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A Constituent College of Osmania University with
NAAC - A Grade & CPE status
Project Report On

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement

For the award of the Degree






Under the guidance of

Department of Business Management
A Constituent College of Osmania University
with NAAC -A Grade & CPL status


This is to certify that the Project Report entitled "CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP


partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration,

Nizam College, constituent college of Osmania University, Hyderabad was carried by

JATAVATH JAGAN NAYAK bearing Hall Ticket Number 1009-20-145-026 under

the guidance of Mrs GAYATRI.


(Coordinator, BBA) (External Examiner) (Principal, Nizam College)


1 JATAVATH JAGAN NAYAK declare that the project work entitled


REFERENCE TO FORTUNE FORD is the original work done by me and submitted to
Nizam College – Constituent College of Osmania University, Hyderabad in
fulfillment for the award of Bachelor of Business Administration degree. It is not
submitted to any other University or Institution for the award of any
degree/diploma/certificate or published any time before.


Roll Number :1009-20-145-026


Nizam college

Osmania University

1 would like to acknowledge with gratitude the support of our Principal

Prof.B.BHIMA , College for permitting me to undertake this project.

I would like to express my deep gratitude to our beloved Coordinator Prof. B.

TURUPATHI, Department or Business Administration for guiding in my
academic endeavours.

I am extremely thankful to Mrs.GAYATRI , BBA Faculty and my guide for her

guidance and support throughout the project work.

Finally I express my sincere gratitude to our Faculty members, my friends and

Parents who gave their full-fledged co-operation for successful completion of my
project. It was indeed an learning experience.


Roll Number: 1009-20-145-026


customer Relationship Management is a strategy for managing and nurturing a

company's interactions with customers and sales prospects. When an implementation
is effective, people, processes, technology work in synergy to develop and strengthen
relationships, increase profitability, and reduce operational costs. Customer
Relationship Management is a most effective tool for maintaining good relationship
with the customers. It plays an effective role in attracting the new customers to the


 Objectives of the study
 Scope of the study
 Need for the study
 Limitations of the study

A customer is the most important person ever in this office.In person or by mail
A customer is not dependent on us. . . . . . we are dependent on him.
A customer is not someone to argue or match wits with. Nobody ever won an argument
with a customer.
A customer is a person who brings us his wants. It is our job to handle then profitably to
him and to ourselves.
Customer relation as a tool for identifying away to create more customer
value & satisfaction . Every firm is a synthesis of activities that are
performed to design, produce, and market, deliver, and support its product.
Many companies are intent on developing stronger bonds with their customers-called
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) . This is the process of managing
detailed information about individual customer and carefully managing all the
customers "touch points" with the aim of maximizing customer loyalty...
A successful business must have satisfied customers. We will treat them as we would
wish to be treated ourselves. They require an excellent service and our work just
therefore we undertake with our customers as the key focus, providing better products
and services then our competitors. We will measure the quality of service and look for
continual improvements.
The aim of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is to produce high
Equity Customer equity is the total of the discounted lifetime values of all of the firm's
customers. Clearly, the more loyal the customer, the higher the customer equity, rust,
Zenith, and Lemon distinguish three drivers of customer equity; value equity, brand
equity, and relationship equity.
The main objective is to determine the current relationship management level of the
customers with all aspects in regard to "Fortune Ford Motors".
To determine current relationship management level of the customers with all
aspects of their delivery.
To determine key dissatisfaction areas, if any.
To identify different customers needs in regard to a Fortune Ford Motor car
To identify what type of marketing strategy is suitable for the company to
reach the targeted customers.
To enable the company's customer care department to handle the customer's
queries more effectively and efficiently.
To enable the sales team to promote sales effectively through maintaining Customer
To generate new leads through customer satisfaction.


The scope of the study is to identify the customer relationship management level towards

“Fortune Ford Motors”. The study was conducted for a period of 45 days covering
various places in Hyderabad & Secunderabad city. Primary data was collected from
customers. Secondary data was collected from company manuals, magazines and
websites and so on, the study gathers information about the customer’s relation
maintaining in the car level in regard to Quality of Service, Safety Tips , fuel saving tips,
driving tips etc .., customer care service and other values added services provided by the

It Is aimed at enlightening the company about different steps to be taken up to increase

the share of “Fortune Ford Motors” with regard other competitors and also to make
the company to provide better customer services.

Customer relationship management plays a major role for the growth of the company in
the modern market scenario.

In the case of “Fortune Ford Motors” cars industry due to different network services
providers there is a huge competition, to compete with the competition customer’s
relation plays a major role for any company.

The purpose of customer relation is not only for retaining the customers but also
attracting new customers, increasing the sales and maintenance of brand awareness.

Customer perceptions attitudes and views regarding the products and services, along
with suggestions assume greater importance in the light of new entries and potential
competitors, this study is an attempt that directs to facilitate the management in
marketing their future decisions in promoting and creating a good image in the society.


The study is subjected to the following limitations.

 A portion of the respondents contacted were not precise and genuine in giving their
opinion of satisfaction or dissatisfaction. If accidentally they had badly experience
at one instance, they would mark very poor.

 To measure the exact level of customer relation the sample size was small.

Short time period was inadequate for conducting detailed study among the customer.

The study was restricted to Hyderabad and Secundrabad only.

The study was limited to the capabilities and willingness of the respondents in
appropriately answering the questions.

 The study was limited for a period of 45 days only.

The concepts of exchange and relationships lead to the concept of a market. A market
is the set of actual and potential buyers of a product. These buyers share a particular
need or want that can be satisfied through exchange relationships.

Marketing means managing markets to bring about profitable

customer relationships. However, creating these relationships
takes work. Sellers must search for buyers, identify must first
create a need-satisfying marketing offer (product). It must
decide how much it will charge for the offer (price) and how
it will make the offer available target consumers (place).
Finally, it must communicate with the target customers about
the offer and persuade them of its merits (promotion).

Marketing is the business function that identifies customer needs and wants. Creating
customer value and satisfaction are the heart of modern marketing thinking and
practice. Marketing is the delivery of customer satisfaction at a profit.
Many people think of marketing only as selling & advertising. But selling &
advertising are only the tip of marketing. Marketing means managing markets to bring
about exchanges and relationships for the purpose of creating value and satisfying
needs & wants.
Today, marketing must be understood not in the old sense of
making a sale "telling and selling" — but in the new sense of
satisfying customer needs. If the marketer does a good job of
understanding consumer needs; develops products that provide
superior value; and prices, distributes, and promotes them
effectively, these products will sell very easily. Thus, selling
and advertising are only part of a larger ' •marketing mix" — a
set of marketing tools that work together to satisfy customer
needs and build customer relationships.

Broadly defined, marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and
groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging value with
others. In a narrower business context, marketing involves building profitable, value
laden exchange relationships with customers. Hence, we define marketing as the process
by which companies create value for customers and build strong relationships in order
to capture value from customers in return.


The most basic concept underlying marketing is that of human needs. Human needs are
states of felt deprivation. They include basic physical needs for food, clothing, warmth,
and safety: social needs for belonging and affection: and individual needs for knowledge
and self _ expression. These needs were not created by marketers: they are a basic part
of the human makeup.
Wants are the form human needs take as they are shaped by culture and individual
personality. An American needs food but wants a Big Mac, French fries, and a soft drink.
A person in Mauritius needs food but wants a mango. Rice, lentils, and beans. Wants are
shaped by buying power, wants become demands. Given their wants and resources,
people demand products with benefits that add up to the most value and satisfaction.
Marketing Management:
The analysis, planning, implementation and control of programs design to create, build
and maintain beneficial exchanges with target buyers for the purpose of achieving
organizational objectives.


Production concept:
Management should focus on improving production and distribution efficiency. When the
demand for a product exceeds the supply, management should looks for ways to increase
production. When the products cost is too high, improved productivity is needed to bring it

Product concept:
Consumer will favour products that offer the most quality, performance and innovative

features. Thus, an organization should devote energy to making continues product


Selling concept:

Consumers will not buy enough of the organizations products

unless its under takes large scale selling and promotion effort.

Existing selling & Profits Throgh

Factory Products Promoting Sales Volume

Selling is also important function of marketing. It is the process where by goods and
services finally flow to the customers who need them. Selling focuses on the needs of the

Marketing Concept:
The marketing concept holds that achieving organizational goals
depends on determining the needs and wants of target markets and
delivering the desired satisfaction more effectively and efficiently
than to competitors.

Customer Integrated Profits through

Market Needs Marketing Customer Satisfaction

Marketing means obtaining customers. Marketing focuses on the
needs of the purchaser. Makes profits by creating long term customer
relationships based on customer value and satisfaction.

Societal concept:
The societal marketing concept holds that the organizationPromotion
should determine the needs, wants and interests of target markets.


Consumers Company

(Want satisfaction) (Profits)

Marketing Mix (4 Ps):

1. Marketing mix includes the set of controllable, tactical marketing

tools in the target market.

Product means the goods and services combination the company

offer to the target market. Ex: Nuts & Bolts, Spark plugs, Pens &
Pencils etc.

Price is the amount of money customers have to pay to obtain the

product. Place includes company activities that make the product
available to target consumers.

4.Promotion means activities that communicate the merits of the

product and persuade target customers to buy it. Ford spends money
each year for advertising to tell consumer about the company and its
Product variety List price
Quality & design Discounts
Features Allowances

Target Customers

Channels Advertising
Coverage & locations Personal selling
Assortments Sales promotion

Marketing effort / Marketing control:

The company wants to design and put in to action the marketing mix
that will best achieves its objectives in its target market

Consumers usually face a broad array of products and services that

might satisfy a given need. How do they choose among these many
marketing offers? Customers form expectations about the value and
satisfaction that various marketing offers will deliver and buy
accordingly. Satisfied customers buy again and tell others about their
good experiences. Dissatisfied customers often switch to competitors
and disparage the product to others.

Marketers must be careful to set the right level of expectation. If they

set expectations too low, they may satisfy those who buy but fail to
attract enough buyers. If they raise expectations too high, buyers will
be disappointed. Customers value and customers satisfaction are key
building blocks for developing and managing customer

Satisfaction is defined as ….
“a persons feelings of pleasure or disappointment resulting from
comparing a product’s perceived performance (or outcome) in
relation to his or her expectations”.

Customer satisfaction depends on a products perceived performance

in delivering value relative to a buyers expectations. If the products
performance falls short of the customers expectations, the buyer is
dissatisfied. If performance matches expectations, the buyer is
satisfied. If performance exceeds expectations, the buyer is



The survey technique is intended to secure one or more items of

information from a sample of respondents who are representatives
of a larger group. The information is recorded on a form known as
questionnaire. As data are gathered by asking questions from persons
who are believed to have desired information, the method is also
known as questionnaire technique. Reasons for wide use of this

It can secure both qualitative and qualitative information directly

from the respondents. It is the only method of directly measuring
attitudes and motivations. It is quite flexible in term of the types of
data to be assembled, the method of collection or the timing of

A questionnaire is simply a formalized set of questions for eliciting

information. As such, its function is measurement and it represents
the most common from of measurement in marketing research.
Although the questionnaire generally is associated with surveys, it is
also frequently the measurement instrument in experimental designs
as well. When a questionnaire is administered by means of telephone
or by a personal interview, it often is termed as interview schedule,
or simply schedule.


The collection of Information is ascertained through two principal


1). Primary Data

2). Secondary Data


Meaning: primary sources of data are the data which needs

the personal efforts to collect it and which are not readily available.
The collection of this data requires lot of time and efforts.

Following are the few ways in which the primary data can be

 Questionnaires: Its set of questions on a sheet of paper was

being given to the respondents of fill it, bases on which the
data was interpreted.

Ii ) Direct interviewing: Direct interviewing involved the process

where I asked the questions directly to the customers and I got the


Secondary sources are the other important sources through which the
data were collected. Any data which have been gathered earlier for
some other purpose are secondary data in the hands of researcher.

Two sources of secondary data:

1) Internal sources.

2) External sources.

 Internal sauces:

1.Accounting records.

2.Sales force reports.

3.Miscellaneous reports

4.Internal experts.

 External sources:
1.computerized data base


3.Govt. agencies.


5.Published sources.

6.External experts.

The secondary sources helpful for study were

1.Textbooks like marketing management research methodology

advertisement and sales promotion etc.

2.Internet was made use for the collection of the data.

3.Newspapers were also referred.

4.Business magazines were referred.

5.Some jour


Ford Motor Company is the world’s second largest automaker with

approximately 350,000 employees, and operating in more than 200
markets on six continents. Its automotive brands include Aston
Martin, Ford, Jaguar, Land Rover, Lincoln, Mazda, Mercury and
Volvo. Its automotive-related services include Ford Credit, Hertz and
Quality Care.

The company's world headquarters is in Dearborn, Michigan. Ford

Motor Company officially celebrated its 100th anniversary on June
16, 2003. For additional information visit the site below.


Ford Motor Company, a global automotive industry leader based in

Dearborn, Mich ., manufactures and distributes automobiles in 200
markets across six continents. With about 300,000 employees and
108 plants worldwide, the company’s core and affiliated automotive
brands include Ford, Jaguar, Land Rover, Lincoln, Mazda, Mercury
and Volvo. Its automotive-related services include Ford Motor
Credit Company.

Vehicle Brands:



Automotive Service Brands:

Ford Credit GENUINE Motorcraft

The very first member of the Ford Motor Company family of brands,
Ford offers distinctively designed and affordable vehicles for the
world’s varying lifestyles. From the Model T-the car that first
brought driving to the masses, to more recent favourites like the
Mustang in the US, the Mondeo in Europe, the Eco Sport in South
America and the Territory in Asia, Ford vehicles have been among
the world’s most popular cars, trucks and SUV’s.

Brief History:

Ford Motor Company began with just Ford vehicles in a wagon shop
in Michigan. To fully understand the essence of this founding
member of the family brands, just look at the early history of Ford
Motor Company, from Henry Ford’s earliest automotive
experiments to the Models A, T, and beyond.

While value for money has always been a top priority in developing
Ford vehicles, that concern has never compromised quality or the
pursuit of quality solutions. Ford has always strived to meet
consumers’ real-life requirements-from smaller cars for Europeans,
to “smarter” cars for the ever-changing environment.

One of the most essential ingredients for a successful business is

communication. We strive to keep the public well informed about us,
our products, financial progress, and public.

Products and Customer’s:

We will offer excellent products and services. Ford Motor

Company’s flexible manufacturing systems have the ability to build
up to eight different models off two independent platforms. The
flexible systems standardize the assembly process, improve
productivity, eliminate waste and boost quality. Developing and
introducing products with better environmental performance.
Fast Facts:

 Focusing on customer satisfaction and loyalty and keeping

our promises.
 Using our understanding of the market to anticipate customer
 Delivering innovative products and services that offer high
value in terms of function, price, quality, safety and
environmental performance.

Progress Since Our Last Report

Around the world, our markets are changing. High fuel prices are
accelerating interest in vehicles with good fuel economy. Markets
are expanding in rapidly growing economies and remain highly
competitive everywhere we operate.

To meet and anticipate our customers’ needs, we are focusing on:

 Introducing new products. Globally, we introduced 40 all-

new, or substantially new, products in 2004, more than in any
year in the Company’s history.
 Raising the bar on quality. In J.D. Power’s Initial Quality
Study, of 2004 U.S.Vehicles Continued a positive trend by
improving more than 6 percent compared to 2003.
 Implementing continued a positive shared architectures trend
by improving and technologies more than 6 and percent
flexible compared manufacturing. To 2003. By the end of the
decade, 75 percent of our North American and all of our
European plants will be flexible and able to produce multiple
vehicle models.
 Expanding the range of products available in high-growth

Bill Ford – Setting the Vision

“At Ford Motor Company, we have made sustainability a long-term
strategic business priority. The reason is simple: we are a 100-year-
old company, and I want us to become a 200-year-old company.
Sustainability is about ensuring that our business is innovative,
competitive and profitable in a world that is facing major
environmental and social changes.”

Our Company faces urgent short-term challenges that we have

described in our Annual Report and will discuss in this report. We’re
addressing these challenges by accelerating our business plans to
strengthen our balance sheet, optimize our global footprint and
deliver more great products faster. That includes eliminating excess
capacity, reducing the size of our workforce while improving its
capability, increasing our investments in fast-growing markets and
speeding up our product development process.

Our success as a business in the near term is a prerequisite to any

strategy for future growth.

However, our responsibility to our customers, shareholders,

employees and communities includes preparing for the future
without delay. While nobody can confidently predict what the world
will look like a few decades from now, it is clear that strong,
profitable companies going forward will be the ones that strive for
sustainable use of environmental and social capital in a rapidly
growing global economy.

The business case is clear:

Reduced use of non-renewable resources will help us cut material

and operating cost and avoid the growing volatility of commodity

Society’s growing concern for environmental issues is creating

growth markets for innovative “green” products and technologies
that generate new sources of revenue. Increasingly stringent
government regulations around the world will favour companies that
are best positioned to address underlying environmental and social
Global climate change is one of the most urgent examples. At Ford,
we have long acknowledged the importance of climate change. We
recognize its potential impact on economic as well as environmental
and social systems. Customers, investors and policy makers are
increasingly focused on the need to burn less fossil fuel and emit
fewer greenhouse gases. The issue will become even more
challenging as growing markets like India and China expand their
own needs for energy.

Climate change is also an example of a complex 21st-century

challenge that requires a systemic social, political, technological and
business solution. Stabilizing the concentration of greenhouse gases
in our atmosphere while maintaining economic growth demands
corporate and political leadership and dialogue across traditional
boundaries. It requires global coordination of technologies,
government policies, markets and infrastructures.

Within our Company, climate change, and the underlying issue of

fuel economy, pose a particular challenge. In North America, the fuel
economy of our vehicles is competitive and in some cases even best-
in-class within their respective segments. However, the market
leading popularity of our trucks and SUVs results in a low average
fuel economy from our fleet as a whole. Across the industry, fuel
efficiency improvements compete for investment with other product
features and innovations, overall affordability and pressing
obligations like safety, health care and pension costs.

Even as we grapple with this issue, we continue to set the pace in our
industry on important environmental and social priorities, such as
reducing water consumption, conserving energy, recycling and
reusing non-renewable materials, eliminating toxic materials,
establishing codes of working conditions and safety in our plants and
supply chain, and addressing public health issues from HIV/AIDS to
cancer to juvenile diabetes. You will find all these issues and more
addressed in this report.

Looming on the horizon are additional challenges as well as

opportunities. The sheer scale of our industry is enormous. In the
United States, the auto industry is responsible for 6.6 million jobs,
which is about 5 percent of all private-sector jobs and nearly 4
percent of Gross

Domestic Product. No other single industry is more linked to U.S.

manufacturing strength or generates more retail business and
employment. The U.S. auto industry purchases 60 percent of all
United the rubber States. And about 30 percent of all the aluminium,
iron and stainless steel used in United States.

The 61 million new cars and trucks sold globally last year provide
personal mobility and economic impossible opportunity to provide
to an personal increasingly transportation interdependent without
population. imposing Some costs on people the environment believe
that it's and society, and that it's impossible for business to address
environmental and social needs without breaching its fiduciary
responsibility to shareholders.

At Ford, we are determined that these priorities do not need to

conflict with one another, and that the path to profitable growth in
our industry may increasingly lie in finding ways to generate new
revenue by reconciling these issues, not just trading them off against
one another. We describe such thinking in this report, our first
organized under a sustainability (rather than corporate citizenship)

Ford joined seven other automotive companies, three energy

companies and an automotive supplier in a study sponsored by the
World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
entitled "Mobility 2030: Meeting the Challenges to Sustainability,"
which was published last year. In addition to climate change, air
pollution and road safety, the report called out the growing
importance of noise, congestion and the mobility "divide" between
the rich and the economically and socially disadvantaged as critical
issues on the road to sustainable mobility.

These issues become even more acute as hundreds of millions of

people around the world join the global economic marketplace and
claim access to the lifestyle, including personal mobility, long
enjoyed by the populations of developed markets.
We know that smart competitors are racing to be first with solutions
for the 21st century, and we want to lead that race.

Our work is, therefore, urgent, and it is proceeding along three paths:

Integrated strategy:

Since we see sustainability as core to our business success, we are

working to develop metrics, targets and milestones to be explicitly
integrated into our business plan, alongside the fundamentals of
quality, cost and revenue, products and relationships. We're also
working on the difficult challenge of reconciling short-term
imperatives to deliver financial returns with the investments required
to realize long-term opportunities.

Technological Innovation:

We have developed an organization and governance structure – the Sustainable

Mobility Group – dedicated to investing in and driving new mobility
technologies, including hybrids, clean diesels, hydrogen internal-combustion
engines and fuel cells. We’re conducting this breakthrough work, too, on nearer-
term vehicle technologies, such as alternative fuels and advanced gasoline
engines. We also continue to work on new developments in the way we build our
cars and trucks, for example through flexible manufacturing techniques. External

New business challenges require new thinking, which in turn requires new
relationships in the communities in which we operate. The history of industry is
littered with the remains of companies that rigidly defended their world view
through their policies, strategies, marketing and relationships. On issues of broad
public concern, efforts to increase mutual understanding are usually more
productive than an adversarial defence of special interests. That’s why
engagement with policy makers, advocacy groups, consumers, investors,
business partners and employees is a cornerstone of our drive to realize our
vision. Already, in developing our approaches to human rights and climate
change, we have seen the value of listening, learning and acting in concert with
thoughtful advocates.

I’m proud of the steps we have taken so far – most notably the introduction of
the Escape Hybrid, the world’s first hybrid SUV; the reinvention of the Rouge
facilities as a model of 21 st-century sustainable manufacturing; our industry-
leading actions in human rights; and the response of our employees to human
needs – notably in Southeast Asia after the December 26tsunami and in the U.S.
Gulf Coast after Hurricane Katrina.

I also recognize that we have a lot more to do to secure the sustainability of our
business over the long term. I look forward to reporting our progress in future
reports “.

Wille Chy GodL. Bill Ford

Chairman and CEO


Our industry, the business environment and societal expectations continue

to evolve, and so does our reporting. Find out how we are managing
sustainability as a strategic priority within the business.


Fortune Ford is an authorized dealer for Ford India Limited, who are one of
the leading manufacturers of top quality cars in India, with many variants in
the offering.

Fortune Ford is a 50:50% Joint Venture set up between two well known and
reputed families in Hyderabad, the Modis and the Babu Khans. Fortune Ford
is a blend of experience and youth. The experience and good will that Mr.
Misbahuddin Babu Khan and Mr. Pramod Modi enjoy blend very well with
the youth and energy of the youngsters Bashir, Ashish, Nirav and Siraj to make
Fortune Ford a truly world class Ford Dealership.

Fortune Ford markets and services the recently launched truly European Ford
Fiesta, the ever-popular Ford Ikon Flair , the No non-sense car Ford Fusion
and the macho SUV the Ford Endeavour through its sales and service outlets
at Hyderabad. The sales outlet is located strategically at Somajiguda next to
Eanadu. We have two service centres’, one at Chapel Road, Abids opposite
Stanley College and other one at Fathebagh, Santhnagar. These centrally
located outlets provide convenient and easy access to both the proud owners
as well as prospective buyers. The workforce at Fortune Ford is committed to
excellence in serving all esteemed customers.

The Sales Team Is made up of dedicated showroom and field executives who
are professionally trained by Ford India Limited. They are adept at guiding the
customer through the entire sales process right from assisting in the choice of
model, colour and features to lending a helping hand in providing attractive
buyback options and also arranging finance at competitive rates.

The Service Centre is armed with the state-of-the art equipment and is In line
with Ford’s exacting Global standards. The service team is technically
qualified and trained to analyze and provide solutions adhering to Quality
Care, in order to satisfy even the most demanding customers.

The Fortune Ford dealership maintains a high standard of excellence in sales

and services by sending its personnel for training on a regular basis to Ford
India Limited, to update them with the latest technological advances in the
automotive sphere.


We have 5000 sft centrally air conditioned showroom, located in the heart of the
city in somajiguda, adjacent to eenadu office and just opp. To khairatabad RTA.
This makes convenient for almost every one residing in and around Hyderabad
and secunderabad

The facilities offered from the showro Very easy finance facility with in-house
finance team to cater to your every car finance requirements. All the leading
finance counters are available like ICICI, HDFC, KOTAK, SUNDARAM, SBI,
etc. 500008

Exchange offer for any of your used car. Free spot evaluation for any used car.
Professionally trained and courteous sales staff to take care of every relevant
needs of the customers. Fortune following are some of the facilities provided by
Fortune Ford to all our esteenien Full range of Ford cars with all colours and
models to choose from.

A good stock of Ford genunine accessories to make your Ford ownership more
delightful and safe.
A well maintained fleet of test drive cars to give you the feel and experience
the drive dynamics on actual driving conditions before take the purchase
decisions. You can call our sales help line for test drive or fill the on-line test
drive requisition form.


We believe experience that a customer truly is cherish for life able. And We it
will be make our Endeavor all efforts to in make meeting your this Ford

Ownership commitment and will always welcome your suggestions and advice
to achieve excellence in everything we do.

We have two workshops strategically located at Sanathnagar, Abids and


Based on your convenience, you can choose any of these two facilities to get your
car there serviced.


# 5-9-171, Chapel Road, Abids, Hyd – 500 001. Ig

Telephone: 040-66848384 de to ensure that each and every accessory is

Service Appointment No. 9848885881



# 7-2-1851, Fathe Bagh, Sanath Nagar, Hyd-18.

Telephone: 040-23800000,23801415

Service Appointment No. 9848885880



# 9-4-76/A/6, Nizam Colony, Hyd – 500008

Telephone: 040-23565000
Customer Service Appointment No. 9848885882


The following are some of the facilities provided by Fortune Ford to all
our esteemed Customers:

/ In case of any break down, you can call our Road side assistance help line
no.9848844000. Towing facility is arranged with a nominal cost / Pick-up and
Drop facility with prior appointment.

/ Entire range of spare parts and accessories are available to ensure minimum
downtime of your car.

/ A team of Ford trained and experienced service technicians to take care of your
car. A An air-conditioned waiting lounge with valuable reading material and
related information to make your waiting time more memorable.

/ Body shop with computerized colour mixing equipment and well trained skilled
staff to take care of your every body shop repair job.

/ Insurance help desk to assist you in the event of any accident repair.

/ We look forward to a warm and long lasting relationship and wish you the
smoothest of the driving experience for years to come.


Your car stands out in the crowd! This is no dream. To put a unique stamp of
individual personality and style on a Ford car, a snazzy range of accessories are
available. So now there is unlimited leverage to sport a distinct style! Genuine
accessories are designed and marketed by Ford India, keeping in mind
individualistic styles. Each and every Ford accessory is built to last and designed
to stand apart for the discerning Ford owner … You! Also, at Fortune Ford trained
electricians and mechanics are available to ensure that each and every accessory
IS fitted as per requirement, to get the best out of it.

Competitive Pricing:

Ford accessories are great value for money. What you get when you opt for Ford
accessories is economy in the long run. With Ford accessories, you can enjoy the
feeling of being a savvy customer.

Highest Ford Standards of Quality:

Ford accessories conform to exacting standards of quality. And these standards
are the ones that the customers are familiar with, like the ones that Ford adheres
to when the cars are made.

Customized for Ford Cars :

All the accessories are perfectly compatible with the Ford cars. That means
accurate fitment, and of course, the perfect Ford styling.

Exclusive Designs:

A lot of creativity and effort is invested in designing Ford accessories. Each and
every Ford accessory can be easily differentiated because their exclusivity sets
them apart from other run-of-the-mill products.

Fortune Ford Products

1.Ford Fiesta.

2.Ford Flair.

3.Ford Fusion,

4.Ford Endeavour.

 Price list of above Products: (W.E.F May 1”1, 2007) Ford Fiesta
PETROL Exi Spl. Elite Zxi Sxi Abs

Ex show 6,96,50 6,96,500 7,42,20 8,02,200

room 0 0
Insuranc 25,570 25,450 27,050 29,155
Life tax 62,800 62,800 66,920 72,320
Registrat 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500
T/R 500 500 500 500
Ext. 5,500 5,500 5,500 5,500
Incidenti 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000
Essential 2,340 38,000 2,470 2,470
On Road 8,00,59 8,36,250 8,52,14 9,19,645
price 0 0
1.4 1.6
Durat duratec

DIESEL Exi Spl.Elite Zxi Sxi Abs


Ex-showroom 5,86,500 6,32,20 6,32,20

5,86,5 0 0
Insurance 21,57 23,170 23,170 29,325

Life tax 52,90 57,070 57,020 64,760


Registration 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500

T/R charges 500 500 500 500

Ext. Warranty 5,500 5,500 5500 5,500

Incidential 5000 5000 5000 5000


Essential pack 2,340 38,00 2,470 2,470

On Road Price 6,76,8 7,12,470 7,28,36 8,28,25

10 0 5

1.3 Flair
( prices in rupees)

PETROL Flair Blast kit 1 Blast kit 2

(Rs) (Rs)
Ex- 4,75,900 4,75,900 4,75,900
Insurance 17,720 17,720 17,720
Life tax 42,950 42,950 42,950
Registratio 2,500 2,500 2,500
T/R 500 500 500
Ext. 5,300 5,300 5,300
Incidential 5,000 5,000 5,000
Blast kit 3,120 35,000 24,000
On Road 5,52,990 5,84,870 5,73,870
 FORD ENDEAVOUR:(W.E.F.1st june, 2007)

Model 4x2 4x2(ltd 4x4

Ex- showroom 14,72,000 15,52,000 15,62,000

Insurance 57,000 59,940 60,305

Life tax 1,32,600 1,39,800 1,40,700

T/R charges 500 500 500

Registration 2,500 2,500 2,500

Ex-warranty 9,225 9,225 9,225

Incidental 5,000 5,000 5,000

Total 16,78,965 17,68,975 17,80,230
FORD FUSION:(W.E.F.19th july, 2007)
Ex- showroom 5,70,000 6,59,000

Insurance 23,880 24,135

Life tax 51,420 59,430

T/ R charges 500 500

Registration 2,500 2,500

Ex- warranty 5,990 5,990

Incidential charges 5,000 5,000

Essential pack 3,200 3,200

Total 6,62,490 7,59,755

Terms & Conditions:

 Please collect the original receipt after paying the advance or full amount.
 Prices are subject to change with out notice. Prices prevailing at the time
of physical delivery will be applicable. G is expecto
 Vehicles will be delivered only after all registration formalities are
completed as per the motor vehicle act. Ticaltools
 100 % payment to be made before to delivery by D.D / Cheque / Cash /
Pay order in favour of “M/s. Fortune Automobiles India pvt. Ltd”.
 Vehicle will be registered and delivered only after receipt of full
 Booking amount shall not carry any interest.
 Please produce your PAN copy against delivery as for Govt. rules.
 Cheque subject to realization.

Note: All payments to be made to the cashier at the show room only.

Customer Relationship Management

Customer relationship Until recently,management CRM has(CRM) been defined

is perhaps narrowly the most as a important customer concept data management
of modern activity. By this definition, it involves managing detailed information
about individual,,stomersis and carefully managing managing customers “touch
points” in order to maximize customer loyalty.

More recently, however ,customer relationship management has taken on a

broader meaning. In this broader sense, Customer relationship management is the
overall process of building and maintaining profitable customer relationships by
delivering superior customer value and satisfaction.. It deals with all aspects of
acquiring, keeping, and growing customers.

To over come such problems, many companies are now turning to customer
relationship management (CRM) to manage detailed information about
individual customers and carefully managed customer touch points in order to
maximize customer loyalty. In recent years, there has been an explosion in the
number of companies using CRM. U.S companies spent an estimated $ 42.8
billion last year on CRM systems from companies such as Siebel Systems,
Oracle, Micro Soft and SAS and spending is expected to increase by 11.5% ayear

CRM consists of sophisticated software and analytical tools that integrate

customer information from all sources, analyze it in depth, and apply the results
to build strong customer relationships. CRM integrate everything that company’s
sales, service, and marketing teams know about individual customers to provide
a 360-degree view of the customer relationship.

CRM analysts develop data warehouses and use sophisticated data mining
techniques to unearth the riches hidden in customer data. A data warehouse is a
company wide electronic data base of finely detailed customer information that
needs to sifted through for gems.
The purpose of a data warehouse is not just to gather information, but to pull it
together into central, accessible location. Then, once the data warehouse brings
the data together, the use high-powered data mining techniques to sift through the
mounds of data and out interesting finding about customers. Such data systems
can give a company a big Advantage.

By using CRM to understand customers better, companies can provide high levels
of service and develop deeper customer relationships. They can use CRM to point
out high-value customers, target them more effectively, cross- sell the company’s
product and create offers tailored to specific customer requirements.

CRM benefits don’t come without it. An cost estimated or risk, half not or only
more collecting of all the CRM original efforts customer fail to meet their

“CRM is not a technology solution-you can’t achieve … improved customer

relationships by simply slapping in some software’s “, says a CRM exports.

Instead, CRM is just one part of an effective overall customer relationship

management Strategy.

Benefits of CRM
1 Improved customer retention
2 Purchase amount increases over time
-Average of 8%/year in the insurance industry
3 Reduction in costs
- Order processing
- Short-term acquisition costs
- Customer referrals
4 On the “grey markets”
- Often harmful to profits
- Frequently used to level inventories 2-way communications
- – Improves customer satisfaction

Cultural changes:
Top executives must drive the initiative

- Shift from product orientation to customer

Shift in marketing type

- Away from mass, towards personal “1:1”

Change in attitude at all levels

- Compensation system must change to reinforce new behaviors

New positions or teams should be formed.

CRM across Company Functions:

Marketing – Account management expertise

Research & Development – Specifications that define requirements

Logistics – Knowledge of customer service requirements

Production – Manufacturing strategy

Purchasing – Sourcing strategy

Finance- Customer Profitability Reports

The concept of relationship management

At the broadest level, the function of an enterprise’s marketing activities is to

bring to buyers and sellers together, to create customers. While getting customers
is fundamental to business success, keeping customers is more important.
Successful firms work build long term relationships with their customers. The
term relationship management (relationship marketing)communicates the idea
that major goal of a business enterprise is to engage in interactions with customers
over the long term.

Consider the local butcher of years ago. When a female customer walked in to
the shop, the butcher said hello and called the customer by name. the butcher
knew how customer wanted her steaks and chops trimmed. He knew her family
always grilled hamburgers on weekend and those they preferred ground sirloin
over ground chuck although he specialized in meats; he also stocked hamburger
buns so is customer needed make only one stop. She appreciated the personalized
service she received both the butcher and the customer profited from this loyalty

The old-fashioned butcher understood his customers and promptly responded to

their needs. Keepers in recent of years, the past. Contemporary Contemporary
marketers have realized about that, additional that once they a exchanges.
Markets recognize sale stress managing relationships that will bring process, but
rather as the start of the should not be viewed as end of the marketing
Organization’s relationship with a customer.

(The relationship between a buyer and a seller relationship seldom ends when is
made in a great Increasing proportion of transactions, the relationships actually
intensifies subsequent to the sale. They Know that not all customers want the
same product and services. They know that two individuals may buy the same
product for different reasons. They know that marketing to existing customers to
gain repeat business provides benefits to both the organization and customers. In
summary, a business enterprise, organization, or firm must focus on both getting
and keeping customers. It is the marketer’s job to use the resources of the entire
organization to create, interpret and maintain the relationship with customers.

It seems important to note that all academic and practitioner-oriented experts see
a gap between the relationship management and practical application. Addresses
the heart of marketing and, hopefully the heart any organization-its to profitably
meet the life needs of customers better ship then management the competition
uses information does. At a level ,when inappropriately applied relation
opportunistic and may create to spawn short-term., frequent loyalty flyer schemes
points), that as and opposed are the often tactics to the of provider(the customer
airline). Relationship thus To the incentive(i.e to important to understand both the
philosophy Understanding system uses To compile relationship analysis in
formally, this simple system a view, by is comprehensive, its business a CRM of
simplest how strategy to definition, reliable, manage consists that and is of an
Relationship. technology to provide an enterprise with reliable, comprehensive
integrated view of it’s customer base so that all processes and customer
interactions help maintain and expand mutually beneficial relationships.

Marketing strategy:

A marketing strategy is a process that can allow an organization to concentrate

its limited resources on the greatest opportunities to increase sales and achieve a
sustainable competitive advantage.

Marketing strategy is the complete and unbeatable plan, designed specifically for
attaining the marketing objectives of the firm/business unit. The marketing
objectives indicate what the firm wants to achieve; the marketing strategy
provides the design for achieving them.

For example, if the marketing objectives of a business unit stipulate that next
year, it should achieve a sales revenue of Rs. 1,000 crore and a net profit of 15
percent of sales revenue, it is the job of marketing strategy to indicate how and
wherefrom this sale and profit will come, which product lines/products/brands
will accomplish this task and how.

Markets can be segmented using several relevant bases. For example,

demographic characteristics of consumers, such as age, sex, income/purchasing
capacity, education level etc, form one base for segmentation. Geographic
characteristics constitute another; and buying behaviour of the consumers forms
yet another base.

The various types of segmentations are

 Geographic segmentation
- Climatic zone
- Region
- State
- District
- Urban/rural area
 Demographic segmentation
- Age
- Sex
- Marital status
- Family size
- Race
- Religion
- Occupation
- Community, language
- Purchasing capacity
- Educational levels
- Social status and income
 Psychographic segmentation
 Buyer behaviour
 Benefits segmentation
 Volume of purchase segmentation


 Product differentiation based on operational efficiency:

FORD EXCELLING THROUGH SERVICE: in Ford customer tries service:

to differentiate “fix it right-the its offer firston the plank of service. Is It also
has supplying gone in for videotapes a new norm showing how repairs have
to be done. Time-on time”. Ford

 Adopting Offer to Suit Target Segment:

Ford modifies its models its models for India:

For the Indian target segments as shown below:

 Higher ground clearance to make car more compatible

to the rougher road surface In India ..
 Stiffer rear sprins to enable negotiating the ubiquitous
pat holes on Indian roads.
 Changes in cooling requirement, with greater airflow to
the rear.
 Higher resistance to dust.
 Compatibility of engine with the quality of fuel available
in India.
 Location of horn buttons on the steering vehicle’s. (As
the India motorist uses the horn mote frequently, for cars
sold India , the horn buttons are kept on steering wheel
and not on a lever on the side as in the models sold in
 Strategic segmentation of cars

The Ford in India has launched the car only for few segment of people.

The segmentation of car buyers based on price preferences are

 Family car segment: These cars forms a reasonably sizeable

segment of the market (around 15 percent).

Preferred price range is from 5 lakhs to 6 lakh.

“FORD IKON’ AND ‘FORD FUSION’ come under this type of


 Premium car segment: This segment represents buyers who

need a real world-class car and are willing to pay the due price.

Preferred price range starts from 8 lakh to 12 lakh.

“FORD FIESTA’, ‘FORD MONDEO’ come under this segment of


 SUV segment: The buyers of this segment like to have a big

vehicles .
And these cars are also useful for sport riding and even on hill areas.
There body is designed similar to offroad vehicles, which can
withstand to Indian roads .

‘FORD ENDEAVOUR’ occupies this segment.

Strategic Promotions by FORD:

Ford follows the promotions at two levels, they a

1) Promotions of product directly by the manufacturer.

2) Promotions at dealer level.

In the first step the products of vehicles manufactured by the Ford

Automotives are directly promoted by the manufacturer by himself.

In the second step the dealer of the vehicles promotes the vehicles. The various
promotional strategies followed by the Ford are

 Advertising in paper
 Word of mouth etc …



1.customer satisfaction with the following services of Ford brands:

Attributes No. Of Percentage %
Maintenance 20 20%
Value for money 10 10%
Insurance Facility 15 15%
Warranty 20 20%
Finance 15 15%
Servicing 20 20%
Total 100 100%





Series1 Series2 Series3



From the above table 60 % of the customers satisfy insurance, service, Value warranty
for money and maintenance And finance Remaining 40% of customers are satisfied with
2.How would you rate the performance of Ford Car?

Table 2

Attributes No. Of Respondents Percentage%

Excellent 15 15%
Very Good 45 45%
Good 15 15%

Fair 20 20%
Poor 5 5%
Total 100 100%


performance of ford car


very Good
15% Poor


15% Respondents says that performance of car is excellent were as 45% are saying that
the performance is very good. 15% says that performance is good and fair 20%. Only 5
% respondents says poor performance.
3. How would you rate the services of Ford Company?

Table 3
Attributes No. of Respondents
Show room 18 18%
Distance 13 13%
Appeal 23 23%
Reception 25 25%
Service time 21 21%
Total 100 100%


service of the company


Show room ambience

13% Appeal
Reception(proper planning)

25% Service time



18% Respondents likes show room ambience were as 13% are favouring the
distance. 23%Appeal and 25% proper planning. 21% respondents says service
4. How would you rate the sales person’s performance?

Table 4

Variants No.Of Respondents Percentage%

Sales person’s 45 45%
product knowledge
Technical behaviour 25 25%
Behaviour 20 20%
Handling Queries 10 10%
Total 100 100%


sales person's performance

Sales person's product

Technical knowledge


Handling Queries



45% respondents say that the sales person’s are having product knowledge and
25% are having technical knowledge where as 20% respondents Behaviour and
10% Handling Queries.
5.How would you rate the delivery terms of Ford Motor?

Table 5

Variants No. Of
respondents Percentage%
Timely delivery 25 25%
Safely 15 15%
In condition 15 15%
Delivery process 20 20%
Delivery charges 25 25%
Total 100 100%


delivery terms of ford company

25% 25%

Timely promptly deliyery

In condition
Delivery process
15% Delivery charces



25% respondents say that the delivery on time and 15% says it is safely deliver
where as 15% in condition and 20% delivery processes where 25% say that the
delivery charges.
6. What are the various attributes you normally look while purchaaing a fird

Table 6

Variants No. Of respondents Percentage%

Quality 10 10%
Style 15 15%
Brand image 25 25%
Comfort 10 10%
Safety 25 25%
Performance 15 15%
Total 100 100%


value attributes normally look while purchasing

ford motor

15% 10%

15% Style
Brand Image
25% Comfort
25% Performance


10% respondents look for quality, 15% look fir style where as 25% fir brand image
and safety and 15% performance and 10% for comfort.
7. The channel to know about Ford Fiesta?

Table 7

Came to know by. No. Of respondents Percentage%

Paper Add 10 10%
Tagging 10 10%
Mail 15 15%
Executive 20 20%
Event 20 20%
Road shows 15 15%
Friends & relations 10 10%
Total 100 100%






Paper Add Tagging Mail Executive Event Road Shows

Series1 Series2


From the above table 40% of the customers are came to know by the executives
and events 30% if the customers by road shows and mails. 30% if the customers
paper add, tagging and relations.
8. How do you rate the performance of ford Fiesta?

Table 8

Attributes No. Of respondents Percentage%

Excellent 20 20%
Very Good 45 45%
Good 25 25%
Fair 10 10%
Poor 0 0
Total 100 100%


performance of ford Fiesta


10% 20%

25% Excellent
Very Good


From the above graph it is clear that 45% of people are satisfied with ford car
performance, 20% of people are fully satisfied, 25% of customers feel good
performance and only for 10% it’s below average line.
9. Safety system of ford brands:

Table 9

Attributes No. Of Respondents Percentage%

Excellent 20 20%
Very Good 30 30%
Good 40 40%
Fair 10 10%
Poor 0 0
Total 100 100%



10% 20%

Very Good


The above graphs depicts 20% of customers are opinion was too good safety
system, 70% people says it good system of safety and only 10% feel th ebelow
10.After sales service system:

Table 10

Attributes No. Of Respondents Percentage%

Excellent 20 20%
Good 40 40%
Poor 40 40%
Total 100 100%



Series1 Series2

40 40


20% 40% 40%

Excellent Good Poor


The above graph shows that on an average 60% are satisfied with after sale service
and only 40% of customers are not satisfied with existing service system.
11.Are you satisfied with your vehicle’s mileage?

Table 11

Sl. No Vehicle’s mileage No. Of percentage

A Yes 82

B No 18






The following graph shows the number of people who satisfied with mileage of
the vehicle in the total respondents response given by persons Yes by 82 and No
by 18.
12.Will you recommend Ford product to anybody?

Table 12

Sl. No Recommendation No. Of percentage

A Yes 70

B No 30






The following graph shows the number of people who recommend Ford cars in the total
persons yes by 70 and No by 30.
13.Which model of Ford car do you want to own?

Table 13

Sl. No Brand No. Of people(%)

A Figo 35
B Fiesta 28
C Endeavour 17
D Ecosport 20


No. Of People





0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40



The following graph shows the number of cars in the total of 100 persons Figo is owned
by 35 people, and Fiesta owned by 28 and Endeavor owned by 17 people and Ecosport
by 20 people.
14.Which feature is the best one in Ford car ?

Table 14

Sl. No Feature No. Of people

A Mileage 16
B Price 10
C Brand 20
D Style 16
E Mileage & Brand 18
F Mileage & Style 20


No. of people
20 20
20 18
16 16

Price Brand Style Mileage & Mileage &
Mileage Brand Style



The following graph shows the number of what features you consider while you purchase
in the total persons Mileage by 16, and Price by 10 and Brand by 20, Style by 16, Mileage
and Brand by 18 ., and Mileage and Style by 20.
15.How do you feel when you drive Ford car?

Table 15

Sl. No Rank No. Of people

A Good 30
B Better 20
C Best 40
D Poor 10


No. of people




Good Better Best Poor



From the above table shows that the respondents of the experience of people while driving
Ford cars is good i.e. 30, the next group is better i.e.20, the remaining people who feel
best is 40 and others who feel poor experience are 10 respectively



The research has brought to light various facts about customer relationship at
Fortune Ford the questionnaire that was contact customers to obtain their
feedback had helped to understand customer need and wants and their feedback
is providing to maintain better customer relationship.


1.It has been found that most of the customers were satisfied with the Ford
Fiesta model.

2.ord Fiesta is maintaining a good position in the market among its competitors.

3.Most of the customers satisfied with Dura technology, safety features and it’s

4.Some of the customers are satisfied with the mileage of Ford Fiesta.

5.Some of the customers are come to know about the Ford Fiesta through the
mailing and their friends and relatives.

6.It is observed that the most of the corporate customers are attracted by the
Corporate Offers which are provided by Fortune Ford.

7.ajority of the respondent feel that Fiesta model is excellent and good value for

8.t is observed that the customers are satisfied with the total maintenance plan.

9.t is observed that most of the customers are highly satisfied with insurance and
Finance facility.

10 Performance is one of the influencing factors to the customers.


After the analysing the data gather to survey, the following suggestions are

1.Efforts should be made to contact customers right after the sales this could help
the management to receive precise feedback from the customers which might be
possible through the CCP

2.For every increasing their Sales the company should provide one or two event
programs for every six months once.

3.More number of customers are not highly satisfied with it’s service. Need
improve the better services.

4.Fortune Ford is increasing its potential customers in the last 3months,for that
the company should increase customer service centres in Hyderabad for customer

5.Now a days, customers are looking for a free offers that are provided by
company with vehicle, comparing to other competitors, considering this company
should be provide more free offers ..

6.Sales personal should be upgrade regularly with all the technical information
and new pricing list about the vehicle.

7.Efforts should be made to collect feedback after sales service ..

8.Effort should be made to implement suggestions offered by the customers.

9.Manufacture such a car, which is affordable by all income segments of people.


With respect to the above study and the findings thereby, the company has
definitely entrenched into the urban market. With few more concerted efforts, the
said organization needs to enter the rural market in order to completely establish
itself all over. The above study will help the consumers to get more awareness
about ford cars and it will also help to ford motors to capture the market of urban
as well as rural markets.

Name of The Book Author Name

Marketing Management : Philip Kotler

Fundamentals of Marketing : William J. Stanton

Bruce J. Walker

Marketing Research : Donald S. Tull

Dell I Hawkins

Web Sites:


Introduction & Purpose:

Good_________I’m_____________________From, NIZAM COLLEGE,

Relationship HYDERABAD. Management”. As a part of my BBA curriculum,
Iam doing from, the Project on “Customer I am doing this survey for the award
of Master of Business Administration. Kindly, co-operate, the information given
by you will be used for academic purpose only.

1 .Do you have a Ford Motor car?

a)Yes b)No

Car Name & Model_____________

2. Since how long you are using this car.

0-6months 1 year 2 years Above

2 years

3. Are you satisfied with following services of your car.

a) Maintenance ( ), (b) Value of money ( ), (c) Insurance Facility ( ), (d) Warranty

(), (e)Financing ( ), (f) Servicing ( ).

4 . How would you rate the sales person’s performance? (Please Rank).

Sales personal knowledge(about product)

Experience about technical knowledge
Handling queries/problems

5. How would you rate the delivery terms of your Motor Company?

Timely / promptly delivery

In condition
Delivery process
6. What are the value attributes you normally look while purchasing a Four

Brand image

7. The channel to know about ford fiesta.

a)paper add ( ), (b) Tagging ( ),(c) Mail( ), (d) Executive ( ), (e)events ( ), (f) Road
show ( ), (g) Friends&Relation ( ).

8. How would you rate the performance of your car?

V. Poor
Excellent Good Good Fair

9. Safety system of ford brands.

Excellent V. Good Fair Poor

10. How would you rate the service of your motor Company?

Excellent V. Good Fair Poor


Show room ambience

Reception ( proper planning)
Any other ( please specify)…
11. Are you satisfied with your vehicle’s mileage?

Sl. No Vehicle’s mileage No. Of percentage

A Yes 82

B No 18

12. Will you recommend Ford product to anybody?

Sl. No Recommendation No. Of percentage

A Yes 70

B No 30

13. Which model of Ford car do you want to own?

Sl. No Brand No. Of people(%)

A Figo 35
B Fiesta 28
C Endeavour 17
D Ecosport 20

14. Which feature is the best one in Ford car?

Sl. No Feature No. Of people

A Mileage 16
B Price 10
C Brand 20
D Style 16
E Mileage & Brand 18
F Mileage & Style 20
15. How do you feel when you drive ford car?

Sl. No Rank No. Of people

A Good 30
B Better 20
C Best 40
D Poor 10

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