Eastern Green Dragon 7 Constellations 東方青龍七宿: B. Qi Men Dun Jia Essentials

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Qi Men Dun Jia Essentials


Eastern Green Dragon 7 Constellations 東方青龍七宿

1 Horn The Horn Star is a leader of Eastern Green Dragon 7 Constellations,
(Jiao 角)

the two stars are like the horn of the dragon, and are weapons for

the dragon to defend and attack. This is a positive and benevolent
star - it heralds good tidings, increases wealth and assets. Hence,
it is best to have this star present on days used for marriage,
travelling and ground-breaking activities.

2 Neck The Neck Star, in a literal interpretation, is the neck of the dragon.
(Kang 亢) This star is protected by the Dragon Horn. This is generally an
unfavourable star to have present for activities such as marriage,
construction, burial and investments or commercial dealings.
Using a day with this star indicates the activity will be infused with
negativity, specifically, outcomes that result in a loss of wealth.

However, it is also used in Qi Men as a counter-spell to diffuse

negative attachments.

3 Foundation This is like the root or the foundation. Just like plants that will only
(Di 氐) grow when they have roots, and when the root is exposed, it means
winter is coming. This also indicates the chest of the dragon, and
this is the vital part of a dragon. This star has very specific uses and
should only be present for activities that involve public speaking,
property investment or major broadcasting events (such as the
opening ceremony of the Olympics). For all other activities, this star
is generally negative. According to the old texts, if one engages in
renovation or construction on this day, the property may likely end
up being a fire hazard, therefore this star is used to summon fire

However, in modern day Spiritual Qi Men, this star can be invoked

to raise courage and confidence.

4 House The House Star is the stomach of the dragon, the place of the
(Fang 房) viscera, and the place where the dragon digests its food. In Date
Selection, it is favourable and positive to have this star present for
activities such as marriage, burial and long distance travel. Used
appropriately, it will bring wealth to the family. This star is good for
prayers, marriage, installing roof beams and migration.

In Qi Men, this star is used to ‘contain’ energies from dispersing. In

application, it can help retain memories, improve memory, change
or even alter memory and stop ‘bleeding’ or loss of vitality.

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門 5 Heart The Heart Star is the first constellation of the Summer Season.
遁 (Xin 心) This star is actually the kidney of the dragon, and this is the center
甲 of metabolism. The heart is regarded as a negative star in Date
寶 Selection, despite its name. Its uses are highly limited and confined
鑑 to traveling or harvesting commodities.

However in Spiritual Qi Men, the Heart Star deals with emotional

matters. It can alter, manipulate or influence matters of the heart.

6 Tail The 9 stars of Tail form the tail of the dragon, and this is the part
(Wei 尾) that gets attacked easily when the dragon is in a fight. This is an
excellent star to have present for burial, door alignment and for
Feng Shui water placement activities. On the personal activity level,
this is a good star to have present for activities such as marriage,
renovations and commencing construction of a building or structure.
This star is also a favourable star to have present during contract
signings. It ushers help from noble (helpful) people.

In Spiritual Qi Men, this star enables doubling of the vibrational

energies, causing fortunes (good or bad) to double up or multiply
by two.

7 Basket This is the last star of the Eastern Green Dragon 7 Constellations.
(Ji 箕) It’s like a tornado trigger by the tail of the dragon. When you see
this star is shining, this is the sign of the wind rising. This is a good
star to have present for the construction of a building or structure,
alignment of a new door, digging of a swimming pool, debt
collection and receipt of monies. However, it is used predominantly
for Feng Shui activities, rather than personal activities. It is not a
suitable star to have present on a marriage date.

In Spiritual Qi Men, this is an attack form of energy and is able to

penetrate the shields of the enemies

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Northern Black Tortoise 7 Constellations 北方玄武七宿

8 Dipper The Dipper is the leader of the Northern Black Tortoise 7
(Dou 斗)

Constellations. It is named as such because the formation of the

stars look like a dipper. This is also the star that represents the
Emperor. Dipper is the star of Wealth and the star of Literary and
Military success. In a modern context, this Star is ideal to have
present during key Feng Shui alignment activities (such as the
placement and alignment of a new door or a water feature) and
is more suited for commercial endeavours rather than personal

In Spiritual Qi Men, this has the power to manifest miracles and

alter one’s psyche.

9 Ox The formation of the stars looks like an ox’s horn, and the most
(Niu 牛) famous star is the Weaving Maid Star and Cowherd Star. Although
the story behind the Weaving Maid and the Cowherd is a touching
one, this is still a disaster star and so should not be present on
any day used for important personal and business activities.
Specifically, this is not a good star to have present during marriages
and contract signings.

This is because it is a volatile and destructive star. It is best used to

break protective barriers or attack in Spiritual Qi Men.

10 Weaving The formation looks just like the Chinese character for female (Nu
Maiden 女). In the ancient times, women always use a winnowing basket
(Nu 女)
to filter grain. This star is predominantly used for academic and
literary pursuits, and is best used for private or internal activities. It
is a good star to have present on days when you are starting a new
course or commencing school.

This star governs sentimental, emotional gratitude, pace and

kindness in ones’ heart.

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門 11 Void These stars are located in the sector of the winter solstice. This
遁 (Xu 虛) also means a brand new year is just around the corner. This star
甲 signals illness. It is considered a pure negative star that is not
寶 suitable for any activity of a personal or commercial nature.

This star in Spiritual Qi Men creates a black hole absorbing other
vibration energies into its darkness. It can be used to absorb illness
or if used wrongly, absorb your positive energy.

12 Danger The Danger star, located at the tail of the Black Tortoise, and its
(Wei 危) name alludes to the fact in a fight, the tail is broken implying that
danger is coming. As its name suggests, it indicates bodily harm,
danger at sea or near water and health problems. It is generally not
usable for any important personal and commercial activities, with
the exception of debt-collection.

When one needs to collect debt or take back what is owed to you,
you can invoke the powers of the Danger Star.

13 Room The formation of Room star is like a room covering the top of the
(Shi 室) Black Tortoise. The Room indicates the needs of human beings, so
it is a good and positive star to have present on a day when you
intend to get married, start a new business or begin construction of
a building or structure. It signifies the multiplication of assets, and
many children and grandchildren of calibre!

Room star is good for creating protection, finding shelter or


14 Wall The formation of the Wall is like the wall of a house, a barrier of a
(Bi 壁) home. Therefore, it is a good star to have present during marriage,
official openings, signing a contract and burial. It is a positive star
that heralds prosperity and an increase in wealth.

Creating a protective barrier is the power of this constellation.

Summon its powers when you need to block off negative

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Western White Tiger 7 Constellations 西方白虎七宿

15 Astride This is the first star of the Western White Tiger 7 Constellations,
(Kui 奎)

and it is just like the storage of the heavens. The presence of this

star during an official opening indicates the business is likely to be
plagued by legal problems and lots of obstacles and challenges
in its early years of business. However, if this star is present on
a day used for traveling or renovations, it brings about positive

Entrapping or binding someone or something to endless problems

is one of the applications of this star in Qi Men.

16 Mound These stars carry the meaning of ‘gather a crowd’ or to feed and
(Lou 婁) sacrifice an animal for praying. This is a highly favourable star to
have present during key business and personal activities. Days
when this star is present are good for marriage, business deals,
renovations, and building or adding extensions to a property. It is
one of the few stars with no negative attributes. The Mound star is
ideal for building extra rooms or expanding your house, and is also
the `guardian’ star of wealth and prosperity.

Accordingly, a household which has this star smiling upon them

will find its occupants successful and even famous! A marriage
`sanctified’ by the presence of this star will produce good,
healthy offspring. Hence, the Mound star is good for everything,
especially marriage, business deals, commencing construction and
renovation. Better still, there’s no downside to this star!

In Spiritual Qi Men, this star is used to call upon positive vibrations

in all aspects.

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門 17. Stomach These Stomach Stars are just like the barn of the heavens, to keep
遁 (Wei 胃) all the food inside, and function just like a human’s stomach. This
甲 is a good star to have present on days used for marriage and burial
寶 as it heralds nobility, wealth, good health and happy events. It is a
鑑 favourable star primarily for what is known as ‘external’ and ‘public’
matters and thus is not suitable on days when you intend to deal
with family issues or private business matters.

As the harbinger of happy events, you can expect to be promoted

both at work and in health - and enjoy good wealth prospects in
your endeavours. Even if somberly used for burial, the descendants
of the deceased will hold high positions and status in society. A
marriage that is blessed by the presence of the Stomach star will
not only enjoy good wealth prospects, but also the company of
filial children.

In Spiritual Qi Men, this star is used to call upon good food, good
luxury enjoyment and happy events.

18. Pleiades This is the center of the White Tiger 7 Constellations, but the
(Mao 昴) Western side is the gate, and this implies everything has been
collected and the door is ready to be shut, therefore this is an
extremely powerful, fierce star and it is best not to use any day
where this star is present for important personal or business

If you wish to go on the offensive to sue, attack and conquer the

enemy, you need to unleash the power of the White Fang. This is
the Star to invoke.

19. Net This star indicates the armies stationed in borders. The word
(Bi 畢) Bi 畢 means ‘complete’, therefore it is a good star to have present
on days when the following activities take place: construction,
land acquisition and marriage. It is a generally benevolent star
that brings about harmonious outcomes, peaceful relationships
and a day with this star present is generally a good day for most

To complete incomplete work, to finish what was started or reboot

what was stalled, this is the best star to invoke.

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20. Beak These stars located at the mouth of the White Tiger, sometimes 門
(Zui 觜) bring the meaning of gourmet satisfaction. In Date Selection it 遁
is considered a highly negative and unfavourable star to have 甲
present. Avoid engaging in any important personal and business 寶
activities on a day when this star is present. No good can come 鑑
from any activities that commence on a day with this star present.

However in Qi Men, this star is often used to cast fear into enemy
camps and cast doubt or suspicion.

21. Orion Although these stars are located on the chest of the White Tiger,
(Can 參) and is the last one of this Western Constellations, it is still not
considered a vital part. Even though this is a positive star, it is
not a suitable star to have present on a day used for marriage or
burial. However, for Feng Shui-related activities, travel, renovation
and construction, this star is extremely favourable, heralding fame
and achievements.

In Qi Men, this star invokes loyalty and promotes unity

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門 Southern Red Phoenix 7 Constellations 南方朱雀七宿

22 Well The formation of these stars is similar to that of a web and looks like
寶 (Jing 井) a deep blue ocean. The Well star has limited use. It is best utilised

for Feng Shui activation in activities like aligning the door or water
placement but it can also be used for activities like groundbreaking
or commencing a work project.

In Qi Men, it can be used to bring forth cooperation from others.

23 Ghost It looks like the hat on the Red Phoenix or the crest of the bird when
(Gui 鬼) it is scared. The word ‘Ghost’ is used to describe the thing that they
fear, therefore the Ghost star is generally a negative star and should
not be present on a day you intend to use to get married, travel to
the West or construct a new building or home.

In Qi Men, it governs the power of withdrawal and fear.

24 Willow This star located at the beak of the Red Phoenix, is shaped like
(Liu 柳) a willow. Feng Shui activation such as door alignment or water
placement should be avoided on a day when this star is present.

In Qi Men, it can be used for ‘detachment’.

25 Star The Star located on the eyes of the Red Phoenix, and the bird’s
(Xing 星) eyes is just like the star in the sky. This is a favourable star to have
present on a marriage date. It is also favourable for negotiations,
commencing an important project or official openings. This is not a
favourable star to have present on a burial day.

In Spiritual Qi Men it can be invoked to bring forth clarity.

26 Bow Located between the body and the wings of the Red Phoenix. Birds
(Zhang 張) can only fly when they spread the wings, so this is an extremely
positive and auspicious star to have present during any commercial
and personal activities and endeavours. This is one of the few stars
that only has positive aspects.

This star strengthens faith and understanding. In Qi Men it is very

useful to help bind minds and hearts.

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27 Wing This is the star located on the wings of Red Phoenix. Birds can 門
(Yi 翼) fly because they have wings but this star is unfavourable for most 遁
activities, particularly door alignment for Feng Shui purposes, 甲
burial and marriage. It is generally a negative star. However, in Qi 寶
Men, it is used for escaping from the location of danger. 鑑

28 Carriage This star is located at the tail of the Red Phoenix. Birds use their
(Zhen 軫) tails to control their direction therefore the Chinese character 軫
means wood at the bottom of the cart.

In Qi Men it can be used to foster tolerance and agreement.

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門 The North Dipper Seven Stars

The North Dipper Seven Stars 北斗七星 are known collectively as

鑑 the Seven Stars of the Northern Ladle. The stars forms a basis in
most metaphysical concepts (Qi Men Dun Jia included), and Taoist
practices, be it alchemy or martial arts such tai chi. The Seven Stars
are traditionally part of a larger group of nine where two other stars are
hidden. Collectively, they are positioned like the following:

一白 1 White
天蓬 The Heavenly Grass
貪狼 Greedy Wolf
六白 6 White 四綠 4 Green 天樞 Heavenly Hub
天心 The Heavenly Heart 天輔 The Heavenly Assistant
八白 8 White 武曲 Military Arts 文曲 Literary Arts
天任 The Heavenly Ambassador 開陽 Yang Opening 天權 Heavenly Power
左輔 Left Assistant
五黃 5 Yellow
天禽 The Heavenly Bird
廉貞 Chastity
玉衡 Jade Clash
二黑 2 Black
天芮 The Heavenly Grain
九紫 9 Purple 巨門 Huge Door
天英 The Heavenly Hero 天璇 Sky Jade
七赤 7 Red 右弼 Right Assistant 三碧 3 Jade
天柱 The Heavenly Pillar 天沖 The Heavenly Destructor
破軍 Broken Soldier 祿存 Fortune Treasures
瑤光 Bright Precious Jade 天璣 Sky Opportune

Ancient Chinese astrologers theorized that these stars have a significant

influence on the lives of people and it is through this that many Chinese
metaphysical concepts are developed around the Seven Stars. Energy
flows from the Seven Stars and affects the Earth, which in turn alters
the energy fields of a person in more ways than one. This has a direct
effect on a person’s daily life and energy patterns.

In essence, the Seven Stars has an important bearing on outcomes

of important events. They can be used to tell the effectiveness of a
specific sector. To put it in simpler terms, it lets us know who has the
‘divine’ favour. Throughout history, the usage of the Seven Stars have
been recorded to have been used in important battles such as in the
legendary Battle of the Red Cliffs in which Zhuge Liang was noted to
have used the Seven Stars Path with the help of Qi Men Dun Jia to
defeat Cao Cao’s army.

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Visible Stars 門

Astronomical Chinese Xuan Kong Qi Men 甲
Name Name Influence Influence 寶
Alkaid 瑤光 破軍 天柱 鑑
Bright Precious Broken Soldier The Heavenly
Jade Pillar
Mizar 開陽 武曲 天心
Yang Opening Military Arts The Heavenly
Alioth 玉衡 廉貞 天禽
Jade Clash Chastity The Heavenly
Megrez 天權 文曲 天輔
Heavenly Literary Arts The Heavenly
Power Assistant
Phecda 天璣 祿存 天沖
Sky Opportune Fortune The Heavenly
Treasures Destructor
Merak 天璇 巨門 天芮
Sky Jade Huge Door The Heavenly
Dubhe 天樞 貪狼 天蓬
Heavenly Hub Greedy Wolf The Heavenly

Hidden Stars
右弼 天英
- - Right Assistant The Heavenly
左輔 天任
- - Left Assistant The Heavenly

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