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The following text is for questions 1-3

Dear Anjani,
Are you doing anything this weekend? Let’s go to
the OBO restaurant and mini library. Esta said that
the restaurant has a lot of good books published by
local and foreign publisher. It is also has a collec-
tion of books about buildings and houses around
the world.
Text me soon.

1. From the text we can conclude that Anjani might be a student of . . . .

A. sport B. politics
C. architecture D. food and beverage
2. What is Anjani expected to do after reading the message?
A. Reply to the message B. Borrow the books
C. Visit OBO restaurant D. Build a house
3. “It also has . . .”
The underlined word refers to . . . .
A. the book B. the restaurant
C. the house D. the publisher
The following text is for questions 4-5

Join Us
In honor of
The class of
May 27th, 2019
Parta Jasa Hotel
Candi baru, Jalan Sisingamangraja Wono Tingal, Candisari, Wonotingal,
Kec. Candisari, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah
4. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To invite someone to a graduation party
B. To advertise a graduation party
C. To remind someone about a graduation party
D. To retell the story of Martin’s graduation party
5. What will the party be held?
A. May 26th, 2019 B. May 27th, 2019
C. May 28th, 2019 D. May 29th, 2019
The following text is for questions 6 and 7.

Wardi : What a sophisticated smartphone you have.

Anis : Thank you. My father bought it for me for my birthday.
Wardi : When did you have your birthday?
Anis : Last week.
Wardi : Happy belated birthday, Anis.
Anis : Thank you.

6. What expression is used in the dialogue?

A. Asking for help B. Giving compliment
C. Asking for something D. Asking for direction
7. What do they talk about?
A. Anis’s birthday party B. Wardi’s birthday party
C. Anis’s birthday present D. Wardi’s birthday present
The following text is for question 8-11.


For ages 6 to 11
Friday, February 10 at 4 p.m to 5 p.m
For ages 12 to 19
Tuesday, February 21 at 6 p.m to to 7.30
This art experience offers base patrons the opportunity to read about and
explore history through art, understand the lives of various artists, and com-
plete art works in the style of various celebrated artists such as Van Gogh,
Warhol, Picasso, and more!
Art project and students’ work will be displayed in an Art Show during Na-
tional Library Week in April 2020
Pre-registration required.
Space is limited 12 students per class.
Call: (024)754-2079
8. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To explain the things that students will learn during the art classes.
B. To attract the students to join the art classes and art show.
C. To inform the readers about the importance of art in life.
D. To tell us about students’ art classes.
9. From the text, we know that the students must register themselves. . .
A. later B. in advance
C. after the class D. through an email
10. “This art experience offers a base patrons opportunity. . . . “
The underline word is closest in meaning to . . .
A. fans B. experts
C. teachers D. instructors
11. When can people enjoy the students’ works?
A. In April 2020 B. In February 2020
C. In March 2020 D. In December 2020
This following text is for questions 12-14.

There will be a holiday camp next month. All scouts members must join this camp. The activity will
take place at Serut camping site and last for three days.
Register your name in order to determine the transportation.
For further information, please contact Mr. Deny.

Blitar, June 1st, 2021 The

Chief of Scout Organization

12. The announcement above is intended to?

A. announce the scout activity during the holiday.
B. entertain the scout members.
C. describe the scouts.
D. Retell the camp.
13. Where can we find such an announcement?
A. in the office B. at the mosque
C. in the laboratory D. at the scout base camp
14. “Register your name in order to determine the transportation.”
The underlined word has similar meaning with . . .
A. add B. catch
C. enroll D. mention
This following text is for questions 15-17.

Cotton, a natural vegetable fiber, is very important economically as a

raw material for fabrics Its widespread use is largely due to the ease with
which the fibers are spun into yarn.
Cotton is easy to adapt to a variety of textile products because of its
strength, absorption, and capacity to be washed and dyed.
Cotton is produced by small trees and shrubs from the genus belonging
to the family mallow, which also Includes hibiscus, okra, and the familiar
marshmallow. Immature flower buds, called squares, develop into oval balls
that come open at maturity, showing a mass of long white seed hair, called
lint, which covers a large number of brown or black seeds. When fully cooked
and dry, each of these hairs is a thin, flat tubular cell with a clear spiral round
and attached to the seed. Individual fiber lengths range from 1, 2 to 6 cm (0,5
to 2,5 in). Shorter fibers that grow from seeds are called linters.

15. What does the text mainly focus on?

A. The general description of cotton. B. The population of cotton.
C. The plantation of cotton. D. The origin of cotton.
16. According to the text, we know that . . .
A. lint is a mass of long white fruit seed.
B. square is the name of an immature flower bud.
C. linter is a longer fiber that grows from seed.
D. cotton is easy to adapt to a variety of furniture product.
17. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?
A. Reasons why cotton is used for textile product.
B. How cotton are planted and cultivated.
C. The benefits of cotton in business.
D. The use of cotton in industry.
The following text is for questions 18-20.

How to Upload Video to YOUTUBE Using Your Mobile Phone:

l. Open your video using video player on your device.

2. Find and press the SHARE button on your device.
3. Select YOUTUBE from SHARE menu. Press the YOUTUBE button to share your video. You
may need to sign in if necessary
4. Give it a title. Type a descriptive and interesting title for your video
5. Describe the video. Explain a short description about the video.
6. Tag the video. Add tags in order to make the video appear in order viewers' searches.
7. Select the privacy setting- choose whether the video will be uploaded publicly, Privacy or un-
8. Click the upload or publish setting- once you have your privacy setting and description set,
upload the video by clicking the publish or upload button.

18. If we do the above procedure correctly, we will be able to . . .

A. download our video easily from our mobile phone.
B. publish video to YouTube from mobile phone.
C. upload our video through the internet.
D. install YouTube in a mobile phone.
19. What should you do to modify the privacy setting on your video?
A. Adjust the advance setting. B. Choose the privacy setting.
C. Click the publish setting. D. Enter the video details.
20. . . . publish the video, we have to click the privacy setting.
A. When B. For
C. By D. To
This following text is for questions 21-24.

Louis Pasteur was born in Dole on December 27, 1822. He was a French
chemist and biologist. In 1847 he earned a doctorate at the Ecole Normale in
Paris, with a focus on both physics and chemistry.
In 1854 he worked on bacteria. He found that the desired production of
alcohol in fermentation is indeed due to yeast. The undesired one is due to the
presence of additional organisms such as bacteria. Because he was aware of the
presence of microorganisms in nature, in 1864 Pasteur undertook several experi-
ments to find out where these "germs" came from. In 1865 he found a method to
destroy harmful bacteria without materially changing the composition, flavor, or
nutritive value of the liquid. The process was named after him, pasteurization.
He also need down the natural history of anthrax, a fatal disease of cattle.
He showed that anthrax is caused by a particular bacillus. He suggested that ani-
mals should be given anthrax in a mild form by vaccinating them with weakened
bacilli. This vaccine can help prevent outbreaks.
He also contributed so much to public sanitation. He developed the sci-
ence of microbiology, invented the process of pasteurization, and developed vac-
cines for several disease, including rabies.

21. What has been demonstrated by Pasteur regarding anthrax?

A. Anthrax was considered as a serve disease to cattle.
B. Anthrax was triggered by a very specific bacillus in nature.
C. A vaccine that impedes the disease outbreak originates from anthrax.
D. A mild form of the weakened anthrax bacillus should be given to animals.
22. In 1864, Louis Pasteur started his investigations as he was interested . . .
A. in examining harmful bacteria
B. in the origin of germs in nature
C. in finding the best method of destroying germs
D. in investigating the origin of microorganism
23. “The process was named after him. . .” (paragraph 2)
The underlined word refers to . . .
A. a researcher B. Louis Pasteur
C. French Chemist D. French Biologist
24. “Pasteur also noted down the natural history . . . “ (paragraph 3)
The underlined word phrase is similar meaning with . . .
A. wrote B. studied
C. observed D. discovered
This following text is for questions 25-29.

A donkey and a rabbit were good friends. One evening, they were looking for
some food. After walking for some time, they finally found a watermelon
field .After making sure that there was nobody around, they went into the field.
The donkey directly ate a juicy watermelon. He finished it quickly. Then, he
recklessly went to another watermelon, and ate it. He ate a lot of watermelons un-
til he felt full.
“Oh, I feel like I want to sing a song, "said the donkey merrily. "No! You
are going to wake the farmer," warned the rabbit.
But, the reckless donkey did not listen to the rabbit. It started to sing a
song loudly. Knowing that he could not stop the donkey, the rabbit left him alone
in the watermelon field.
The donkey kept singing and singing until the farmer came up to him, and
"Wham!” the farmer caught the donkey and tied him to the fence. The rabbit was
hiding behind a big tree, he saw what was happening. When the farmer left the
field, the rabbit released the donkey. The donkey realized his mistake and
thanked the rabbit.

25. How did the donkey feel when he saw the watermelons?
A. sad B. overjoyed
C. touched D. surprised
26. What did the farmer do the donkey?
A. He left it lying on the ground. B. He hit on the head.
C. He surprised it. D. He killed it.
27. “Then he recklessly went to . . . “ (paragraph 2)
The underlined word has similar meaning to . . .
A. responsibly B. easy going
C. thoughtlessly D. carefully
28. What we can learn from the story?
A. We have to think carefully before doing something.
B. Be careful before you sing in front of people.
C. Singing is a dangerous thing to do.
D. Stealing is forbidden.
This following text is for question no 29 and 30.

29. What is the biggest part of the product?

A. Banana puree B. Lemon juice
C. Apple juice D. Coconut milk
30. Why should the product be drunk within one day only?
A. Because it may be deteriorated after opening.
B. Because it does not contain preservatives.
C. Because it is a natural product.
D. Because it needs refrigerating.
The following text is for question 31.

The Exam is in progress!
31. What may happen if a student makes any noise in the area?
A. The principal will remove him or her from the area.
B. The security guard will yell him or her.
C. The teacher will remind him or her to be quiet.
D. The staff will scold him or her.
This is following text is for question 32-34

Are you not confident with your English?

Come & Enjoy

Fun English classes at UEC

WIN UK English Course

One week
WTC FI 6,34 Nakula Street Semarang
Program in Globe Plaza Fl 8,21 Merapi Street, Semarang

the UK Metro Plaza Fi 9,94 Bonjol Sreet, Semarang

Visit our website:

Follow us on twitter, facebook and insta-

32. Who is the target of the advertisement?

A. Officers B. Everyone
C. High school students D. Primary school students
33. What does make the classes in the UK English Course different from the ones in other cour-
A. They are enjoyable. B. They are expensive.
C. The tutorials are boring. D. The tutors are from England.
34. Why does the writer put ”Win one week homestay program in the UK” in the advertisement?
A. To attract more new students.
B. To inform about new program
C. To show how join the program.
D. To emphasize the importance of studying English.
This following text is for question 35-38.

Last week our family enjoyed the Ramayana ballet in Prambanan, Yogyakarta. First,
we bought five tickets which were very cheap only seventy-five thousand rupiah per
person. Then, while waiting for the performance, we had dinner under the sky
It was awesome At eight p.m. we entered the performance area. We sat in the middle
row to ensure we had a good view towards the stage.
It was in the open air so we wore our jackets to protect our bodies from the chill of the
night wind. The performance started at ten past eight and ended at about ten. It was a
great performance. There were over two hundred dancers performing the story of Ra-
mayana. The scenes were beautiful. We didn't understand much about the dialogue be-
cause they used old Javanese language. However, we could read about the story from
the leaflet provided by the management.

35. What did the writer do last week?

A. He climbed a mountain B. He met the management
C. He watched Ramayana ballet D. He sold Ramayana Bali ticket
36. How much was the ticket?
A. Rp.75.000,00 B. Rp.70.000,00
C. Rp.50.000,00 D. RP.7.500,00
37. “. . .about the story from the leaflet provided."
The underlined word means. . .
A. a printed sheet of paper containing information and usually distributed free.
B. a thick printed book containing a list of words and their meaning.
C. a printed sheet of paper used to wrap things.
D. a printed card used to play game.
38. Why did they sit in the middle row?
A. To keep them from the night well
B. To give them a chance to perform well
C. To make sure they could have a good dinner
D. To make sure they could watch the performance well.
This following text is for question 39-41.

49, St, Madukoro settlement

West Semarang District, 50243
July 15,2021
Dear Subarjo,
How are things going in your new town, Lompia City?
I heard from a friend that you won an international robotics
competition in Boston, America.
Congratulations! I’m really proud of you. I know you’ve
worked hard for the competition. Your dream to get a schol-
arship at robotics school is finally happening. Tell me more
about your plan after this competition. I hope you can write
me soon.

Yours sincerely

39. Why did the writer write the letter?

A. To congratulate Subarjo for winning robotics competition.
B. To ask Subarjo how to join a robotics competition.
C. To thank Subarjo for being his best friend.
D. to tell Subarjo that Adam wanted to meet him.
40. Where does Subarjo live?
A. Yoyakarta B. Semarang
C. Bandung D. Jakarta
41. After reading the letter, what will Subarjo probably do?
A. Reply to the letter.
B. Book a flight to visit Adam.
C. Study harder to join a robotics competition.
D. Tell his mother that he wants to join another robotics competition.
42. Arrange the jumbled words into a good sentence.
football team yesterday our won the match
1 2 3 4 5 6
A. 4 – 1 – 2 – 5 – 6 – 3 B. 3 – 4 – 2 – 1 – 5 – 6
C. 4 – 2 – 1 – 5 – 6 – 3 D. 3 – 4 – 2 – 5 – 1 – 6
43. Arrange the jumbled sentences into a good paragraph.
1. One day, there was a big battle in that kingdom.
2. The Queen was lucky because she could save her life by changing herself into a golden snail.
3. Another day an old women saw the snail and took it home.
4. Once upon a time, there was a kingdom in Java.
5. The king asked his Queen to save her life.
6. Then she looked after it.
7. In the middle of the jungle the enemies killed her guards.
A. 4 – 5 – 2 – 6 – 1 – 7 – 3 B. 4 – 5 – 7 – 2 – 3 – 1 – 6
C. 4 – 1 – 5 – 7 – 2 – 3 – 6 D. 4 – 3 – 5 – 1 – 6 – 2 – 7
44. Arrange the jumbled sentences into a good paragraph.
1. Before lunch we fed some birds in the park.
2. But we were happy because we had so much fun.
3. Yesterday my family went to the zoo.
4. When we returned home we were very tired.
5. In the afternoon we saw the animals being fed.
6. We bought some food to give to the animals.
A. 5 – 4 – 6 – 3 – 2 – 1 B. 3 – 6 – 1 – 5 – 4 – 2
C. 5 – 1 – 3 – 6 – 2 – 4 D. 3 – 1 – 5 – 4 – 2 – 6
45. Complete the following sentence.
Syamsu ... just read Al Quran.
A. had B. have
C. has D. never
46. Complete the following sentence.
. . .they hearing your parent today?
A. had been B. will be
C. have been D. are
47. Complete the following sentence.
Was they . . . radio at 8 o’clock last night?
A. listen B. will listen
C. listening D. listened
48. Complete the following sentence.
Jane. . .this jacket to you every morning.
A. brings B. brought
C. bring D. will bring
49. Have they ... you to join this examination at school?
A. called B. calling
C. call D. will call
50. Complete the following sentence.
The . . . man with . . . and . . . colored hair is my father.
A. tall, short, black B. beautiful, black, smart
C. smart, long, short D. tall, heavy, white

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