d. hypertension
____4. . A stroke can occur if an artery in the ______ is clogged.
a. brain b. heart c. liver d. lungs ____5. It is disease caused by sensitivity to
a certain stimulus like pollen, perfume, dusts, and certain food
a. cough b. pneumonia c. tuberculosis d. asthma ____6. Which of the
following is associated with atherosclerosis?
a. high fiber diets c. increased exercise
b. low sodium diet d. high cholesterol diet
____7. What is the essential first step to a healthier lifestyle?
a. taking more vitamins c. exercising to the point of exhaustion b. making
decision to be abstinent from vices d. none of the above ____8. What is the most
important hygiene habit to prevent respiratory infections? a. use a tissue to cover
a sneeze
b. do not share a glass or eating utensil
c. wash hands frequently with running water and soap for 20
seconds d. take a bath daily
____9. Which of the following is prevention for lifestyle diseases?
a. do brisk walking daily for 15 minutes
b. consume antibiotics to cure diseases faster
c. medical check-up once in a decade
d. eat less food to keep fit
____10. The symptoms of heart failure include ___________
a. shortness of breath c. weakness
b. fatigue d. all of the above

Lesson 1: Some Serious Problems of the Respiratory and


Because of the important functions of the respiratory and circulatory systems in out
body, any injury to its respective organs can have serious consequences. The health
conditions that can affect our respiratory and circulatory systems, detection of diseases and
suggested lifestyle which can be applied to prevent related diseases will be discussed in this

Let’s Recall

Directions: Recall what you have learned from previous lesson by solving the
Respiratory and Circulatory Systems crossword puzzle below by filling in a word that fits each

2. The main passageway into the lungs 4. Tube that connects the larynx to the bronchi of the lungs.
5. Transport blood toward the heart 10. An organ system that moves substances to and from cells. Helps stabilize body
temperature and pH. Consists of a heart, blood vessels, and blood.

11. Carry blood away from the heart Let’s Explore

1. a set of organs that allows a person to breathe and exchange
oxygen and carbon dioxide throughout the body. 3. Where the body inhales air
6. Connects to the nostrils, allows air to move from the nose to the
larynx (voice box) in the process of breathing. 7. Red liquid that circulates in the arteries and veins of humans and
other vertebrate animals
8. Muscular organ that pumps blood through the circulatory system by rhythmic contraction and dilation. 9. help oxygen
from the air inhaled enter the red cells in the blood.
The red blood cells carry the oxygen through the body.

Cardiovascular and respiratory diseases are the leading causes of premature death
worldwide where 1 out of 4 may die from heart disease and 1 out of 5 from lung disease.
Although mild respiratory and circulatory illnesses such as cold, flu, arrhythmia and allergies
may not be life-threatening, some like tuberculosis, atherosclerosis, stroke and
pneumonia should not be taken for granted. Such diseases begin to develop
with unhealthy living. One risk factor that drastically increases heart rate and
decreases the amount of oxygen in the blood is smoking cigarettes. Perform the
next simple activity to learn more about the negative effects of cigarettes on a
person’s circulatory and respiratory systems.

1. Look at the picture of the smoker’s body below, and take note of
the illnesses that might develop due to cigarette smoking.

Figure 1. The smoker’s body

Photo Credit:

2. Brainstorm ideas about the effects of cigarette smoking on a

person’s respiratory and circulatory systems.
3. Organize your ideas on the space provided
below to
categorize which answer falls under the
respiratory and
circulatory systems. Refer to the example
given. You may
use another sheet of clean paper if needed.
Activity #1: Cigarette is Dangerous to Your Health Activity Sheet

Let’s Discuss

Cigarette smoking harms nearly every organ in the body, causing many illnesses and
affecting health in general. Tobacco found in cigarettes contains nicotine, an ingredient that can
lead to addiction. The nicotine in any tobacco product readily absorbs into the blood when a
person uses it. Upon entering the blood, nicotine immediately stimulates the adrenal glands to
release hormone epinephrine (adrenaline). Epinephrine stimulates the central nervous system
and increases blood pressure, breathing, and heart rate. Also, this chemical activates the brain
by increasing hormone dopamine which reinforces rewarding behavior. Although nicotine is
addictive, most of the severe health effects of tobacco use come from other chemicals. Below
are some serious diseases due to cigarette smoking:


1. Asthma – a respiratory disease in which certain

airways in the lungs could be constricted due to
sensitivity to a stimulus (such as pollen and
making the passage of air more difficult. (Figure 2)
2. Emphysema – is a condition where the lung
tissues lose
their elasticity, thus greatly affecting the efficiency
of gas
exchange between the blood and the lungs. There
is distortion
of alveolar shape as a result of damage from free
acquired from chronic smoking.
3. Pneumonia – is any infection of the lungs caused by
bacteria, virus, fungi or protozoa in rare conditions. The
disease causes inflammation of the lung’s air sacs or alveoli,
which become filled with pus or fluid. (Figure 3)
4. Lung Cancer – known as one of the killer diseases viral lung infection but can also be triggered by
nowadays where more than 90 percent of patients are industrial pollutants and tobacco smoke.
smokers. Carcinogens are present in the tobacco smoke
triggering the grown of cancel cells in the lung tissues. SOME DISEASES OF THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM 1.
5. Tuberculosis (TB) – known as the most common Atherosclerosis – is the disease of the arteries that is
cause of chronic cough in the Philippines. The associated with cholesterol buildup called plaque inside
pathogen involved is Mycobacterium tuberculosis. of the walls of arteries, usually in the coronary arteries
6. Bronchitis – is the inflammation or swelling of the (arteries of the heart). The blockage narrows the
breathing passages (bronchial tubes) become narrower diameter of the arteries and hinders the blood flow. The
and clogged by mucus. The disease is often caused by organs and tissues will thus be deprived of oxygen and
they may cease to functions. 2. Stroke - a disorder that
results from the blockage brought by the hardening of
the arteries in the brain or in neck vessels leading to the
brain. A blood clot fixed within a blood vessel, called
thrombus, can block the passage of blood. A stroke can
also occur from a hemorrhage where a diseased artery
suddenly burst. (Figure 3)
3. Coronary Heart Disease – the inability of the blood Figure 3. Normal alveoli
to reach the coronary arteries of the heart. Because of
aging or atherosclerosis, the walls of the arteries may
thicken and harden, and blood volume may be reduced. vs. damaged alveoli due to Pneumonia
Photo credit:
Eventually, the reduced blood flow causes a painful
sensation in chest, left arm, and shoulder known as
angina pectoris or chest pain.
Inadequate blood flow can also lead to Myocardial
Figure 2. Normal lung vs. Asthmatic Lung

Photo credit: your-airaways-when-you-have-asthma
Figure 4. Stroke or Cerebral

Ischemic Attack
Photo credit:
or the disease related to the death of large part of
cardiac (heart)
tissues. (Figure 5)
4. Anemia – a condition whenever the red blood cell
count stays
persistently low, below four million. Anemia may result
of nutritional deficiencies, injuries associated with
organs for
blood cell formation (bone marrow) and destruction
(spleen and

liver), or excessive blood loss or heredity.

Let’s Try More

Figure 5. Blood clot accumulation in a
coronary (heart) artery resulting to infarction
Photo credit:

In this activity, choose one emerging disease or illness related to the respiratory and
circulatory systems .Discuss it informatively by completing the table below.

Name of the disease Cause or Pathogen Involved

Symptoms and signs Cure and Prevention

Let’s Remember
8 | P a g e S C I E N C E 9 – L I V I N G T H I N G S A N D T H E I R E N V I R O N M E N T A. DIRECTIONS: Classify the
statements about the different diseases of the repsiratory and circulaory systems below into
the correct column in the table. Write the name of the disease or illness in the blank provided.

________ infection in the air sacs in the lungs ________ build-up of plaque in and on
caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi arterial walls which can restrict blood flow

________ sudden interruption in the blood ________ bacteria M. tuberculosis attack the
supply of the brain due to clot lungs causing chronic cough

________ Uncontrolled growth

________ lack of enough healthy RBC to carry
of abnormal cells in the lungs
adequate oxygen to your body’s tissues

________ Difficulty breathing due to ________ inflammation of bronchial tubes

inflammation of airways
________ blood flow decreases or ceases to a part of
________ Damage of air sacks in the lung B. the heart causing damage to heart muscles

Answer the question below:

1. A smoker develops damage to several alveoli that then can no longer function. How does
this affect gas exchange?

Lesson 2: Prevention, Detection, and Treatment of Diseases of the

Respiratory and Circulatory Systems
If someone said the words “healthy living” to you right now, what would you think of?.
Most of us would probably immediately think about our diets and how they affect our weight,
our heart’s health or risk of developing diseases. We might also think how excising keeps our
waistlines thin and our hearts strong and healthy. But how soon would you think about tips for a
healthy respiratory and circulatory systems?

Let’s Explore
In the previous lesson, you have learned that many problems of the respiratory and
circulatory systems are caused by pathogens like bacteria or viruses. There are steps you can
take to help the spread of these pathogens, and also to prevent you from catching one.
Furthermore, many related illnesses are caused by poor habits, such as smoking. Many of the
diseases related to smoking are called lifestyle diseases or diseases that are caused by
choices people make in their daily lives.


DIRECTIONS: All four pictures in each given set depict negative ways of living. They are
connected by one common word that indicates the effect of one’s lifestyle on the functioning of
the respiratory and circulatory systems. The expected answers are illnesses that are brought
about by the negative lifestyles. Write your answers in the box provided for each number.


What’s the Word?

2. A_ _ _ _ A

What’s the Word? A_ _ _ _ A
10 | P a g e S C I E N C E 9 – L I V I N G T H I N G S A N D T H E I R E N V I R O N M E N T

What’s the Word?

A_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S

Guide Questions:

1. What idea is common in each set of pictures?


2. What are the negative lifestyles that are depicted in the pictures?

3. How can lifestyle affect the functioning of the respiratory and circulatory systems?

4. How can these negative lifestyles be changed?


5. What might happen if a person goes on with a negative lifestyle such as what was seen in
the activity?

Let’s Discuss
There are many choices you can make to keep your respiratory and circulatory systems

1. Do not smoke. Cigarette smoking is one of the leading causes of life-threatening respiratory
and cardiovascular diseases where carcinogens and other substances can irritate and damage
different organs.
2. Exercise regularly. Moderate, regular exercise strengthens the heart and lungs, improves
blood circulation, gas exchange, and keeps the body more resilient against diseases. 3.
Choose and eat the right kind of food. Have a balanced diet. Overeating can lead to serious
obesity, a condition that creates a strain on the heart and blood vessels. 4. Avoid drinking
alcohol. Excessive drinking of alcohol often associated with conditions such as bursting of
blood vessels, blood pressure disturbances, and heart diseases. 5. Get enough rest. Rest and
relaxation relive strain on the organs of circulation and respiration, especially the heart. Avoid
stressful activities.
6. Practice personal and public hygiene. The best way to prevent illnesses, especially
respiratory illnesses, is to avoid being exposed to pathogens like bacteria and viruses. Wash
11 | P a g e S C I E N C E 9 – L I V I N G T H I N G S A N D T H E I R E N V I R O N M E N T your hands often, avoid close
contact with sick people, cover your mouth and mouth with a cloth face cover when around
others, cover coughs and sneezes, and clean and disinfect your homes. 7. Regularly consult
your physician. Regular physician examinations can help detect and treat diseases at an early
stage when they are most curable.


Role: Suppose you work for an advertising company as a graphic artist and your
job is to create public informational materials. You are asked to disseminate
information to the public regarding a lifestyle that ensures healthy condition of the
respiratory and circulatory systems.

Goal: Your objective is to present helpful information to the public about effective
ways of taking care of the respiratory and circulatory systems based on gathered data.
The challenge is how you will be able to lead the people to take action rather than
merely accepting the presented information. There are obstacles to overcome such as
the reluctance and preconceived notion of people against changing their lifestyle to
promote health.

Situation: Upon gathering information from the school or local health workers, you
have found out that poor lifestyle affects the performance of the respiratory and
circulatory systems. Many people are unaware of this, so they simply continue with
their busy lifestyles, neglecting their health, and exploiting their bodies. The challenge
involves dealing with this by creating a poster that will stir up the people’s
consciousness in having a healthy lifestyle.

Product: Design a wall poster or placard that will make members of your audience
aware of how they can effectively take care of their respiratory and circulatory
systems. You may use any medium for your artwork.

Standards: You are given time until the day of submission of this module to finish your
promotional poster or placard. Once your product is finished, file it inside a clean long
white folder. If it is in digital form, upload it in the private Facebook group page of your
grade level. Follow format below in writing label in the cover of your folder or in your
Facebook status:


Name: ____________________
Grade level and Section: __________

Your output will be assessed in accordance with the following rubric.

12 | P a g e S C I E N C E 9 – L I V I N G T H I N G S A N D T H E I R E N V I R O N M E N T

To sum up what you have learned in this module, complete the

below by writing the effect/s of each practice shown in the picture to the
respiratory and circulatory systems.



photo credit:

13 | P a g e S C I E N C E 9 – L I V I N G T H I N G S A N D T H E I R E N V I R O N M E N T

Photo credit:

Photo credit:

14 | P a g e S C I E N C E 9 – L I V I N G T H I N G S A N D T H E I R E N V I R O N M E N T


After completing this module, accomplish the learning journal


What I like learning most about the consequences of unhealthy lifestyle to the respiratory and circulatory
systems was: _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
I was surprised to learn that:

It is good for me to learn about the consequences of unhealthy lifestyle to the

respiratory and circulatory systems because:
________ Feedback/Comment:
The most difficult part of the lesson was:

I still wonder about:

Source: Teacher’s

15 | P a g e S C I E N C E 9 – L I V I N G T H I N G S A N D T H E I R E N V I R O N M E N T

Post Assessment

Multiple Choice: Choose the letter if the best answer. Write you answer on
the space before the number.

_____1. A stroke can occur if an artery in the ______ is clogged.

a. brain b. heart c. liver d. lungs
_____2. A cardiovascular disease known as “chest pain”, signifying an
inadequate supply of oxygen to the heart
a. atherosclerosis c. stroke
b. angina pectoris d. hypertension
_____3. It is disease caused by sensitivity to a certain stimulus like pollen,
perfume, dusts, and certain food
a. cough b. pneumonia c. tuberculosis d. asthma _____4. What is the
essential first step to a healthier lifestyle?
a. taking more vitamins c. exercising to the point of exhaustion b.
making decision to be abstinent from vices d. none of the above _____5.
Which of the following is associated with atherosclerosis?
a. high fiber diets c. increased exercise
b. low sodium diet d. high cholesterol diet
_____6. Which of the following leads to premature death?
a. smoking c. unhealthy food and exercise habits b. alcoholism d. all of
the above
_____7. The symptoms of heart failure include ___________
a. shortness of breath c. weakness
b. fatigue d. all of the above
_____8. A history of smoking, abnormal permanent enlargement of the alveoli,
cough and dyspnea (shortness of breath) suggest _____________
a. asthma c. chronic bronchitis
b. emphysema d. common cold
_____9. Which of the following is prevention for lifestyle diseases?
a. do brisk walking daily for 15 minutes
b. consume antibiotics to cure diseases faster
c. medical check-up once in a decade
d. eat less food to keep fit
_____10. What is the most important hygiene habit to prevent respiratory
a. use a tissue to cover a sneeze
b. do not share a glass or eating utensil
c. wash hands frequently with running water and soap for 20
seconds d. take a bath daily

16 | P a g e S C I E N C E 9 – L I V I N G T H I N G S A N D T H E I R E N V I R O N M E N T


Books and other Reading Materials:

Vela-Evangelista, E., Science In Today’s World – The New Grade 9(2 nd Edition),Sibs
Publishing House,Inc.,Quezon City

Vela-Evangelista, E., Science In Today’s World – The New Grade 9(2 nd Edition) Learning
Guide, Sibs Publishing House,Inc.,Quezon City

Science 9 Learning Module, Department of Education

Ferriols-Pavico, J.,, Exploring Life Through Science – The New Grade 9, Phoenix
Publishing House,Inc.,Quezon City

The OpenStax College, Anatomy and Physiology, Rice University, Houston, Texas

Online resources:

Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products


6 Simple Ways You Can Take Care of Your Lungs and Live A Healthier Life

Respiratory System Health (


Protect Yourself (


Top 8 Respiratory Illnesses and Diseases (

Name Date

Grade &
Section Teacher

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